
Chapter 187 Chess Pieces

Chapter 187 Chess Pieces
The western capital was returned to Lu Zhi in name.

Yang Zheng returned to Linqiang, the place where the Qiang guards were stationed in the past.

In fact, the strategic significance of Linqiang is even greater.

Hold Hehuang on the left, and control the West Sea on the right.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The first thing to do when you return to Linqiang is to choose people from the dark camp.

Yang Zheng performed the operation himself, and those with flexible minds and strong hands were the first.

Of course the most important thing is loyalty.

Dragons and snakes are mixed in the northwest, and there are all kinds of ghosts and monsters.

Yang Zheng selected 670 people from the personal guard camp.

These people have fought with me at least three times, and most of them were Han people from Fort Fuhanwu back then, and Qianghu was also mixed in a lot.

Especially the Hu people. Many of their fathers were originally merchants, but they were captured by Ye Wudai and became slaves.

There are more than 600 people, plus the original [-] people in the dark camp, the number exceeds [-].

But Yang Zheng felt that it was far from enough.

Luoyang, Chang'an, Tianshui, Wuwei, Longxi, Jincheng and so on.

There is also the Kingdom of Shu.

Time is tight and tasks are urgent, and without first-hand information, it is almost blind and deaf.

Yang Zheng wasn't afraid to take too many steps and get hurt.

The bigger the net shop, the better. As for how many fish you can catch, it depends on God.

It is man-made, so be prepared.

It doesn't matter if it's watery or weak, people will always grow.

In order to train the three of 670, Yang Zheng took out everything he, a time traveler, could see and think of.

Physical military training is only the most basic.

Swords, bows, crossbows and daggers must be mastered at the beginning.

Poisoning, makeup, reading and writing, spying, infiltration, imitating accents, passwords, contact information...

It is simply a huge project.

Yang Zheng tried his best, and there were only 28 people who barely met the requirements in a short period of time.

And what this kind of thing requires most is talent.

Those who are suitable will be suitable at a glance, and those who are not suitable will be useless no matter how much they teach.

The most difficult part is not the force, and there is no shortage of such people these days.

Instead, read and write.

90.00% of nine people are illiterate these days...

Those who can cut people and read characters are scarce talents everywhere.

In most cases, those who can cut people do not know how to read, and those who know how to cut people are not good at cutting people.

Anyway, there are 28 people who can barely use it.

Of course, these 28 people can already be regarded as elites.

It surpassed the vast majority of the original dark camp.

With these elites as the core, the remaining people as the branches, and ordinary people as the periphery, the outline of a large network in the dark is almost completed.

Everything should have a sense of ceremony.

Spiritual incentives are sometimes more effective than material incentives.

Yang Zheng named these 28 people 28 Xingxiu.

The 28 constellations were formed in the middle of the Warring States period, and they are recorded in Shangshu, Lushi Chunqiu, Huainanzi and other classics. They were divided by ancient cattle people who looked up at the starry sky and observed the laws of the stars.

The family members of these people were all taken to Linqiang city, and a mansion was specially opened next to Xiaowei's mansion.

Parents, wives and children are all supported by the Xiaowei Mansion.

For those who were not married, Yang Zheng directly overpowered the king and rewarded the maids brought by the talented Xia Hou.

28 people were grateful and stabbed their arms with knives to show their loyalty.

After going through so many things, Yang Zheng no longer believes in swearing.

This guy Feng Qi is still the younger brother and younger brother, and he can't wait to cut off the chicken's head to worship the boss, or if he turns his face, he is inhuman?
That's why Yang Zheng picked up their family members.

Institutionally, preventive measures must always be taken.

With these 28 people as the core, and then go to train the rest, Yang Zheng will save a lot of trouble.

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

Yang Zheng also ordered the blacksmith to customize a batch of equipment.

Inner armor, short knife, folding crossbow, hook claws, poisonous arrows, hand arrows...

They also created bronze medals for their respective stars.

All bronze medals are divided into two, half of which is filed in the school captain's mansion, and the other half is in my own hands.

When going out to work and contact each other, put the bronze medals together and match the codes to verify your identity.

Of course, things are dead, but people are alive.

Bronze medals are just one of them.

The 28 constellations do not belong to each other, they are only responsible to Yang Zheng, and only Yang Zheng can dispatch them.

"From now on, forget your surnames and names, and only address them with stars." Yang Zheng placed high hopes on these 28 people.

In this era, raising dead men and retainers is a routine operation.

Yang Zheng remembered that Sun Ce died at the hands of Xu Gong's disciples.

The Sima family was made possible by the [-] dead men secretly raised by Master Sima.

And Jiang Wei of the Shu Kingdom is also famous for raising the dead.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

This era is generally based on practicing the principle of loyalty.

"Wei!" The voices of the 28 people were particularly loud.

Yang Zheng didn't have that much time to train them, and he was half-baked, except for some things he saw in later generations, he didn't really understand much.

However, the industry of espionage had already appeared during the Taikang period of the Xia Dynasty.

Sun Tzu's Art of War: There are five intermediates, cause, internal, rebellion, death, and birth.

The five rooms rise together, but no one knows the way. This is called the divine record, and the treasure of the king.

A wise king and a virtuous general, those who can use the above wisdom as a medium, will surely achieve great success.

There are elaborators and scouts in the army.

Yang Zheng only needs to draw a ladle according to the gourd, and add some of his own things to use.

Time waits for no one, Yongliang is very calm, even the whole world is very peaceful.

But this calm was like the prelude to a storm in Yang Zheng's eyes.

It seems that the change of Gaoping Mausoleum is getting closer.

Yang Zheng divided seven people from Xuanwu to Luoyang, seven people from Qinglong to Chang'an, seven people from Baihu to Tianshui, Anding, Nan'an, Jincheng, Wuwei, and Longxi, and the remaining seven people from Suzaku to the south of Shu Kingdom to contact Zhao Guo. Ah Qi waited for a group of brothers.

Downlines are developed by themselves.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, the framework is set up, the money will be replenished later, and the rest is up to them.

Before leaving, Yang Zheng repeatedly emphasized that they don't need to take the initiative to do anything, they just need to hibernate, survive first, stand firm, and then plan other things.

When people are busy, they don't know that the sun and the moon are flying by.

The ninth year of Zhengshi passed away with a bang, and the tenth year of Zhengshi came head-on.

Xia Houxuan sent a letter, Cao Shuang withdrew the order, and Yang Zheng stayed in Xiping and continued to serve as the captain of the Qiang guard.

However, Lu Zhi still served as the prefect of Xiping and the captain of Yantie.

Yang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you are willing to go to Xihai to be a savage, what will the Han army under your command think?
The influence of orthodoxy is enormous.

To reach that step is actually tantamount to being kicked out of the Three Kingdoms game ahead of time.

When a country is about to perish, there must be a feast.

Cao Wei fell, and he might get some oil and water.

Among other things, aren't Lu Zhi and Du Yu the same?
A person's ambition grows with the growth of strength.

In the past, Yang Zheng thought about survival.

Now that he has a back road and can live without worry, he naturally wants to go further.

This is also due to the current situation. In such a chaotic world, it is like sailing against the current. If you do not go upstream, you will inevitably be submerged in the tide of history!

Fleeing to the ends of the earth is just lingering.

The change of Gaoping Mausoleum, which affects the situation of the world, is coming soon.

Everyone's destiny will usher in a huge change.

Yang Zheng has been able to barely stand on the big chessboard of this era, becoming a pawn in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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