Chapter 21
Originally thinking that while the old shopkeeper was gone, Yinbao would look for the owner of the house and sell the house on credit, which would be a way to find a facade for their Shuixiangju Restaurant, after all, the old shopkeeper didn't have a very good reputation on weekdays. Well, it shouldn't be very expensive during this time of chaos.

But who would have guessed that they were all burnt to such a ghostly state, pitch black, and even if they repainted, they would have to lose at least a large sum of money. The three brothers and sisters of Yinbao sighed, led the carriage, and left the city wearing stars and moons.

Yinbao was very tired, lying on his second brother's lap, looking up at the vast starry sky, although he was tired but not sleepy at all, he was repeatedly worrying about tomorrow's affairs.

This time, relying on the naked eye may not be reliable, so I have to take my baby out to bask in the sun!

The second brother Tong poured Yin Bao a cup of sweet mountain spring water from the reservoir, and frowned worriedly, "Ninny, how sure are you of tomorrow's match?"

Yin Bao sighed, his dark brown pupils revealed an unconcealable sadness, "Probably [-]%."


The two brothers asked in unison, "What is that girl going to do tomorrow?"

Yin Bao glanced at the two nervous and serious brothers, and comforted him gently, "Okay, I haven't seen the goods, and I can't estimate the percentage."

"This stone, just like a human being, is good or bad, there is no probability. The places it has traveled in its entire life, the people it has seen, the things it has seen, the valleys it has fallen, the snow peaks it has climbed, and the piles Each piece will be presented in its unique texture."

"Only stones that have gone through landslides, volcanic tsunamis, calls from heaven and earth, and intertwined life and death can turn the originally stiff heart into clear and pure jade. I believe I have this look!"

"En! Big Brother also believes in Nannie!" "Second Brother also supports you!"

The slim moonlight shrouded three lonely figures on the long way home.The tired horse moved forward slowly on the dusty road, with blood oozing slightly from the worn out hoofs.From time to time, flames burst out from the mountains in the distance, and there were shouts and sounds of charging and fighting in the depths of the valley.

The struggle for the throne has never stopped. Yinbao looked at the unknown distance, secretly calculated the time, and recalled the main line of the end of Jin Dynasty with the limited historical knowledge in his head. Fortunately, no big battle happened in the area of ​​Shuihua Village.

Unfortunately, according to the historical time, in December of this year, when the snow was falling and the white forest was covered, Mizhuang disappeared from the territory of King Langya's fiefdom.It is still six years after the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty by Sima Rui, king of Langya, which means that there will be a big war in Mizhuang soon.

Yin Bao sighed deeply, it seemed that he had to make plans early.And the only shelter right now is the impoverished and backward Water Flower Village.In this large village with a population of more than 3000 households, Ren's family was the poorest before Yinbao came.We have to find a way to make the Ren family the richest leader in the village.

It was late at night when we got home, parents and children were asleep, Yin Bao tiptoed the door and went in, thinking about covering the parents and children with the quilt, but accidentally found a shoe sole on the table son.

Yin Bao picked it up, looking at the size, it didn't look like his father's, nor his brothers', nor the child's. Compared with his mother's own shoes, they were a little bigger.After a round of comparison, it was a pair with my own shoes, but it was not bad at all.

It turned out that my mother had seen the hole in Yinbao's shoes a long time ago, so she made a pair of shoes for Yinbao in her spare time in the room.The corners of Yinbao's eyes were slightly moist, and he gently put the soles of his shoes on the table, covered the second elder with a quilt, and went out and closed the door lightly.

In the dead of night, there were occasional cicadas chirping in hot and dry weather. Yin Bao sat on the kang in the attic, and put the microscope flat on the table. Because there was no way to plug in the power supply, the field of vision was very dark, and candles were needed for assistance. Both the eyepiece and the objective lens were in good condition. Yin Bao cleaned them meticulously, put them on the table, and stared blankly with one hand on his side.

After thinking about it, she became superstitious for the first time, put her hands together, and prayed three times devoutly, chanting words——

"I hope God will bless you, and tomorrow will be smooth!"

The next morning.

"Brother, are you awake?"

"It doesn't seem like it's there yet! Let's eat something good for my daughter today! After all, there will be a competition later!"

"I was wondering, what do you think of vegetable dumplings?"

"No, no, I can't run to the toilet after eating that diarrhea!"

"Then it's still the rice noodle lion head from last time?"

"Okay, okay, let me give you a hand!"

The morning glow in the sky reflects red dots of clouds, and the thick fog reflects different shades of gold. The sky is not as clear and pure as usual, waiting for the arrival of day, but is covered by hazy black mist. Men who often go up the mountain to chop firewood We are all familiar with this kind of sky, which is a sign of heavy rain.

There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and Yin Bao rolled over from his sleep. Seeing that the sky was gloomy and the room was very stuffy, he hurriedly put on his clothes, grabbed his shoes, and ran downstairs, telling his brothers to bring the cloaks from home.

The eldest brother wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the clothes on his body were stuffed with hot flashes, "Daughter, if we forcefully walk ninety miles to Mizhuang in this weather, we may suffer from heat stroke on the way!"

Even the breath was stuffy, just sitting and sweating profusely, Yin Bao was a little out of breath, only feeling stuffy in the chest.

The second brother Tong thought for a while, and dug out the freezer containing the thin vegetables. The inside of the freezer was filled with special ice cubes, which could cool down the temperature, and he had an idea, "Brother, I'll make some heat-relieving noodle soup, let's take it with us on the road! "

"That's good, but time is running out. With today's weather, I don't know if there is any employer in the town who is willing to hire us a carriage!"

In the past, on heavy rainy days, the employers were worried about the loss of the carriage, so they generally would not set up stalls, and a few of them had to pay more. Yin Bao calmed down, and the three of them packed the noodle soup to relieve the heat and put it in the freezer. Afterwards, he took some extra money, braved the sweltering heat, and almost trotted all the way to a town ten miles away, and finally hired a carriage.

When we arrived at Mizhuang, there was only one cup of tea left before the game. Hundreds of No. 80 court ladies and eunuchs came to the palace. They set up temporary stands and shelves in the north tower of Mizhuang, and placed the ancestors in the middle. The gold and copper chair with large flowers.

The weather was very sweltering, the old ancestor fanned his collar slightly, and the white inner lining was already soaked in sweat, no matter how hard the maids on both sides were sweating profusely fanning the plantain fans, they couldn't feel the slightest bit of coolness.

The foreign envoy seemed to be not afraid of the heat, and even chatted and laughed happily with his entourage in this weather. He looked at Yinbao with disdain in his blue pupils. With his gray hair and shrewd high nose, he stood in the crowd. Extra eye-catching.

The game was about to start, and a man who looked like a eunuch read out the rules of the game. The blue side was Silver Treasure, and the red side was Chillis Joe, who came from the country of Midi in the southwestern border.The two of them stepped onto the stage wrapped in red velvet cloth, and around the grandstand with four squares and one hundred steps deep, they were crowded by ordinary people who came to watch the excitement.

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(End of this chapter)

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