
Chapter 830 Kneeling Statue

Chapter 830 Kneeling Statue
In order to divide the land, more and more people registered as Qimin households, crowding the government offices.

Benefits can move people the most.

After the autumn harvest, the population is also preliminarily counted, and there are 870 million registered residents in You, Ji, Qing, Xu, and Yan.

With such a vast land, this number naturally did not meet Yang Zheng's psychological expectations.

The powerful gentry controlled a population of at least 300 million.

In addition, foreign slaves were not included in the statistics. Most of Yuzhou was in the hands of Soochow, and there were many people who fled to the valleys due to the war. They were not counted. Liaodong also accommodated many refugees.

If it weren't for the various means of suppressing the powerful, the number would definitely not be so high.

With a population of more than 800 million spread across the vast land of the Central Plains, it feels like a drop in the bucket.

It is not yet at the level of a second-tier city in later generations.

So the main problem of this era is not annexation of land, but underpopulation.

The Sima family should indeed apologize to the people of the world. Although the previous generation also had unbearable things, others did it secretly. Even Dong Zhuo knew this truth. The Sima family made it known to everyone. All the people in the world, Sima Zhao killed the king in the street...

From Sima Yi to Sima Yan, what everyone did was written on the stone tablet next to the stone statue, which stood on the main road of Yecheng for the people to look up to.

The human instinct is to reproduce. After reaching a certain number, a clan will be formed, and the clan will be powerful if it takes one step forward.

"Come on, call the craftsmen of Yecheng!" Yang Zheng did whatever came to his mind.

According to Yang Zheng's request, the kneeling stone statue of the Sima family was erected quickly.

The number of people who died directly and indirectly at their own hands was no less than one hundred thousand, and they were no worse than their family.

Let the loyal people live forever, and let the treacherous people live forever...

Right now, it is not to force the gentry tyrants to spit out the 300 million people, but to provide a stable environment, develop production, eliminate the impact of the war, stabilize people's hearts, and gain the trust of the people before further suppressing the gentry tyrants.

Many people don't want money or profit, they just want fame.

This kind of thing is not good to discourage.

The craftsmen of these days are as valuable as the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in later generations.

Yang Zheng never believed in ghosts and gods, but a lot of people died in Yecheng in the past few months.

Isn't it to reshape the spirit and thought of scholars?
This thing is the best tool.

The Sima family set the worst example for the world.

The accumulated resentment in people's hearts found a breakthrough in an instant.

Of course, not many people can read and write, and more are for scholars.

Zhang Te laughed and said, "Haha, I just admire His Majesty's bravery and diligence."

No, the Temple of Confucianism and the Temple of Martial Arts are not enough, and a temple for treacherous ministers is also needed.

Yang Zheng rubbed his forehead, "I had a nightmare."

Liu Heng muttered and said nothing more.

Yang Zheng thinks that the aristocrats are not terrible, but what is terrible is that they lose their restraint, grow wildly, no longer take the world as their own responsibility, but are exquisitely self-interested, and do anything for power.

"When I followed Your Majesty, I never thought that I would have this day. This life is worth it!" Before he knew it, Zhang Te's temples were stained with hoarfrost, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were like ravines.

Many people in Yecheng migrated from Luoyang, and they know it well.

At the peak of the Han Dynasty, the population was 6000 million. Historically, the Sima family had 4000 million at its peak.

The figure in front of him gradually dissipated, and Yang Zheng also woke up, feeling that the dream was too real, and everyone's expressions were so clear.

Those who died of starvation, those who died of freezing, those who died in battle, those who exterminated the three clans...

Made of pig iron, it cannot be broken.

"Who does Your Majesty tell you to go away?" Liu Heng stood in front of him with wide-eyed eyes.

To change these and eliminate the influence of the Sima family, it is necessary to reshape the spirit and thinking of scholars.

With the support of the emperor, and with the strength of the whole city of Ye, the kneeling statue of the Sima family came out soon.

This is bound to be a long process.

After spending a few days repairing it, it was still smashed by angry people.

As soon as Zhang Te arrived in Yecheng, Yang Zheng had a drink with him.

While drinking and chatting, I gradually drank too much.

"It's too early to say this, Jiangdong, Liaodong, and the Western Regions, I have not yet restored the homeland of the Han family."

Some grumpy people just threw stones and smashed them...

Yang Zheng was speechless for a while, and asked the craftsman to repair it.

People passing by spit instead...

After thinking about it, he decided to build iron statues for everyone in the Sima family.

Nobility and power will surely emerge in endlessly, the old ones are gone, and the new ones will come again.

I also had a strange dream, Sima Yi, Sima Fu, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Sima Yan, etc. were standing in front of me bloody, old and young, men and women, staring at me coldly without saying anything. , with empty eyes...

Even in his dream, Yang Zheng didn't feel much guilt.

Great Qin has a long way to go.

I don't know how I fell asleep.

Yang Zheng paid more attention to them than the previous generation, and set up a special incentive system for them.

Aren't Qin Hui and his wife solid?

The Sima family came to scare people after being a ghost, which reminded myself, don't think that you are dead!
Besides, the Sima family came to the door by themselves, and they can't blame others. They had already forgotten about it, but they wanted to scare people in their dreams...

The most important thing is that if you usurp the throne, you will win. If you work hard, you can completely cover up your own stains with great achievements. However, what the Sima family brought to China is only humiliation and darkness...

The streets were crowded with people, and there was basically no need to publicize the Sima family's scandalous deeds.

As soon as the stone statue came out, it was almost empty.

Looking at it, I got annoyed, and cursed: "Go away!"

Yang Zheng couldn't help but sigh, people are forced, but if the Sima family gave him a way to survive back then, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today. In fact, in retrospect, it's not that he is strong, but that the Sima family is too bad and has a lot of problems One after another, the members of the Sima family are not as good as one generation after another.

I was thinking about whether to build a temple and town Sima's house.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, if he had the time to build a temple for the Sima family, it would be better to build the Temple of Confucianism and Temple of Martial Arts ahead of time.

In addition to the Sima family, there are Jia Chong, Wang Chen, Wang Ye, Cheng Ji and other goons.

Every scandal impacts Huaxia's moral bottom line.

It is definitely impossible to completely eliminate it.

In the era of cold weapons, population is a symbol of national strength.

Only one night passed, and the next day, all the heads of the stone statue were smashed into powder...

"I used to have the Sima family's knife on my neck every day, how could I not be brave and diligent?" Yang Zheng drank a cup of hot wine.

"Yecheng is not enough. In the future, Luoyang, Daxing, Chengdu, Xuchang, and Jianye will all have this iron statue."

"Your Majesty, Xuchang, Jianye..." Zhao Aqi kindly reminded.

"Send someone to inform Zhong Hui to erect an iron statue. If not, I will erect an iron statue for him next to Sima's house and let him stand side by side with Jia Chong." Yang Zheng laughed.

Zhong Hui didn't advise Sima Shi and Sima Zhao back then, so he is fully qualified to do so.

Doesn't this fellow have a good reputation?Aren't you afraid of leaving a bad smell for thousands of years?
(End of this chapter)

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