Chapter 138

In the jade-carved Juanwu Palace, well-trained maids can be seen everywhere pruning the flower beds, and the delicate tribute flowers live very happily in the newly planted flower beds. The Jinwu Zangjiao in the mansion was much more beautiful. The servants tried their best to trim it, hoping that the master who had been resting in the house would come out to have a look, but for two days, Ren Bank hid himself in the house, too hospital. Huiyan came several times, but didn't go in.

Locked in the room alone, Ren Bank didn't know what to think about. Her exquisite but somewhat tired eyes looked at the sunlight shining through the lanai window and felt joy. The time lying on the rocking chair seemed to slow down. She Gently caressing the child in his belly, although he was in the splendid palace, Ren Bank still dressed very plainly, just like the old clothes in the pastoral days, the two sets kept changing back and forth, unwilling to change into the ones sent by the Shangyi Bureau Splendid dragon robe.

Someone knocked on the door lightly, inside and out three times, the delicate fingertips were very outstanding, Ren Bank glanced lightly, and knew that it was Huiyan who came again.Sure enough, "Your Majesty, you have to hold back and take some of this medicine, otherwise the servants at the House of Internal Affairs will really have a hard time explaining it."

Ren Bank sighed, and looked down at the wound on his ankle. It was not prominent, and it really saved the big master of Jiugong from thinking about it day and night. "You take it back, I don't need these precious medicinal materials, I just want to go to Dongshan to pick some by myself. You also bring this to your master, and if you bring the medicine, you won't be able to see me."

Huiyan wondered, "My lord, you know that it is impossible to let you go out of Dongshan right now, so how can you be so embarrassing? The emperor is under a lot of pressure in the court, and no matter how unhappy you are, at this time You can't talk nonsense, Jinkouyuyu, it's really a matter of life and death."

After Huiyan spoke, Ren Bank frowned. Indeed, Su Moqing is now the Ninth Five-Year Lord. Unlike the Tianqi she founded before, she has seen Su Moqing's cruelty with her own eyes. If you offend him, then Bank There is no way or recovery of the apocalypse.

After thinking about it and looking at the wound on his ankle, Ren Bank finally spoke, "Come in and help me out for a walk."

Very good!Very good!The maids in Juanwu Palace danced happily. You know, since entering the palace before, Ren Bank has always been reluctant to eat and drink, and the medicine is not good. Now it can be regarded as agreeing to go out for a walk, which is a big deal Good thing!

Shouting and hugging the ground, everyone wanted to gather around and follow, Ren Bank waved his hand, Huiyan came out of the house pushing a delicate wooden wheelchair, "Huiyan just follow me, and the rest of you go do your business, Mo Just follow along."

The long palace walls are the same as when they left, yet different.This appearance made Bank Ren somewhat frustrated. The brothers who were born and died together back then, as well as the elder brother, had passed away after all.Bank Ren's eyes turned red, he had to bear all the affairs under the sun by himself in the end, no one could pay for his own behavior, his own right or wrong.

She established Apocalypse and fulfilled her dream of being a thousand-year-old empress, but she has to bear all the consequences. The consequences are very serious and easy, but no one can be her safe haven anymore. She must learn to talk to herself.Recently, she has always dreamed about modern things, and sometimes she would talk to the modern three aunts, eighth aunts, and colleagues. She felt that her story in this world was coming to an end.

Thinking of the man she loves so much here, of these brothers who were born and died, and the mystery of the ancient tomb that has never been solved, Ren Bank, frustrated in the sun, felt a pain in her heart, and she couldn't wait any longer.

Carved railings and jade construction, Su Moqing specially built a garden for Ren Bank, stretching for hundreds of meters, in which are planted exotic flowers and plants, which are all the concubines in the Palace of Pang Yu could only dream of.Su Moqing didn't know what kind of nerves she had, she ran over in a hurry from a distance, and bumped into Ren Yinyin's body, this collision knocked the two of them out of this time and space temporarily, the body was still there, but the memory drifted to another era.

After waking up from a dream, Su Moqing kissed Ren Bank, seeing that she was still in a daze, she put the breakfast she brought from the imperial dining room on the table first, and ran to the House of Internal Affairs early.

Recently, the atmosphere in the palace seems to be gloomy again. Su Moqing observes every day and finds that some people are always whispering below, seeming to be talking about something related to the altar of spirits, but she has never seen Consul Cui, and she doesn't know what happened .

Su Moqing approached the back room, picked up a lot of calligraphy and paintings, and started a day of sorting and sorting. Su Moqing had to open each calligraphy and painting to look carefully and classify them. The second prince seemed to have a special liking for these paintings, but Every time he came in, when Su Moqing said that he would open two pictures for him to see, the second prince's expression was twisted.

Su Moqing has studied calligraphy and painting to some extent, he recognized the signing method of these paintings, and guessed that these paintings should be drawn before the Dragon King's illness.

It stands to reason that the second prince has always held a grudge against the Dragon King because of his kinship. These old things should have been thrown away long ago.

It's just that he still kept it, and his expression was still weird when he looked at it, which made Su Moqing unable to figure it out.

This second prince looks gentle and gentle like jade, but he has so many secrets. I don't know what this person is thinking, doing, and planning all day long.

There is a wife, and the wife is still pregnant, but she can cruelly plot against her and throw her into such a cold and terrifying place.

Imprisoning the Dragon King, I don't know if his condition is good or bad, but he disappeared anyway.

Only for this calligraphy and painting, I still care about it.

"What are you doing! Can you hurry up! Do you take care of what happened to the Dragon King? How many heads are there!"

Consul Cui's anxious voice came from outside, and Su Moqing ran out to see that Consul Cui's eyes were red.

Su Moqing stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter, did something serious happen?"

Consul Cui sighed, and said, "Dragon King's illness is unbearable!"

Su Moqing's pupils widened, and she was a little nervous. She just saw her a few days ago. How could her condition deteriorate so quickly?
Su Moqing swallowed, and said, "No way, I just went there last time."

Consul Cui hurriedly told Su Moqing to shut up, and said in a low voice, "You don't dare to talk nonsense, now the Divine Soul Altar is in chaos, and the Dragon King's condition has suddenly deteriorated for some reason.

In the morning three days ago, Her Royal Highness the Princess suddenly went to look for the second prince crying. No one knew what was going on. As soon as I went in, I saw the princess crying in the arms of the second prince. I was frightened for a long time. "

Su Moqing said thoughtfully: "Could it be that the imperial doctor can't help?"

Consul Cui waved his hand and said, "Damn, what can those guys do? The Dragon King has been ill for these years, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs would urge the imperial doctor to see him every day. However, these old bastards saw that the Second Crown Prince's attitude towards the Dragon King was very indifferent, so they didn't do anything at all. Take it to heart.

Now the second prince is getting angry at the Soul Altar! "

Su Moqing sighed, after coming to the Dragon Palace for so long, she was blocked from doing anything, and now she has never even seen the shadow of Second Xiang, but the Dragon King has encountered such a thing again.

Su Moqing said: "Then, in your opinion, does it mean to be cured?"

Consul Cui sighed deeply, and said, "Dragon King has been very weak since he was seriously ill. The Princess has always been calm, but she was so anxious that day that she didn't even care about the grievances between her and the second prince... I guess Come on, maybe something is wrong..."

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Consul Cui glanced at him and said, "Boy, I think you are also very capable. You have gone to heaven and earth. Do you have any good ideas?"

Su Moqing hesitated and said: "Yes, there is. It's nothing more than giving the Dragon King some real energy. It's just that I can't enter the Soul Altar right now."

Consul Cui said, "Why don't I go and talk to the Second Prince, and you can try it."

Su Moqing said: "I'm afraid I can't do it. I always feel that the forces in this palace are complicated, and even the people around the second prince seem to belong to different camps, and they don't have the same heart for him. To expose my identity rashly, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Consul Cui sighed, "What can we do!"

Su Moqing looked at Consul Cui and said, "Accordingly, isn't the Dragon King your enemy? Why, are you so anxious to cure him?"

Consul Cui sighed and said, "Well, at this age, no one is too young to make mistakes. Although he made mistakes at the beginning, he has to say that he gave my wife and Long Sheng more than he can give. Life. I can't let their mother and daughter follow me to run around and avoid my enemies.

Now, Long Sheng has completely lost his original kindness. I don't know what this child is thinking. It is impossible for him to admit that I am a father. If he wants to change him back to his original appearance, he can only rely on his old man. Father, the Dragon King of the East China Sea. "

Su Moqing thought about it, and said, "I'll go and have a look. If it can be cured, I will do my best."

Consul Cui looked at Su Moqing with gratitude in his eyes, and said, "Then thank you so much, boy!"

After walking out of the House of Internal Affairs, Su Moqing carefully recalled the way to the Altar of Divine Soul. Consul Cui had never been there before, and he couldn't lead the way. He walked through it last time, but...

At this critical moment, Su Moqing's road-crazy attributes were exposed again.The Dragon Palace extends in all directions, without someone leading the way, it is really impossible to walk through.

what should we do!

Suddenly, Su Moqing remembered that the Dragon King had talked with Su Moqing in spiritual language on the altar of spirit and soul before. If so, then Ni Changyi should be able to understand his own language, so Su Moqing cast a spell and sent a group of spiritual language through the time-space tunnel , sent to the spirit altar.

The Divine Soul Altar was unusually lively that day, many imperial physicians and court ladies were busy, but the Dragon King behind the curtain never showed any signs of expression, Long Cheng looked at him with complicated feelings in his heart.

It's just... I don't want to be controlled by him and my brother anymore, so I threw him here, didn't I say that I like quiet, it's very quiet here.

I also found my favorite woman to accompany you every day.

Why...why are you going against me like this.

Ni Chang stepped forward and said, "Don't worry too much, father...he should be able to survive."

Long Cheng didn't look at her, and said calmly: "Is life here easy?"

Ni Chang swallowed her saliva and said, "It's okay, brother, I'm fine."

Hearing that sound brother, Long Sheng's expression was a bit painful, after all, she still accepted everything so calmly.

Long Sheng said: "You hate me very much."

Ni Chang shook his head and said, "No."

Long Sheng asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Ni Chang said: "Pick it up, put it down, I loved you, I don't hate you. There are many beautiful things in this world, you are worthy of being cherished, I just hope that no matter what road you are on, you will stop quickly , don’t go in the wrong direction.”

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Avoiding Nishang's fiery gaze, Long Sheng didn't speak

Suddenly someone called out to her ear, and Ni Chang turned her head to see that there was a gleaming Lingyu dumpling outside the door.

Ni Chang turned around and went out, and the dumpling followed him all the way to a place where there was no one there, opened the dumpling, and heard that it was sent by Su Moqing.

"Princess, think of a way and send me to the Altar of Divine Soul!"

Ni Chang said: "Didn't you come here once? Can't even remember the way?"

Su Moqing said: "Damn, standard road idiot! I went, maybe I can see the Dragon King's illness!"

Ni Chang nodded and said: "Okay, stand still."

Su Moqing from the Ministry of Internal Affairs heard what Nishang said, and stood still, waiting for Nishang to open the space-time tunnel and send herself there.

A golden entrance appeared in front of him, Su Moqing stepped forward and rose into the air.

Nishang was casting the spell with his mind, concentrating on it.

"Your Highness!"

Suddenly, a person behind him yelled, and Ni Chang suddenly came back to his senses. The tunnel failed to open, and Su Moqing... shouted ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Thankfully, I protected my face.

Su Moqing took a deep breath, her whole body was in pain, what is this princess doing!
Ni Chang forced a smile, looked at the man in black, and said, "It's you."

The man in black frowned, and said, "What is Your Highness doing here, the Crown Prince is calling you!"

Ni Chang swallowed, and said: "I just feel a little stuffy inside, so I just came out to get some air."

The man in black nodded and said, "Your Highness, please enter the room quickly, don't make the prince wait in a hurry."

Ni Chang smiled and nodded, his hands were already sweating.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Su Moqing was lying down, his whole body was sore, he let the bank bring medicinal wine and help him apply the medicine.

Su Moqing cried and howled in pain, and said, "Take it easy! It hurts! What is this medicine made of? Why is it so painful!"

Ren Bank said angrily, and said: "This means that you still have a fairy body. If you are a mortal like me now, I see what you will do. I am afraid that even your bones are broken into dregs now. "

Su Moqing squeezed out a few words from between her teeth, and said, "Then...then you have to take care of me too, we made an oath in the ancestral hall."

Ren Bank scratched Su Moqing's nose, and said, "You're ashamed to say, you didn't take advantage of others' danger to trick me into it!"

Su Moqing was about to get up as she spoke, and said, "I don't have one... The situation forced it at that time!"

Seeing that he was so nervous, Ren Bank stopped teasing him and said, "Okay, I didn't say I don't want to, just lie down and apply medicine to you!"

Su Moqing said: "But today is really evil. I'm about to pass through the tunnel. I don't know what happened to this princess."

Ren Bank said: "I estimate that there are too many people there these days, and she must be in trouble temporarily. If the Dragon King's illness cannot be cured, then the second incense we are looking for may really sink to the bottom of the water." .”

Su Moqing said: "I originally asked him on the sidelines, I believe that the Dragon King is definitely a man of righteousness, he should know what I am using this thing for.

It's just... His Dragon Palace is in such a mess now, so he doesn't have the heart to give it to me. "

Ren Bank said: "If you want to bring order to chaos, you must overthrow the second prince, and if you want to check and balance him, you must cure the Dragon King."

Su Moqing nodded and said, "It seems that we have to do something."

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Su Moqing went to the House of Internal Affairs early every day just to see if Consul Cui was there, so as to inquire about the affairs at the Divine Soul Altar, but she hadn't seen him for several days.

Su Moqing was sitting in the study sorting out calligraphy and paintings, and suddenly found an album at the bottom of the box. Su Moqing opened it, and it seemed that someone was using it to record something.

On the first page, there are many soldiers who are about to go to war, and on the second page to the back, a family of three is drawn.

The name of the picture album is Dragon King's. Su Moqing looked through it carefully, and found a page with a very famous painting.

The mother and child here should be the second prince's mother and concubine and himself. They have always been sweet and beautiful until...

The child swallowed a bottle of medicine, and the dragon king seemed very angry, and has been forcing the second prince to practice since then.

The relationship between father and son seems to have become tense from this moment on. What's going on?
What's so special about this bottle of medicine?
Just as she was thinking, someone called her outside, so Su Moqing ran out to see that it was Consul Cui, followed by a dozen or so old people in fine clothes.

Consul Cui said: "These are the elders of the Dragon Palace. They are old and it is inconvenient for them to go to heaven to report their duties, so you will write the papers for me on their behalf."

Su Moqing nodded yes.

After spreading out the paper and grinding the ink, Su Moqing said, "I'm ready, elders, who will come first?"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you, looking very frightened.


Su Moqing smiled and said: "I'm just a servant here, elders don't have to be cautious, just say what you want."

A row of seven people, a total of 14 people, shook their heads in unison.

Su Moqing was puzzled now, and said, "Elders, my Consul Cui is urging me so hard, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to behave like this."

An elder raised his head, pointed at Su Moqing, pointed at his mouth, and shook his head.

pointing to mouth... shaking head...

Su Moqing was surprised and said, "Elders, don't you... speak?"

Fourteen people nodded helplessly.


Su Moqing had heard before that the fourteen elders of the Dragon Palace were rare eloquent geniuses in the Four Realms. Every time a debate competition was held in the Heavenly Palace, even though the Dragon King was stupid, as long as he took them with him, he would always be able to return triumphantly.

Actually... can't speak?'s that debated?
Su Moqing was about to be laughed out of anger, and said helplessly, " should I write this job report? I'll write a sentence, and you all nod yes and shake your head no?"

The elders looked at each other, as if they were making eye contact, and nodded with a smile. It seemed that they liked this method.

After torturing Su Moqing for a whole day, these people were satisfied. Looking at the 1-word job report, Su Moqing was about to vomit.

After the elders left, Consul Cui came back from the outside with a meal and said, "How is it going? Did the talk go well?"

Su Moqing rubbed her sore shoulders and said, "It's going well, can it not go well?"

Consul Cui was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You bastard has something in his words, what's wrong, they made things difficult for you?"

Su Moqing said: "My lord, don't even look at it. Those fourteen elders can't speak, so how can I write it. Fortunately, I also went to report on my work before, otherwise a sincere and clever woman can't cook without rice!"

Consul Cui was startled, and said, "So you really can't talk? I thought it was because I looked down on people and didn't like to talk to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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