
Chapter 811

"It seems that Liu Hong won't surrender." Yang Zheng said, looking at the heads erected on the city wall.

"This battle is protracted. Sima Yan's hearts are gone. The Jin army is only coercing him. The morale of our army is at its peak. All soldiers are willing to die for His Majesty. From the perspective of ministers, we can attack the city." Wei Guan clasped his hands.

There was no need to procrastinate. After half a year of siege, food and grass in the rear became more and more difficult. Although Lu Zhi didn't mention it in the memorandum, there were insinuations between the lines.

Yang Zheng also counted on the money and food in Yecheng to fill this black hole.

"Order, prepare to attack the city."

"Wei!" The messengers were overjoyed, got on their horses, and galloped away.

Not long after, the Qin army camp began to roar.

It was as if a hibernating beast was slowly waking up.

Iron armor clanged, war horses neighed continuously, and all kinds of siege equipment were pushed to the front.

The fighting spirit of the soldiers was extremely high.

Wei Guan was stunned, and immediately shook his head, saying nothing more.

The strangest thing is that the Qiang Hu soldiers listened to Xuan Yisi's storytelling and operas every day, and they all felt the same way, as if they were the ones who harmed the Sima family.

Twilight enveloped Amano.

He also ordered to throw all the [-] cans of fierce fire oil sent by Daxing towards the south wall.

"Your Majesty, all the defenders in the city have retreated, should you leave some fire oil?" Wei Guan was a little distressed, after all fire oil is expensive, the production is cumbersome, and the transportation is even more troublesome.

Calculated from the Han-Qiang War, the nearly hundred years of decay since the Han and Wei dynasties will be temporarily ended today.

In order to achieve a shocking effect, Yang Zheng asked the craftsmen to build thunderbolt catapults in the military camp all winter.

"Ho, ho, ho!"

With a few high-spirited roars, the thunderbolt chariot and the catapult chariot were the first to show their power.

The second wave and the third wave of fierce fire followed one after another.

The flag was waved down, and the desolate horn sounded through the sky and melted into the spring breeze.

And all of this will start with the demise of the Sima family, and the demise of this corrupt and dark country.

"Crash and attack!" Yang Zheng ordered.

"Take this city, and not a single thief from the Sima family will be left behind!"

Thunderbolt carts and catapults creaked and creaked as they were being pushed, wishing that it wasn't the cupping pots that shot out, but them.

Sima Yan's banner was gradually engulfed by the fire waves.

It doesn't need to be fancy, just enough to throw things out.

Wei Guan smiled and said, "This winter, the enemy army poured water on the ice to freeze the city wall. Although it has the effect of strengthening, the city wall has been soaked by water and the inside is already rotten. Now the fire is burning, and naturally it cannot be resisted. Your Majesty's order." Wisdom is unmatched in the past and present, and I am convinced!"

For some reason, Yang Zheng looked at the fire, and there was only incomparable pleasure in his heart, burn it, burn it, burn all the filth brought by Sima's house!
Huaxia will be reborn in this fire.

More than 100 crash cars in the front line have been prepared for a long time.

Everything is bathed in the bright spring light, bright and majestic.

In mid-air, the clay pot burst suddenly, and anger fell from the sky and sprinkled on the city wall.

There is an urn at the main gate of Yecheng, which is difficult to capture, so hitting a crack in the city wall is the best choice.

But today's battle drums are particularly powerful and heavy, and every time they roar, the blood in the blood vessels trembles.

Long-term chaos will bring order, and long-term order will lead to chaos. China has been sluggish and chaotic for nearly a hundred years, and it needs to restore its former glory.

The drums of war sounded loudly.

The defenders of the city wall hid behind the battlements, only showing a pair of eyes, looking at the incomparably majestic scene below the city.

The fire gradually extinguished, and the cracks on the city wall continued to expand, but they did not collapse after all, as if this was the last stubbornness of the Sima family.

The heat wave was rolling, and even Yang Zheng, who was in the camp of the Chinese army, could feel it.


The soldiers let out a heavy cry.

The Jin army was a little stunned at first, then frightened, and finally screamed.

Every level is a real deal benefit!
The eyes of the soldiers quickly warmed up.

Yang Zheng was taken aback. Didn't expect the fire to have such an effect?

The fire lasted from morning to evening, even the sky over Yecheng was burning red, and large red clouds passed by, falling westward with the setting sun.

Haruhi's exuberant vitality and the solemnity of the battlefield are both incompatible and natural.

"Women from the Sima family can't stay either!"

Just as the end of the long night is a bright and bright universe, the dark rule of the Sima family will come to an end today.

This is a beast roaring at its weak prey.

The heaven and the earth are all transported from time to time, once people are in order, everything will be in order, and there is no way to stop it.

"The Great Qin ruled the world, and it's in this city!" Shichang and the village chiefs filled the fire again.

Looking at the adoring eyes of the generals around him, Yang Zheng didn't know how to explain it, so he could only laugh dryly.

The dark brown pots covered the sky, and slammed into the city wall with the anger of this era.

This is a doomsday scenario.

All the chaotic voices in the army stopped abruptly, and an unprecedented solemnity and affection appeared on the faces of every soldier.

"Ho, ho, ho!" The soldiers smashed the ground with contradictions, making a loud noise.

In an instant, the entire southern city wall was on fire.

Even after standing for a whole day, they didn't look tired, and there was a gleam in their eyes in the night.

When a whale falls, all things are born.

Suddenly, the soldiers in the front burst into joy, "The city wall is burned, the city wall is burned!"

A warm spring breeze swept across his face, Yang Zheng was refreshed, "Siege!"

The guards went down to deliver the order.

There are mountains of knives and seas of spears, and iron cavalry are like forests.

Soon, a cart of briquettes was sent to the front line.

Because they have never seen such violent fire oil, the more water is poured, the more violent the burning will be.

Yang Zheng sweated profusely, he didn't even think about it so much, did Wei Guan figure it all out?It does sound like this...

However, Yecheng was completely lit up, and the embers of the angry flames glowed dark red.

"Sima Yan is in the city!"

Black smoke billowed, and figures twisted, wailed, and struggled in pain in the fire...

There are more than 2000 simple catapults in total.

Coal cakes will not burst and burn like kerosene, but can make the burn last longer.

The fire oil cans were constantly thrown towards the city wall, and the flames continued for a long time.

The new prosperity will be as unstoppable as this fire!
"Throw them all out. In addition, throw in the briquettes from the army as well, and send the Sima family one last ride!"

For the achievement of destroying the country, according to the Great Qin Twelve Transfer Merit, even a pawn can be promoted to two levels.


And today is also a rare spring, neither hot nor cold.

The clay pot filled with kerosene flew into the sky, crossed a graceful arc, and then burst in the sky above the city wall, and flames gushed out.

The soldiers soon discovered that the fire oil and briquettes could make the fire bigger.

This ass is shot...

The flames of anger devoured everything, and it seemed that even stones were ablaze.

A loud bang sounded continuously.

The Sima family's last stubbornness did not last long. The terrified cries of the Jin army sounded in the city, followed by the sound of the city wall collapsing, which seemed to be the sighs and wailing of the Sima family.

"The city is broken!"

There were exclamations from inside and outside the city at the same time.

One side is panic, the other side is cheering...

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