
Chapter 828 Dock Castle

Chapter 828 Dock Castle
The three clans of the Wang clan were wiped out, leaving the gentry in the Central Plains silent.

Even when talking to Yang Zheng, he cringes.

Now Yang Zheng knew why Sima Yi and Sima Shi held up the butcher's knife, it was really convenient to use, and once and for all, it cut grass and roots.

After Wang Junyi exterminated the three Wang clans, they had a population of nearly 3000, more than [-] craftsmen, and nearly ten thousand hectares of fertile land. Half of the fertile land in Donghai, Langya and other places belonged to them, with millions of stones in grain and grass, rare treasures of gold and silver, money and silk, etc. Things piled up like a mountain, which is incalculable in the words of Wang Junzuo's table, and he loaded them all into a cart and sent them to Yecheng...

This is a truly wealthy country, no wonder they dare to wrestle with themselves.

Junzi Zhize was cut off for the fifth generation.

This generation of Wang's talents withered. After Wang Chang's death, there was only one Wang Hun left in the Wang family who could barely make it to the stage, so the destruction was inevitable.

The root of the gentry is talent, not power.

Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the gentry have degenerated, and the five stones are scattered all day long, and the talents of the wine pool and meat forest are not as good as the next generation.

However, the troubles of the Yi tribe still exist. This method makes the court struggle more intense and cruel, because there is no way out, and they can only do everything they can, and all morality and rules are trampled under their feet...

Zhang Te devoted himself to military affairs and seldom interfered in government affairs. He was very qualified as a professional soldier.

Pang Qing is the governor of Bingzhou and general of Anbei.

Half of Wei Guan is for Daqin, and the other half is for suppressing the Qingying faction.

See through, don’t say through.

Of course, as long as Yang Zheng is around, this friction will be controlled within a reasonable range.

Lu Qin continued to serve as the governor of Huaibei and the general of Zhendong.

Otherwise, all the energy will be spent on internal fighting.

Wei Guan cupped his hands and said: "This is a big matter. The Qing, Xu and Yan provinces in Youji need to be controlled by capable people. There are many powerful gentry in Hebei and Shandong. I invite you to preside over Shandong. Your Majesty sits in Hebei, and the gentry and powerful are all turtles in the urn!" "

Yang Zheng has never doubted his ability, "With Boyu in Shandong, Daqin has no worries. It will take two years at the earliest, and five years at the slowest. The world will inevitably be unified, and the prosperous age is just around the corner!"

"If the Central Plains is settled, Jiangdong is nothing to be afraid of. If I go here, Shandong will definitely return to Daqin." Wei Guan cupped his hands.

Exterminate the three clans, change it to murder the whole family...

Wang Jun was on his way back to Yecheng.

"Gao Ming!" Yang Zheng instantly understood Wei Guan's intentions.

But who are the forts built in the inland areas of Hebei, Qinghai, Henan, and Yan to resist?
In fact, there are many cities in the Central Plains, so there is no need to build Wubao.

Who are the people who can build a dock?

Dismantling Wubao is tantamount to removing the powerful armor of the gentry and releasing the harbored population.

The Great Qin had the prestige of destroying the Jin Dynasty, and had just wiped out the three clans of the Wang family. It was the time when the deterrence reached its peak. If we don't strike while the iron is hot, do we have to wait for the nobles to catch their breath?
Now it seems that the trick of exterminating the three clans still needs to be kept.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Originally, Wei Guan didn't think much of the Youth Camp.

Du Yu is the governor of Yuzhou, the fake Jieyue, and the general of Zhennan.

It's okay to calm down a bit on both sides.

Certainly not ordinary people, not nobles or powerful.

After Yang Zheng pondered for a while, he decided to transfer Zhang Te to sit in Yecheng, pretend to be Jieyue, the general of Fujun, and the governor of Jizhou.

As a high-ranking official in Daqin, Lu Zhi is aloof, does not seek for his descendants, is highly respected, and cannot be moved by anyone.

The court of the Sima family was just like this, full of talented people, and at a critical moment, no one stepped forward to watch the Jin Dynasty go to ruin.

Yang Ji was the order of Luoyang and guarded Luochuan.

Meng Guan is the governor of Yangzhou and general Anton.

But Wei Guan has been by Yang Zheng's side all these years, and more and more generals from the Central Plains have surrendered to the Great Qin, and their strength has become stronger and stronger, so there are naturally many jealous people.

People have pursuits, and so do countries.

You, Bing, and Liang, the border states and counties, built Wubao, which can still resist the harassment of foreign races.

This is faster and more effective than Dutian.

As an emperor, loyalty is one thing, and checks and balances are another.

As long as it is beneficial to Daqin, Yang Zheng will turn a blind eye, "Then Shandong will be entrusted to Yu Qing, and I will send [-] fine horses to go south with you."

"That makes sense." Yang Zheng nodded in agreement.

I am afraid that I will sing bad faces in my life to clear the way for future generations.

Wei Guan cupped his hands and said: "At present, the gentry are powerful and fear the power of the Great Qin, Your Majesty can go one step further!"

Wei Guan was transferred to supervise the military forces of Qingyan, and fake Jieyue.

Only a relaxed and positive political environment can produce ministers who are capable, capable, and responsible.

"I want to abolish the bad habits of the Yi people and change the family to sit together. What does Boyu think?"

This kindness can be left to the prince.

Qingyan really needs capable hands.

It might be a good thing to take the initiative to leave the center this time.

There is no doubting the loyalty of the two.

Ma Long is the governor of Youzhou, Chijie, and the general of Zhenbei.

But with too much power, it is inevitable that the people below will have other ideas. Once the power expands to a certain critical point, or if there is any disturbance in the court, the people below will push them to go further.

If Wei Guan did not recommend himself, the heavy responsibility would naturally fall to Pang Qing.

In the south, there are two heavy suppressions in Shouchun and Xiangyang on top of Soochow, and there is no need to build Wubao.

When Wei Guan led his troops to the south, Yang Zheng led Yecheng officials out of the city to see them off.

Du Yu has always led the army abroad and never got involved in government affairs. He led the army during the war and studied "Zuo Zhuan" when he was not in war, and no one targeted him.

"Starting to save the fields now, I'm afraid it's a bit too hasty." As soon as the flames of war were extinguished, he immediately swallowed the strong medicine, fearing that the Central Plains would not be able to bear it.

But the last time Meng Guan directly refuted Wei Guan in front of all the ministers, it brought him a huge sense of crisis.

"It's not Dutian, but the demolition of Wubao."

Wei Guan used to be a court lieutenant when Cao Shuang was in power, and he was familiar with the law. "Your Majesty wants to wash away the evils since the beginning of the Zheng Dynasty, but I think it is not possible for the time being. The gentry is still powerful. Abolishing this law will not deter them. Your Majesty may not use it. Use it with caution, but it must not be discarded right now!"

Yang Zheng felt that he was interesting enough.

In addition to constant friction with Qingying, the relationship with Yang Xiao, Yang Jun, Yang Ji and other Yongliang nobles is not good.

Wei Guan deserves to be a well-known official in history, with a dark heart and a bold heart. No wonder Deng Ai and Zhong Hui couldn't beat him in history.

Ma Long's governor was Youbin, and Wei Guan was then governor of Qingyan. More than half of the Central Plains were in the hands of the generals.

Wasn't the Sima family also destroyed by people in history?
The initiator, there is no future?

Wei Guan's words also reminded Yang Zheng that Hebei still needs a heavy general to sit in charge.

"I immediately ordered that, except for border counties and counties, all the fortresses in the interior should be demolished!"

One principle is not to let the power of any party be too inflated, nor to let them be restrained.

If there is no pursuit, you will soon fall into the luxury of life.

It's simply dredging the bottom of the pot, breaking the foundation of the gentry's tyranny.

The unification of the world is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go.

"Being able to follow His Majesty, I will have no regrets in this life!" Wei Guan immediately cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty Wei Ling cherishes it!" The other officials also waved their hands to bid farewell.

Armored cavalry are like clouds, surrounded by Wei Guan heading south...

(End of this chapter)

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