
Chapter 813 Curse

Chapter 813 Curse
The silk and bamboo orchestra and laughter in the hall continued.

"I'm going to get Sima Yan out now!" Liu Heng said angrily.

"If you go in, he won't be able to see me alive." As the emperor, Yang Zheng knew what Sima Yan was thinking, and he might have given up a long time ago.

"Why?" Liu Heng was stunned.

Yang Zheng laughed and walked towards the white jade steps, stepping on the slowly flowing blood into the hall.

The women were still wriggling in thin clothes, their faces were flushed after drunkenness, their eyes were extremely blurred, as if they couldn't see clearly, but their dancing postures became more slutty because of this, and the looming bodies immediately made the soldiers around them breathe heavily.

Instead, the musicians panicked and knelt on the ground.

In front of the main hall, there is a huge soft couch covered with white cranes and auspicious clouds on three sides, and a table with phoenix pattern is filled with all kinds of delicacies and wines, and one of the lacquer plates is filled with dark red five stone powder.

On the soft couch, a bunch of limbs were intertwined with each other.

The sandalwood fragrance and the woman's body fragrance were mixed together, penetrating everywhere, and the eyes of the soldiers around him became even hotter, as if the animal nature in their bodies had been aroused.

In a country, the rise of any power that exceeds control will be a disaster.

From the Western Jin Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Sima family dragged Huaxia into the abyss of history.

Now he has inherited all the sins of the Sima family.

Looking at the dome of the main hall, Yang Zheng suddenly laughed too, "So what? The world is better than falling into the hands of your Sima family!"

Sima Yan's nostrils were bleeding, and then his eyes were bleeding, and his ears were also bleeding, and his whole face became extremely hideous.

The laughter startled the women on the soft couch, and they got up in a panic, kneeling in front of Yang Zheng. Some of the beautiful women looked at Yang Zheng and smiled charmingly.

Sima Yan's face became even redder, he stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed another handful of five stone powder and stuffed it into his mouth, he chewed heavily, and said after a while, "That's because they are unfaithful and greedy!"

The women fled the hall screaming.

A generation has a mission for a generation, there is no need to worry about it, and there is no need to overcorrect.

Liu Heng kept his eyes fixed on the woman on the soft couch, laughed dryly, and turned his eyes to the five stone powder on the table, his not-so-intelligent mind seemed to be thinking about something.

It has to be said that Sima Yan's ability to pick women is excellent.

It seemed that the medicinal power of Wushi Powder had completely exploded, Sima Yan drew out the long sword on the wall, and slashed at the woman who knelt down to Yang Zheng frantically.

It's easy to remind people of Datang...

It's a curse.

Sima Yan stared at Yang Zheng with bleeding eyes, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on his face, "The gentry can betray me today, and they can betray you tomorrow. I look forward to your Yang family following in my footsteps!"

It was not only me who was provoked, but this fellow was also a lustful maniac.

Even though Yang Zheng's mind and concentration had been strengthened over the years, his body still reacted.

Fair skin, thin where it should be thin, and fat where it should be fat, people can't move their eyes, and their body is about to move.

It's a pity that Yang Zheng is not a person of this era, he can see farther and more things, "Your Excellency, you are worrying too much, I have prepared for it!"

"I have a poor life, I have my own arrangements, what are you worrying about?"

His opponent is actually such a person.

After all, he hadn't touched a woman in the army for half a year.

"Retribution?" Sima Yan didn't seem to know the meaning of this word. He closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then suddenly sneered, "Wrong, it was the gentry who betrayed me. If they were with me, how could you be here today!"

He thought he would be angry and hateful, but after seeing Sima Yan himself, he was extremely calm.

No matter how powerful an empire is, there will be a day of decline.

It took up the land again, and it was divided into enfeoffments, and in the end it was nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

Liu Heng went up to check, "Dead, bleeding to death from nine orifices."

Sima Yan's body had been hollowed out long ago, and he was hacked for a long time, not a single woman was hacked to death, but he was so tired that he was out of breath.

Today's gentry just surrender to swordsmen, but it doesn't matter, Yang Zheng will take care of the country slowly.

Laughed twice, bleeding from the seven orifices, and fell limply on the ground.

Sima Yan just died like this...

Yang Zheng looked up and down. This person who seemed to be sucked dry was the heir of the Sima family, Sima Yan...

"The Sima family has done too many evils, and sooner or later there will be retribution. I just let this retribution come earlier."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... these women have pitiful backgrounds, it's better..." Liu Heng licked his lips and said coyly.

"You gave them so much, why did the gentry betray?" Yang Zheng mocked.

You can't give up eating because of choking, right?

He shook his head and said to Liu Heng who was beside him: "You kid, pay attention in the future, you must restrain yourself, or you will be like him."

As if being hit in the soft spot, Sima Yan trembled all over, and then he raised his head and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha..."

Originally, Liu Heng stood in front of Yang Zheng to escort him, but when he saw him like this, he stepped back consciously.

From his point of view, it makes sense.

Moreover, the fragrance permeating the palace was a bit weird, and after inhaling the nasal cavity, the heart fire also rose.

Yang Zheng frowned, he punished his heart, and he also came to punish his own heart...

In fact, the curse and retribution of the Sima family have been reincarnated in history until they were exterminated.

This is Yang Zheng's purpose, whoever kills him will also kill him.

In an instant, a strange bright red appeared on his face, and his eyes became excited.

With a bang, the long sword was thrown to the ground weakly.

This is the most absurd joke Yang Zheng has heard in so many years. He stared at Sima Yan with pity, "The one who caused the evil has no heirs? Your Sima family is treacherous, and you actually have the face to demand loyalty, filial piety and righteousness from others?"

"Ah, Yang Xingyun, you're still here!" A person was slowly turned out of his limbs, breathing air heavily, skinny as a stick, with deeply sunken cheeks, abnormally pale, and cloudy eyes that seemed to be unable to open.

However, the advice on this occasion obviously does not have much effect.

"No, there are so many, His Majesty is too busy..."

He reached out and grabbed a handful of Wushi powder, stuffing it into his mouth.

"I've always wondered why I can't beat this mere Cao family slave!" After Sima Yan swallowed what was in his mouth, he raised his wine glass and took another sip.

"Bold!" Yang Zheng shouted, "You've got my head on your head?"

Sima Yan did not give up the curse, half of his face was smiling, half was in pain, as if he couldn't control his expression, "If you prosper with will die with this! You prosper with swords and soldiers, and you will surely perish Above swordsmen! His fate in the future may not be as good as mine! Hahahaha..."

"Don't dare, dare not!" This guy was absolutely dazed, and he started haggling with the emperor.

However, stimulated by the fragrance in the temple, people are indeed a little impulsive.

Yang Zheng glanced at Sima Yan's body on the ground. He is dead, but his crimes have not been eliminated. "Decree that the Sima family will destroy the three clans, and Sima Yan's body will be paraded in the streets!"

Liu Heng and his personal guards were shocked, and they were much more awake, "Take orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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