
Chapter 818 Chaos

Chapter 818 Chaos
"Is there no news from the imperial court?" Wang Jun asked a little anxiously.

Master Book Li Yi: "There is no news at present. Wang Hun first sent a secret memorial to Yecheng. In my opinion, I am afraid that the thing that was played must be Minggong. If your majesty is deceived by him, something bad will happen!"

The whole of Yanzhou was under Wang Jun's control, and Wang Hun's secret letter naturally couldn't escape his eyes.

"Duke Ming shouldn't have released this secret performance in the first place." Li Yi said regretfully.

Wang Jun shook his head, "I am a general who surrendered, but His Majesty dares to entrust you with a heavy responsibility. How can you care about mere slander?"

In fact, even if Wang Jun wanted to separate Qingyan, his soldiers would not agree.

A large number of Xuan Yilangs were mixed in it, and the soldiers were also beneficiaries of the equal land system.

Every move of this army is under the eyes of the emperor.

Wang Jun is not so stupid.

What's more, what can we do if Qingyan is separated?
The Great Qin destroyed the Jin Dynasty, Emperor Yang Zheng's martial arts reached its peak, who else in the world would dare to challenge him in terms of force?As soon as the Daqin cavalry arrived, they were wiped out.

Since the Han and Wei dynasties, it was the gentry who really determined the destiny of the country.

The chief bookkeeper Li Yi was still in the fog, "What did Ming Gong think of?"

First, the Qin army fought fiercely for more than half a year, and the veterans were exhausted, and they had already returned to Guanzhong one after another. The next time they assembled, they would send troops across four or five thousand miles to Qingzhou. They had enough time to prepare.

When the two were under Zhong Hui, they disliked each other.

"Does a Wang Hun have the guts to take in the imperial court's criminals?"

After the two voted for Qin, they were highly valued, so they were naturally willing to join Qin.

To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of profit.

After finally seeing the dawn of peace in the world, I didn't expect it to be chaotic again.

The original plan was to quickly return to the army, first take down Qingzhou, then unite with the powerful Xuzhou gentry, and then collude with Soochow to get their support.

Once Shandong is in chaos, Xuzhou and Yuzhou will also follow. Wu Guo will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

Brightness flashed across Wang Jun's eyes.

The plan has a good chance of success.


Wang Hun frowned, "Brother doesn't know something, the bones of the Yang family and Zhuge family are weak, and most of the clan moved into Guanzhong..."

The idea was too shocking.

But for a person who has passed the age of knowing destiny, it is far from enough.

"Could it be Taiyuan Wang?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

In the past, Sima Zhao treated him well and promoted him from Hedong to be the prefect of Hongnong to guard Tongguan.

Yang Zheng recruited a group and suppressed a group, which greatly weakened the overall strength of the nobles.

And now, an opportunity is at hand...

If this is the case, wouldn't the Zhongzheng officials in each county be emptied?

Jibei Country, Lu County.

The emperor did not recognize the powerful status of the gentry like the Sima family, which made them feel a deep crisis.

Taiyuan Wang, Donghai Wang, Langya Wang...

The emperor did not give political benefits to the gentry tyrants, nor did he recognize the local interests of the gentry tyrants.

The tyrants of the gentry also lost their greatest interests.

"Brother, worry too much, so what can I do with a mere Wang Jun?" Wang Hun had always looked down on Wang Jun, who came from a poor family. This time he was forced by the situation to surrender to him, which already made him feel humiliated!
The Han and Wei dynasties emphasized family status, and in the era of the Sima family, the concept of family status was pushed to its peak.

Among them, the Wang family of Donghai was also related to Sima Zhao by marriage.

He, Wang Hun, is the son of Wang Chang, who was born in the Wang family in Taiyuan, and he actually surrendered to a poor family...

"Zhuge Xu and Yang Hu are both disciples!" After thinking for a while, Wang Chen knew who was behind the scenes.

Of course, Li Yi believes that the final victory must be Great Qin, but the Central Plains does not know how many bones will be added, how many blood and tears will be shed...

Especially in Daqin, young generals abound.

A spark suddenly flashed in Wang Jun's mind, "Understood."

The reason why they dare not touch Wang Hun is because they are afraid of the power of the gentry behind Wang Hun.

"Hey, if this is the case, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos again." Li Yi was worried.

In this battle, the two fought evenly. Although they surrendered, Wang Hun didn't think he had lost.

Wang Hun felt that the demands of the gentry were not too much. Things like land and population were already under control. Could it be possible to spit them out for nothing?

In history, he was also listed among the martial arts temples.

Wang Chen stared at Wang Hun for a while. Once a person gets into the horns, it is not so easy to pull them out. Wang Chen stopped persuading him and changed the subject, "If you want to force the emperor to bow his head, you must mobilize all the gentry. The Wang family can’t do it yet, they have to win over the Yang family, the Zhuge family, and the Boling Cui family, and also unite with Jiangdong to make efforts in Yuzhou, when the world will be in turmoil, the emperor may temporarily compromise in order to quell the chaos.”

Only when the nobles succeed, can he have a chance.

But what he was waiting for was not the imperial edict, but Wang Xiang and others.

Emperor Guangwu took advantage of Hebei's power to win the world in one fell swoop. Wei Wu himself came from a noble family, and the Sima family was also elected by the noble family.

Wang Jun said with a smile: "What is the Great Qin? The carriages are the same, the books are the same, and the counties and counties are abolished. Today, His Majesty is more powerful than Qin Shihuang. How can he allow the nobles to continue to dominate?"

"Does Your Majesty want to move the Kanto gentry?"

"Wang Jun is resourceful and good at fighting, Xuan Chong must not be careless!" Wang Chen reminded.

Wang Hun was also waiting for news from Yecheng.

Wang Hun's eyes flashed, and bursts of murderous aura floated up, "Brother seems to have forgotten that there is still a dog like Wang Jun watching us. If we don't get rid of this person, I'm afraid our rebellion will be disturbed!"

However, in the current situation, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.

"Since you can't be persuaded, let's start an incident. It's not too late. Qin's army returned to Guanzhong in large numbers, which is the time when the control over the Central Plains is weakest." Wang Chen said lightly.

"You are wrong. Your Majesty did not start this cold war, but the tyrants of the gentry are challenging Daqin. Do you think your Majesty can retreat?" In an instant, Wang Jun had already connected the front and back, and keenly grasped the situation. to the emperor's mind.

"What does Xuan Chong intend to do?" Wang Chen frowned, as if this cousin had gone mad.

The emperor must be taught a profound lesson and let him know the power of the gentry!

This is a huge game about the fate of the gentry.

Although Wang Jun is the governor of one party, his power is based on the emperor's favor, and his achievements are not enough. There are many criticisms against him in the Qin army.

Wang Jun is both civil and military, and he was born as a scholar. After fifty years of ups and downs in the officialdom, he is no longer an ordinary general.

"So, this time is an opportunity for Duke Ming?" Li Yi also understood.

Second, Lu Qin, who used to be in Huaisi, was transferred back to Yecheng. I heard that the person who took over was a close minister named Pang Qing. when.

"Of course Wang Jun must be destroyed first!" Wang Hun said in a deep voice.

Wang Chen sighed in his heart, his cousin is good at everything, both civil and military, and has a high family status, but because of this, he is arrogant, stubborn, and knows that he will not return, so he can only come by himself, "It's better to divide the soldiers into two groups , Xuanchong led his elite to attack Dongping, and a certain one led the trilogy of the Three Kings to capture Qingzhou."


(End of this chapter)

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