Chapter 136
In the emperor's bedroom, pink curtains surround the entire room. Dozens of soldiers are guarding the door, and well-trained maidservants are lined up on both sides.A piece of fragrant peach blossom petals was blown into the room along with the warm breeze, and fell on the white calf.

Ren Bank bit his lower lip and sat on a chair. He was still wearing his own torn cotton clothes, tightly protecting the child in his womb, his eyes were full of vigilance and hostility, and his hands were tightly clenched. A crookedly embroidered handkerchief, staring straight at the female doctor Huiyan squatting in front of her.

Huiyan stretched out her hand and massaged the bruised calf a few times. The bruise was only congealed in a small piece, but the pain caused Bank to frown. When she was running away, she accidentally fell down, sprained her foot, and smashed her calf heavily. When it landed on the hatchet, it turned blue and purple when it touched the ground.The emperor issued an order to exhaust the best herbs in the palace, and Ren Bank's leg injury must be recovered within ten days.

Huiyan stretched out his hand to stroke the sweat dripping from his forehead twice, and picked up the medicine bag on the flower table next to him again, but Ren Bank stubbornly pushed her away, his eyes full of majesty, Huiyan was taken aback, It doesn't matter if the medicine pack is loaded, or it doesn't fit.

"Your Majesty, this medicine official will definitely give it to you today. If the injury on your leg is not treated in time, it will hurt your muscles and bones, and your life will be lost." Huiyan reached out and stroked his forehead twice. Big beads of sweat dripped down again.

Bank Ren waved his hand, looked down at the handkerchief in his hand, his eyes were full of worry, but he didn't answer Huiyan's words, but as soon as Huiyan picked up the medicine bag, she immediately moved her legs aside desperately, I can't help but say that they are not allowed to take medicine.

Huiyan couldn't help it. She had heard from her master that the late emperor's ability, a mere girl, could scare men from far and near, and led a group of peasant men to establish Tianqi Shenzhuang.If it weren't for the current sage's use of improper means, otherwise the world would not be so easy to change hands.

"Go and tell your emperor, I don't need the medicine, and I don't need to bring the food. Even if I starve to death in the palace, I won't use any of Su Moqing's money." Ren Bank's eyes were stern, and he couldn't help discussing it.Huiyan didn't know how to reply, so he could only put the medicine bag in his hand on the table stiffly.

The moment his hand touched the flower table, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew from the entrance of the main hall, and Di Huiyan's hand trembled. Ren Bank raised his eyes, and his eyes were filled with disgust.Huiyan was terrified, and was about to turn around when the emperor took the medicine bag in his hand.She hastily withdrew and knelt aside, "Your Majesty is here to visit, but I have not welcomed you. Please make amends, Your Majesty!"

The bright sunshine followed Su Moqing into the door. In the sunshine, he was dressed in a dragon robe. He looked like a sun god from outside the sky. His whole body was full of beauty, and his sharp jaw line showed a cold light.

"The emperor doesn't want to use this medicine?" Su Moqing looked coldly at the expressionless Ren Bank on the chair in front of him. Ren Bank frowned, feeling that there was something in his words.She already hated him so much that she didn't want to say another word to him.

Su Moqing looked down at Huiyan who was kneeling beside him, a cold-blooded smile formed on the corner of her lips, "Is Huiyan only 16 years old this year? Did you follow Wen Tai's medicine just last month?"

Huiyan bowed his head and responded, "Yes, Your Majesty's lesson!"

"That's very good. If the medicine of the Supreme Emperor can't be applied to your legs today, and if you don't finish the food delivered by the imperial dining room today, then your life will be over."

Su Moqing said coldly.

Huiyan's face turned pale with fright, and she knelt on the ground and trembled, speaking incoherently for a while, and dared not say a word.Ren Bank frowned, couldn't bear to look at Huiyan who was kneeling beside him, feeling pity in his heart, although he knew that today's imperial palace, today's Tianqi Shenzhuang is not what it was when she left, but such a young girl, She really couldn't bear to die like this because of herself.

Ren Bank raised his eyes and looked at Su Moqing viciously, and said in a low voice, "Huiyan, take the medicine."

Huiyan was surprised, thinking that she was delusional, she raised her head to confirm, and then hurriedly crawled forward to give Ren Bank the medicine.Su Moqing smiled with satisfaction, turned around and prepared to leave.Ren Bank sneered and called him back, "If you want me to stay in the palace, you always need to give me a suitable identity. Being too emperor is not your poor configuration."

Su Moqing turned her face sideways, her delicate outline glistening in the sunlight, she raised her eyebrows lightly, her eyes were full of complacency, "I didn't say, let you be the Supreme Emperor."

"The order will go on, Juanwu Palace will be conferred as the East Palace from today, and the bank will be conferred as the queen. Three days later, the canonization ceremony will be performed and the queen will be bestowed with treasures!"

Ren Bank was taken aback, "Su Moqing, are you crazy? The child in my womb is not your child!"

"If you dare to touch the child in my womb, I will fight you hard!"

There was a little desolation in Su Moqing's eyes, her hands clasped behind her trembled a little, and she forcibly calmed herself down, "You are the queen, and your child is my prince."

Every word and every word, there was no sound, not even a single word, the palace guards on both sides were shocked, they all knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.The Empress Dowager and Concubine Su's family put a lot of pressure on the emperor before, and the edict to confer the empress was not issued as if it was hot.Now, on the first day that the current bank returned to the palace, it was such a canonization.In the future, it is bound to become the most favored No.1 in the harem.

partial palace.The long red brick palace walls formed a wide alley, and two court ladies walked slowly beside the palace wall in front. Xiao Cui was chatting with another court lady with a plate of delicious snowflake cakes in her hand.When he learned that the Supreme Emperor had returned to the palace, he was very surprised and stopped in place.

The Snowflake Cake in her hand was not stable for a moment, and even the plate fell to the ground, and Xiaocui was pulled back from the shock with a bang, she hurriedly leaned over to pick it up, and the maid on the side also squatted down.

"Sister Cui, each of these snowflake crisps in the palace has numbers. If you make it dirty, isn't Concubine Su Gui going to beat you up again? How could you be so careless?"

Beating or not, Xiao Cui has no time to take care of it now. She realized that her master was really still alive, tears in her eyes glistened, she didn't have time to be sad and surprised, she hurriedly packed up and turned around to go to the imperial dining room.

The cooks in the imperial dining room are all busy, and the maids who help the cook will be very difficult to talk tomorrow. When they saw Xiaocui, they were originally respectful, but now the queen is about to be canonized. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Concubine Su Gui will fall out of favor in the future. It is no longer possible to dominate the palace.That's why everyone in the imperial dining room saw Xiao Cui in a hurry today, and their eyes were a little strange.

"Make another one? Sister, what do you think it is? Is it a good dress from the Knitting Department, or a jade pendant from the Jade Carving Department? This snowflake crisp is a rare product for tribute, and there are rules in the palace. It's six yuan, and it's 12 yuan in Juanwu Palace, how can we take care of you for your own fault?"

Xiao Cui was anxious, at this moment Concubine Su Gui's heart was bursting into flames, if she hit her crater all of a sudden, it would definitely be a bad day.In the past, she didn't care about life and death. It was because her master was gone. Now that the master is still alive, she must stay close to him until one day she can meet and recognize him, and then serve her well. .

"Good sister, you are my sister, you can just do me a favor, this snack is just for you to live a few more pieces of dough, just help me this time, I will give you good jewelry, whatever you want!"

Xiaocui begged again and again, but the maid who helped cook just didn't agree.Every piece of Snowflake Pastry has to be engraved with the imprint of the palace. No one dares to make an extra piece, which symbolizes the authority of the royal family. "There is 12 yuan for the Empress in the incubator over there. If you are capable, you can go to the Empress to intercede!"

There was a burst of laughter from the back kitchen.

Seek empress empress to intercede. Xiaocui lowered her head sadly, with tears in her big eyes, she wants to see empress empress more than anyone else, she is bearing the burden of humiliation and living alone in the palace, the days to come will definitely be bitter.But.
Xiaocui's current status is Concubine Su's personal servant girl. I heard that Concubine Su's father has arrived in Tianqi from Luoyang, and will soon become the prime minister of the court. Concubine Su will definitely have a fight with the empress at that time. Now she The appearance has changed drastically, how can the Empress help her?

"what happened?"

A familiar voice came from the door, and Ren Bank walked in slowly wearing burlap clothes. The kitchen and guards at the door hadn't recognized him at first, but only after seeing Ren Bank's dignified appearance and the look of an emperor, did he realize that this was The first emperor, who was also the future empress, hurriedly knelt down.

When Bank Ren came in, Xiao Cui turned around slowly, raised her eyes to meet the gentle and powerful eyes of the previous Bank, the tears in her eyes were almost unstoppable, she hurriedly lowered her eyelids to cover them, and bowed half-kneeling, "See Empress Empress .”

This girl. Ren Bank was stunned, suddenly realized, she was very familiar with the clarity and purity in her eyes, as if she had met someone many years ago.But Xing Qiu has passed away, the little girl who was the best to her has left.

The maid who was helping the cook complained, pointed at Xiao Cui's head, and clarified Xiao Cui's identity and the purpose of coming here.

Xiao Cui was so ashamed to hear that, she knelt on the ground and dared not raise her head.Ren Bank glanced sideways at the maid who was helping the cook, and interrupted her endless complaints, "This snowflake crisp is only 16 yuan in the palace?"

The servant girl replied, "That's right, according to the palace rules, only high-ranking concubines can enjoy snowflake crisps, but because the raw materials are very expensive, the number must be limited in the palace every month."

"Okay, you can give her half of my 12 yuan and take it back." Ren Bank said lightly, "I don't like sweets, so don't make things difficult for her."

Xiao Cui, who was kneeling on the ground, dropped a tear on the ground. Even though the master has suffered and suffered all these years, she still treats others so gently.Even knowing that she was the enemy's servant girl, she was never stingy.

The servant girl had a bitter face, this made her look like a human being inside and out. "Empress, this is the rule in the palace. The emperor personally set it. I can't do it. Besides, this girl, Xiaocui, is the most arrogant and domineering girl on weekdays. If we don't rely on Concubine Su, we don't want to get used to it." , Now that the Empress Empress is here, these people should be dealt with properly!"

Ren Bank gave her a cold look, "Concubine Su Gui is not an enemy to me, and her maid is even more so." As he spoke, Ren Bank stretched out his hand to lift up Xiao Cui who was kneeling on the ground, and Hui Yan beside him Intrigued, she stepped forward and put the snowflake crisps in a basket, and handed them to Xiaocui.

Xiao Cui was so grateful that she didn't know what to say, she just thanked her again and again, and talked about her mother's safety.Ren Bank looked at her with evasive eyes, her appearance could be changed, but her eyes could not.After watching for a long time, I realized that I had been holding onto Xiaocui's forearm. Ren Bank let go, with a smile in his eyes, and said lightly, "You girl, you are very similar to an old friend of mine. Go back and serve you Master."

Xiaocui's eyes turned red, she thanked her and went back.

The servant girls in Juanwu Palace filed in. The East Palace, which had been vacant since the palace was built, finally waited for its master until today.Knowing that the empress was the kind and caring Ren Bank back then, the maids who entered the palace were very happy, unspeakably happy, and even worked quickly.There are patches of peach blossoms planted in the huge yard, which is very beautiful.The breeze is coming slowly, all of which are light and romantic.

Every plant and tree here was designed by the emperor himself.

"If you talk about the emperor, you really care about our empress!"

"It's a pity, the empress has already had something in her belly, you think our emperor has to love him to the core, so that he doesn't even care about these things?"

"Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by the beauty pass, and our emperor is no exception!"

Huiyan helped Ren Bank to the door, and was about to follow in. Ren Bank raised his eyes, stopped abruptly, glanced sideways at Huiyan, took his hand back, and said lightly, "Send it here That's all right, let's go back to the Tai Hospital."

Huiyan said hastily, "Your Majesty, the emperor asked me to accompany you to take care of your food and daily life."

"No need," Ren Bank refused, raised his hand and pointed in the courtyard, "these people in the courtyard are all serving me alone, which is enough. I am a person of right and wrong, and I don't want to contaminate others. I have someone close to me. It's not you. You are a seedling who studies medicine, go back and study hard with Wen Changde, and helping the sick in the future will be more meaningful than being locked in this palace wall."

Seeing Ren Bank's back resolutely walking in alone, not letting the maid beside him help him, Hui Yan felt a wave of respect in his heart.From the next family, her parents told her that for a woman in every family, finding a good husband, supporting her husband and teaching her children is the greatest pursuit in life.

Be a female medical officer and help the sick in the future. The queen empress was the first person to tell her this.A few simple words touched her heart, and she slowly stepped out of Juanwu Palace, looking down at her hands.

Maybe, she can really do something?
Maybe, she can really change things?
side hall.The six pieces of snowflake crisps were neatly placed on the dining table, and the maidservants waiting around looked dignified, and no one dared to let out a sigh of relief. In the dustpan at the door, there were some fragments of porcelain bowls, which were all broken by Concubine Su. of.

(End of this chapter)

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