
Chapter 808

Chapter 808
The cold wind gusts, and Sima Yan's body trembles.

Under the city, the Qin army was endless, standing in the cold wind, as if a mountain was pressing on his heart.

He was almost out of breath.

At this moment, he finally experienced the despair of Mount Tai.

However, to his surprise, the more desperate he was, the more bursts of longing surged up in his mind.

Women, five stone powder, fine wine...

His body became inexplicably excited, and a blush that shouldn't have appeared on his face.

"Whoever has the way to retreat from the enemy, I will split the soil and divide the borders to treat him!" All drowning people will desperately grasp every straw around them.

However, all he answered was the howling cold wind.

The surrounding generals and officials all lowered their heads. They usually speak plausibly and have to fight for everything, but now they are all silent.

Sima Yan's gaze turned to Shi Bao, but Shi Bao lowered his gaze, avoiding intentionally or unintentionally.

His eyes turned to Xun Xu, but Xun Xu took a step back and hid behind Shi Bao.

Those who once boasted of being brave and resourceful all remained silent.

The power that Qin Jun erupted made them terrified.

Sima Yan closed his eyes dejectedly, and howled, "Emperor Xuan, Emperor Jing, and Emperor Father, there is no one in the court, and the country will be destroyed in my hands!"

Such a direct slap in the face made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"The Qin thief is just a bluff, why should His Majesty worry too much?" One person's voice was loud and clear, and the crowd came out.

Sima Yan opened his eyes in surprise, and found that it was Liu Hong, his younger brother. A gleam of joy rose on his face, "Uncle He... is really my heart!"

The expressions of the surrounding generals also softened a little.

"Can Uncle He have a way to resist?" The situation is stronger than others, and Sima Yan took the initiative to reduce the "method of defeating the enemy" to "the method of resistance".

Liu Hong dared to stand up, and he naturally had some thoughts in his mind, "The people in the city have received the kindness of the late emperor, and they all want to repay your majesty. Besides, there is a strong city with sufficient food and grass. In the past, a new city with three thousand remnants could stop Zhuge Ke's 20 troops." Wu Jun, there are more than 20 people and more than [-] soldiers in Yecheng today. Why are you afraid of the Qin thieves? The Qin thieves are only [-] people. After a few more months of resistance, the Qin bandits will run out of food, and they will retreat of their own accord!"

Liu Hong spoke impassionedly.

The blood of those who are willing to listen is surging.

Those who don't want to listen can't help but laugh in their hearts.

Sima Yan was of course passionate, "Great kindness, great kindness, with uncle and peace, Qin thieves have nothing to fear!"

"What Your Majesty said is true!"

"General Liu is really the pillar of the country!"

"Qin thieves have their own appearance."

The sound of flattery also came in bursts.

At this moment, Shi Bao's body swayed, and suddenly fell limp, and was protected by the people around him, "Da Sima!"

"Big Sima!"

Everyone panicked for a while, and had just gathered some confidence, but at this time Shi Bao fell ill again.

It is well known that Shi Bao is old and in poor health, and it is not the first time he has "fallen ill".

What's more, in the past few months, he has been burdened with a huge burden, and it is not bad to be able to survive until now.

Sima Yan was also shocked, stepped forward to shake the stone bud, and said anxiously: "Da Sima, why did you fall ill again? Why did you abandon me and go away!"

With such a shout, everyone thought that Shi Bao had returned to heaven, and Shi Bao's subordinates cried out, "Da Sima! Da Sima!"

The scene suddenly got out of hand.

Fortunately, Shi Bao's dizziness was not so complete, he woke up very consciously, and slowly opened his eyes, "I, I am about to bow to His Majesty and follow closely, but I, I am old and frail..."

Sima Yan said: "As long as it's okay, as long as it's okay, quickly pass on the best imperial doctor in the palace, and he will diagnose and treat here!"

Shi Bao coughed twice, and everyone couldn't continue acting like this.

In the past, this trick was very unpleasant, but today Sima Yan is holding on to him, so he can't faint again, right?

"Old minister, even if you don't want this old bone, you must continue to support your majesty!"

The personal guard supported Shi Bao to stand up.

Sima Yan's eyes flashed brightly, but his face was filled with emotion, "Big Sima..."

But now the problem is coming, Shi Bao's words are very clear, he may not be able to hold on at any time, who will be able to command the whole army?
Obviously, the next battle will be desperate, Shi Bao is not willing to risk his life, and always finds someone who is willing to risk his life.

Sima Yan's eyes swept over everyone.

Pei Xiu, Xun Xu, Liu Yi, He Shao, Zhang Hua, Feng Wei, Liu Hong...

There is no doubt that it can only be Liu Hong, and others may not have the courage and ability.

Shi Bao advances by retreating.

It is not appropriate to entrust such a heavy responsibility of city defense to him.

If you try to drive ducks to the shelves, you will end up beating chickens and eggs.

Shi Bao gasped and said, "General Liu is young and promising, he is very courageous, with him in Yecheng, he will definitely defeat the Qin thieves!"

Sima Yan thought over and over again, and finally nodded: "Liu Hong listens to the order and promotes you to be a general of the town army. Fake festivals and supervising all Chinese and foreign military forces, defend Yecheng and resist Qin thieves. Don't let me down!"

"I take orders!" Liu Hong knelt down on one knee.

If it was in the past, someone would definitely stand up to oppose it, or fight with each other openly and secretly.

But today's Jin State is dying, and other thoughts are not on resisting the Qin thieves.

The shouts under the city were louder and louder, as if they were going to drown the whole city of Ye.

Everyone's hearts trembled, even Sima Yan was cast a huge shadow in their hearts.

"Down! Down! Down!"

The war drums and horns of the Qin people are like heaven falling apart.

The armored soldiers advanced forward with their large shields in hand, advancing like a mountain.

The cavalry rushed back and forth like flames rising.

Even Sima Yan's personal soldiers couldn't help but look pale in front of this overwhelming momentum.

Sima Yan sneezed for a long time, exhaled a long mouthful of turbid air, and cupped his hands to Liu Hong, saying: "The affairs of Yecheng, the great Jin Dynasty, and my life are all entrusted to you!"

"There are people in the city, but Hong has breath, and the Qin thieves don't even think about crossing the city of Ye!"

"Okay!" Sima Yan was extremely relieved. At the critical moment, his family was still reliable. At this time, he suddenly felt unbearable hunger and thirst, not only physically, but also psychologically. Suddenly people shouted and neighed, so they had to climb the city wall. It was not easy to survive until now.

"I'm waiting for your good news at Tongque Terrace!" After speaking, he hurried to the harem with his entourage.

The more desperate a person is, the more he needs sustenance.

Drunken life, dream of death, gentle township, five stones scattered...

At this moment, Sima Yan needs these things too much.

In the low sky, the howl of the gust of wind is getting louder and louder, rolling up pieces of white feathers, flying between the sky and the earth.

"Snow! It's snowing!"

Coincidentally, as soon as Sima Yan left, heavy snow began to fall.

"This is Your Majesty's blessing!" Liu Hong cupped his hands to the sky.

It was snowing heavily, and the Qin thieves were made of iron, so they had to withdraw their troops, otherwise the 10,000+ people would be frozen into ice sculptures.

Sure enough, the Qin army under the city slowly retreated.

At least one crisis has been resolved.

"My Dajin is blessed by the gods, so why should the Qin thieves be afraid!" Liu Hong raised his arms and shouted.

The Jin army on the city wall finally cheered up.

(End of this chapter)

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