
Chapter 812 Collapse

Above the night sky, a river of fire is slowly surging.

Countless rockets continued to shoot from the Qin army's formation to the sky, converging into this majestic river, and then pouring into the city. The fire soon spread again, illuminating the terrified faces of the Jin soldiers after the city wall collapsed.

Bursts of muffled thunder came from far and near.

The soldiers of the Jin army looked up at the night sky and saw the bright moon hanging high and the stars all over the sky, but there was no lightning flash.

But the shaking of the ground brought another kind of fear.

—a panic from the soul.

Groups of iron beasts gradually appeared in the night, like a lingering nightmare.

The firelight was reflected on the iron armor of the heavy cavalry, and the sharp long spears flashed frighteningly.

The formed infantry formation is indeed not afraid of cavalry with spears, bows, crossbows and large shields.

But this requires extremely high morale and courage.

The fighting in the city did not last long.

But doomed to let them down.

The people hid in their homes and shivered, but soon they discovered that the Qin army did not rush into their homes, but only controlled the streets, put out the flames, and beheaded the fleeing army.

After speaking, slowly raised the long sword.

This battle should not have happened. They should have returned to their hometown and reunited with their families like the Jin army who surrendered outside the city, instead of being threatened to wipe out the three clans!

After the soldier who was throwing his fist got up, he roared angrily: "It's not worth dying for such an imperial court!"

There is never a shortage of crazy fighters on the battlefield!
People can die, but they have to die well.

Huge fear enveloped the hearts of every Jin soldier, as if the night was endless.

Sima Yan's Jin army bowed their bows and set arrows on the stage, but they dared not release their arrows.

The footsteps of Qin Jun's heavy cavalry did not stop, and they came straight.

Seeing this scene, Liu Hong let out a long sigh, and bowed his hands to the brightly lit Tongque Terrace in the north, "Anshi... I have exhausted my strength, and it is not a crime of war. In return for knowing each other!"

Fear at its peak can turn into anger.

Is the Sima family's country worth their lives for?
The answer is obvious.

"Go away!" Liu Heng roared angrily.

The guards on the opposite side trembled, some bows and arrows fell to the ground, and some flew forward aimlessly.

"Kill!" A cavalryman rushed in from the breach, charging forward against the spears of the Jin army!
The huge strength caused the spears to penetrate their bodies, but they were still charging!

However, this time, the Jin army soldiers around the head of the village suddenly pulled the superintendent's soldiers off their horses, and punched him in the face, blood splashed, and soon there was no movement, but the soldiers' fists were still like raindrops fall……

In the turbulent long river of history, he is just an inconspicuous drop of water drifting with the current...

Including past lives...

After so many years, Qin Jun has gradually grown into a real master of the king.

The red cloak fluttered in the night wind.

What's more, Sima Yan was drunk and dreamed of death in Tongque Terrace at this time, and everyone in Yecheng knew it!

Everyone no longer looked at the cavalry of the Qin army pouring in, but at the bloody and bloody supervising soldiers on the ground.

A group of princes and dignitaries from the Sima family were locked on the long street.

Yang Zheng walked towards Tongque Terrace step by step, as if walking towards his crown.

It's not that they have no guts, anyone will consider whether it is worthwhile before doing anything.

Half of his body had traces of being licked by the flames, and he was in a terrible state of distress.

Why should you die for such a monarch and such a country?

The forest-like spears collapsed like a city wall.

In the eyes of Jin Jun, these people are crazy!
It was not only the city walls that were ignited by the fire, but the Qin army was also ignited, burning themselves crazily.

"Kill... Sima!"

An iron cavalry horse jumped up, like a moth to a flame, raised its long lance, and was then provoked by more than a dozen spears, before dying, it let out a deep roar.

24 years is like a flick of a finger, but it is so long.

The general trend of history cannot be stopped by one or two brave generals.

Every step Yang Zheng thought of many people and things in the past.

As if he didn't know the pain, with fire reflected in his eyes, he smashed the spear of the Jin army, and then crashed into the Jin army with his heavy body before the general died, causing waves of blood.

The army has long since been defeated in repeated defeats, and no one is willing to die for the Sima family.

Someone just moved his heels back, but was shot dead by Liu Hong's supervisor team in an instant.

Or maybe it's because of so many years of war, many people have grown tired of killing and yearn for a peaceful and prosperous world.

Liu Hong took up his long sword and rushed towards a cavalryman.

But the long spear of the cavalry stabbed first, pierced his armor with horsepower, picked him up, and threw him heavily on the ground. Thousands of horseshoes trampled past him, and his whole body turned into a bloody mud. Not even a scream came out...

The soldiers of the Jin army put down their weapons, ran away, or knelt down and begged for mercy, just waiting for the Qin army to take over.

Emotions are infected like the plague.

But what is ignited is fear!
A village chief threw down his weapon, and was immediately pierced in the forehead and chest by the supervising team rushing from behind.

Today's fire has already burned down the morale of the Jin army.

Most of the surrounding soldiers also fled, only more than 300 people surrounded him.

Countless trembling spears pointed at the breach of the city wall, hoping to use these to resist the heavy cavalry of the Qin army.

The heavy cavalry crashed into the formation of more than three hundred people with a roar, as if crushing an egg, bright red flesh and blood splashed everywhere.

Both Jin Jun and Qin Jun looked there with inexplicable hatred in their eyes.

At this moment, he recalled too many things, studying and playing with Sima Yan when he was a child...

I don't know how long I walked, it seemed that it took 24 years to finally reach the Tongque Stage.

The soldiers of the Jin army looked at each other, and finally, many soldiers in the front row tacitly dropped their spears and made way for a path, and the Qin army came out in heavy cavalry...

Yang Zheng led his soldiers into the city step by step, kneeling down wherever he went.

What the Sima family has done these years is obvious to all, and it can be said that they are full of five poisons.

To the north, the Tongque Terrace is brightly lit, so conspicuous in the dark night, there are faint laughter and laughter.

At this moment, the Jin army was also ignited.

This war has continued to this day, and it has little to do with them.

At this moment, Sima's extermination of Yang's prosperity has become the general trend and a consensus!

This sentence seems to be branded into everyone's heart.

"Those who take one step back will be killed! Those who take two steps back will kill the whole family, and those who take three steps back will destroy the three clans!" Liu Hong roared hysterically in the formation, almost falling into madness.

Everyone glanced at each other, and most of them fled away.

There were also a few who committed suicide on the spot, and the blood slowly left from the white jade steps and flowed to their feet.

Yang Zheng calmly stood under the stage, standing in the blood, looking at this magnificent palace, the laughter in the palace continued, men's, women's, with some kind of madness.

It seems that there are two worlds inside and outside the palace.

"Sima Yan, here I come!" Yang Zheng said calmly.

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