
Chapter 186 Doubt

Chapter 186 Doubt

"The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable, and old thief Sima and I are at odds!" Yang Zheng roared with little confidence.

This Sima Yi was too dishonest, even if his life was spared, he wanted to kill others.

Although he didn't have much relationship with the old father, he was the original owner's biological father after all.

The Han and Wei dynasties ruled the world with filial piety, if they kept silent, what would Lu Zhi think?
Lu Zhi coughed and said, "Xing Yun, don't be reckless."

Yang Zheng hurriedly gave Lu Zhi a two-kowtow "plop plop", "This revenge will not be in vain. I beseech my uncle to help me!"

In the past few days, he kowtowed to Xia Houba and Lu Zhi again.

I feel like I'm almost a grandson.

But no matter how awkward he was, the grandson still had to pretend and kowtow.

Such is the case in this era.

Both Xia Houba and Lu Zhi are regarded as Yang Zheng's elders, so it is only natural to kowtow to him.

Lu Zhi's eyes became deep again, and he looked at Yang Zheng motionlessly, all the softness on his face dissipated, his seriousness was like two sharp swords, and he was not angry, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Even though Yang Zheng was considered a warrior on the battlefield, he couldn't help trembling in his heart, "My nephew knows."

In fact, this path has long been doomed, since Yang Zheng married Xia Houzhi, it has been doomed.

Now that there is such a blood feud with him, he and the Sima family are already in an endless situation.

Any fluke is harmful to others.

Now Yang Zheng is no longer alone, and has gathered many forces around him.

And my own children.

In this cold and bloody era, people will be exterminated at every turn.

Almost all of Xia Houxuan's friends were exiled from the three tribes.

Do you still want to escape?

The cold wind howled wantonly in the night sky.

Whimpering like a ghost.

"Nonsense, step back!" Maybe it was some kind of coincidence that Lu Zhi at this moment and Sima Yi at this moment said the same thing.

Yang Zheng was taken aback for a moment, he thought that Lu Zhi would sternly refuse, would reprimand himself for overreaching, and would persuade himself to be cautious in his words and deeds.

But I didn't expect it to be just such a fluffy sentence.

For a moment, Yang Zheng couldn't figure out whether he refused or not.

"Uncle rest in peace, my nephew will leave." Yang Zheng bowed his hands and exited the prefect's mansion.

When the cold wind blows at night, people will wake up a little bit.

Although there is such a relationship with Lu Zhi, it is almost impossible for him to join him.

If Lu Zhi directly agreed, Yang Zheng would have to consider the sincerity in it.

Consider it a trial.

At least Lu Zhi is not his enemy.

this point is very important.

As for the future, we will see later.

Liu Heng and Zhou Zhi still stared at each other like two fighting cocks.

Yang Zheng couldn't help but look at him a few more times, he was not very old, and he looked quite majestic as a martial artist.

After leaving the prefect's mansion, I met Gongsun Fu who came in a hurry.

"General, find out who attacked Lu Taishou!" Gongsun Fu's face was tired, his body was covered with mud and blood.

"Oh?" Yang Zheng was very curious.

"My subordinates made an unannounced visit to Wuwei and discovered that the Tuge tribe and the Juqu tribe were disguised as Qiang people. After careful investigation, they finally got clues. They brought more than 300 corpses."

No wonder the enemy's body was not found at the scene.

The last time they forcibly wiped out Juqu Luo Bayan, it seemed that they were deeply impressed.

Co-authored to entrap himself.

No, there are five hundred cavalry around Lu Zhi, well equipped, and brave generals like Zhou Zhi.

It is not an easy task for Tuge and Juqu to move them.

Need to pay a considerable price.

This is too inconsistent with the Qiang Hu Xiongnu's style of not being profitable.

The last time at the foot of the Daxue Mountain, the three tribes of the Xiongnu saw that the situation was not right, so they immediately paddled and refused to risk their lives.

More than 300 cavalrymen were killed, which is not a small number.

"Someone must be in series!" Yang Zheng said coldly.

But Gongsunfu looked tired and his eyes were a little blurred.
"You have worked hard, go and rest first." Yang Zheng said warmly.

"Thank you, General." Gongsun Fu didn't even seem to have the strength to surrender.

Yang Zheng understood the virtues of the Qiang, Hu and Huns too well. How could two different tribes be so united if the tribe was not in harmony?

And I also know that someone must be secretly instigating to restrain the corpses and clean the battlefield.

Deng Yang and Li Sheng are both from Jingzhou, and it seems that they did not mobilize the strength of Qianghu in the northwest.

Yang Zheng suddenly felt that things were a little confusing.

After sleeping, after dawn, came early in the morning.

After a night of rest, I feel much more refreshed.

"Your dark camp is about to expand." Yang Zheng cut to the chase.

Even he is so tired, one can imagine the complexity of things and the shortage of manpower.

In the future trend, there will be more and more dangerous enemies in the dark than in the open.

A strong dark side force is a must.

"The subordinates are incompetent, and they have only covered the counties of Liangzhou in the past six months." Gongsunfu said ashamedly.

"I don't blame you for this matter. You have no money, no food, no talents. It's not easy for you to do this. The West Sea Salt Lake has opened. From now on, you will follow Feng Qi to sell salt in the open. Wherever you do business, the hidden line will be laid." Where to!"

"It's just human hands..."

"Don't worry about the manpower, I will personally select the right person!"

The activities on the dark side, assassination, bribery, bribery, and exchange of information, are all inseparable from the word "money".

In the past, even eating was a problem, and Yang Zheng's focus was also on killing people. Now the surrounding environment of Xiping has stabilized, and the salt lake has been taken over.

Time to focus resources and energy on dark camps.

"By the way, why didn't that fellow Feng Qi come to Xiping?"

Gongsun Fu's eyes moved, "Feng Qi is in Wuwei."

The pause in the speech made Yang Zheng's heart move.

This guy was able to sell Liangzhou horses everywhere, which shows that he is very powerful in Wuwei.

So is it possible that he led the assassination?

The more Yang Zheng thought about it, the more likely it was.

Lu Zhi is a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes, and he is also the person sent by Cao Shuang to lead the Xihai Yanma.

And he is about to be transferred to Jingzhou...

Lu Zhi's existence violated his interests.

Wouldn't it be normal for a frustrated person who was relegated to the Northwest to die halfway through the chaos?

And there is also my own blame...

The more Yang Zheng thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

Feng Qi is a double-faced man who dares to sell Yongliang supplies to Shu, what else is he not willing to do?
Yang Zheng suddenly felt entangled by a poisonous snake.

This person's danger level suddenly rose.

And the master behind him, Zhong Hui, isn't he also a poisonous snake in history?

Annexed Zhuge Xu, killed Xu Yi, fought for Deng Ai, and finally embarked on the path of rebellion.

So the pool of water in the Three Kingdoms is very deep.

"You also think there is something wrong with him?" Yang Zheng asked.

Gongsunfu snorted coldly, "The general entrusted Zhao Ahqi and other brothers to him before, but he just left them behind. This person is cruel and only seeks profit."

Yang Zheng said in a deep voice: "It's good that you know it. He wants to use us, so we have to use him. In the future, you will inevitably intrigue with such a person. Follow him, find out about him, surpass him, and then eat him!"

Treat others with their own way!
Isn't Feng Qi a good test subject?

"Your subordinates obey!" Gongsun Fu bowed his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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