Chapter 20 Jade Rules of Yuhuan Pavilion
Fifty stones of grain, thirty baskets of fruits and vegetables, nine hundred boxes of bacon, and ten bolts of silver satin Huazhuang's silk cloth. The sharp eyes of the ancestors swept back and forth on Yinbao's immature but clever face several times, twisting pure Jin armor, red lips tightly closed, thinking: "This girl has a delicate mind."

Yesterday Langya Wang just sent a verbal order that after the competition, he will quickly send people to Mizhuang to pick up the old ancestor and go to Luoyang. There will be a war with King Zhao in this area.There is a lot of chaos, and no matter how much money there is, there is not enough food to work.

"Minnv naturally knows that this is a good time to win glory for my Jin Dynasty, but ancestor, you see that it is not easy for us three brothers and sisters to support a family. Since I can let you achieve your goal, then you should also be kind and give us a few mouthfuls of food." !"

Yinbao stood upright, the glare of the sun slammed in through his narrowed eyes, looking at the officers and soldiers holding sharp swords and the graceful ancestors, in this troubled world, they could kill Yinbao at any time people.With heat and fear, fine beads of sweat oozed from Yinbao's forehead, but after much deliberation, he decided to give it a go.

Fortunately, the ancestor was a sensible person.Before coming to find the rumored old shopkeeper who "understands jade", the eunuchs of the Yusi Pavilion also found many capable people and strangers. up.

This small and clever girl in front of her made sense in everything she said. If it were placed on an ordinary person, seeing the old shopkeeper pushing her a weak woman in front of a group of officers and soldiers, she would have been crying and begging for mercy.

On the contrary, he fell into the tricky taste of the ancestors when they looked at people.

"Okay, Aijia promises you! It's just that the ugly words are up front. Aijia is a person who cares about face. If he loses, he won't spare you!"

Yin Bao nodded slightly in response, the sound of scattered footsteps could be heard in his ears, and he gradually walked away. When he raised his eyes again, the old ancestor had already boarded the chariot and was escorted back to the imperial city in the city by the eunuchs in the palace. go.

The crowd was so lively that they all chattered away and walked away. Many people pointed at Yin Bao and shook their heads. Although their voices could not be heard clearly, they all spoke ominous words based on the shape of their mouths.

After all, in people's cognition at this time, whether there is hidden jade in a stone is really something that only gods know.Yin Bao, a childish-looking little girl with a pink bow tied in her bun, this move, in everyone's eyes, is sending her to death.

But Yin Bao looked at his two older brothers, they were humming a little tune with relaxed brows.

Yin Bao frowned slightly, and walked to the side of the second brother who was packing up the dishes, "Second brother, are you not nervous?"

"Don't be nervous, because I just found out a piece of news!"

".What is it?"

Brother Jin also came over, and the three of them squatted secretly behind the big pot that was set up. Second Brother Tong lowered his voice and said——

"Just now I heard some people gossiping around, saying that there are only two stones in this competition, and they were specially bought from a place called Yuhuan Pavilion in Luoyang. They cost 1000 taels of silver for each piece!"

Yinbao's thumbnail was restlessly mosuo on the pad of her index finger. She really had an impression of this place called "Yuhuan Pavilion".

When I was in the institute before, I found two weird books in a Han Dynasty tomb, signed by this hall called Yuhuan Pavilion.This hall has a strong background, and the family is in the jade gambling business. According to the book, it was the most prosperous period of Yuhuan Pavilion during the last Jin Dynasty.

But in the end, it only existed for a short period of 12 years.As for why this book, which was clearly at the end of the Jin Dynasty, appeared in the tomb of the Han Dynasty, it was still an unsolved mystery until Yinbao traveled here.

"In this Yuhuan Pavilion, many buyers know an unwritten rule. They will paint the stones that will participate in the jade gambling with different thin paints. The stones with red paint are the stones with jade!"

The eldest brother happily continued, "So baby, tomorrow you only need to find the red one of the two stones, and you will be safe! This food is so easy to come by!"

Yin Bao closed her lips tightly, put her hand slightly on her chin, thought for a long time, and asked unhurriedly——

"But how do the people in Yuhuan Pavilion know which stone contains jade? Logically, in this world, there is still no way to tell!"

"Then girl, can't you see it too?"

"That must be different. I have a scientific basis."

The second brother tapped the colander in his hand, scratched the back of his head, thought about it, and seemed to sense something was wrong.

"But there seems to be a problem. If the people in Yuhuan Pavilion know which one has hidden jade, then the ancestors have sent people to buy stones. Why not just find someone from there to compete?"

This also makes sense.However, Yinbaoxixi remembers that it was mentioned in that book that Yuhuan Pavilion is not an organization affiliated with the people of the Jin Dynasty, but is participated by many forces. Many of these forces are hostile to the imperial court, so we only talk about Buying and selling, don't talk about feelings, borrowing people to fight for face, I think I can't please these masters.

Otherwise, the ancestors would not listen to the wind and rain and come to the street to arrest people.

It is impossible to judge whether the news that red lacquer is jade is true or not, but there must be no good people who spread the news. If ordinary people really know such an inside story, they should quickly become sellers and gamble on jade, and buy Yuhuan Pavilion all at once. , Send a sum of money?Still have time to gossip here?
"Anyway, the vegetables can't be sold today, let's close the stall first and come back tomorrow."

"Ninny, shall we still bring these things tomorrow? You go to the competition, and my elder brother and I will wait for you next to you."

Yin Bao twisted his mind, touched the white cloth on the table, remembered that the old ancestor asked the shopkeeper if he had any medicine for weight loss, and had an immature calculation in his heart, "Take it, just in case it will be useful!"

Because tomorrow is the game, the two brothers wanted to take Yinbao to have a good meal, so they groped their way to the snack street they passed by before, and spent a lot of money once, buying a bowl of meat chaos and two bowls of vegetarian chaos.The three brothers and sisters were eating, Yin Bao sniffed the fragrant mutton skewers, and saw an old acquaintance in the smoke.

Brother Jin turned to look in the direction of Yinbao's bewilderment, and saw that during the day, the grandson with red lips and white teeth who had given up Yinbao ran away with his wife and children, carrying large and small bags on his back, and a hired carriage The hall master was haggling over the price.

Brother Jin slapped the table angrily, "Damn it, this grandson is about to run away? See if I don't beat him up!"

Yinbao hastily grabbed Big Brother Jin's thick arm, and stuffed a piece of fresh meat into his mouth in a chaotic manner. The meaty aroma permeated the taste buds, and every tooth could feel the taste of massage.

"Okay brother, although I also complain about him, but it's useless to beat him up now. He is old and weak, and people see us bullying him. It will be difficult to do business in the future!"

Second Brother Tong took a sip of the soup, "That can't be cheap for him!"

"What do you think, brother?"

"Ninny, do you remember that there is a big pharmacy there?"

Yinbao and Brother Jin looked at each other, stunned for a while, then turned their attention to look at the old shopkeeper who couldn't keep up, nodded to each other, and gave a thumbs up to Brother Tong.

The pharmacy was not on the busiest street, so when they asked all the way, the three stood in front of the pharmacy again, dumbfounded.The medicine cabinet inside was emptied, and the drawer cores were thrown on the floor, all over the room.

The backyard was originally a shed, but now there was billowing black smoke. After asking, it was discovered that the old shopkeeper accidentally knocked over the oil lamp when he fled with his family.

 Favorite little cuties!
(End of this chapter)

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