
Chapter 823

In fact, partitioning is also beneficial.

During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the territory of China was only on the two sides of the Yellow River. When the emperor of Zhou divided the territory, the territory suddenly expanded.

Sealed and sealed, some lands that were not in China were sealed in.

How many Yi countries did Qin destroy in the west?
The State of Zhao defeated the Xiongnu and opened up Daidi.

Even the country of Yan captured the huge land of Liaodong.

If the enfeoffment is well controlled, it can also expand the territory.

The current situation is the same. Relying on a knife to solve the tyrants of the gentry is too expensive, which is not conducive to domestic recuperation.

Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to go out and fight the world together?Why bother to roll around in the Mainland?

As long as China in this era is integrated, it will simply reduce the dimensionality of the surrounding alien races, but it is not difficult to defeat it, the difficulty is how to defend it.

The gentry tyrants have exactly this ability.

Wang Chen looked at him strangely.

"Ninety-nine are inseparable from ten!" Both of them suffered from Zhong Hui's tricks, and they still remember Zhong Hui's methods.

There are a large number of Lu family and Cui family in Bangzi country, and they are still of high caste...

Wang Hun also had to accept the reality, "So, Zhong Hui will support us just to let us hold back the emperor?"

As for dispatching troops, none...

"Do you think Zhong will strike so easily? Do you think Jiang Dong will turn against the Qin thief at this time?" Wang Chen asked rhetorically one after another.

The Taishan Yang clan and the Langya Zhuge clan took the lead in compromising with Daqin.

But for Wang Chen, the worse news is yet to come. Under Lu Ting's lobbying, the tyrants in Qingzhou turned their backs one after another, quit the turmoil, and wrote a letter to Yecheng, blaming the three kings for all their faults.

Even if there are still some left in the local area, the strength is greatly weakened, and it is much easier to clean up.

Of course, what is signed now is only a "Letter of Intent for Cooperation". Da Qin sent troops to Liaodong, and it will take at least two or three years to cultivate, after the hearts of the whole Hebei are stabilized.

However, this also gave the nobles time to prepare.

"It's not Huaisi, but Wang Jun of Yanzhou!"

Wang Chen's face was gloomy, "What does Xuan Chong want to do?"

Historically, the Lu family and the Cui family actually migrated to the south of Liaodong one after another.

The west of Qingzhou was blocked by Wang Jun, and the south was strangled to death by Lu Qin. As for the north, Wang Chen didn't even dare to think about it. Tens of thousands of cavalry in Yecheng were ready to fight, and tens of thousands of mobs went north to enter the plains to seek death.

"Oh? Brother, didn't you say that you can't go south to attack Huaisi?"

Wang Chen asked for help from the state of Wu. As long as the Wu army captured Shouchun, he would lead Qingzhou to surrender to Soochow. However, Jiangdong only sent weapons and armor by sea.

Yang Zheng secretly laughed in his heart, he was not so easy to talk to just now.

But these people are open-minded.

"Wang Jun? Yanzhou is too close to Yecheng, and the emperor's cavalry can go south in a few days..." Wang Hun frowned. Sometimes people are so strange. Wang Hun originally hated Wang Jun very much, but since the last sneak attack After the failure, he was inexplicably afraid of him.

It would be fine if Qingzhou was completely under control, and the key tyrants were not of one mind.

Lu Teng said awe-inspiringly: "Unification of the world and stability in all directions are the blessings of all people. How can we scholars stay out of it?"

Wang Hun stared at the beautiful map hanging on the wall. How did Qingzhou look like? It was a land of jeopardy, blocked to the west and south, with iron cavalry to the north, and the sea to the east...

"Then Xuanchong thinks that I'm just waiting to die in Qingzhou?" Wang Chen said angrily.

"For the current plan, only a big victory can make another momentum!" Wang Chen's eyes were shining brightly. Everyone can give up and compromise, but he can't.

"The gentry's nobles and right-hand rats are not enough to rely on." Wang Hun said something that even he himself found ironic.

The same is true of Wu Guo.

The reality is so funny.

Shouchun's defense has been strengthened unprecedentedly, and Wu Jun's several small temptations have returned without success.


Now that the interests are tied together, the relationship is really different...

The chaos was still going on, but when Wang Shen was embarrassed, the emperor didn't make any movement, neither sent troops to crusade, nor issued an edict for peace talks, just left it alone.

Hebei gentry tyrants can not only distribute their land outside, but also the talents among their children can enter the court as officials. Those who don’t want to go to Liaodong can move to Guanzhong and stay under their noses. Yang Zheng will still allocate land for them, but not as many as in the local area. .

At that time, Lu Zhi studied under Chen Qiu and Ma Rong, and was the same senior brother of Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning, and Hua Xin, and his seniority was higher than that of Zheng Xuan.

This person had been in charge of Huaibei for many years, and the scholars and people returned to their hearts. After taking office, after a while of interviews, the tyrants immediately stopped their flags and drums, and a "Qin" flag was hung on the Wubao.

Gradually, the small and medium-sized tyrants lost their interest in fighting. The prefecture city Chiwubao was already in their hands, so they couldn't chop themselves a few times to attract the emperor's attention, right?

The Wang-Shen brothers have fallen into political isolation.

"Zhong Hui proposed 20 people to go north, but stopped in Xuchang, how can we count on them?" Wang Chenyue said more and more angrily, "Jiangdong is all rats!"

After fooling them out, Yang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

With a common direction of interests, the relationship between Hebei gentry tyrants and Daqin became closer.

The Cao family relied on the gentry, so it was inevitable to be abandoned, and the Sima family relied on the gentry, so they were also abandoned.

But after a careful taste, there is no way to refute.

This was a deal in the first place. Why stay in Hebei and be remembered by others if you can be the emperor outside?
According to Yang Zheng's prediction, within ten years, these gentry tyrants would be divided.

A word from the Lu family in the Central Plains is more effective than the emperor Yang Zheng.

As soon as the emperor made a move, the momentum built up collapsed...

As soon as Lu Qin entered Xuzhou, the effect was immediate.

The Boling Cui clan who was sitting on the fence did not join forces as promised...

A slap can't be heard, the scene is so deserted, the gentry tyrants are getting more and more uneasy, the most intimidating moment of the sword is not the moment when it is pulled out, but it is hidden in the sheath!

"In this way, there will be Lao Zihu." Yang Zheng also took the opportunity to draw closer, and affectionately called Lu Ting by his nickname.

Only now did they realize that they had overestimated the gentry.

Wang Hun said: "Stay in Qingzhou and be besieged on all sides, so we can only go south and join the Wu army to attack Huaisi!"

"The Wang family is nothing more than a clown. The little people can still speak among the gentry, and they are willing to lobby the Shandong gentry for the Great Qin!" Lu Ting clasped his hands.

Now they have the same fate.

One Lu Qin to the south and one Lu Ting to the north will stabilize the situation.


"The situation is very unfavorable, you can't just sit and wait!" Wang Hun smelled the dangerous aura coming towards him.

Wang Hun stared at the map, he didn't want to go to Yanzhou, taking Yanzhou would be dead, Wang Chen's strategy was acceptable, but his military ability was a bit lacking, Yanzhou was also surrounded on all sides.

"The only way to survive - cross the sea and vote for Wu!"

This is tantamount to giving up Qingzhou.

"The three elders of Yecheng..." Sweat welled up on Wang Chen's forehead.

"They are already old and can't see the situation clearly. If they hadn't been secretly instigating, how could the Wang family have suffered today's disaster? It is very likely that the emperor is accused of being an elder brother and wants to uproot my Wang family! Walking at this time can preserve the bloodline , if you don't leave, I'm afraid that the three clans will be exterminated like Sima and Jia!"

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