
Chapter 817

Chapter 817
Jia Chong's body was quickly sent to Yang Zheng.

"It seems that Zhong Hui is not stupid." Yang Zheng laughed.

If you don't send Jia Chong, you can use this matter to lead an army of 40 to go south and take Xuchang.

It is also morally tenable, and you need an excuse to do anything these days.

Wei Guan said: "Leaving Jia Chong behind will be a stain on Zhong Hui. How can we appease Jiangdong scholars in the future?"

"You can't live by your own crimes. Someone here hangs Jia Chong's head with Sima Yan!"

"Wei!" Zhao Ahqi went down carrying the head.

The main reason why Zhong Hui was so obedient was that he didn't want to fight anymore. Wu Jun went north, and many people were frozen to death and injured, and the morale of the army was shaken.

Of course, Yang Zheng didn't want to fight anymore, the soldiers were eager to return, the Central Plains was nominally owned by Qin, and there were too many unstable things to fight.

The Yecheng army returned to Guanzhong in batches.

"The three of you see me, what's the matter?"

The three of them entered the hall hand in hand, and bowed their hands in salute at the same time, "Meet Your Majesty!"

But if Yang Zheng didn't pursue the act of betraying the monarch, wouldn't he be making a bad start?
"Summon all counties and counties to search for Wang Chen!"

Yang Zheng suddenly smelled something different, it seemed... This was a temptation by the gentry.

According to the temper 20 years ago, I am afraid that the Central Plains will once again set off a bloody storm.

Yang Zheng didn't have to wait long, and the incident happened in just two days.

Perhaps Wang Hun is just an appetizer, and the real drama is here.

In the original situation, it was a big failure for Cao Mao to disclose the plan to so many people. Wang Chen and Wang Ye knew that Cao Mao was going to do something. If they were indifferent, they would definitely be wiped out by Sima Zhao afterwards.

Wang Xiang cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty will have a night of clothes and food, and the unification of the world is just around the corner. However, your Majesty's heirs are not prosperous, and the ministers will select ten women for your majesty, and they will enter the palace to serve your majesty!"

Things in the world are often like this, if you take a step back, others will take a step forward!
A ray of light rose in Wei Guan's eyes, "Your Majesty may as well wait and see, they must have a backhand!"

The two people in history were a pair of enemies, but I didn't expect this to still be the case in this era.

Sometimes, Yang Zheng really wanted to kill him.

Since the end of Han Dynasty, the Wang family has been one of the best noble families.

After killing Wang Ye's family, Yang Zheng suddenly remembered that there was another culprit——Wang Chen!
Born in Taiyuan Wang, nephew of former Sikong Wang Chang.

But everyone can go back, Yang Zheng will stay in Yecheng for a period of time, and take down the Guandong gentry.

"Wang Hun and Wang Chen are cousins. What Wang Jun played should be true!" Wei Guan said after reading the two secret reports.

"Someone must be harboring this person secretly!" Wei Guan said.

As soon as their eyes met, the three of them lowered their heads again, "Your Majesty is diligent in government and loves the people, and he is not close to women. You are really a wise king, and the world has hope! Great fortune for all people!"

The confrontation between Kansai and Kanto is no longer a day or two.

Jin Yiwei's secret report is not much different from Wang Hun's. Wang Jun did have a lot of outrageous actions when he recruited Qingyan soldiers.

Looking forward to how deadly they can be.

Wang Hun, who was stationed in Yanzhou, made a secret report that Wang Jun rewarded soldiers in Qingyan without authorization, accepted the surrendered generals of the Jin army, and helped the people of Qingyan, without mentioning the Great Qin Dynasty. The heart of the crime is clearly revealed, and there are eleven counts of crimes, each of which has witnesses behind it.

"I suggest that you might as well let the two of you fight and bring out all the people behind the scenes!" Wei Guan said quietly.

It seemed that someone was secretly protecting him. After so many days, there was no place to search for him, and Jin Yiwei even found no one.

But today is different from the past, the emperor is not the leader of a separatist army, and there are too many things to consider.

To be honest, it is almost enough to do this for the Cao family.

Just in case, Yang Zheng ordered Meng Guan to gather a team of 8000 elite cavalry to deal with the chaos in Shandong at any time.

The long street was full of people kneeling again, crying and howling loudly.

You must know that many places have not yet been stationed by the Qin army, and are in the hands of the nobles.

If you want these beautiful women today, everyone will have the premise for further cooperation. If you don't want them, it means that Daqin has rejected the Kanto gentry.

Does Wang Jun have any problems in Qingyan?

But if this is really done, the Central Plains will immediately be in chaos.

"Your Majesty, Wang Xiang, Zheng Chong, and Xun Yi are here to see you!"

The struggle in the world has reached a new stage. If the internal affairs cannot be pacified, there will be no talk of destroying Wu.

This is actually a way for the gentry to infiltrate.

Yang Zheng frowned, speaking, he had already taken a step back from the Kanto gentry and did not pursue them.

"Oh?" Yang Zheng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that it was the matter when they opened their mouths.

"Just follow Boyu's strategy!" Yang Zheng didn't want the Central Plains to bleed any more, but he couldn't stand him wanting to hit the knife's edge.

Wei Guan said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

The tall hats were put on one by one.

In the final analysis, these people wanted the Sima family to give all the power back then, and Yang Zheng, out of consideration for the overall situation, had not made a statement so far, so they came to test the bottom line step by step.

"The person who can hide the Wang and Shen clans is definitely not an ordinary person, and His Majesty can't take this matter lightly. If what I expected is correct, this matter may be a demonstration of the Kanto gentry against His Majesty!"

"Wei!" The officials immediately drafted the edict.

"Oh?" Yang Zheng didn't think too deeply.

Some things cannot be undone.

It's just that Yang Zheng didn't think in other directions.

Yang Zheng didn't soften his heart. The crying of these people was better than the crying and crying of tens of millions of people in the chaos of China in history.

Don't look at them all as old-fashioned, but in fact, they have all experienced many storms since the Han and Wei Dynasties.

Just after reading Wang Hun's secret report, Wang Jun's secret report also came, saying that Wang Hun might take in Wang Chen, and he was still unclear with the Shandong soldiers, reminding the court to take precautions.

But in the context of today, Wang Jun's deeds are too eye-catching.

And even if Cao Mao rushed in front of Sima Zhao, it was impossible to kill Sima Zhao.

The three looked at Yang Zheng cautiously, and Yang Zheng also looked at them.

Struggles are always complicated, and compromises are possible, but they must be compromised by the gentry.

Yang Zheng and Wei Guan exchanged glances, they came really fast.

Wang Jun's ancestors were rich, but in his generation, he has long since become a poor family.

Jia Chong's head had just been delivered, and Wang Ye's three clans and other Sima family collateral clans were also sent to Yecheng one after another.

The most powerful lie, six points are true, three points are false, and the remaining one point is left blank for people to imagine.

In troubled times, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Taiyuan Wang's influence is far-reaching, and it is closely related to Langya Wang's and Donghai Wang's.

"It's rare for you to think for me, but there are five or six thousand people in the harem of Yecheng, and I have selected 500 people of good looks to fill the harem, so I don't need to bother you!" Yang Zheng smiled very kindly.

Wang Hun is arrogant and arrogant, it is normal to look down on Wang Jun.

Regardless of Wang Xiang's age, his energy is not small. Over the past few decades, the Langya Wang Clan has become famous all over the world, and it is in his hands that the Langya Wang Clan has flourished.

"Interesting!" Suddenly, Yang Zheng was looking forward to it.


And Sima Yi's deeds prove that the more old-fashioned and sick a person is, the more dangerous he is.

Wei Guan asked a question, "Then, will Your Majesty get rid of this person?"

Yang Zheng sneered and said, "Who else can hide him? It's not Wang Hun, it's Wang Xiang!"

Of course there is.

Yang Zheng smiled wryly to himself.

There was another bloodshed in Yecheng.

Needless to say, these show girls must all come from several of their families.

Yang Zheng laughed, "Although I am a wise king, the world needs your help to rule the world!"

They have something to say, and so do they.

In fact, this battle depends on how the situation of Wang Hun and Wang Jun in Yanzhou develops.

Everyone is tacit.

(End of this chapter)

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