
Chapter 809 Swept

Chapter 809 Swept
When Qin Jun was in the highest mood, it suddenly snowed.

After returning to the camp, Yang Zheng looked at the sky, did God want to help Sima Yan?
But not to mention the snow, even a knife could not save the Sima family.

Unless he summoned a meteorite like Emperor Guangwu and smashed it into the camp of the Qin army.

But as long as Yang Zheng is not crushed to death, Sima Yan's plight remains unchanged.

"Keep going." At this point, Yang Zheng didn't believe that Sima Yan could survive.

After breaking the three tribes of Xianbei, the situation in Yecheng is over.

It has been snowing heavily for two days, and the snow is waist-deep on the flat ground.

Except for the scouts and the bright and dark whistle, all the activities of the Qin army stopped, and they slept in the barracks and ate and slept.

The day is as happy as ever.

But the Jin army on Yecheng was not so happy. More and more people were frozen to death, and the corpses were almost accumulating a new city wall under the city.

Even so, Yecheng still did not surrender.

Instead, a heavy snow prevented the soldiers of the Jin army from escaping.

Soon, after the heavy snow, the weather began to warm up, the warm sun hung high, and everything recovered.

The breath of spring is coming.

After several days of sunny days, the snow melted quickly, and it seemed that the cold winter was about to pass.

By the fifth day, there was less and less snow on the ground.

A few days later, the ice on the Zhang River also began to thaw.

Young shoots sprouted from dead trees, and grass seedlings poked their heads out from the ground.

The grain and grass in the rear were finally received, and a letter from the family was sent. The soldiers listened to the declaration envoys read in tears. The letters contained some words of comfort, so that their sons and their husbands would be loyal to the country, and everything in the family would be fine. , neither hungry nor cold...

Behind a soldier is a family, and along with the family letter are cloth shoes, sheep fur, dried meat and so on.

Xuan Yilang and Jin Yiwei worked together to deliver these things to him.

After listening to the family letter, the soldiers burst into tears when they saw the things sent by their parents, wives and children.

Although this battle consumed a lot of food, grass and livestock, most of the soldiers survived.

Seeing the joy on the faces of the soldiers, Yang Zheng felt it was worth it.

The rise of an empire, in the final analysis, is that the people at the bottom are full of confidence and hope for the future.

Everything can be ruined, but these cannot be let down.

Yang Zheng is also counting on this spirit to create a truly prosperous world.

This year, he was 45 years old.

This year, he was only 45 years old!

There's plenty of time left!
From the Battle of Luogu to the present, 24 years have passed, and the world finally ushered in a ray of dawn.

The weather is getting warmer every day.

The ice on the city wall of Ye City has long since melted.

The final decisive battle is approaching, and more and more generals are invited to fight.

On the second day of March, Wenyang broke through Xiangguo. The guard Duan Zhuo was originally a subordinate of Deng Ai. He was loyal to the Sima family and had a blood feud with Daqin. Wenyang was angered by his resolute refusal to surrender. , Xiangguo fell, and the barrier to the north of Yecheng collapsed.

On the seventh day of March, General Xiangxiong of Liyang heard that the three tribes of Xianbei had been defeated by the Qin army. Zhong Hui led the Yingchuan gentry back to Jiangxia.

"Xiangguo and Liyang are captured, and Zhong Hui's food is exhausted and he retreats. It will be decided by Ji Qing, Yan Xu, and Xu Ke!" Wei Guan said excitedly.

The same is true for the suggestions submitted by staff officers such as officials accompanying the army, joining the army, and recording offices.

Yang Zheng no longer hesitated, and sent envoys to all parts of the Ji, Qing, Yan and Xu prefectures.

"Boyu seems to have forgotten Youzhou?"

Youzhou Qianhong still has [-] to [-] paces in hand, which can be regarded as a huge strength.

However, in the current situation, only Sun Wu, Wu Qi, and Han Xin will be resurrected, and they may be able to turn the tide.

But Qianhong is obviously not at this level.

"I'm afraid that Youzhou has been captured by Ma Xiaoxing at this time, and there will be good news in a few days." Wei Guan said confidently.

Ma Long dispatched troops last year, and seemed to have disappeared without any news. He must have been blocked by the heavy snow and hid in that ravine to survive the winter.

However, Yecheng has been besieged for such a long time, and no troops have been led southward.

Yang Zheng also had great confidence in Ma Long.

In history, Qianhong led the regular army of the Sima family, but was killed by the bald tree mechanism, while the bald tree mechanism of the 10,000+ army died in the hands of the brave Ma Long...

Who is strong or weak is clear at a glance.

In order to continue to break down the morale in the city, Yang Zheng asked the soldiers to plant easy-to-grow crops such as beans and millets under Yecheng.

Fish fry are also raised in the pond.

A heavy snowfall made the land in Yecheng extremely fertile.

The soldiers happily opened fields and dug ditches under the eyes of the Jin army every day, without paying attention to the defenders at all.

Occasionally, the defenders on the city would shoot two arrows, and the soldiers in Kaitian took off their trousers and greeted Sima Yan's ancestors at the bottom of the city...

A few days later, news of good news came from Youzhou.

Ma Long's [-] riders broke through and led Hong Hong's [-] steps to ride on Yanshan Mountain. He captured and killed more than [-] people.

But he wanted to be loyal to the Sima family, but the defenders of Jicheng didn't want to.

Some of them were released by Yang Zheng back then, knowing that Sima Yan's power was over, they opened the city gate directly, joined forces from the inside and outside, Jicheng fell, and Qianhong killed himself.

The defeat of Youzhou had a greater impact on Hebei.

The last force that could save the situation was wiped out, and Yecheng became an isolated city.

The monkeys scattered when the tree fell. In fact, when the tree was crumbling, the monkeys had already started to flee.

After all, there are more smart people these days.

You, Ji, Yan, Qing, and Xu all surrendered one after another.

As if overnight, the flags of Great Qin were planted all over the Central Plains.

Originally, I thought that the tyrants of the gentry would make some tweaks, but I didn't expect them to surrender faster than anyone else.

Fanyang Lu clan, Xingyang Zheng clan, Boling Cui clan, Taishan Yang clan, Langya Wang clan and many other great gentry clans came forward one after another, expressing their firm support for Great Qin. If it wasn’t for the threat of Sima’s family back then, they would have been too far away from Qin. Just "bringing the old and helping the young" to invest in Daqin...

All kinds of flattery made Yang Zheng amazed.

Before the Sima family collapsed, they all jumped up and scolded Sima Yi and his son.

After all, he is a noble family, with gorgeous rhetoric and brilliant literary talent.

It is estimated that Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao and his son saw it, and they would jump up from the cemetery and spray each other.

Xuzhou Lu Qin readily surrendered to Pang Qing, Sun Yang and others. After delivering the city soldiers, he was on his way to meet Yang Zheng.

Xiangyang Yanghu no longer kept secrets, changed his flag, became a courtier of Daqin, and made three strategies to attack Wu.

Wang Hun of Dongping surrendered the city to Wang Jun.

In the entire Central Plains, there is only one city of Ye left.

Of course, there are still some small towns and tyrants who don't know how to live or die.

After all, the Sima family also has loyal supporters, and they have a glimmer of expectation for Yecheng.

Yang Zheng's heart moved, "Come here, shoot these letters into the city!"

"Wei!" Zhao Ah Qi took the order and left.

Yang Zheng brushed the dust off his sleeves, it was almost time to give Sima Yan the final blow.

But the strange thing is that when this day actually came, Yang Zheng's heart was surprisingly calm.

Everything seems to be in order...

(End of this chapter)

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