Chapter 130
Flowing clouds gather and dissipate, such a reincarnation, endless.The sky is clear and clear today, and it is estimated to be an auspicious day for marriage.The whole palace is full of festive red,

"Ready?" The man who spoke was dressed in red, wearing a black crown, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

"Everything is ready." The person next to the man replied.

The man in red looked out the window, the sky was a clear blue, no clouds, no birds, as if frozen.

After several days of recuperation, Ren Bank's eyes have returned to normal.The auspicious time has come, Ren Bank stood on the ceremony stage according to the procedure drawn up by the minister.Wearing a black and red dress, she stood dignifiedly on the stage, and there was not much joy of marriage in her eyes.Following the chorus of the etiquette officer, Ren Bank made his movements step by step.

The sun was shining today, she looked at the blue sky, recalled the days when she was with that person, she was in a trance for a while.At this time, the process proceeded to the next step, and she and Su Moqing were going to walk down the ceremony stage side by side.But at this moment, she stepped on the air, staggered, her body shook, and she was about to fall.

A pair of arms strongly supported her, and the man next to him said calmly, "Be careful." He spoke clearly, articulately, and spoke in a timely manner, not like a child.

Bank Ren was a little puzzled. Today's ceremony was a complicated process. According to Anli, even she was a little tired, let alone Su Moqing, who was only four years old now.But he never showed a trace of fatigue or impatience from beginning to end, and he was extremely stable.

Ren Bank was suspicious, but he thought of Su Moqing's illness.After being diagnosed and treated by many doctors, there should be no more mistakes. The hard work is because I am worried about it today, so I think too much.She suppressed these questions for the time being, and just silently followed the procedure to finish the ceremony.

When the emperor gets married, it doesn't matter if he makes a toast in the bridal chamber. After the process, the two go to sacrifice to the sky.Surrounded by the palace people, the two entered the palace, and after everyone dispersed, Xing Qiu still followed Ren Bank.

Seeing this, Su Moqing said, "You go down first." Xing Qiu didn't move, she looked at Ren Bank, Ren Bank nodded, and she backed away.

Seeing Xingqiu going out, Ren Bank vaguely felt that something was wrong, but the thought was fleeting and he couldn't catch it.Su Moqing flicked up her sleeves, Shi Shiran sat down at the table, raised her hand to pour two glasses of wine, and brought one of them to Ren Bank in front of the bed.

Ren Bank raised her hand and was about to take it, when suddenly she remembered something was wrong.Didn't Su Moqing have amnesia and dementia like a four-year-old child?How can things be so organized?Knowing to let Xingqiu go out first, and also knowing that getting married requires a cup of wine.

She didn't reach out to pick it up. Seeing this, Su Moqing smiled slightly, "Finally found out?" Ren Bank knew that something was wrong, so he opened his mouth to call a guard, and put a finger on her lips.

"Shh." Su Moqing said softly with her finger on her lips. "Outsiders, you don't agree." Bank Ren frowned, and was about to get up, but found himself weak.She felt that something was wrong, and tried several times, but found that her strength was getting weaker and weaker, and in the end she didn't even have the strength to sit.

She couldn't hold on, and was about to fall backwards with a "bang", a pair of arms caught her and brought her into her arms.Ren Bank tried to struggle, with little success.In Su Moqing's eyes, her movements were no different from a little milk cat writhing in her palm.

He stroked her cheek with his hand, took off her hair crown with one hand, and brushed the loose strands of hair behind her ears.Su Moqing looked at her quietly, her eyes were black as swirls, as if thousands of wind and rain were hidden.He sighed softly.

"I don't want to go to this point, but you are too sad. You rejected me so many times, and finally you still have no clear relationship with Jin Xiaoyan." As he spoke, he raised Ren Bank's chin and bowed Lowering his head, he slowly approached her.

Ren Bank was paralyzed and unable to struggle, so he could only let him move.His face was getting closer and closer, and finally his lips stopped in her ear and whispered softly.

"Jin Xiaoyan, I want to die; you, I want; this world, I want too." Ren Bank's eyes widened in an instant, and she was so angry that she struggled to speak, "Jin did, what?" Without strength, he spoke intermittently.

Su Moqing didn't answer, she just put her hand on Ren Bank's shoulder, and directly opened the red dress, looking to continue.Ren Bank struggled desperately, but the strength was too great to be effective.

She was filled with grief and indignation, on the one hand regretting that she didn't know people clearly, on the other hand she was angry at Su Moqing's deception and insult.She fought hard and bit Su Moqing's approaching hand.He withdrew his hand in pain, and when he was about to make the next move, the door was kicked open with a "bang".

He was dressed in blue-gray clothes, his eyebrows were like knives, his eyes were like distant stars, the knife in his hand was stained with someone's blood, it was Jin Xiaoyan who came.Ren Bank was imprisoned in Su Moqing's arms for a while, only heard the movement, but saw no one.

Su Moqing's martial arts are not good at all, and compared to Jin Xiaoyan, they are even worse.Jin Xiaoyan dealt with him three times, five times and two times, and hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation of Ren Bank.At this time, Ren Bank was lying on the bed limply, and when he saw him, tears flowed down the line, flowing down the corners of his eyes, through his temples, and finally fell into the big red brocade quilt.

Jin Xiaoyan felt distressed when he saw this, he hurriedly helped Ren Bank, and anxiously asked her if she was okay.Ren Bank cried even more when he saw this, and kept muttering something.Jin Xiaoyan pressed close to his ear, only then could he hear that she said "I'm sorry".

The grievances of the past few days seemed to have fallen to the ground.

Jin Xiaoyan hugged her and said softly, "It's all over." Ren Bank was about to say something when he heard the sound of shouts and fighting from outside.In an instant, the flames suddenly ignited, and the two obviously had no time to talk.

Jin Xiaoyan picked up Bank Ren, and when the two walked out of the house, there were already many people. With his superb martial arts, he successfully brought Bank Ren out of the palace.Along the way, the potency of the medicine dissipated a little, and Ren Bank finally had the strength to speak.

"How do you..."

"It's Xingqiu. Before the execution that day, she helped me find a substitute so that I could fake my death and escape."

"So it's me, Xingqiu, thanks to her."

When Jin Xiaoyan heard this, he looked down at Bank Ren, and couldn't help but smile slightly.Ren Bank also had a smile on his face.The two walked up to a high mountain, Jin Xiaoyan led her to stand on the branch of a towering tree, standing here you could see the scene in the palace.Jin Xiaoyan's eyesight is quite good, and he saw two groups of people fighting in the palace at a glance, one of them was obviously the guards of the palace, and the other could not see clearly, and he did not know who it was.

The strength of the two sides was very different, and the guards were not in the same mind, and they were quickly defeated.

He told Bank Ren what he saw.

She pondered for a while, and had a guess in her heart. "Su Moqing, the other group of people must be from the Su family. He has been dormant by my side for a long time, first trying to solve you, and then wooing the minister to marry me. The purpose is to occupy the palace on the wedding night and seize the throne in one fell swoop." Having said that, she looked at Jin Xiaoyan with shame in her eyes.

Jin Xiaoyan patted her head and said, "It's okay." At this time, the mountain wind blew past, and it was a little cold for a while.Jin Xiaoyan thought that she had just recovered from the poisoning before, and today she was poisoned by Su Moqing's medicine again, her body must be weak, and the situation here is high and windy, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time.

Jin Xiaoyan took Ren Bank to a cave. There was a fire and dry firewood in the cave. Obviously someone lived here.Ren Bank made some guesses and looked at Jin Xiaoyan, who nodded. "I faked my death and fled these days. It is not appropriate to show up, so I will stay here temporarily."

As he spoke, he looked at Ren Bank, "The conditions here are poor, if you don't feel comfortable living here..." Before he finished speaking, Ren Bank stretched out his fingers to press his lips that were about to open, "With you, where do I live? All comfortable."

Jin Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel emotional. At this time, the two were standing at the entrance of the cave, and the moonlight fell on the two of them through the gap between the mountains and forests.Ren Bank was wearing a red dress, and the silvery-white moonlight shone on her body, creating a soft halo that made her feel like she was in hair.

The blue-gray clothes of the man in front of him seemed to have turned black under the dim light, and the shining moonlight fell on him, coating him with a silver border.Bank Ren looked at the man in front of him and thought of what the two of them had experienced.

The two of them experienced life and death several times, and he always accompanied her and protected her.

"I've always only had you in my heart." Ren Bank thought of this sentence again. After so many ups and downs, only he is always the same to himself, and she should cherish his sincerity.

An impulse surged into Ren Bank's heart.

"Jin Xiaoyan." She said softly, as if she just remembered him suddenly and wanted to get his answer.

"Huh?" Jin Xiaoyan didn't know why, but he was happy in his heart.Now the air in the mountains is fresh, and occasionally birds fly by, startling a group of birds living in the mountains and forests flapping their wings, rattling, as if they are watching some grand ceremony.

"Let's get married." Ren Bank's voice was so low that Jin Xiaoyan had to bend down, and the two were very close.Ren Bank's words appeared in his mind like a lover's whisper.

Great surprises overwhelmed him.

Jin Xiaoyan thought it was an illusion at first, but when he really felt the warm body temperature of the woman in his arms and the heat remaining in his ears, he realized that it was not an illusion.

He tightened his throat, "You, you don't have to say this because you want to make up for me because of guilt. I hope you have a good life and can marry the person you like. As long as this wish can be realized, I am willing to do anything. "

Ren Bank smiled, "So, have you ever thought that the person I like is you? You once said that you only have me in your heart, and now I also want to tell you that I have always put you in my heart."

The moonlight is getting brighter and brighter, on the ground.Cross-cut and vertical are the shadows of leaves.The forest is very quiet, occasionally one or two croaks of insects and frogs can be heard, which is quite wild.

That's it, no other languages ​​are needed.

Jin Xiaoyan took the hand of the banker, "I'm sorry that I couldn't give you a complete wedding."

Ren Bank was still wearing the red and black dress of the palace. After fleeing for his life, the clothes were no longer neat, and there were some wrinkles on them, which was quite different from the exquisite appearance in the past.

"There is nothing to be sorry for, we will have a long time in Japan."

The two came under a big tree and knelt down to the moon together.The man and the woman joined hands and made an oath to the moon, "Huang Tianshen and the moon are above, Jin Xiaoyan and Ren Bank are willing to be husband and wife, and they will never leave each other forever, and they will depend on each other for life and death."

After saying the oath, the two saluted according to the folk customs of marriage.Their parents were not around, so they took heaven and earth as their parents, first worshiped the sky, then the earth, and finally worshiped each other.

Another flying bird passed by, and the birds in the forest soared, as if celebrating a pair of lovers who finally got married.

Later, the two returned to the cave, embraced each other and fell asleep.The two discussed many things before going to bed. They were unwilling to reconcile the results of their long-term struggle to be easily snatched away by Su Moqing, and they unanimously decided to join forces to take back the court.

In the early morning of the second day, Xing Qiu was brought back safely by a hidden pile buried in the palace by Ren Bank, who also gave them a piece of news.

Su Moqing decided to dig up the foundation recently to find the entrance of the ancient underground tomb, and take out the treasure first.

The two have been in business for a long time, and there are many old departments loyal to them both in and out of the palace.

Ren Bank and Jin Xiaoyan left the cave, and the two convened their old departments to discuss secretly, and finally came up with a plan.They decided that when the foundation was dug tomorrow, Jin Xiaoyan would take the opportunity to sneak into the palace and wait for the opportunity to enter the underground ancient tomb.

Jin Xiaoyan and Ren Bank made careful arrangements and consciously made complete preparations, only to sneak into the palace to retrieve the treasure when the time comes tomorrow.

When Yezi was in the middle of the night, under the support of his own people, Jin Xiaoyan sneaked back into the palace disguised as a guard.After entering the palace, he took out the palace clothes to replace the identity of the palace man and successfully concealed it.

When Ren Bank heard the news, he was temporarily relieved.

She was a little sad that the two were going to part after they got married.But all of this is for the ideal of the two, and she thinks it is worth it.

She was just worried, it was different now.The palace is full of Su Moqing's people, if he is not careful, he will have an accident, and she can do very little outside the palace at that time.

He should live a long life and realize his ideals with himself.They still have a long way to go.

At noon on the second day, according to calculations, this is a good time to explore the ancient tomb, so as not to disturb anything that shouldn't be disturbed.Su Moqing has been preparing for this for a long time. He has experienced tomb robbers under his command, craftsmen who are proficient in the structure of ancient tombs, guards with strong martial arts skills, and even recruited Taoists.

It can be said that everything is ready.

According to their calculations, they delineated the scope of excavation and began to dig the foundation, and everyone began to work.

After a while, they dug through a deep palace, and the entrance of the ancient tomb appeared in front of everyone along with the broken stones and bricks, but it was too late to enter at this time.Su Moqing then ordered everyone to disperse first, and make plans tomorrow, then stayed behind to guard, and the group went back.

It was night, the clouds were thick, a figure flashed out of a house, and disappeared in a flash.Jin Xiaoyan traveled quickly all the way, relying on his extraordinary lightness skills, he arrived at the destination without disturbing anyone.

Jin Xiaoyan looked at the guards in front of the door, they were obviously inferior to him in skill, but he didn't want to startle the snake at this time, so he couldn't alarm them.Jin Xiaoyan thought for a moment, stretched out his hand and shot a branch into the distance.

"Who is it?" The guards chased towards the branch, the entrance was unguarded for a while, Jin Xiaoyan seized the opportunity, and sneaked into the entrance of the tomb after a few ups and downs.

He looked around and was about to make his next move when the guard returned.Seeing him intruding, several people started to hunt them down immediately. Fortunately, he was very strong in lightness kung fu, and he managed to get rid of them and returned to his stronghold.

(End of this chapter)

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