
Chapter 825

Chapter 825 Peace of Chaos ([-])

"The Qingzhou Rebellion should be over!" Wang Jun took a sip of tea, feeling that the tea was not cooked enough.

However, various news sent back by the detailed work showed that the brothers Wang Hun and Wang Chen might cross the sea and join Wu.

When they left, there was no need to sing this big show.

Wang Jun is an excellent hunter and knows when to make a move.

Bo Li Yi said: "Wang Chen is quite powerful in Qingzhou, why retreat at this time and waste all his previous efforts?"

"Because the Wang family has no chance in this rebellion. Sima Yan occupies the Central Plains and is not an enemy of the Great Qin. What about the Wang family's Qingzhou? As long as your majesty is not in a hurry, they must be the first to be anxious." Wang Jun put down his teacup, "Here's an order to use all the elites in the army to take back Qingzhou!"

"Wei!" Everyone in the hall stood up immediately and bowed their hands to Wang Jun.

In Dongping City, the fighting spirit was high.

After three drums, eight thousand elite steppers lined up neatly in the school field.

This rebellion by the Wang brothers was already unpopular.

Not only the wealth of the soldiers, but also his wealth in this battle.

Wang Chen glanced at everyone coldly, but it is good to have fighting spirit, at least dare to fight with a knife.

"That's right. The Qin army claimed to be invincible in all battles. Today, Wang Jun underestimated the enemy and rushed forward. God helped us!" Wang Hun was also inspired by his relatives, fantasizing about defeating Wang Jun, and then the gentry turned to them .

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Gaomi, Guanggu and Beihai fell one after another.

But the louder the movement, the more submissive the tyrants will be.

Pieces of armor shone brightly in Chu Xia's eyes.

With 5 to 8000 people in hand, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of Wang Jun's [-] people!
As long as the battle is won, not only will the immediate crisis be resolved, but the crisis of the gentry will enter a new situation.

The dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry, let alone Wang Hun?
Behind Donglai is Dongmou, and if he retreats, he will be driven into the sea.

The footsteps of the cavalry and the clanging of armor were neatly mixed together, advancing eastward.

Excellent equipment makes the soldiers ambitious.

Sima Yan's uncle Wang Kai said angrily: "If this battle is won, the Shandong gentry and Wu people will definitely respond! You must be the forward!"

The bursts of roars showed the soldiers' intentions.

Wang Chen made the final mobilization, "It's not that we want to cause chaos, but that the emperor doesn't give us a way out. The Wang family is the leader of the world's gentry. When we are in danger, we must stand up. If we win this battle, we will all fight against you." It's time to die!"

The fate of Taiyuan Wang, Donghai Wang, and Langya Wang is also in this battle.

When they found that Qin Jun was irresistible, they would take the initiative to choose a comfortable posture to cooperate...

When the rebel army saw Wang Jun's menacing approach, they dared not fight and retreated to Donglai.

"It's urgent, there is only one battle!" Wang Chen has been cornered.

Small and medium-sized tyrants are also unwilling to be buried with Wang's ambitions.

"Wang Jun's subordinates are nothing more than mobs, not the elite of the Qin army. Why should we fear the enemy like a tiger? We are both civil and military, so why should we be afraid of surrendering captives?" Wang Jing, the nephew of Wang Xiang's clan, roared.

The command flag was also flipped, and the drums of war were booming.

The infantry is wearing armor, carrying the latest equipment of the Qin army-spears, hanging knives around the waist, and bows and crossbows hanging on the back.

There are too many people and the momentum is too strong. It is not good to scare the Wang brothers away.

This time the elite soldiers were upright, Wang Jun set up gongs and drums in the army, and ordered the soldiers to beat the gongs and drums as soon as they entered the Qingzhou border, for fear that the tyrants in the Qingzhou border would not know that he was coming.

"Soldiers are precious and fast. The defeat of the Wang brothers was due to hesitation. They neither dared to attack from all sides, nor did they dare to offend the nobles of Qingzhou. As a result, we are in today's predicament. Do it!" Wang Jun said confidently on the horse.

"Okay, as expected of a son of a certain subordinate, let the thieves see what an elite is!" Wang Jun is handsome, elegant, and straightforward, so he is very popular with his subordinates, "A hundred thousand thieves are two rank fives. For your merits, all your wealth and honor will be fought here!"

So there are only two paths before them, either to be driven into the sea, or to fight with their backs.

"Let's go!" Wang Jun waved his big hand to the east.

"Wang Jun is a hateful thief!"

Momentum, confidence, fighting spirit!
Everyone was once an elite in the Jin army, everyone was a carefully selected warrior, and everyone had an incomparable desire for military exploits.

The army drove straight in without encountering any resistance.

There are tens of thousands of troops in the city, but Wang Jun only needs these 8000.

After entering the territory of Donglai, the number of people under Wang Jun's command has reached more than [-].

At the beginning, it was just a strong cooperation. Later, Qin Junqiu did not commit any crimes. The people of Qingzhou also ate pots of milk to welcome the king's army.

Originally, they thought that if the situation was wrong, they would rush into Mount Tai to become bandits, but Wang Jun seemed to know what they were thinking, and instead of going to Qijun in the north, he went to Gaomi in the south, which directly cut off the Wang brothers' thoughts.

Wang Jun threw the tyrants' Confederate Army behind.

The two men made eye contact, bursting out with murderous aura.

But the sea-going ships were not ready, only enough for three or 4000 people to evacuate. The key point was that Wu Jun lost the chain at this time.

In this battle, Wang Jun not only wants to defeat the three kings, but also wants to make his own reputation, so that he can advance to the next level!

Unexpectedly, people kept rewarding them with cattle and sheep.

The eyes of the soldiers became eager.

Only 8000 people were brought in after careful consideration. If there were too many people, it might scare the Wang brothers.

The cavalrymen on the horse were strong and burly, and the horses that had experienced a lot of fights appeared unusually calm.

Originally, he was living in Luoyang a life full of splendid clothes, fine food, fighting for wealth and showing off his nobility, but when the Qin army came out to the east, Luoyang fell, and Yecheng fell, everything about him was in vain. One can imagine the resentment.

The Qin army became more and more powerful, and the tyrants also cooperated more and more, asking for food for food, and for each song.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Wang Jun didn't even look at these cities, he went straight to Brother Wang Chen.

Each class has its own interests.

Ten thousand words of encouragement, none of which worked.

The world has been at war for many years, and people feel at ease.

The elite children of the Wang family were gathered together, all capable of literary and military skills, it is simply a wealth of talents.

More than 8000 weapons were raised to the sky, and the fighting spirit of the soldiers reached its peak.

Envy and jealousy appeared in the eyes of the surrounding soldiers who were not selected.

This is something I have never felt in the Jin army.

"The thieves' army is said to be one hundred thousand strong, do you dare to fight?" Wang Jun walked around the formation, trying to make his voice reach everyone's ears.

The surrounding generals admired for a while.

The morale of the rebels was so inspired.

The children of the Wang family, big and small, seemed to have been beaten to death, and returned to their respective songs, "It is not the Qin army that came, but Wang Jun's captives. Only 8000 mobs came to die. Don't be surprised!"

The trilogy were instantly full of enthusiasm, "We are afraid of the people of Qin, so are we still afraid that we will not be able to surrender?"

As long as it's not Qin Jun, it's easy to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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