
Chapter 815 Destruction

Chapter 815 Destruction
"The time has come for the execution!" Wang Xiang shouted with his eyes closed.

The soldiers raised their long swords.

People poured out one after another, looking at the street and pointing.

Among the captives, many low-level officers of the Jin army were selected to wait and see.


The long knife fell, human heads rolled down one by one, and blood gushed out, gradually converging into a stream on the long street.

The beards of Wang Xiang, Zheng Chong, and Xun Yi trembled with their faces.

Above the blue sky, a group of egrets flapped their wings slowly.

The breeze was warm, and the "Qin" flag shook gently.

Many people let out a long breath of foul air.

Cao Huan was in his 20s, with a look of excessive drinking, he quickly knelt down on one knee, bowed his hands and returned the salute, "Don't dare, the world belongs to Qin, one is God's will, and the other is your majesty's bravery. Huan can see the Sima clan destroyed. To die without regret, Cao's ability to avenge this blood feud, nothing else, is all thanks to His Majesty!"

Even if he is as tyrannical as Dong Zhuo, Cai Yong still has the bones for him.

It is not so easy to become a powerful family. Talents are needed to support the family. The Cao family is rich, but lacks talents.

In the beginning, the Thunder method was used in Bingzhou because the gentry in Bingzhou had been weakened for a long time.

Cao Huan was very sensible and did not embarrass both parties.

Those of the Jin army who surrendered were willing to join the army as government soldiers, and those who did not want to join the army were disbanded and went home, waiting for the government's order to divide the land.

But the current Great Qin has not yet unified the world.

After dealing with the affairs of Yecheng, now it's the turn of things outside of Yecheng.

Once the Central Plains is in turmoil and the people go south, Zhong Hui's strength will increase greatly.

The shame and filth hanging over Huaxia's head were finally washed away.

All treasuries in Yecheng were opened, part of the food was used to help the people, and part was used for the military.

Xiahou and his disciples knelt in front of Yang Zheng, not even daring to raise their faces.

It doesn't matter if you refuse, it can be used as one of the interfaces to crusade against Jiangdong in the future.

Those who travel a hundred miles are half ninety, and Yang Zheng's journey has not yet reached sixty.

Yecheng was originally the capital of the Wei state, and it was also the prison of the Cao family. Since Sima Yi came to power, the members of the Cao family have been imprisoned here.

The rare unity of opinion between the two.

At the beginning, the Sima family was powerful, and Xiahouhe was the first to defect to Sima Zhao, but Xiahouhe was also a supporter of Sima You, and was left idle by Sima Zhao and Sima Yan for many years.

Cao Huan, king of Chenliu, and a group of Cao family members dared to come out, weeping and worshiping the Wei Temple in Ye City.

This move immediately welcomed the favor of the Central Plains scholars and people.

In fact, the Cao family has declined so far, and Wei Wu's sons died one after another.

At this moment, as if nothing happened, the Sima family turned into a speck of dust and disappeared into the long river of history.

Don't forget, there is still Wu State to the south, and most of Yuzhou is still in their hands.

Although the world now belongs to Qin, the etiquette system must not be messed up, and food and appearance must be respected.

After Cao Shuang was wiped out of the three clans, Xun Xu took the lead in worshiping, which also shows that the Sima family is unpopular.

They don't spit out the population and land, so what will Yang Zheng use to equalize the land and create a prosperous world?
Don't doubt their guts.

With the momentum of Daqin today, Zhong Hui should not refuse this request.

At this moment, the state of Jin was destroyed, and a new era had come.

Yang's world was inherited from Cao Wei, which recognized the legal system of Cao Wei.

All the money and silk accumulated by the Sima family were rewarded to the soldiers.

The powerful gentry are local snakes, and many common people take the initiative to attach themselves to them. Coupled with blood and clan relatives, they occupy a favorable location and harmony.

"From the point of view of the ministers, it is better to rest for two years. After the grain reserves are available, the people of the Central Plains will return, and the soldiers are finished resting, then issue the order of land reduction and land equalization!" Wei Guan suggested.

At this time, rushing across the fields, I'm afraid that the Central Plains will be in turmoil, and I don't know how many years of killing.

There are many powerful nobles in the Central Plains. Although they surrendered to the Great Qin in name, things are not that simple.

So you must have the proper etiquette, and always make a show for the world to see, right?

After appeasing the Cao family, the Xiahou family followed.

Sima Yan usurped Wei and made him the king of Chenliu, with ten thousand households in the city. He had a palace in Yecheng, prepared the emperor's banner, and the auxiliary car at five o'clock. He traveled to Zhengshuo of Wei State. Do not worship.

Xiahouba's branch was dispatched to Lelang County in Liaodong, and Yang Zheng sent someone to recall them so that they could return to their hometown.

Of course, Yang Zheng didn't forget about Jia Chong, so he sent envoys to Jiangdong to return Jia Chong.

So either don't fight, or kill them all in one go.

Sima Zhao and Sima Yan opened the door to them, allowing their strength to rise sharply. They have food and people have land, control the place, and their strength is good. Of course, they are not willing to give up what they have so easily.

Yang Zheng admitted everything, and even betrothed Cao's daughter to Yang Xu, which can be regarded as inheriting the origin of the two families.

The heads of the Sima family were all hung on the city wall, and their corpses were all thrown into the wilderness to be given to wild dogs and wolves.

Only Xia Houzhi and Xia Houxu were left in Xia Houxuan's branch. Both of them took root in Daqin, and the others were killed by Master Sima.

The people of the Central Plains have not yet fully accepted the Great Qin.

The people were not so afraid of the Qin army anymore, and they took to the streets one after another, eating pots of pulp, and rewarding the soldiers.

The soldiers of the Qin army standing on the street are taller and taller than ever.

For a moment, Yecheng was filled with cheers.

"This matter really needs to be discussed in the long run." Yang Zheng nodded in agreement.

As long as there is one defeat on the battlefield, it will be a serious blow to Daqin's prestige.

"All Xiahou's family moved into Guanzhong, and those whose descendants are talented and virtuous, will be used according to their ability." Yang Zheng is familiar with the two branches of Xiahouba and Xiahouxuan, and the other Xiahou clans are no different. For Xiahouzhi's sake, Do not embarrass them.

And when the Sima family was wiped out, no one collected the corpses for them.

Now that these gentry tyrants have entered their own pots, they can be boiled in warm water, step by step.

Yang Zheng felt that he was worthy of Xia Houxuan and Cao Mao, as well as his old father whom he was not very familiar with.

"This matter really needs to be considered in the long term. Your Majesty is going to spend the fields today. I'm afraid that the Central Plains will be rebelled tomorrow, and our army will be exhausted." Pang Qing also cupped his hands.

Jia Chong also cannot escape.

There is a steelyard in the hearts of the people. When Cao Mao was killed, the people went out of the city to attend the funeral, weeping.

However, the soldiers have been fighting fiercely for more than half a year now, and the veterans of the division are tired, so they obviously don't have this strength.

This is bound to be a long-term struggle.

Sima Yan's body was hung on a high pole, his dead white pupils looked down at the human head and blood on the ground.

Although the Sima family is gone, their legacy is still there.

When Emperor Guangwu ruled the world, it took a lot of effort to force them to submit to a simple task of saving fields.

Yang Zheng ordered the whole city to hold a funeral for Cao Mao, which can be regarded as paying homage to the heroic spirit of the Cao family.

Except for a few families such as Qinghe Cui Family and Taishan Yang Family who agreed to move to Guanzhong, the others are all on the sidelines.

Cao Pi, Cao Rui, Cao Mao, including Cao Huan in front of him, all had weak heirs.

But the group of people in the Central Plains did not.

The Sima family's destruction of the country has no effect on them.

"The most urgent thing right now is to rest!" Yang Zheng said in a deep voice.

There is no way, Daqin's foundation is too weak, he has been fighting all the time, and has no accumulation, so he can only take one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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