Chapter 128 Looking Back

The prison was silent at night, and there was no light in the long and narrow corridors. It was dark, like the open mouth of a giant beast.

Jin Xiaoyan had an inexplicable feeling that when he stepped out of this room, he would fall into an endless abyss.

At that moment, he thought a lot, Qian Fan was exhausted, leaving only Ren Bank's bright smiling face and watery almond eyes.She should be happy.Jin Xiaoyan hurried all the way to the Shuya loft, a snow-white handkerchief fell in front of his eyes, and when he looked up, it was Wang Liu.

On the other hand, upon learning of Jin Xiaoyan's "prison escape", Ren Bank ordered people to track him down overnight.

Wang Liu opened half of the window, resting her chin with her jade hand, she raised the corners of her lips and smiled, bent her eyes and beckoned to him.Jin Xiaoyan gritted his teeth and walked straight to the room where she was.

When he arrived at the door of the room, Jin Xiaoyan clenched his fists. He knew that this was a grand banquet. After today, it is really unpredictable what will happen in the world.But as long as she can live a wanton life and realize her ideals, he is willing to pay any price.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiaoyan seemed to have made up his mind, he raised his hand and clenched his fist, curled his fingers and knocked on the door.A female voice came from the knock on the door, "Come in."

Jin Xiaoyan pushed the door open and entered.

There is no light in the house, only water is sprinkled into the room through the window sash.

I saw Wang Liu sitting on the high couch by the window, resting his arms on the window sill, bending his elbows, gently picking his chin with the tips of his middle finger and index finger.She didn't look at Jin Xiaoyan, but just stared out of the window, not knowing where her eyes fell.

She was dressed in a bright red dress, with black hair falling down her waist like a waterfall, hanging on her body, the breeze fell on her side through the window, and the wind was like the whisper of a lover.No one knows what she thinks, and no one cares.

"What about the antidote?" Jin Xiaoyan asked.

Wang Liu looked back at him when she heard the words, her eyes seemed to be on him and she seemed to be looking at the past time through him.

She answered irrelevantly, "I'm leaving after today. You and I have known each other since we were young, so there should be some friendship." She paused for a moment, and then continued, "Will you be reluctant?"

Jin Xiaoyan didn't say a word and felt that Wang Liu was baffled. The two had already quarreled like this. Now she is telling him about their youthful friendship?

What an irony.

The moonlight was not enough to illuminate Jin Xiaoyan, he stood in the shade, unable to distinguish his expression, but his whole body remained undiminished. Compared with the high-spirited young general, he was more mature and more aggressive.

Wang Liu sneered, as if he already knew his answer.Jin Xiaoyan frowned when he heard the sneer.

"Where is the antidote?" His voice was a little tense.

"The moon is in the middle of the sky, why are you in a hurry?" Wang Liu withdrew her hand resting on her chin, trimmed her hair and skirt, and stepped off the high couch dignifiedly, like a real lady from a noble family.

She walked towards Jin Xiaoyan, step by step, not knowing what kind of road she was walking.Jin Xiaoyan stared at her closely, and stepped back step by step.Wang Liu covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "General Jin, I am a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, are you still afraid that I will fail?"

Jin Xiaoyan was not affected by the provocative words, and only kept a distance from her from time to time.The faint smile on Wang Liu's cheeks seemed to disappear for a moment, but soon hung on the corner of her lips.

Wang Liuli left his sleeves, pulled up his sleeves, and pointed at a wooden box in the corner of the room with his onion-like fingers. "The antidote is in that box, and the key is naturally in my hand."

This is not an extraordinary wooden box, it is unremarkable, it is not made of any precious wood, but like every extraordinary box, it protects its contents with care.

Jin Xiaoyan plotted secretly, broke the wooden box with his own force, and took away the antidote without any problem.

Wang Liu seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a chuckle: "A skilled craftsman has arranged a mechanism in this wooden box. Once there is an external force to break it open, the items in the box will be automatically destroyed."

Wang Liu smiled sweetly and looked at Jin Xiaoyan frankly.Jin Xiaoyan didn't fully believe this, but he didn't dare to gamble with the antidote.He cast a mouse, completely in a passive position.

So Jin Xiaoyan could only ask, "Where is the key?"

Wang Liu walked to the table, took out a fire pocket and lit the wick, lightly lit the candle, the dusk yellow light finally made the whole room brighter.After lighting up the lights, Wang Liu held up the hem of her skirt, sat sideways at the table, then pointed to the seat opposite, looked back at Jin Xiaoyan and said, "Let's sit together."

Jin Xiaoyan didn't leave, he didn't want to get close to Wang Liu again.Seeing this, Wang Liu pointed to the wooden box in the corner, looked at Jin Xiaoyan and said, "Oh, look at this box, it's locked tightly, what can we do?" Her tone was cheerful, even with On girlish joy.

Jin Xiaoyan closed his eyes, clenched his fists again, and controlled himself after a few breaths.He walked to the seat pointed by Wang Liu and sat down straight.

Wang Liu picked up the teacup and teapot, raised his hand and poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him. "During the time you were imprisoned, you probably never drank good tea. This is the best New Rain Dragon Well Tea. Try it."

The tea cups in front of me are the tea cups uniformly provided by the inn, but the tea soup smells fresh, and it can be judged that his extraordinary products are comparable by the taste alone.

Wang Liu held the cup of tea steadily, and looked at Jin Xiaoyan with a little smile, like a hunter guarding the trap, patiently waiting for the prey.

The tea soup in the eyes exudes bursts of fragrance, but Jin Xiaoyan doesn't find it refreshing.He clearly felt that there must be some unexplained mystery in it, but he actually had no choice.

Ren Bank, when he thought of this woman, he felt a warm current surge in his heart.How could such a woman with a heart for all people and great ambitions encounter misfortune?

He was reluctant.

Jin Xiaoyan took the cup of tea, and through the fragrant tea soup, he seemed to see Ren Bank waving to him with a smile.Jin Xiaoyan raised his teacup and drank it down.

"Have you played enough? Give me the key." Jin Xiaoyan spoke again, this time his tone was tinged with anxiety.

Wang Liu looked at the man in front of her. She was her sweetheart when she was young, and she was also her eternal dream.She pulled off the red outer garment, revealing the inner garment, then stroked her collarbone with her snow-white fingertips, followed the direction of the bone all the way down, and slowly opened the inner garment, revealing the snow-white fragrant shoulders.

The delicate collarbone is down, and the half-hanging underwear is vaguely wrapped in something.The thing looked slender and long, with irregularly shaped sawtooth on the left and right sides, like a key.

Jin Xiaoyan slammed the table, pointed at the woman in front of her who was laughing wantonly, and said angrily, "Shameless!"

"Ho ho, it's naturally not as good as your sweetheart." Wang Liu smiled crisply and sweetly, but there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

Jin Xiaoyan did not refute, he fell down on the chair all of a sudden, his fingers trembled, and the veins on his forehead bulged, as if he was experiencing some kind of pain. "what have you done?"

Wang Liu didn't answer, she rolled her arms and walked towards Jin Xiaoyan lightly, leaning over and whispering in his ear, "It's just some medicine to make you happy."

With a "bang", Wang Liu was knocked to the ground by Jin Xiaoyan.

"You actually treated me..." Jin Xiaoyan gritted his teeth and said harshly.There was a wave of heat in his body rushing from the bottom up to his head, trying to dispel his reason.As time passed, he felt more and more weak in his body, his limbs were out of control, and a strong desire enveloped him.

Wang Liu got up from the ground, she put her hand on Jin Xiaoyan's shoulder, and slowly approached him, as if she was about to kiss him, and moved away the moment she approached him.

The heat in her body became more turbulent, and the gorgeous woman in front of her seemed to become more delicate, her eyes seemed to be more rounded, her skin became whiter, and her nose became more exquisite and small, as if everything about her was getting closer to her sweetheart.

At this moment, the woman in front of her leaned back, Jin Xiaoyan was a little confused.

Why is the woman in my heart so close to me?I really want to hug her... Ah, she's about to fall, no!

Jin Xiaoyan hastily grabbed the woman in front of him.He could no longer tell who this was, he only regarded her as the woman in his heart, obeyed his own will, and wanted to protect her.

Wang Liu followed his strength and fell into Jin Xiaoyan's arms. He intentionally messed up his clothes, and deliberately bumped his hairpin when he fell towards him.

There was another "bang", the leader kicked open the door, and a group of people rushed in.

When Wang Liu heard the movement, she buried her head lower and raised the corners of her lips.

"Help me!" Wang Liu yelled urgently, and everyone seemed to have reacted, and hurriedly pulled the two of them away to hold Jin Xiaoyan down.After the two separated, Wang Liu didn't say a word, just covered his face with his sleeve and wept bitterly.

The woman in front of her was dressed in red, and her appearance was mean. She looked weak and strong, but her hair was disheveled and her clothes were disheveled, as if she had encountered misfortune.However, she was still crying, and the guards present couldn't help but soften their hearts.

Ren Bank looked at the scene in front of him and felt dazed, as if he couldn't believe it.She asked people to suppress Jin Xiaoyan, and ordered the maid to help Wang Liu tidy up her clothes,

After the scene was a little decent, she said, "What's going on?" She looked at Jin Xiaoyan and asked.

The man in front of him looked stunned, and was about to speak after a long time, when Wang Liu beside him choked with tears, "Your Majesty! General Jin broke into the house of the civilian girl late at night, saying that he wanted to reminisce about the old days, but he took advantage of the girl's unpreparedness." , Forcibly pulled me into her arms, intention... intention..." At this point, Wang Liu seemed to be extremely sad, almost at a loss for words, she calmed down before she spoke again: "Intention to do wrong things to the women!"

After speaking, Wang Liu seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, her body softened, and she fell to the maid beside her.

"Miss Wang! Master..." The maid looked at Bank Ren.Wang Liu's words hit Bank Ren's ears like a thunderbolt, and she didn't want to believe it, but now that she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't help but not believe it.

Ren Bank took a deep breath, "Take Miss Wang down to rest first, and let the imperial doctor stand by."

"Yes." Wang Liu's two maids helped her down to rest.Jin Xiaoyan was still being pressed to the ground, he lowered his head and remained silent, not knowing what to think.

"Beast! As a general, you actually did such a despicable thing to an innocent woman from the Ping family! What a waste! What a waste." An old man beside Ren Bank scolded angrily.

Jin Xiaoyan smiled wryly when he heard the words, he didn't look at the person who spoke, but just looked at Ren Bank, his eyes seemed to have a thousand words and endless grievances, but in the end he just asked lightly, "If I say I haven't done it before, can you trust me?" Ren Bank was a little teary, but forced herself to hold back, she refused to respond, she just closed her eyes and looked away, not looking at him.

Jin Xiaoyan smiled, like a soldier about to die, he felt a little wronged.Once or twice, she was always unwilling to believe in herself.

"Ridiculous! General Jin has a lot of criminal records and has repeatedly committed evil things. One coincidence, the second coincidence, and three times can still be a coincidence? Don't you think everyone is a fool!"

If you have any doubts, sir, just produce evidence.” The speaker was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him, turned around and knelt down to Ren Bank, “Your Majesty! Daughter of the people, I implore Your Majesty to give her the power to train me, so as to make an example to others!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a gathering of responses immediately, and everyone knelt down, "Please give this person a death sentence, Your Majesty, as an example to others!" Everyone made a big noise and wanted to execute the heinous person in front of them.

Ren Bank watched.The man who was suppressed by the crowd couldn't bear it after all.

"There is no actual evidence for this..."

However, before her words fell, an old man shouted: "Your Majesty! A good minister, a far-off villain, this is the way to revitalize the country. If your majesty listens and believes, where will the world be? Where will the people be? "

There was another burst of chorus, "Your Majesty, please take the country, the country, and the people as the most important thing!"

The emperor, the minister, and the ministers are pressing every step of the way, and Ren Bank has no other choice.She didn't want to look at Jin Xiaoyan, so she turned sideways and took a deep breath quietly, and then said, "The evidence is convincing, Jin Xiaoyan will be beheaded, and he will be executed immediately at noon tomorrow."

Jin Xiaoyan's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't care about this result, and seemed to have expected it, quite resigned to his fate.Forget it, as long as she lives well, what else can she expect.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En. It's just that before he dies, there is one more thing that the guilty minister wants to tell His Majesty privately." The people around him were about to say no, but they were stopped by Ren Bank.She looked at him, the light was not clear at this time, she actually didn't know his expression, but felt that he was very sad for no reason.

She waved back the crowd, untied his shackles, and came to him, trying to pull him up.Jin Xiaoyan turned sideways to avoid her hand, and got up by himself.

Xu Shi was knelt on the ground for too long, and his calf felt numb. He staggered a bit, and after stabilizing his body, he walked towards the box in the corner of Wu Zhong, and took out the key that Wang Liu took the opportunity to put on him just now. Open the box, take out the antidote wrapped in red thread and hand it to Bank Ren.

Ren Bank took it, and was about to ask, when he heard him say: "I didn't try to do anything to Wang Liu. The poison was poisoned by her. Yesterday she asked someone to release me from the prison, and asked me to go to the Shuya loft. Come, say that you will give me the antidote." After a moment of silence, Jin Xiaoyan said again, "She poured medicine into the tea to induce me to act like that."

Ren Bank was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jin Xiaoyan, "The antidote is in your hands, just go back and try it." He looked at the woman in front of him with a sad expression, "Whether you believe it or not, my heart has always been Only you."


"No need to say anymore, since you have made a decision, you should not talk to me, the prisoner." After speaking, he walked around the bank and walked out of the house, and the guards outside tied him up again.

From beginning to end, he never gave Bank Ren a chance to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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