
Chapter 814 The Sinner

Chapter 814 The Sinner
When the first ray of sunlight shone on the long street, the Sima family was imprisoned on the long street.

The old and the weak, women and children, and all kinds of relatives, add up to three or four thousand people.

Sima Shi's wife, Yang Huiyu, committed suicide by taking poison when the city was broken. Yang Zheng could only collect her body and send it back to Yang's house, which is considered to be a decent way.

Jia Chong's public dissatisfaction was great. Originally, Yang Zheng didn't think of him at the first time.

However, the Jin army who surrendered did not forget, and repeatedly led Liu Heng to Jia's house.

In Xuanyi Division's storytelling and opera, Jia Chong's "popularity" is not inferior to Sima Zhao.

When he heard that it was Jia Chong, Liu Heng didn't ask for instructions, and just took it all away.

The whole long street was full of crying and shouting.

For women and children, for the elderly, for the princes of the Sima family...

The ministers of the state of Jin were also expelled, and they all kept silent, for fear of involving themselves.

For some reason, Yang Zheng didn't like these people when he saw them. How did Cao Mao treat Wang Xiang, Xun Yi, Zheng Chong and others back then?Take them as ancestors, and I have never seen anyone speak up for the Cao family, and there is no death festival...

If the Qin Dynasty fails in the future, this group of people will still repeat the old tricks.

"I can't control whether the Sima family is punished or not, but I will punish it for the people of the world! Order to dig out the tombs of Master Sima and Sima Zhao, and destroy their bones and ashes!"

Yang Zheng actually disliked the methods of the Yi tribe, but the rules of this era are like this. When Sima Yi and Sima Shi held up the butcher knife, did they ever think that there would be innocent people under the knife?
When Daqin entered the Central Plains, he also needed this method to deter others.

"Several people are highly respected, and I will leave it to you to oversee and kill Sima. Don't miss anyone!" Yang Zheng laughed.

Kneeling in front of Yang Zheng with neat legs.

Many kings and ministers of the Jin Kingdom trembled when they saw him, but Zhang Hua was so courageous.

It's not that the Sima family has no talents, but they are deeply immersed in power tactics, and all they think about is fighting for power and profit.

"Your Majesty, have mercy!" Feng Wei and He Shao wept and bowed to the ground, which immediately caused other people to cry.

Yang Zheng laughed, "Sima Yan can use you all, but can I enter this city?"

"Big Sima, please get up." Yang Zheng said with a smile.

"The public is an admonishing minister, but the filth of the world can only be washed away by Sima's blood!" Yang Zheng glanced at Sima on the long street.

It doesn't matter whether Yang Zheng is sick or not, as long as he still has breath, he must come here.

Both Sima Shi and Sima Zhao built mausoleums, but Sima Yi did not. He only knew that he was buried in Shouyang Mountain.

The two glanced at each other, and at the same time cupped their hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yang Zheng ignored them, and asked Zhao Aqi beside him, "Why don't you see Shi Bao?"

The rise of a powerful empire must be built on the bones and souls of innocent people.

Several people immediately changed their words: "Sin, the sinner takes orders!"

Shi Bao's face was obviously relaxed, and he bowed his hands solemnly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En!"

Zhang Hua and Pei Xiu lowered their heads and remained silent.

Both of them remained expressionless.

Upon hearing the three words Da Sima, Shi Bao kowtowed three more times. Yang Zheng was really afraid that he would break the floor or his head.

There are many people with integrity among the gentry, but they are definitely not the people in front of them.

This guy is absolutely cunning, he was the main general who was defending the city, seeing that the Sima family was in trouble, he immediately dumped the blame on Liu Hong, making Liu Hong a scapegoat, and he was able to surrender to himself decently, without taking any risks.

Feng Wei, He Shao, He Zeng, Zhang Hua, Pei Xiu and so on.

Yang Zheng thought that some tough guy would stand up and scold him twice, but there was nothing.

Zhang Hua clasped his hands and said, "Being favored by others, I can't help him, and I can't protect his family. I have no face to live."

Zhang Hua's reputation has been heard by Yang Zheng in later generations. The Sima family is supported by him, and Pei Xiu seems to be the earliest geographer or something. Such a person is of great use to the Qin State, and is better than those unscrupulous gentry too much.

Yang Zheng looked at him, his hair was gray, he was quite old, and his legs and feet were still so nimble. If he said kneeling, he would kneel, and his legs and feet were really nimble.

This is purely a compliment to the two of them.

To grow old and never die is to be a thief!Just as they abandoned the Cao family back then, they are now abandoning the Sima family.

"Mr. Shi's words are serious. All ministers are masters and perform their duties."

It is also a good thing to be able to exit decently.

Although he used tricks, if he didn't have the ability to seek profit and avoid disaster, Shi Bao would have been trampled to death by the king and minister of Jin.

Kowtow again after speaking.

The old guys trembled all over, their benevolence, righteousness and morality could not be farted in front of the murderous Yang Zheng.

Yang Zheng hurriedly helped him up. In front of so many people, he asked a grandparent to give him a big gift. Otherwise, he would be criticized by the history books for not respecting the old and loving the young.

"In the future, Mr. Shi can enjoy his old age in peace and enjoy the family happiness."

So they are unreliable.

Yang Zheng walked up to the two of them and stopped, "Why don't you two beg for mercy?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this person is old and sick in bed."

Yang Zheng helped the two of them up, "I've heard of these two sages for a long time, and I knew they were real celebrities when I saw them today. If you two don't give up, you can help me and restore the world to a prosperous world. If you two have grudges, I won't." Will stay."

Pei Xiudao: "Life and death are a matter of fate. Your Majesty will kill as soon as he wants. Why do you have to be like a cat playing with a mouse?"

There is also what the Sima family owed China in the original history.

But this attitude is still good.

Under the bite of Wang Xiang, Zheng Chong and others, the lackeys of the Sima family were pulled out one by one.

Needless to say, Shi Bao's legs and feet were quite sharp, and before a stick of incense was reached, the man came limping, "The sinner pays homage to His Majesty."

So many generals and gentry did not say a word for the Sima family, but this impoverished scholar from a poor family dared to persuade him boldly.

"Being sick?" On such an important occasion, without Shi Bao, it would be a little less popular. "Send someone to tell Shi Bao that if you don't come today, you won't use it in the future!"

Yang Zheng inspected them one by one.

"Wei!" Lin Sen cupped his hands and left.

Of course, Yang Zheng would not say these words to a scholar.

Wang Xiang, Xun Yi, Zheng Chong and a group of immortals took the lead to sing their praises, "Your Majesty's martial arts are unprecedentedly prosperous, and the fate is bound by the destiny. Sima's going against the sky, trying to use his arms as a chariot, he will be sent on the same day!"

Given the political ecology of the court of the Jin Dynasty, people who do business often have no good end.

But it was obvious that Shi Bao's head was relatively hard, and his forehead was a little red, "The sinner is terrified, and the sinner has been greatly favored by Sima, so he has no choice but to work for him. Your Majesty, forgive me!"

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly froze.

Yang Zheng was in a good mood after recovering two talented people in a row.

"Your Majesty has newly established the world, and you should use benevolence and virtue. Since the first evil has been eliminated, why bother to kill again?" Zhang Hua knelt down again.

What's more, the Sima family killed so many people, and now it's not too much to treat them in their own ways!

"The minister, the minister takes orders!"

"Bold, you are all former ministers of the Sima clan, how dare you call yourself a minister of the Great Qin?" Meng Guan shouted coldly.

Of course there are innocent souls among them, but only a few.

More are the initiators of the Eight Kings Rebellion.

Zhang Hua let out a long sigh, bowed his hands to Yang Zheng, and didn't say anything more.

The scale is pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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