
Chapter 826

Chapter 826 Calming the Chaos ([-])

After Emperor Qin unified China, he made three eastward tours, traveled around the world, built eight temples, and worshiped the eight masters of heaven, earth, soldiers, yin, yang, moon, sun, and four seasons.

Among them, there are three temples of the sun, the moon and the sun in Donglai.

The name Donglai was also derived from Qin Shihuang.

At the foot of Donglai Mountain, Wang's army formed a formation on Beishan Mountain.

In order to win a lottery, the army set up a banner with three characters of sun, moon and yang, which also represented the army of the three families.

The richest Wang Kai took out his family's money and silk, and made a forty-mile barrier on the battlefield, embroidered with cloud patterns such as birds, beasts, fish and insects, and then covered it with a red carpet, which instantly filled the style.

Wang Chen and Wang Hun sat in the large tent of the Chinese army, feeling that they were overbearing.

Ordinary soldiers were also amazed.

"A thief's head can be exchanged for ten coins! If you can behead a thief general, you will be rewarded with a hundred gold coins, and if you capture and kill the thief chief Wang Jun, you will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins!" Wang Kai shouted loudly as he rode on his green bull.

Needless to say, such a large formation made Qin Jun on the opposite side hesitate.

The name of this cow is Babailibo, and it has been fed with fine beans and eggs since childhood, and it eats better than humans.

The fighting spirit of the rebels came and went faster.

In an instant, the rebels retreated like a tide.

Step on the horse, straighten the spear, and lead the soldiers to rush forward.

The two of them can be regarded as people who have seen the big scene.

Originally, our own side was bluffed by the golden light on the opposite side, and we were at a disadvantage in terms of strength, but we didn't expect that the opposite side was so messy, and we were in chaos before we fought.

The momentum built up by money immediately fell into a disadvantage in the face of real swords and guns.

"Great opportunity!" Seeing the opportunity at the same time, Wang Chen and Wang Hun shouted, "The whole army is attacking!"

The soldiers in the front row are all from the Wang family of the East China Sea. They are covered with colorful Shu brocades, and even the long spears in their hands are covered with gold powder, which shines brightly in the summer.

Although Wang Kai's Qingniu is quite famous, but on the battlefield, it can only show off its wealth. It can't outrun the horse and is stabbed to death by the cavalry.

Wang Kai's gorgeous barriers did not stop Qin Jun's iron hooves.

On the battlefield, a 3000-man cavalry swept towards the rebel formation like whips.

"Wang... it's over..." Wang Chen actually made a lot of preparations.

The sound of spears and knives cutting brocades can be heard everywhere, "Kill—"

Tall and mighty, with strong explosive power, coupled with the brave Central Plains athlete, the murderous aura is overwhelming.

Money is the courage of a hero, but a poor man is determined and courageous.

Wang Chen pulled out the long sword from his waist, sighed, and pierced into his heart...

"Ho, ho, ho!" The frontmost soldiers of the Shu Brocade Jin Ge stepped forward and stepped on the red carpet.

This was supposed to be the commander's order, but Wang Kai stole the limelight, making the soldiers think that he was the commander.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and the fighting spirit of the Wang family's trilogy was raised again, and there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves on the battlefield, "Kill!"

"Why should enough be enough?" Wang Jun's eyes were sharper.

The soldiers came from humble backgrounds, and were taken aback by Wang Kai's noble aura.

Facing the cavalry, the infantry needs arrays and courage.

"The whole army goes out!" Wang Jun waved the command flag.

It wasn't that they were fighting against the enemy, but they were frightened by the momentum of the cavalry.

But it was just a face-to-face meeting, and it was ruined...

Qin Jun then concealed the killing.

He swung his long spear in his hand and stabbed to death the two fleeing village chiefs. Finally, he saved some of the defeat, and more than a thousand people followed him to the front.

It was Wang Hun who had been fighting for many years and had excellent military skills. He raised his arms and shouted wildly, "The one who retreats will die! All the armies will fight bloody battle with a certain one!"

Wang Hun died in battle, and the remaining Wang family no longer had the courage before, and they scattered like birds and beasts.

However, his whole body is either Shu brocade or gold and silver, and even the man and the cow are divided by random knives...

However, an embarrassing problem also appeared. These barriers were set too narrow, and the rebels squeezed into the narrow exit.

Although the people are not the regular Qin army, the horses are the war horses of Daqin, and they came out of the Xihai Racecourse.

Li Yi reminded: "The three kings are the leaders of the gentry, and Duke Ming should stop in moderation."

"Great opportunity!" Wang Jun was overjoyed.

I didn't expect that it would be as "smooth" as Shu brocade...

The earth trembled accordingly.

"The whole army is attacking!" Hundreds of messengers rushed away.

The soldiers cheered louder and louder.

The trumpets sounded overwhelming.

Wang Kai's [-]-mile refutation made a "moo", and he retreated again and again, Wang Kai whipped his whip wildly in anger.

Even if the battle situation is unfavorable, as long as he supports a little, and don't lose too quickly, he can retreat to the big ship prepared at sea...

Just in line with Wang Jun's words, if you use the obedient to conquer the rebellious, if you use the strong to bully the weak, you will surely destroy the thieves.

On the other hand, the rebels rely on Wang Kai to spend a lot of money to support their airs.

It also successfully aroused the hatred of the rich in the other two kings' trilogy.

The whole array is glittering with golden light.

Wang Jun rode a horse and walked slowly on the battlefield with his master Bo Liyi, "This is what the hearts of the people want!"

The brothers Wang Chen and Wang Hun on the side suddenly had complicated eyes.

Wang Jun has fought all his life, with the Qin army, the Huns, and the Jin army, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

The aristocratic pressure of the rebels suppressed the vigor of the Qin army.

He doesn't know how to fight, but he is willing to spend money.

The cavalry defeated the rebels, and the Bu family reaped the harvest.

Even the elite of the Wang family in Taiyuan were defeated.

The front line suddenly became quiet.

The cavalry of the Qin army came rushing like a tide. Wang Hun was knocked into the air by a horse before he could stand up, and then countless horseshoes trampled over his body...

Although the three kings are entangled together, they are not of the same mind after all. This is a natural estrangement.

The sound of war drums was loud.

With a sound of "Wow", a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy dropped his Chang Ge, turned around and ran back.

Although the people above are all surnamed Wang, the people below are not of the same mind.

Although it is not a regular Qin army under his command, the morale is high, the organizational system is perfect, and everyone is united. Every village has Xuan Yilang to inspire morale.

A sheep wearing tiger skin can scare people when it is not moving, but once it moves, it will immediately reveal its original shape.

The horses roared and rolled forward, and the soldiers lined up behind them.

In the large formation of the Chinese army, brothers Wang Chen and Wang Hun were dumbfounded, and then looked at each other in blank dismay.

Of course, the Langya Wang family and the Taiyuan Wang family trilogy refused to let go of this opportunity, they kept pushing forward, the formation was disrupted, pushing and swearing at each other, and the scene immediately became a bit chaotic.

A burst of crossbow arrows rushed like locusts. Although they didn't kill a few people, they injured a lot. The injured people immediately cried out heart-piercingly, which increased their fear.

"Haha, today the thief army will be awarded the head here!" Wang Kaizhi was full of pride.

Li Yi was taken aback, "Duke Ming is alone in the court, if he kills him today, I'm afraid he will offend the gentry, and it will be a big disadvantage in the court in the future!"

"Lao Ranran is coming, I'm afraid I won't be able to cultivate my name. I haven't tasted water in a certain life, if I don't get up today, I'm afraid I won't have a bright future!"

Wang Jun had a strong desire for fame and fame. He built a house in his early years, and the road in front of the door was dozens of paces wide. It was extremely wide. People might call it too much.

The crowd laughed saltily, and Jun said: "Chen Sheng has something to say, and the sparrow knows the ambition of the swan."

Wang Jun is not young anymore, and he didn't see a hint of his rhetoric back then until he surrendered to Great Qin.

How could he not cherish it?
(End of this chapter)

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