
Chapter 821 Feast

Chapter 821 Feast
After returning to Jiangxia, Zhong Hui has been keeping an eye on the situation in the north.

Of course, he is also one of the people who secretly contributed to the flames.

The rebellion in Henan and Yanzhou could not be separated from his support. Zhong Hui even tried to make Nanyang, Hongnong, and Hanoi riot at one point, but the gentry tyrants in these three counties have long been beaten to the ground. No matter how big the rumors are, it's useless.

"The Qin army is returning to Guanzhong one after another. It seems that Shandong is bound to be in chaos!" Jiang Bin said excitedly.

In the battle of Xuchang, Du Yu went as far as he ordered, and there was no hand-to-hand combat, so he didn't tear his face.

But everyone knows that Qin's next target must be Jiangdong.

Zhong Hui's Northern Expedition was quite rewarding, he won most of Yuzhou and regained Xuchang. More importantly, Zhong Hui won the support of the Yingchuan gentry, so he would no longer be alone in Jiangdong in the future.

"Do you think Yang Xingyun can be overthrown just by relying on the Wang family?" Zhong Hui asked back.

On the surface, it seemed that the three kings were making a fuss, but Qin Guo hadn't made a move yet.

"Of course not." Jiang Bin had to admit the strength of the Qin State, unless all the powerful gentry united, this would be possible.

It's a pity that it is not he who is in power, but Zhong Hui.

The Lu clan of Fanyang, the Zu clan of Fanyang (Zuti family), the Tian clan of Yuyang, the Liu clan of Zhongshan, the Li clan of Zhaojun, the Pan clan of Zhongmou, the Cui clan of Qinghe, etc. all sent people here.

Like wolves smelling fishy, ​​the gentry tyrants looked at Yang Zheng with twinkling eyes.

Zhong Hui took two steps, "This time there is a lot of chaos, the powerful gentry are connected to Wubao, and there are Wang Chen, Wang Hun and others. It is difficult for the Qin army to calm down in the short term. If it can be dragged on for a year or two, Qin will be exhausted. Maybe We still have a slight chance. Besides, there is great chaos in the north, and the soldiers and people go south, so we can take the opportunity to recruit a northern army."

The entire north of the Yinshan Mountains, Goguryeo, Dongwoju, Buyeo, Yeji, Sanhan, etc. in Liaodong are covered. The mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and snowfields are all clearly visible.

"My subordinates understand." Jiang Bin cupped his hands with a look of admiration on his face, but he sighed in his heart. When this northern army was established and formed a fighting force, I am afraid that Yang Zheng's army of millions to defeat Wu would be ready.

Almost all the tyrants of the Hebei gentry received invitations from Emperor Yang Zheng of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Half of Wu's military power is in the hands of Zhong Hui, and the other half is shared by the Lu family and Hao Qiang.

But what if you are not satisfied?

Looking at the light gray of Zhong Hui's temples, Jiang Bin can only admire in his heart. How many people in the world can not forget their original aspirations?

Zhong Hui felt that the Northern Expedition was not in their bones.

"I have prepared a feast for you all!" Yang Zheng smiled and clapped his hands, "Bring it up!"

I thought that everyone would be excited, but I didn't expect that everyone would be silent.

Decades later in the Five Hurons, some of these gentry tyrants played an active role in resisting foreigners.

Such a large sand table immediately aroused the exclamation of everyone.

"Prime Minister is wise!" For so many years, Jiang Bin has also been soaked in the warmth of Jiangnan. He no longer has the fighting spirit as before, and he doesn't want to toss anymore. In fact, staying in Jiangdong is not bad, with beautiful mountains and rivers and abundant products...

There is only one Lu Kang, and it is still a hurdle that Zhong Hui can't get over.

Only the northerners are willing to fight bravely to return to their homeland.

During this Northern Expedition, Zhong Hui had to guard against someone stabbing him in the back.

"Should we just do nothing and watch Qin eat up the Central Plains?" Jiang Bin was not reconciled.

The only thing that can impress people is profit!

There are a thousand Danyang soldiers under Shen Ying's command, but their combat power is not outstanding.

But it's different now, Zhong Hui has gathered many elites of the Yingchuan gentry...

Jiangdong lacks high-quality soldiers. The Danyang soldiers who were famous all over the world in the past experienced years of wars in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, and their strength was exhausted.

The people of Wu didn't want the Northern Expedition at all, nor were they used to the bitter cold in the north...

During the six or seven days, wealthy families from all over Hebei came to Yecheng one after another.

Only benefits can make them and Daqin one mind.

In fact, the Battle of Xuchang also exposed another major problem.

"The Book of Songs says: Under the Putian, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land, is it the subject of the king! King Wu defeated Zhou and divided the world. It has been 300 years since the Great Qin Dynasty started in the west, and came out of the same dynasty as the Zhou family. We must inherit the virtues of our ancestors!" Yang Zheng walked to the sand table and made a brief opening remark.

The reality is so cruel, even though Zhong Hui is full of ambitions, he has to compromise.

In the past, due to insufficient strength, he could only compromise with the Lu family.

Only by re-recruiting northerners and supplementing them can Zhong Hui have the strength of the Northern Expedition.

Moreover, last year's severe cold, unprecedented in ten years, was also the objective reason for the failure of Zhong Hui's ambition.

Zhong Hui's eyes suddenly sharpened. Since ancient times, one must first settle down when fighting against the outside world.

The essence of politics is not only compromise, but also exchange.

But from ancient times to the present, the gentry tyrants have not been monolithic.

So I had to take the emperor with me and stay in Dongguan, and let Zhong Yi, Zhou Chu and other generals sit in charge of Jianye, and did not do their best.

At the beginning, the tens of thousands of elites who followed Zhong Hui to fight in the east, west, north, and south, now the old and injured are not replenished, and their combat power is also declining rapidly.


But Zhong Hui is not Yang Zheng, what he sees and thinks is different, and the situation he faces is also different.

Yang Zheng pointed at the huge Liaodong with a dagger in his hand, "This land was originally Han land. Sima Yi slaughtered it recklessly, and the seven-year-old boy was not spared, so he made this hometown fall into the dust! I intend to recover it, and I wonder if you can help it." Zhen? On the day the matter is accomplished, we will reward him with the feudal land and all the frontiers, and we will set up a county in Liaodong, and you can inherit hereditary succession, and you will be the prefect forever, and will always guard Situ for our Great Qin!"

Dozens of soldiers came in carrying two huge sand tables, combined them together, and placed them in the hall.

Yang Zheng felt that as long as he was willing to come, he could be wooed.

"So Jiangdong must spare no effort to support the tyrants of the Central Plains gentry, let them hold on and drag on!" Zhong Hui said lightly.

Raise troops to the north again?Wu Jun was more exhausted and war-weary than Qin Jun, so he forced his way northward, fearing that Zhong Hui would be the first to collapse.

"Yang Xingyun just took advantage of Wang Shen's affairs to uproot the Kanto tycoons who disobeyed him! Such courage and skill!" Zhong Hui had a look of admiration on his face. If he did this in Jiangdong, perhaps this Northern Expedition It will be another scene.

If there were no such powerful gentry in Hebei, the cattle and sheep of the Xianbei and Wuhuan people would be everywhere.

Feeling overwhelmed in my heart, I couldn't help but say something more, "With Jiang Ling around, I'm afraid the Prime Minister will not be able to succeed..."

Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to vermilion are red. For so many years, the combat power of Danyang soldiers is also on par with Wu Jun.

Yang Zheng warmly entertained them.

But their eager eyes revealed their inner thoughts.

This is tantamount to closing down the country.

A hereditary replacement is enough to tempt them.

But none of the people who can gather here today is an idiot, and it is impossible for Yang Zheng to go to the more bitter and cold Liaodong because of Yang Zheng's few words.

(End of this chapter)

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