
Chapter 816 teasing

Chapter 816 teasing
Although they returned to Jiangxia, nearly [-] people died of freezing and starvation, and countless people were frostbitten.

The cold of winter was especially harmful to Wu Jun.

Those who live in the water villages in the south of the Yangtze River have never experienced the bitter cold in the north.

And this winter also made Zhong Hui sober.

It seems that Jiangdong is not enough to support his ambition. This is still Xuchang. If it is Hebei and Yongliang, wouldn't the Wu army be unable to move?

Fortunately, most of Yuzhou was taken down, and tens of thousands of people went south with them, and the talents of the Yingchuan gentry went to defect, which made Zhonghui's strength even more inflated.

"The prime minister wants to compete with Yang Xingyun, and the Wu people are probably unreliable." Jia Chong, who came from Jianye, said.

Jia's clan was wiped out, and Jia Chong was the only one left.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he lives, marries a few more concubines, and gives birth to a few sons, the incense of Jia's family can continue to last.

When he proposed to go to Wu as an envoy, he had already seen that Sima Yan would die, and he was already mentally prepared, so he didn't look very sad at the moment.

After a long time, Zhong Hui laughed, "With the help of Gonglu, why worry about the world being unstable? If you and I work together, Yang Xingyun will definitely not be an opponent."

A trace of displeasure flashed across the faces of Jiang Bin, Shen Ying and others.

"Hey, isn't this forced by the situation? Gonglu has a good tongue, and this trip to the north will definitely save the day, and I will wait for the good news in Jiangdong!" Zhong Hui still looked at him with a half-smile.

The word "Qin" is naturally different from Kanto.

If you don't show your loyalty at this time, you won't have a chance.

Jia Chong cupped his hands, "Chong will die a hundred times without regret!"

But Zhong Hui didn't answer, his eyes swept over Jia Chong's face, as if hesitating.

Of course, Jia Chong would not estimate their feelings, and did his best to say, "For the Kanto gentry, the Qin thieves are nothing but barbarians, and Yang's 40 thieves are stationed in Yecheng, intimidating both sides of the river, and the Kanto gentry dare not move." However, the Qin thieves have been conquering for half a year, and sooner or later they will return to Guanzhong, and then there will be heroes who will rise up and resist the tyranny of Qin!"

Jia Chong listened attentively.

Jia Chong was overjoyed, heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart, and quickly turned into a look of emotion, "Chong, I have to meet the Lord of the Ming Dynasty today!"

The eyes of other people in the hall became more and more unkind.

The power of the Guandong gentry is by no means comparable to Yongliang and Shuzhong.

Having said so much, only this sentence is true.

"Nobility!" Jia Chong stretched out two fingers.

And Jia Chong's fate has reached the most critical time.

Zhong Hui's eyes turned to Jia Chong, "Wu people can't be trusted, so who should we rely on?"

Zhong Hui is also listening attentively.

After Jia Chong finished reading the bamboo slips, his face turned pale for a while, and then turned into anger, "Yang thief is too strong to deceive people, destroy our three clans, and I will not let someone go! From now on, I, Jia Chong, and Qin thief are incompatible, and I will definitely do my best Do whatever you can to help the prime minister destroy Qin and accomplish a thousand-year achievement!"

He showed weakness again and again, thinking that he had impressed Zhong Hui, but he still couldn't change being treated as an outcast, "Prime Minister, Prime Minister!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he knelt down on one knee to Zhong Hui.

It turns out that all the hard work was just teasing.

Jia Chong wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "If it wasn't for the prime minister, he would be like a bereaved dog!"

The corners of Zhong Hui's mouth curled up, with a smile that was not a smile, "To lobby the Kanto gentry, you don't have to ask Gonglu to go out in person. A certain subordinate from Yingchuan will do it for you. However, there is indeed an urgent matter right now, and Gonglu needs to do it in person."

Zhong Hui also happened to be staring at Jia Chong, and knew what Jia Chong was thinking in an instant. The two were too familiar. They had known each other since they were young, and after fighting for so many years, every expression and every sentence of Jia Chong could not conceal the hidden things behind it. Zhong Hui's eyes said, "There is no need to be a lobbyist. Recently, Yang Xingyun has an envoy."

"The snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and the central plains are full of wars. The prime minister can train the soldiers and save food and grass. When the Qin bandits are exhausted and exhausted, they can order the Lu family to pretend to attack Xiangyang and contain the Qin army. The prime minister will unite the heavy troops in the spring and summer to take the Huai River first. Si, seize Qingxu again, sweep Wanluo, and occupy the south of the Yellow River!"

Zhong Hui rummaged through the table, pulled out a bamboo slip, and threw it to Jia Chong.

"Qin has iron cavalry, and I have the help of the gentry. Although Qin destroyed Jin, the hearts of the people were not attached, and the gentry hesitated. At this time, the prime minister took the initiative to contact the gentry in the Kanto region to fill in his talents. I would like to go north to be a lobbyist and help the prime minister! " Jia Chong's eyes flickered.

Having said this, Zhong Hui paused.

This is the tacit rule and tacit understanding for two or three hundred years.

"Oh?" Zhong Hui's eyelids moved.

But Zhong Hui didn't seem to mind, and said with a smile: "Please, please, why is this so?"

The world is yours, but the place is mine!

"That's why, I would like to ask you to go north to Yecheng, lobby Yang Xingyun, and continue the alliance between Qin and Wu!" Zhong Huitu saw it poorly, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Gonglu is indeed a rare wise man in the world!" Zhong Hui clapped his hands and smiled.

Jia Chong also laughed.

Jia Chong's mouth was splattered, and he spoke clearly and logically.

There is no other reason, Jia Chong's reputation is too loud...

"There is no need for a hundred deaths. Although Qin and Wu are constantly at odds, they are allies after all. Yang Xingyun has 40 soldiers in Yecheng, and he can go south to Xuchang at any time. Xuchang is the root of my family. I really don't want my hometown to die by Qin people." Under the sword."

Jia Chong jumped up from the ground suddenly, looking at Zhong Hui in shock.

Yongliang has been in chaos for more than 100 years, and the gentry is powerful and weak, and there is no decent gentry in Shuzhong.

Wu Jun had already broken Zhong Hui's heart. Every time he went north, he couldn't give him enough strength. Before the battle was fought, he clamored to go back to Jiangdong...

And Zhong Hui took the "sage" route in Jiangdong. If he accepted Jia Chong, it would be a stain.

Both of them were from the gentry, so of course they knew the power of the gentry in the Central Plains.

Even Jiang Bin, Shen Ying and others who looked down on Jia Chong's personality had to admire his mouth.

If Huo Yi hadn't chosen to join Daqin, Qin might still be caught in the turmoil in the south and couldn't escape.

They announced that they would surrender to the Great Qin. It was by no means a true surrender. It was because the Sima family could not support the wall. Under the prestige of the Qin army, they only made a temporary compromise.

After the death of his two sons, the Jia family had nothing to cherish for him.

However, the people present were not so easily fooled. Jiang Bin retorted: "Hmph, the people of Qin have sharp iron cavalry, and the Central Plains is open. How can our army resist?"

"Looking at what Yang Zheng has done in the past, if he doesn't go to a place, he must equalize the land and reduce the tax to calm people's hearts. This method may be applicable in Yongliang and Shu, but if this is the case in the Central Plains, he will kill himself." Jia Jia Laugh out loud.

Jia Chong's face darkened, hatred and anger intertwined, "Hmph, Zhong Shiji, I treat each other with sincerity, and you play tricks on me!"

"Haha..." Zhong Hui no longer concealed his smile, "The public is notorious all over the world, and Hui really dare not use it!"

Jiang Bin and Shen Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

No force likes a kingslayer, even if he is as docile as a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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