
Chapter 820 Raid

Chapter 820 Raid
A ten thousand infantry marched towards Dongping in the dark.

Every soldier wears armor inside and grass clothes outside, looking from a distance, it looks like an army of beggars.

However, every soldier is tall and strong, with powerful steps and piercing eyes, and he looks like an elite in all battles.

These people are the essence of Wang Chang's decades of military service.

Wang Hun did not forget Wang Chen's advice, this battle was not to overthrow the Great Qin, and the Wang family did not have that strength, it was just to force the emperor to bow his head and recognize the power of the gentry!
That's why Wang Hun made his elite look like grass bandits.

One is to cover people's eyes and ears, and the other is to paralyze Wang Jun and catch him by surprise.

Although the Central Plains belonged to the Qin Dynasty, there were many turbulent forces in various places. There were many bandits on the ground in Shandong.

Dongping is located on the border of Shandong, and there are many Wang family's eyes and ears and detailed work.

It had already been prepared before raising the troops, and there would be someone in the city to respond.

Therefore, Wang Hun's task was very simple. He sneaked into the city at night, cut off Wang Jun's head, pretended that the city mobs were rioting, and then left the city, pretending that nothing happened.

It is basically in the hands of local powerful factions. Many county magistrates and prefects are actually their own family members, and they have already greeted them in advance.

The soldiers ambushing on the city looked at each other in blank dismay, they did not make the slightest movement, fighting and patrolling as usual.

Is there any secret work that hasn't been cleared up?

"The people of Qin want to slaughter the people of Shandong..."

"General, there's no murderous intent, it's just Night Breeze! General... why don't you wait outside the city for a while, and your subordinates go in first?"

But anything can happen on the battlefield, and this kind of thing is not too strange.

"Do you feel murderous?"

The gate of the Wengcheng opened slowly, and under the darkness of night, the opened Wengcheng seemed like a huge mouth, waiting for the prey to enter.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Hun slowly drew out his sword and took a deep breath, "Send the order to the whole army..."

"The enemy is retreating, and our army can take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill!" Li Yi said.

"Brothers are of one heart, and their profits can cut through gold. If you and I join forces, our chances of winning will increase by [-]%!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dog barked from inside.

Although the soldiers under Wang Jun's command were once also the Jin army, they seemed to have been reborn since they gathered under that big banner. Wang Hun said that he looked down on Wang Jun, but in fact he was deeply jealous of him.

The bigger doubt lies in how Wang Hun saw that there was an ambush in the city.

The soldiers all looked at Wang Hun.

Wang Hun's army marched very smoothly, and he approached the city without encountering any resistance along the way.

Wang Hun had already made up his mind, if things didn't go well, he would escape into Mount Tai and become a bandit again.

The current situation is quite similar to that of Wei Wu back then.

He glanced at the left and right soldiers, and the eyes of the soldiers became excited, and when they entered the city, they would have everything.

Wang Hun stared at the dark Urn City, and then at the "Qin" banner flying above the city, feeling more and more chill in his heart.

If it wasn't for jealousy, how could it be so resentful?

"Xuan Chong has experienced hundreds of battles, he can predict the ambush in the city, he is indeed a general!" Wang Chen praised Wang Hun who was chasing him.

The world shook again.

When Wei Wu defeated Lu Bu, Zang Ba, Chang Xi and other bandits from Mount Tai separatist, Wei Wu had to compromise, and Zang Ba and Chang Xi were in a semi-independent state.

Before raising troops, he was fearless, but when he actually faced these two words, Wang Hun felt trembling in his heart.

Qingzhou is remote, and the power of the imperial court has not yet penetrated.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

Wang Chen also took this path when he attacked Qingzhou.

The surrounding soldiers all whispered.

"Squeak, squeak..."

"There is fraud in the city, retreat immediately, and those who disobey the order will be killed!" Wang Hun waved the long sword in his hand.

The nobles in Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Hebei were ready to move, and rumors arose everywhere, "The Great Qin lost its virtue, and the world was restless..."

If there is a trap inside, can I still come out?
He is not afraid of Wang Jun, but Da Qin!
Cold sweat dripped down his face.

Anyway, the folk customs in Qingyan have been violent since ancient times. During the time of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, there were frequent disturbances. It is recorded in the history books: Taishan bandits and Langya bandits were also repeatedly prohibited and could not be stopped.

With the help of the firelight on the city wall, Wang Hun couldn't help but tremble when he saw the word "Qin" on the flag.

Old Wang Hun blushed. Only he knew the real situation, but people always have to find an excuse for themselves, "I have fought Wang Jun for a long time, and I know his cunning. Our army is approaching the city. There must be no vigilance in the city. ambush!"

"Haha, what brother said is true!"

He was afraid.

In fact, every move under the city is under the watchful eyes of Wang Jun, "Huh? Did it get discovered?"

Within dozens of days, Qijun, Beihai, Le'an, Donglai, and Dongmou were successively captured by the so-called "rogue bandits".

The risk is too great. Once it fails, it will be a major blow to the Wang family.

On the other hand, Qingzhou's progress is quite smooth.

The officials sent by Daqin either fled back or were killed.

Diao Dou knocked on the city wall...

Several banners on the city fluttered in the wild wind in early summer.

Wang Chen originally disagreed with him attacking Wang Jun.

Before leaving, Wang Hun took a deep look at the big banner with the word "Qin" on the top of the city.

He didn't have any fear of this great flag. For him, if he didn't succeed in this matter, he would be annihilated.

With the support of the Shandong gentry, life will not be difficult.

After all, it was the elite trilogy left by Wang Chang, and the crowd bowed affectionately and retreated slowly in the night.

At this moment, Wang Hun suddenly hesitated.

Although the Qin army destroyed the Jin Dynasty, but its strength is weak, if it doesn't rise to make trouble now, should we wait for the Qin army to sharpen the knife and let it be slaughtered?
There are no fools these days, and the gentry tyrants know what the emperor wants to do.

For the sake of reality, Wang Jun even got two dogs and kept barking...

"Retreat immediately!" These four words came out of Wang Hun's mouth, causing the surrounding soldiers to almost fall to the ground.

Wang Jun didn't want to take this risk, "No, Wang Hun must have the elite in his hands. It's hard to break the enemy if you don't distinguish between the enemy and yourself in the dark. Let's wait and see what happens!"

"Don't you think it's too quiet?"

Wang Jun tortured and interrogated him overnight, but got nothing.

In today's world, no one will face this word calmly. Behind it is the illustrious military exploits. It is invincible and invincible.

As soon as Wang Shen led the troops, the gate of the city was opened, and the banner with the word "Qin" on the city was chopped down.

In fact, there is nothing embarrassing about this. The Qin army has ruled the world for so many years without a single defeat.

The imperial court is very difficult to destroy.

Seeing the ducks in their hands fly away, the generals were also very sad.

"The last general is willing to be a striker!"

"General, what are you waiting for?" the general asked doubtfully.

"General, general..." He took off his trousers, but they want to retract them again?

All kinds of rumors arose one after another.

Many people who don't know what's going on are also being held hostage.

"Then it's up to the emperor how to deal with it now!" Everything went as expected, and Wang Chen was satisfied.

As long as the momentum is raised, it will form a momentum, and invisibly, someone will push this momentum forward.

(End of this chapter)

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