
Chapter 824

Brothers Wang Chen and Wang Hun were not the most anxious, but the three in Yecheng.

The calmer the emperor was, the less they could find any weaknesses.

In the bright and clean attic, Wang Xiang, Xun Yi, and Zheng Chong sat in separate seats.

"The emperor doesn't move, and neither can we." Although Zheng Chong is a member of the Zheng family in Xingyang, he came from a humble background. It was not until he was promoted by Cao Pi that he gradually showed his extraordinary talents.

"The situation is unclear now, it's better to be still than to move!" Xun Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In the early summer weather, in order to guard against the all-pervasive Jin Yiwei, all the doors and windows of the attic were closed, and there was not a single servant to order.

It was only in this dark place that the three of them lost the usual kindness on their faces.

"The emperor first wins over the Lu family and stabilizes Hebei. This turmoil is destined to lose momentum. I'm afraid that my two juniors are not rivals. Failure will happen sooner or later." Wang Xiang said with a frown.

"If we fail this time, I'm afraid that the power of Zhongzheng will be removed from our hands... Without the power of Zhongzheng, what kind of nobles are we!" Xun Wei said impatiently.

Wang Chen is not important, and the turmoil in Qingzhou is just an appearance.

Xun Wei also understood, who can read these days?

"The emperor can suppress us for a lifetime, can he suppress us forever? In the past, Emperor Xiaowu moved to the world to fill the customs, so what? Since the emperor wants to follow the example of Emperor Xiaowu, we might as well cooperate to preserve our strength and don't have to fight for a while. Long or short, the focus is not on the emperor, but on..."

Xun Wei and Zheng Chong listened attentively.

Moreover, the three of them are all at this age, and if they want to fight against themselves, they must have put life and death aside.

It's just convenient for some poor families. The real common people have this spare time, why not hurry up and communicate with their daughter-in-law in depth on the bed, and have a few more cubs...

As people get older, their eyesight becomes more profound.

The real common people can't even eat enough, so how can they have the leisure and elegance to study?

"You are wrong!" Wang Xiang stood up, the look in his eyes was not like that of an old man in his 80s.

This cold war is fighting for the future of the gentry.

Kill them, I'm afraid the world will look sideways, and the people will turn to sympathize with the gentry and powerful.

"It's just the emperor's whim." Xun Wei snorted coldly.

In recent years, the emperor has opened up libraries, but the effect is not obvious.

The old laughter of the three people sounded at the same time, which disturbed the magpies on the branches, and also the man in black hiding among the branches...

Wang Xiang lay reclined on the table, "Confronting the emperor with force is the next policy. The emperor got up from the west and got the habit of Qianghu. His nature is like a tiger and wolf. You can't confront him head-on. That will only arouse the tiger and wolf. fierceness."

Having tasted the sweetness given by the Sima family, how can they feel at ease if they spit it out?
"It's a pity that the Sima family can't be supported. If Sima Yan had three points of Sima Zhongda's ability, the world would not be reduced to this!" Zheng Chong sighed.

As soon as the novelty wears off, the library will soon be deserted.

Yang Zheng shook his head, "It's just a trick."

People in the world often say that Sima Yi lives a long life. Compared with the three people here, Sima Yi is much worse.

"I don't understand, since there are evidences against Wang Xiang, Xun Yi and others, why don't they catch them all and make an example?" Zhao Ah Qi cupped his hands.

"I feel that our initial strategy was wrong." Wang Xiang said lightly.

Although the power of imperial examinations was in the hands of the emperor, the right to study was in the hands of gentry tyrants.

From Sima Yi to Sima Shi, from Sima Shi to Sima Zhao, and then to Sima Yan, every time the Sima family took power, they had to compromise with the gentry, and the gentry became stronger and stronger.

Wang Xiang once gave lectures to Cao Mao. In his early years, he lay on the ice for his mother and begged for carp, and his filial piety became famous all over the world.

"What if the prince doesn't cooperate?" Zheng Chong said.

Yang Zheng said sternly: "The battle with the powerful gentry is by no means a day, a month, or a year. It will take several generations of work, so don't rush for success! How do you fight them with your current mentality? Kill them, and the tyrants will be defeated." Will you surrender? It will only renounce the Hebei gentry who just compromised with us. If you want to stay in a big country and cook small fish, you need heat. As the commander of the Zhenfu Division, you must not be impatient."

The three people here are all the Taishan Beidou in Confucianism.

At his age, he doesn't need money, power, or life. The continuation of family power is more important than life.


"Oh?" The other two looked at him with burning eyes.

"Yes, I'll be flexible!"

In other words, Confucianism is in their hands, and they are the rule makers!
Wang Xiang said with a smile: "That's right, although the emperor opened up some more subjects such as physical examination, medical skills, and arithmetic, but the essence is still based on Confucianism!"

Wang Xiang's eyes flashed brightly, "Then the prince's prince! Didn't Wei Wu also suppress the gentry back then? So what? The ninth-rank official law came from his son!"

The Great Qin Emperor has not expressed his position until now.

Unfortunately, the good times are over.

The three of them are all great Confucian scholars of a generation, they have always been popular, and they are very old.

"Then the gentry will decline from now on!" Xun Yi sighed.

In fact, in their minds, the slaves in the fields are not important, the most important thing is the right of righteousness, with this, the gentry will be the gentry, forever above the common people, and stand against the emperor.

And fields and servants will follow.

In his early years, Zheng Chong, together with Cao Xi, Xun Yi, and He Yan, collected various annotations on the Analects of Confucius and re-edited them into "The Analects of Confucius", which has been handed down to the world.

"And the crown prince!" Xun Yi snapped.

On the one hand, they want to suppress the tyrants of the gentry, but they can't force them to jump over the wall. This secret fight will test Yang Zheng's level of intrigue even more than the bloody battlefield.

"Should we just let them stir up trouble? Today, the three of you are talking in secret, there must be conspiracy!" As the leader of Jin Yiwei, Zhao Aqi is not tactful at all, and after so many years, he is full of joy and anger.

Drawing a knife and splashing blood three feet is the lowest level of practice.

"Your servant, you are taught!" Zhao Aqi was startled, and his expression regained his composure.

"What is the imperial examination?" Wang Xiang asked back.

There was silence again in the attic, and the atmosphere became even more oppressive.

But Zheng Chong reacted, "The imperial examination candidates must be proficient in Confucianism. Who else in the world can compare with us?"

"How can we change it? Is it necessary to hand over the power of Zhongzheng? Without this, would the gentry still be the gentry?" Xun Yi's family is the biggest beneficiary of the Nine Rank Official Personnel Law.

No one would question the emperor's methods.

"Based on the current situation, can you wait for the emperor?" Wang Xiang asked, "Don't you two see that the emperor is using Wang Shen's affairs to wipe out the Shandong gentry?"

This cold war is bound to be a long-term process, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it, and even future generations cannot solve it.

Yang Zheng has self-knowledge.

Fortunately, I am a time traveler, and I can learn a lot from it.

The most ideal state is to put them in the cage of the system, discard the dross and extract the essence, and transform their mental outlook.

Let the powerful nobles and the common people of poor families have a place.

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