Chapter 135 Time is running out

Ren Bank was lying on the couch, this time the dream seemed particularly heavy.


"There is a power outage today, so you have to take the stairs to get down."

At the elevator entrance, a very white male high school student reminded.

The voice is very young, nice and abrupt.

The girl in the short skirt blushed, stopped reaching for the elevator, turned her head and nodded to express her gratitude, but stopped in place and did not move.

Many girls came down the stairs and cast admiring glances at the boys.

"That seems to be Chi Shen?"

"It really lives up to its reputation. So handsome!"

"This mock test, Chi Shen is the first in the school again!"

"He's handsome, wealthy and talented, can God be so partial!"

Chicheng walked towards the girl and handed her a black schoolbag.

The girl glanced up, the schoolbag was all leather, and the gorgeous luster was a luxury she had never had before.

"You left your schoolbag in the classroom."

The girl frowned slightly, raised her head, and looked at him suspiciously. This was not her schoolbag.

"Oh, why is it her again!"

"Do boys like broom stars?"



An anxious call came from the long corridor, and Teacher Jiang came running in high heels, holding a bag of white square things in his hand.

"Echicheng?" Teacher Jiang showed embarrassment, and quickly hid the things in his hand behind his back.

"Haven't you come home yet?"

"Well, let's go now." "You, take it."

Chi Cheng stuffed the schoolbag to Yun Zhen, greeted Teacher Jiang, and ran downstairs quickly.

"Go to the bathroom and deal with it."

Teacher Jiang touched Yunzhen's shoulder comfortingly.

"Remember these few days in the future." She handed the things in her hand to the girl.

Yun Zhen nodded, quickly ran to the end of the corridor, pushed open the door of the bathroom, and locked it firmly.

If it wasn't for the skirt blocking her, she would have made a fool of herself.

In her days, her father has always remembered and reminded her.


Thinking of her father, Yunzhen's heart ached.

The black leather schoolbag in her hand was heavy, filled with things, Yunzhen lifted it up to look around, and then slid open the zipper.

A pair of baggy school trousers curled up quietly inside.

There are also two packs of tissues and a pack of pink squares to sleep with.

Yunzhen tightened her hand holding the schoolbag.

From nowhere, this guy knew about Yunzhen's life.

Unpacking one of the packs of tissues, a faint fragrance hits the face.

After dealing with it, Yunzhen stared at the pair of pants.

These are Chicheng's school pants, which are very long.

No wonder I saw him just now, in jeans, a little hurried.

The school is not allowed to enter and leave without wearing a school uniform. Chicheng gave her the pants, what should he do?

Yunzhen walked to the school gate wearing trousers that were more than ten centimeters longer and carrying a black leather bag that did not belong to her.

Not far away, Chi Cheng stood by the side of the road, holding a stack of books and papers in his hands.

There are still three months until the entrance examination.

Yunzhen touched her empty schoolbag, she didn't want to take the exam.She wants to die.

A beautiful luxury car stopped on the side of the road, and the eye-catching color attracted everyone to stop and watch.

Yunzhen's heart suddenly beat very fast, her pupils shrunk.

She will never forget this license plate number.

A middle-aged woman with heavy makeup got out of the car, took Chi Cheng's arm, and caressed his firm back.

"Why are you holding the book? Where's the schoolbag?"

"Oh," Chi Cheng smiled, "I forgot it in the classroom."

"Didn't you wear school pants this morning?"

Yunzhen squeezed her pants tightly.

"No, the school won't stop me anyway, who made my lovely mother so powerful!"

Chi Enxiu, Chi Cheng's mother, is the biggest sponsor of this noble school.

The two got into the car talking and laughing, and walked away.

Yunzhen stood on the spot, her eyes widened in astonishment, her hand holding the shoulder strap of her schoolbag trembled slightly.

That woman turned out to be Chi Cheng's mother
So that man is Chi Cheng's father
Is that bastard Chi Cheng's brother?
Two big tears flowed from Yunzhen's eyes.

It turns out that the reason people live has always been because of hatred.

The light bulb flickered, Yunzhen stepped on the stool and twisted it hard.

A three-year-old boy was sitting on the sofa eating potato chips, looking down at the date, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Sister, what should I do if this expires?"

Yunzhen stopped what she was doing and picked up the bag of potato chips.

Indeed, one day overdue.

Bought this for my dad and he loves it.

It's a pity that Yunzhen forgot to give him a last taste.

Yunzhen's eyes turned red, and she patted the boy's head, "Yunho, my sister will buy you a new one in a few days, you can't eat this."

Yunho swallowed hard twice, stared at the potato chips eagerly, and then at the tired Yunzhen, nodded obediently.

It's ten o'clock, Yunho goes to bed.After Yunzhen fixed the light bulb, her stomach growled.

There is only a little noodles at home, which is Yunho's meal tomorrow.

The neighborhood is very remote, except for a frozen processing plant, there are no convenience stores where you can buy things.

Yunzhen raised her eyes, grabbed the bag of potato chips, she couldn't detect any taste, it would be good if she could be full.

The tuition fee will be paid in a few days.

The tuition fees of noble schools are very expensive, someone paid Yunzhen for five years, and she had to pay for the last year by herself.

Yunho has also reached the grade for kindergarten.

This is the only house left in the family.

Although it is a small two-story building with an attic, it is too dilapidated and old.Yunzhen must find a way to sell this house.

It was late at night, Yunzhen locked the door, went to a cemetery near the processing factory, and found a monument with red roses on it, but no writing on it.

After searching around carefully, he still couldn't find the flowered quilt.

Tears fell quickly.

The wind in June was very cold, Yunzhen sat in front of the monument all night.

"toot toot"

"Hello, you have a new report, please check it"

A trendy man in a jacket walked by and was stopped by the officer who took the case.

"Minister Wen, someone found a dead body at the fountain exhibition in the city center, and the street patrol has cordoned off the scene!"

Wen Junhao put down the American style in his hand, and rushed out of the gate with his staff.

The city center is the intersection of eight main roads, and Jingshang Square, where the fountain exhibition is located, is the place with the largest flow of people.

The site was surrounded by water, and a car loaded with ice was parked around the fountain, receiving people's stares.

The workers stood close together, answering the police's questions, their eyes full of timidity and bewilderment.

Wen Junhao walked to the back of the truck, and saw ice cubes wrapped in floral cloth neatly placed inside, and on the right side, there was something wrapped in cotton quilt.

Show a head.

A corner of the quilt was lifted, and there was a crowbar next to it, which was discovered by the workers when they were moving the ice.

"Dead, male, 40 years old, unidentified, paraplegic."

The people from the autopsy office came and carried down the whole body wrapped in flower quilts.

Carefully lifted the quilt, the frozen ice kept a very good shape, he seemed to be asleep.

The deceased was dressed in neat and clean pajamas, with a red rose in his breast pocket.

He still seemed to have a smile on his face.

A beautiful woman stepped forward wearing gloves.

"Wen Dajue?"

Wen Junhao frowned, no one has called this nickname for a long time.

It is Song Huina, an alumnus of the military academy.

"High paraplegia, who ended his life because he didn't want to live in pain?" She made an immature assumption.

Wen Junhao has also seen such a case.It's a pity.

But this person is very confusing.

Why was he in a van full of ice?

first day

Wen Junhao opened his handbook and wrote with a pen:

"It is now 38:38 in the afternoon, exactly six hours before the time of the incident at [-]:[-]."

"The headquarters named it the 'Red Rose Case' and ordered that it must be detected as soon as possible. The first thing we do now is to block the musical fountain in the city center and the truck, and bring everyone related to it back to the headquarters. "

"We have a lot of speculation about the route of the truck, the following is the dictation of the two truck drivers:
'Is the route different from the past? '

'No, we've walked this way every time, and we've had no problems filling the ice! '

'Who found the body? '

'it's me. '

Let me introduce, the person who said this was a very short middle-aged male worker. He was wearing the blue work uniform of the company. He had no scratches or new injuries on his body. He had won many honors in his work. When he answered, he had Normal nervousness and nervousness, but no escape in the eyes.

'We are loading, pulling and unloading every time. This process has to go through several times during the busiest time in summer. We don't know why there is such a problem! '

'Then how is the ice this time different from the previous shipment? '

"It's not different, just rolled down halfway"

This dictation aroused my extremely keen sense of smell.According to the company's list, there are a total of 45 pieces of ice. According to them, when the ice was loaded that day, one piece rolled off the car, and they put it back with a machine.

We immediately counted the remaining ice on the car, and there were 38 pieces left.A round of performances cost four dollars, they performed two rounds, theoretically there should be 37 dollars left.

Therefore, the quilt containing the corpse was mistaken by the workers for the carved ice and put on the truck together, and it did not roll off the truck.

The clues they provided were very useful. We found that the location of the 'falling ice' was in a wasteland near the factory. We are applying for forensic evidence to go with us and gather around five o'clock.

As for the deceased, I regret that we did not find any information matching him in the system, which means that he has no record of using credit cards in the past 20 years, and he has not patronized any medium and large supermarkets in this city.

He is 1.8 meters five and weighs about [-] kilograms. He is very thin. The nerves below the sternal plane are old and injured, and he is accompanied by severe brain atrophy.

Such a typical representative of a vulnerable group, if it was a homicide, what purpose would the murderer have, and how vicious would it be?
I don't know.

There are also some other things, such as my old classmate Song Huina being transferred to the Forensic Medicine Department of our headquarters. This is a tigress, and my life will not be easy in the future.

There is also the little sister Shanying's birthday party tonight. I try to finish the work before ten o'clock, and set the alarm clock to pick up the cake from Lu Qiansui Cake Shop. I also need to ask Dr. Jiang to bring my little sister's medicine for next month.

I hope everything goes well and the murderer is found as soon as possible.

The new second part, Minister Wen Junhao, April 4th. "

"Jingle Bell--"

"Students, everyone remember to review carefully when you go back! The papers for this exam have been finished, and you have to read carefully the wrong questions! Tomorrow morning I will ask the students who failed this time! Next, let's assign homework!"

At 59:[-], the students couldn't wait to pack up their things and prepare to leave the classroom and go straight to the bus station to go home.Yunzhen stuffed the [-]-point test paper into the drawer, carried an empty schoolbag on her back, and held a colorful advertisement flyer in her hand. After leaving the school gate, she turned left and went to a very remote self-service hot pot restaurant at the entrance of the alley.

Sitting on the leather sofa with some unease, the decoration here caught Yunzhen's eyes, it was a new store, Yunzhen cautiously spread out the advertising paper in her hand to the clerk who came to serve.

The clerk squeezed the hand holding the order machine, and the smile on his face was a little stiff, "Good lady, is the bottom of the mushroom soup pot?"


"Okay! Today we have a discount for opening, 30 yuan can be enough to buy a package with an original price of [-] yuan, may I ask you?"

"No, I just want this."

Yunzhen took out a ten-yuan bill from her pocket, spread it on the table, the clerk gave it a cold look, picked it up and left.

The bottom of the pot came up, and it was hot and snoring. Yunzhen sat on the sofa, observing the surroundings with sharp eyes, but never got up to get the dishes.

There were more and more people, she got up and picked up a big plate, picked up a lot of meat and vegetables, and when she returned to the table, she poured them all into her schoolbag while no one was paying attention.

A schoolbag full, enough to feed her and Yunho for many days.Yun Zhen tasted the bottom of the ten yuan pot, and frowned.

It's hard to drink, it seems to be blended, not a broth.

The watch on the wall, 10:06 in 30 minutes.It was meal time, and there were more and more people, Yunzhen carried the heavy schoolbag on her back, and because of her short stature, she slipped out smoothly without being noticed by anyone.

Huh, it turned out not to be difficult.


Yunzhen's eyes trembled, and she stopped walking.Two people came out of the store, staring suspiciously at Yunzhen's schoolbag, one of them grabbed Yunzhen's tie and lifted the bag with one hand, "What's inside?"

"It's a book! Why do you touch my things? Let go!"

"Books? You eat a hot pot, and you eat knowledge? It's deflated when you go in, and it's full when you come out? To fool a fool?"

The schoolbag was thrown on the ground, the rotten zipper broke, and the lettuce and shrimp balls inside rolled to the ground.

The pedestrians around were still in a hurry, casting strange gazes made people feel ashamed.Yunzhen's face was flushed red, and she was tightly holding the hem of her skirt.

The clerk discussed with the boss, whispering to see what to do. The boss is a very kind woman. Seeing that Yunzhen is a student, she couldn't bear it, "You can pay some money, about twenty, and you can take these dishes."

The clerk wanted to say something, but the boss turned his eyes back and blocked the mouths of the people around him.

Yunzhen only had a few yuan left in her wallet, "I'm sorry, I don't have that much money."

"Report the crime if you don't have any money, you have to decide for yourself! The older you are, the better you will learn how to steal!" The male clerk shouted.

A tall and thin figure came running from a distance, carrying a black leather schoolbag on his back, Yun Zhen raised her eyes and saw that it was Chi Cheng, and lowered her head even more.

Chi Cheng ran close, saw the schoolbag on the ground, Yoon Jung's embarrassed face, and the aggressive clerk, and knew what happened in a second.

He fumbled in his pocket. He didn't bring any cash himself, so he took out a card from his schoolbag, hesitated, and handed it to the clerk, "I'll pay for her."

The clerk looked back at the boss, who acquiesced, and swiped one hundred from the card machine neatly.

Chicheng picked up the schoolbag on the ground, patted the dust off, and tried to zip it up, but he couldn't do it at all. There was a big shopping mall on the east side of the school, "Yunzhen, can you go shopping with me?"

Yun Zhen took her schoolbag and bowed softly, "Thank you, Chi Cheng."

Regardless of whether Yunzhen agrees or not, Chi Cheng dragged her to the mall, the dazzling array of goods made one's mouth water, and the expensive bags on the shelves made one feel that fate was abominable.

Chicheng pulled Yunzhen to stand in front of a row of exquisite shelves, on which were many beautiful schoolbags, and the name of the shop in the glass window was in complicated French, and it was strange that the salesmen here were enthusiastic.

Yunzhen stared at a pink schoolbag in front of her. The tag on it had a string of numbers that looked like a phone number, but its unit was coins.

Thousands, ten thousand, one hundred thousand 33 thousand 590 nine.
Yun Zhen swallowed her saliva, this bag was designed, is it for the rich, or to piss off the poor.

A pair of big hands rested firmly on the pink schoolbag in front of him, and Chicheng's warm tone rang out in his ears, "Like this?"


Wait a minute, stop!
Ren Bank woke up suddenly, and sat up in a dream. Only when he saw the palace curtain in front of him did he realize that he was dreaming.Recalling the things she didn't want to recall in the past, the name she hasn't used for a long time... made her tremble with fear.

(End of this chapter)

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