Chapter 129 Misunderstanding
The flowers in the palace are blooming very well, and they are clustered together, like little girls whispering.

Ren Bank was beside the flower group, thinking deeply.She did not distribute the medicine to all the women in the palace as Jin Xiaoyan said.If what Jin Xiaoyan said is true, then Wang Liu must have some schemes, how could he easily give the antidote to Jin Xiaoyan?If Jin Xiaoyan's statement is false, then the medicine he gave cannot be trusted.

It is impossible for Ren Bank to risk everyone's life.

A gust of breeze blew by, bringing bursts of strong floral fragrance, which made Ren Bank a little dizzy.She had some doubts in her heart, this flower always blooms unbeaten, and its fragrance becomes more and more fragrant, but why is the fragrance more intoxicating?Ren Bank was dizzy and couldn't think clearly for a while.

The maid beside her noticed the abnormality, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her, and then said, "Your Majesty has been tired recently, you should rest more." Hearing this, Ren Bank ignored the abnormality of Huaxiang and drove back to the palace.

After he dealt with the political affairs that night, he went to bed according to his own habits.But when she got up the next day, she felt a little strange.At this time, the morning court has not yet started, the sky is dark, and the hall is not lit, so it often looks dark.According to the previous situation, after she got used to the darkness, she could gradually see some blurred outlines, but today was different.

Ren Yinyin sat on the bed, stretched out her palm and waved it in front of her eyes, but nothing appeared in her sight, she was inexplicably uneasy, something flashed through her mind but was hard to catch.

Ren Bank suddenly remembered that she had ordered Jin Xiaoyan to be executed yesterday, and he felt depressed for a while. "Your Majesty, this servant will change your clothes for you." Ren Bank smeared and stood up, spreading his arms.

The little maid turned on the lantern, and the light of the candle immediately illuminated the whole hall.Seeing that it was still pitch black in front of him, Bank Ren couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Xing Qiu, why don't you light the lamp?" Hearing this, Xing Qiu paused and trembled a little.Ren Bank sensed her abnormality and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xing Qiu tremblingly stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Ren Bank.

The woman's eyes were bright, but the eyes that used to be agile were motionless at this moment, appearing a little dull.Xing Qiu said cautiously, "Your Majesty, the hall is brightly lit at the moment."

As if a ray of inspiration passed through his mind, Ren Bank.The abnormality I felt since waking up was finally explained. "If the lights are bright right now, but I can't see things..." Ren Bank didn't dare to think deeply, and only said to Xing Qiu, "Please ask the imperial doctor first."

The most powerful person in the palace was physically impaired, so the imperial doctors naturally came quickly.The most experienced chief physician first took the pulse of Ren Bank, and after a while, his expression was serious.Afterwards, several prestigious imperial physicians came to examine Ren Bank's pulse. They looked at each other and exchanged information. After confirming that the other party's diagnosis result was almost the same as their own, the imperial physicians knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"Your Majesty is guilty. Your Majesty's inability to see things is caused by poisoning. But what kind of poison is it and how to solve it? I am incompetent and helpless for the time being."

Ren Bank was extremely shocked at first, and then thought of what Jin Xiaoyan said, and felt a sense of dust settled for a while.It seems that what he said should be true.

At least he wasn't kidding himself.

The imperial doctors knelt down and began to lament their fate in their hearts.At this time Ren Bank said, "I don't blame the imperial doctors at this time. Although I don't know what kind of poison it is, I happen to have this antidote in my hand." After she finished speaking, she ordered Xingqiu to take it out.The medicinal powder wrapped in red thread paper was brought to the imperial doctors for examination.

After careful inspection by several imperial doctors, the chief official came forward and replied, "There are some medicines in this thing that are suitable for the disease, you can try it." Ren Bank was relieved when he heard that, she drank a pack of medicine powder and water, After a long time, I still can't see it.

After hearing the situation, the imperial doctor hurriedly gave a diagnosis. Several people felt the pulse and said, "Your Majesty, this medicine is helpful to improve the condition, but you have been poisoned for a long time and your injury is deep. The recovery will not happen overnight, and you need to rest." Poisoning How long?Who in the palace can poison themselves all the time?
Ren Bank was full of thoughts for a while, but it was obviously not the time to talk about these things, she ordered people to reward several imperial doctors, and announced that she would not go to court today.

Ren Bank rested in the hall for a while, and suddenly thought that today is the day of Jin Xiaoyan's execution.Ren Bank really wanted to pardon him now, but you have no jokes, what she said is irreversible.

Watching Ren Bank's expression, Xing Qiu suddenly thought of something.Immediately, she asked Ren Bank for leave, and Ren Bank naturally agreed, and told her to pay attention to her own safety.As for what she did, it is unknown.

After Xingqiu went out, a new little maid came in.The little servant girl was loyal, but she was not good at words, she just stood silently beside Ren Yinxing, serving her carefully.

"Whether you believe it or not, you are the only one in my heart."

"Pa-ta", a crystal teardrop fell on the brocade quilt.The person who said this will not exist in this world in a short time.

On the second day, Xingqiu felt that his master's staying in the palace for a long time was not good for his health, so he urged Ren Bank to go out to relax. , this idea coincides with Ren Bank.Xing Qiu led Ren Bank for a walk around.

Later, Ren Bank seemed to have her own ideas, and she guided Xingqiu to several places.After walking around for a long time, Xing Qiu finally realized.These places are the places where my master and General Jin traveled in the past.

She was sad for her master, but she couldn't help but feel happy about the decision she made yesterday.Fortunately, I am smart!
A gust of wind blew by, and the familiar strong fragrance of flowers penetrated into Ren Bank's nostrils. "Is this in the garden?" "Yes, master. This piece was given by Miss Wang back then. The flowers are very fragrant, but the fragrance of the flowers is too strong, and it smells a little uncomfortable."

Rich?As if thinking of something, Ren Bank asked Xingxing me, "You also think this flower is strong and smells uncomfortable?"

"Yes." Xing Qiu didn't know why her master had such doubts, but she didn't struggle, she just told the truth.

"What are the specific symptoms?" Ren Bank asked again.

"Some dizziness, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Occasionally, I feel very lethargic and feel like vomiting." These symptoms are all too familiar to Ren Bank. These are the symptoms she had before, and he has seen many court ladies with similar symptoms.

Can't go wrong.

At this point, Ren Bank affirmed his own deduction, and all the accidents and injuries of the maids in the palace are absolutely inseparable from Wang Liu.Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling resentful.

Ren Bank recalled that Jin Xiaoyan was caught on the spot holding this disheveled person.

Of course she believed in Jin Xiaoyan's antidote.But as far as she knew, Wang Liu and Jin Xiaoyan had known each other since childhood and had a marriage contract, so they could be regarded as childhood sweethearts.When Jin Xiaoyan returned to his hometown for the first time, he taught Liu Shunzi a lesson for her. If he said that he had no feelings at all, Ren Bank would not believe it.

People who like young people are always different. Could it be that Jin Xiaoyan feels sorry for Wang Liu who has suffered for many years, and because he can't bear to hug Wang Liu to comfort him?

Once the valve of thought is opened, it cannot be stopped.The more Ren Bank thought about it, he couldn't help feeling a little angry.But in an instant, she remembered that Jin Xiaoyan should have been executed at this moment, and couldn't help feeling sad.

The world is unpredictable, and sometimes the world doesn't even get a sad break.

At this moment, a palace official quickly reported, "Mr. Sinan, he is missing." This person is Jin Xiaoyan's confidant, and his disappearance must be related to Jin Xiaoyan.Bank Ren suddenly had a subtle expectation.If Sinan was going on this trip, he thought, how should he persuade the ministers to let them escape punishment?

But reality quickly shattered her fantasy.

The palace man in charge of sanitation found a corpse in the well, and it was identified that it was most likely the missing Sinan.

Ren Bank's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked to lead the way and rushed to the scene.Xing Qiu tried to prevent her from identifying her personally, but failed.Bank Ren had someone salvage the body, and after identifying it herself, she was sure that it was Sinan who died.

This kind of panic thought appeared in her mind, making her heart tighten all of a sudden.Under Ren Bank's order, all the palace people responsible for the investigation were dispatched.They divided the palace into several large parts, and divided all the people involved in the investigation into several groups, and conducted a blanket search of all areas.

It is a pity that after the palace people searched hard for several days, they did not find any information or clues related to the murderer.

"Sister, I want to eat pear paste candy." The man who spoke looked innocently at Ren Bank with his cheeks in his hands.This was Su Moqing who had lost her memory and was no different from a four-year-old child.At this moment, he was pestering Ren Bank, crying and wanting to eat pear cream candy.But there was no such kind of candy in the palace, so Ren Bank was a little helpless, so he could only coax him and say, "When you grow up, can my sister take you out to eat pear paste candy?" Su Moqing smiled, stretched out her little finger and Bend, and foolishly said to Ren Bank: "Then my sister hooks up with me, whoever cheats will become a pig."

Any bank can only follow suit.

When the little fingers of the two hooked together, the man in front of him showed a smile of unknown meaning, but Ren Bank couldn't look at it, so he didn't notice anything unusual.

Occasionally, Su Moqing would show some sobriety.At this time, he would take the initiative to ask to practice calligraphy and read books, and begged Ren Bank to hire him a teacher.Ren Bank naturally agreed.According to the teacher she was looking for, Su Moqing wrote fluently, had no trouble reading, and was familiar with allusions outside of books. It seemed that his memory in this regard had not been lost.

In short, Su Moqing's condition was good and sometimes bad. When it was bad, it was like a naive child. When it was good, it was like an elegant scholar. It was no different from ordinary people. Compared with him before, he was also very likable.

Sometimes looking at Su Moqing, Ren Bank thought of Jin Xiaoyan.Compared to Jin Xiaoyan, Su Moqing is obviously much more popular.She often heard that Su Moqing was kind and willing to help others. It was said that many people in the court had received his favor.Compared with Jin Xiaoyan, he obviously had a much more comfortable life.

He disappeared before, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu court sued him for grievances. Now that he has lost his memory when he comes back, he is still favored by the courtiers.

Really great.

Just thinking about that person, Ren Bank still couldn't help but feel sad, she didn't know what happened to her.It is clear that he and he have never made a lifelong decision, and their relationship is far from reaching the point of living and dying together.But every time I think of him, I can't help but feel emotional.

Ren Bank withdrew her mind and turned her attention to political affairs. She knew how heavy the burden was on her, and she couldn't indulge her limited thoughts in it.There are many people waiting for her. She hopes that the world will be peaceful and the people will live and work in peace and contentment, so there are still many things to do.

On the morning of the second day, after discussing the political affairs, they were about to leave the court arbitrarily. Several ministers looked at each other, because the senior and capable ministers stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have a message."

Ren Bank has always accepted good words, and after hearing this, she naturally said, "What's the matter?" The old minister below straightened his clothes, then knelt down, kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty's heirs are the foundation of the country, and now His Majesty's harem is empty. One person, how to spread the heirs? Please also consider your Majesty for the sake of the country and accept the harem."

Bank Ren was a little taken aback, as if he didn't expect a minister to raise this question.But now that there are so many people, she can only appease them first.

"What Aiqing said is true, but since ancient times, the concubines have been orderly. I think that even if we want to open up the harem, we should first set up the main room, and then talk about other things." Ren Bank's words were actually procrastinating.But the old Chen below seemed to have received some kind of permission, and seemed to be untied in an instant, and said excitedly, "Your Majesty, there is a suitable person in front of you."

Ren Bank was a little displeased, but still asked patiently, "Who are you referring to?" His Highness's courtiers looked at each other and said, "Su Moqing, Mr. Su."

Ren Bank thought it was a bit ridiculous, Su Moqing's mind is only like a four-year-old child now, how could she be with him... But soon, she thought of his flashes of sobriety from time to time, he was smart and smart back then, which was very suitable.

Sure enough, the old minister of His Highness continued to add, "Young Master Su has a prominent family background. He was once the head of the household department. During his tenure, he handled affairs in an orderly manner and made outstanding achievements many times. Although he is now mentally ill, the imperial doctor once said that this kind of amnesia The disease is not difficult to solve, and it will be cured in time."

Someone added, "The most important thing is that this person has asked His Majesty to marry him several times, which shows that his sincerity is as bright as the bright moon."


Hearing these words, Bank Ren was filled with thoughts.

She naturally knew that some of what the courtiers said was true, and she also knew that since she set foot on this road, she must have this experience.But all this is not the same as she imagined before.

She originally wanted to adopt Si Nan and Jin Lian's child, but God didn't follow her wishes, the child was not destined for her, and died as soon as he was born.A country cannot live without a successor, and the ruler of a country should naturally bear these responsibilities.

Moreover, Su Moqing was indeed very kind to her.

It's better to follow the trend.

"That's what you said."

What was going on behind the crowd, Ren Bank didn't pay attention at all, it was just a matter of auspicious time, auspicious day and ceremony.

Su Moqing, who had already lost her mind that night, didn't react when she heard about it, she just kept saying that she wanted candy.Everyone had no choice but to coax him to sleep quickly.

When the palace people dispersed and Su Moqing lay quietly on the bed, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

Now he is quite satisfied with the result, and it is worthwhile to spend so much effort to kill the child.

The moon is not visible in the sky tonight, and the pitch-black sky is like thick ink, unable to reveal the slightest light.

(End of this chapter)

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