
Chapter 829 Demolition

Chapter 829 Demolition
Three days later, Wang Jun returned to Yecheng.

"I'm guilty!" As soon as they met, they knelt down in front of Yang Zheng.

"For the sake of the country, what is the crime of not hesitating to bear infamy?" Wang Jun is a round older than Yang Zheng, and his address is more respectful, which can also reflect his sincerity.

In fact, Wang Jun didn't have any complaints, and he had already gained Yang Zheng's trust when he returned to Yecheng alone.

It is a very dangerous move to recruit the governor of a town at will.

The Sima family had recruited Wang Ling, Xia Houxuan, and Zhuge Dan, and except for Xia Houxuan, everyone else turned against them.

"Your Majesty..." Wang Jun raised his head moved.

Yang Zheng lifted him up, when the emperor is like a big brother, he can cover his subordinates.

He worked so hard and did all the dirty work, so he couldn't turn his back on him, could he?In the future, who is willing to work hard for the Yang family and Daqin?

"Although the Great Qin unified the Central Plains, the people were poor, the soldiers were exhausted, and the national strength was weak. The Eastern Wu was burglarized, and foreign races from all over the world were on the lookout. I know people like Wang Jun too well.

"I'll wait and see." Yang Zheng drew big cakes one by one, and immediately brought the relationship between the two closer.

Governments in various places took in the common people, organized households for all the people, [-] mu of fertile land for men, and [-] mu for women.

In several counties near Bingzhou in the northwest of Jizhou, many Jie people were among the freed slaves.

Wang Jun cupped his hands and said: "Jiangdong has suffered from internal conflicts for many years, and its strength has long been inferior to before. Now Zhonghui will fight for power with the Lu family, and it will be the end of heaven. Why don't your majesty take advantage of this opportunity of great victory to make Yong'an and Xiangyang squeeze forward and test Dongdong?" Wu Situation."

However, Wang Jun was not the first to advocate the destruction of Wu. A few months ago, Yang Hu launched the three strategies of defeating Wu.

"Although Lu Kang is a famous general, he only needs one defeat, and Jingzhou will fall apart. Second, Shu has been stable for many years, and its strength has been restored. Luo Xian's [-] army has been trained for many years. The food and grass are all ready, and the warships are sufficient. Lu Kang has nothing to fear."

Of course, there are always people who take chances.

Several small and medium tycoons in Shandong have united, but these mobs are actually the opponents of the Qin Dynasty's elite?

Under Thunder's tactics, the Wubao in the Central Plains were demolished one after another, and the imprisoned slaves were also voluntarily released.

The iron cavalry passed by, and it was destroyed.

Don't let Soochow be idle and give Zhonghui a chance to recuperate.

The means are too motivating, and it is easy to jump over the wall in a hurry.

"Destroy Wu?"

But Yang Zheng didn't rush to kill them, but just took back what belonged to the government from them.

But as the deadline got closer and closer, some small tyrants finally couldn't bear the pressure and began to demolish the Wubao.

The two of them faithfully carried out Yang Zheng's orders, and they were extremely ruthless, not letting a single fish slip through the net.

This strategy does not tear the face.

A few days later, hundreds of edicts came out from Yecheng and flew into every county and county in Hebei and Shandong.

If you don't love money and don't like lust, you will make a name for yourself all your life.

This is similar to Yang Hu's three strategies of defeating Wu. As long as Soochow is defeated once, Jiangdong will be over.

The people who got the fields were overjoyed.

Lu Kang has repeatedly attacked Xiangyang in the past few years, but all of them returned without success, which proves that Yanghu's strength is not bad.

As long as they have a hot meal, these people happily join the death camp.

"Good." Yang Zheng nodded in relief.

The reason why the powerful gentry can't lose their tail is because there are too many people attached to them, and they gradually become local snakes.

"Shizhi can make a charter, submit it to the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War will discuss it in detail." The specific details need to be perfected.

If he followed, it would be a confrontation of national strength. Using Soochow's strength to compete with the current Daqin's national strength would be tantamount to courting death.

Many people who were attached to the tyrants of the gentry voluntarily broke away from this personal attachment, turned to the government, and registered as a household.

"However, Lu Kang in Jiangling is very much like his father Lu Xun. He uses soldiers like a god, and Yang Hu is no match for him."

Before the autumn harvest, all docks in Ji, Qing, Xu and Yan must be demolished.

After Wubao was demolished, Yang Zheng issued two more edicts to encourage land reclamation and exempt from taxes for two years.

Catch one and kill the other, killing heads rolling, the tyrants finally know how to be afraid.

Daqin increased his bargaining chips on the border, will Jiangdong follow?
If you don't follow, the previous infiltration and extrusion will erode Wu's strategic space.

Yang Zheng understood. In the words of later generations, this is called strategic rebalancing...

Two or three years later, the power of the Central Plains was restored, Jiangdong was exhausted, and millions of Qin troops marched south. What resistance did Soochow have?
Wang Jun really has general talent.

The few nobles who were named finally couldn't bear it anymore. After weighing the pros and cons, they had to demolish Wubao.

Yang Zheng was more focused on suppressing the tyrants of the gentry.

For a person like Gou Xi who is eager to make contributions, it is useless to escape to the ends of the earth.

Either take the initiative to dismantle Wubao, or flee into the mountains to become bandits.

There is hope and vitality in someone.

The annihilation of the three clans of the Wang family has begun, and the dismantling of Wubao is the root of this game.

Sure enough, Wang Jun's face was full of gratitude, as if he had found a bosom friend, "I will die!"

It was just silence at first.

To Yang Zheng's surprise, half of the slaves were not Han Chinese, but Xianbei, Wuhuan, Xiongnu, Zhuzhu and other tribes.

With the prestige of destroying Jin and the ruthlessness of destroying the three tribes of Yi, Yang Zheng drew his sword and looked around in Yecheng, with [-] cavalry under his command staring at him.

After the edict was issued, there was an uproar in the local area, but no one dared to act rashly.

How to do it is a matter for the Ministry of War. When it is time to delegate power, as an emperor, you can only focus on the results, and there is no need to worry about everything.

This is real fertile land, not the land occupation system used by the Sima family to fool people.

Everyone ran away, and the power of the gentry was weakened.

Wang Jun took over all the big cakes, "There is nothing to be afraid of aliens and powerful people. At this time, because Dongwu will be destroyed first, and the south will be fine, then use troops to the north."

Communicating with people requires prescribing the right medicine.

The population was released, and Hebei was suddenly full of vitality.

I think I am remote, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so I don’t cry when I see the coffin.

Putting the heads of the bandits on both sides of the official road, and piled up the corpses into mounds, the method is more brutal than Liu Heng, and the children in the Central Plains do not dare to cry at night when they hear Gou Xi's name.

Seeing that Yang Zheng was still hesitating, Wang Jun continued to persuade: "This war is not a war of destroying the country, but a squeeze and provocation. It will not destroy the covenant between the two countries and make Soochow exhausted. Jingzhou, Jiaozhou, and Yangzhou can all advance together. To farm fields between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River, Wu people came to vote."

The cavalry dismounted and chased them into the mountains, but they were still cut off and wiped out.

Yang Zheng once again issued an edict to the great nobles in the Central Plains, with extremely severe words, "The Wubao is to guard against bandits. Today, the Qin army is strong and strong, and the barbarians are dormant in all directions. The people of Wu dare not look north. What is the purpose of setting up Wubao?" Don't make mistakes, otherwise it will be too late to regret..."

As soon as the deadline came, Yang Zheng immediately ordered Liu Heng and Gou Xi to patrol Hebei on foot. Those who disobeyed the edict, the whole family would be beheaded, and the three clans would be reduced to slaves, and sent to Juyan, Xihai and other counties.

I just won the Central Plains, and I haven't digested it yet...

"The minister takes orders."

Thoroughly digesting the Central Plains is the top priority.

The Central Plains, which was originally tense, suddenly cheered in winter.

The tyrants of the gentry are also exempt from taxation.

Give him a slap and a date.

Boil frogs in warm water, everyone is not hurtful, step by step...

(End of this chapter)

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