Chapter 139

Ran Yu was seriously injured, even if Bai Yifeng was by her side, there was nothing she could do.

That Princess Qin seemed to be kind, and indeed asked the doctor to prepare a lot of medicine for Ranyu, but Bai Yifeng also knew a little bit about medicine, and when she saw this thing, she knew that most of it was taken orally, and she couldn't understand it at all. Urgent.

Seeing the bleeding from the wound on Ran Yu's body, Bai Yifeng really has nothing to do, now he needs a pot, or someone can help him fry the medicine before giving it to Ran Yu.

Ran Yu coughed twice, looked at Bai Yifeng's dirty face, and smiled feebly, "Why... It's been a long time since I haven't seen... How did you become a little cat?"

Bai Yifeng looked at Ran Yu, his face was very pale, but he still endured the pain in his body and smiled at Bai Yifeng.

Bai Yifeng knew in her heart that it was for her own good, and Ran Yu didn't know what kind of agreement she had reached with those people, so she agreed to Ran Yu to let him come back.

Ran Yu sighed, "What are you looking at frowning, it's me who wants to get married and not you."

Bai Yifeng stared in disbelief, "What did you say? Did you agree?"

Ran Yu nodded, and put her hands under her head, "Anyway, sooner or later, you will get married, who is different from you?"

Bai Yifeng frowned, and knocked Ran Yu on the head, "Are you stupid? Are you really interested in that woman?"

Ran Yu smiled, "Why not? Is she not good?"

In fact, in the voiceover, Ran Yu wanted to see Bai Yifeng's reaction.

I don't know why, I don't know when it started, but Bai Yifeng has become so important in Ran Yu's heart.

There is always a very familiar feeling about her, as if she is an old friend she hasn't seen for a long time.

In fact, the day we first met, Ran Yu wanted to tell Bai Yifeng that when he looked at Bai Yifeng, he really felt like an old friend.

But later, Ran Yu thought that Bai Yifeng was too arrogant and domineering, so she didn't say any more of these provocative words.

"Oh, by the way," Ran Yu stretched out his hand, rummaged through the surrounding thatch, and looked around, his expression was still very determined, "Last time, I even hid a good thing for you... Hey, why is it gone?"

Ran Yu frowned, and looked at Bai Yifeng carefully, "Stand up and see if there is anything on the thatch under you?"

"What's there?" Bai Yifeng looked at Ranyu.

Ran Yu hesitated to speak, pointing to the wound on the ground, it was obviously painful, but she didn't speak, her mind was eagerly focused on those tattered thatch.

Bai Yifeng couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Throwing into Ran Yu's arms, Bai Yifeng burst into tears.

This action confused Ran Yu, "Well... what's wrong with you?"

Bai Yifeng was still crying and shaking her head, but she just didn't say a word.

Ran Yu swallowed, and suddenly let out an ouch, pretending that Bai Yifeng had hurt her wound, and Bai Yifeng got up in a hurry, and met Ran Yu's eyes.

"What's the matter with you, you were still very feminine before, what's the matter now?"

Bai Yifeng choked with sobs, and took out a piece of jade from her sleeve, "I found my jade pendant."

Ran Yu still pretended to be stupid, "Huh? This... This is very good, where did you find it?"

Bai Yifeng looked at Ran Yu, who avoided Bai Yifeng's gaze.

"No wonder someone said last time that there was nothing valuable in my package. It turned out that you secretly hid it."

Ran Yu smiled, the wound on her body began to hurt again, so that her smiling face was very distorted and ugly.

A few people passed by outside, shouting loudly, "Hey! It's time to eat!"

Watching the prisoner throw two dirty steamed buns into the bowl at the door, Bai Yifeng saw the opportunity and ran up to grab the prisoner's arm.

Ran Yu supported himself and got up, "'re crazy, what are you doing?"

Bai Yifeng knelt in front of the prison chief, and put the medicine next to the prison chief's rice bucket, "Brother, please, can you cook this medicine for us? These medicines are all taken internally. If there is no medicine, he... It's hard for him to survive!"

The prison chief looked at Bai Yifeng, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, just about to agree, picked up the herb bag, but changed his mind.

Bai Yifeng watched this man's expression of embarrassment.

"You don't say a word, frankly speaking, it's really hard for me to guess what you're thinking?"

Tiandi's dark eyes stared at Bai Chenai's calm face.

Although young and immature, he is the head of the only group in the whole world who dares to compete with the Celestial Clan. Bai Chenai is young, but she is already very mature and experienced.

Bai Chen loved to smile, his purple-red nails scratched the back of his hand, and his white fingers jumped up and down, "I heard that the Celestial Clan also sent people to Shili Fanghua in Yunzizhi?"

The Emperor of Heaven was taken aback, this matter cannot be admitted, he laughed, and pretended to be ignorant and innocent, "How can it be possible, I am just old, I always want to see old friends, I always want to drink ten miles Fanghua's wine, this is why I sent my son to find out what the elder brother said!"

The corners of Bai Chen'ai's mouth curled up slightly, and he knew it at first, although the Emperor of Heaven is more than ten thousand people, and he is in charge of life and death in the four realms, anyone who displeases him will be ruined.

However, with Yun Zizhi's constant reminders, I believe he is also walking on thin ice. After all, there are not a few people who are overwhelmed by guests before their seats are hot.

Bai Chen loved to smile, and responded politely, "In other words, Shili Fanghua's wine is indeed very fragrant, but you have to drink it at the right place and with the right person. It's not as good as the Emperor of Heaven. People go to the place where the son of the cloud is to see if their son has arrived there safely."

The Emperor of Heaven frowned, "What do you want to say?"

Bai Chenai shook his head, "I don't want to say anything, even the most marginal gods in this world probably know that within a hundred miles of Yunzi, all of them have set up enchantments. , In fact, all of them are no different from ordinary people. In order to ensure that Ran Yu can get back the wine that His Majesty wants, His Majesty still finds a way to remind your brother Yun Zizhi, who is as affectionate as the sea, don’t offend our Prince Ran Yu That's it."

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen'ai stood up and saluted without even lowering her head, "Farewell, Your Majesty."

Seeing Bai Chen'ai walking away, the fluttering clothes made the Emperor very confused.

Bai Chen'ai was a smart person, since he had thought of these things in advance, it was absolutely impossible not to send someone there.

However, according to reason, at this time in Xiajiazhuang, Ranyu has indeed been gone for too long.

There has been no news, and the Emperor of Heaven has been busy with the affairs of the palace and forgot one thing.

Yes, if Yun Zizhi still insists on using the barrier to shield these spiritual power users, then once Ran Yu is in danger, even if he is a dragon and a phoenix, it will not help.

In the immediate need, the Emperor of Heaven quickly wrote and wrote, and passed a copy of the mirror used by the Emperor of Heaven to summon messengers to Yun Zizhi.

ten miles of youth
Yun Zizhi was meditating and suddenly saw these Heavenly Emperor Calls, and knew in his heart that this was the order of the Heavenly Clan, so he immediately canceled all the barriers.

Ran Yu and Bai Yifeng sat together, the man took Bai Yifeng's jade pendant, and then agreed to make medicine for Ran Yu.

Although Yunzi was shielded by spiritual power, Ran Yu and Bai Yifeng were both in the cave, and they were very slow to accept it. Although their own spiritual power was slowly recovering, they didn't know the handwriting.

Ran Yu felt that her wound was a little itchy, even the itching was worse than the pain.

The wound also stopped oozing blood. I used to feel groggy, but now I feel much more awake.

These two people thought that it was absolutely impossible for Yun Zizhi to touch the shield, so no one thought that now they could escape by practicing martial arts, and they could even teach these people a good lesson.

The person just now finally arrived after three or two hours. Bai Yifeng had been taking a nap when she heard the noise and hurried forward to take the medicine.

The man wanted to leave, but was stopped by Ran Yu, "Stop!"

The man turned around and looked at Ran Yu inexplicably. Xu was surprised that Ran Yu, who was locked in a prison, could still be so domineering. Secondly, he didn't know that this person might be the future son-in-law. Man, what are your orders.

Ran Yu looked at Bai Yifeng, "Where's her jade pendant? Give it back to her!"

Bai Yifeng knelt down and said in a low voice, "The medicines are cooked for you when you take the money to do things, why do you still need the jade pendant!"

The jailer smiled, "My lord, I see that the little lady next to you has more things to do than you want to come back. This is a good saying, use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others, since I have followed your little lady I've given you the medicine at my request, this jade pendant..."

The cell boss seemed to be dangling the jade pendant in his hand on purpose.

Bai Yifeng stared straight at Yupei, but said nothing.

What else can she say?
In order to save her, Ran Yu did not hesitate to endure such torture, but in fact they are not familiar with it.

How can Bai Yifeng repay such kindness?
Bai Yifeng trembled slightly as she held the bowl of decoction in her hand.

Ran Yu said coldly, "You take this medicine away, but I passed out just now when the jade pendant was left behind, otherwise, I would never have asked her to give you the jade pendant."

The cell boss smiled, "Why, can you still get over this fence and come here to teach me a lesson? Hmph, young lads these days really talk big and don't blush!"

Bai Yifeng pulled Ran Yu's sleeve and pretended to be fine, "I'm fine, it's just a jade pendant!"

Ran Yu turned her head and looked at Bai Yifeng with distressed and stern eyes.

Bai Yifeng didn't dare to look up, she just looked down at the steaming medicine with her head down.

"You don't know that I will marry Princess Qin soon. At that time, in this place, besides your eldest brother, the princess, I will be the oldest. Do you think that in this mighty cottage with hundreds of people, you will be the only one less Man, what will happen to me?"

The prisoner swallowed, the meaning of these words was very clear, obviously he didn't want to return it.

But Ran Yu is not easy to mess with. Although there are wounds all over his body, Yun Zizhi has actually touched the barrier now, so Ran Yu's wounds are getting better at a fast speed.

Ran Yu stood up and looked at the prisoner. Even though he was separated by the fence, the strong aura still made the prisoner take a lot of steps back. He looked at Ranyu who was approaching every step of the way in horror, trembling, "You...what are you doing? I still want to escape!"

At this moment, Ran Yu threw a handful of ribbons from behind, stepped forward and wrapped them around the neck of the jailer, and couldn't move immediately.

The cell boss's face turned red from being strangled, and he kept struggling. At this moment, Princess Qin came with someone.

Bai Yifeng stepped forward, saying whatever he wanted, and Ran Yu agreed to let go of her hand. As soon as he let go, the jailer ran behind Princess Qin and began to complain in a hurry.

Princess Qin looks at Ranyu's ruthless face and iceberg-like soul, which is really charming.

Of course, Princess Qin still understands in her heart that there must be some reason why Ran Yu doesn't seem to be such a fussy person, otherwise Ran Yu would not do such an outrageous thing.

"Did you take something from someone?"

Princess Qin looked at the jailer with piercing eyes.

The head of the prison was originally guilty, but now he dare not look directly into Princess Qin's eyes, and lowered his head and muttered, "No princess, I am very dutiful...

The head of the prison looked at Ran Yu's eyes about killing people, and wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in. If the princess hadn't come to help today, he would definitely be able to leave with the jade pendant.

"This..." the cell boss stammered, "I deserve it after all..."

After listening to Princess Qin, she kicked it away, "You try again!"

The prison boss lay on the ground, he could only admit that he was unlucky, he took out the fine jade pendant tremblingly, and handed it to Ran Yu respectfully.

Ran Yu snatched it away and put it into Bai Yifeng's hands.

Princess Qin looked at Bai Yifeng's grateful eyes, those eyes were like peach blossoms, and her face was full of spring breeze.

As a woman, looking at women is the most accurate.

Her intuition told Princess Naqin [-]% that this woman likes Ranyu.

Princess Qin stepped forward on purpose, grabbed Ran Yu's hand that was resting on the wooden fence of the cell, and Ran Yu trembled, but did not dodge.

Princess Qin smiled charmingly, "My lord, that's not right, ouch, look at my stupid mouth, should I call an official?"

Ran Yu turned her head, looked at Princess Qin, and said coldly, "We are not married yet, and I hope Princess can respect herself a little bit."

Princess Qin laughed and touched Ran Yu's hand. Although there were some wounds on the hand, it still couldn't change the silky skin, which made people imagine.

"That's all, I know you are a guy, a man of culture, a gentleman, anyone can do it. Just in front of me, soon, you will be my man."

Princess Qin looked at Bai Yifeng, but Bai Yifeng only glanced at her, and never left Ran Yu's body.

A good man is naturally liked by everyone, but you are also worthy of competing with me?
Princess Qin smiled, and let go of Ran Yu's hand. Ran Yu turned around and sat on the thatched grass, looking up at Bai Yifeng, "What are you doing standing there, come here."

Bai Yifeng was about to walk over, "Wait!"

Princess Qin looked at Bai Yifeng and smiled.

Although Bai Yifeng has always liked the truth, goodness and beauty, and put this beautiful word at the end, the princess's face is really unappetizing. Ran Yu looked at Princess Qin, "Is there anything else the princess has to do?"

Princess Qin clenched her fists slightly. It's really interesting that these people actually... want to play some kind of golden boy and jade girl in front of me.

She will be mine in a few days, but what are you doing to protect my wife in front of me now?
Who am I!It was so infuriating.

Although Princess Qin's appearance is not good, but as the only gangster at the foot of Yunzizhi Mountain, the leading boss, that is, Princess Qin's father, speaks a lot on the surrounding hills.

Just relying on this, it is enough to make thousands of handsome men fall under her pomegranate skirt.

Therefore, she has more power to choose than many people. She can have whatever she wants. If she becomes a son-in-law, she can definitely walk sideways in a hundred miles around here.

This is probably the reason why she must marry Ran Yu.

Because frankly speaking, this Princess Qin has never met a man she couldn't persuade, and she never shy away from anyone who knew her identity, because she knew very well that it was definitely for her identity and money.

But what does that matter? What people are most likely to be addicted to is the feeling of being held up by others, as if the world is their own.

She has had this addiction for more than 20 years, and absolutely no one would dare to break it.

However, this fuel is different.

(End of this chapter)

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