
Chapter 831 Dongdu

Chapter 831 Dongdu
In addition to the iron statues of the Sima family, Yang Zheng also ordered the casting of standing stone statues of Cao Mao, Xia Houxuan, Wang Jing, and Wang Jing's mother, Chen.

Standing upright one by one.

Wang Jing's level is average, but he is loyal. His mother Chen is a strange woman of a generation. Fate, why hate it!"

Xia Houxuan is a little hard to say. If he is in a peaceful world, he can be regarded as a virtuous minister. When he meets Sima Yi and Sima Shi, he is definitely not an opponent, but his spirit of dying for Cao Wei is commendable.

Cao Mao is Yang Zheng's personal favorite.

It is better to be broken than to be whole, this kind of bloodiness is worthy of Wei Wu.

To admit Cao Wei is to deny the Sima family.

It took only three or four years for Cao Wei to destroy the country, and he still had a very large influence among the people of the Central Plains, and he also had great influence in the following hundreds of years.

A man needs blood, and a country needs blood even more!
Based on these alone, Yang Zheng should confess to Cao Mao.

Yang Zheng's actions quickly shortened the distance with the people of the Central Plains.

Migration is two-way. If the Han people in the Central Plains are willing to migrate to Juyan, Hequ, Shuofang and other counties, two hundred acres for men and one hundred acres for women, they can choose pastures and cultivated fields at will.

Cao Pi and Cao Rui repeatedly waged wars, and both had large-scale construction projects in the later period.

The capital of Daqin cannot be justified.

Xuan Yilang and Jin Yiwei from Guanzhong settled in various counties.

Sima Yi is as wise as a ghost, how could he have thought that his offspring would be so unbearable?
In another 200 years, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty Liu Yu swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger and became a professional family of destroying the country, but he couldn't prevent his descendants from producing animals...

People like Wei Guan, Ma Long, Pang Qing, and Yang Ji were capable of both literary and military skills, and were quite capable of governing.

As long as you get the household registration wooden sign from the Ministry of Households, you will be unimpeded along the way.

Naturally, many Qiang and Hu soldiers came with their families.

The trust between the court and the common people has also increased virtually.

In this era, the east is strong and the west is weak. Yang Zheng's generation was prosperous in martial arts, and there was no problem in setting up the capital in Guanzhong, but after two or three generations, problems gradually came.

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and they know better than anyone else who treats them well and who treats them badly.

And it just so happened that Yang Zheng was in the prime of his life.

The north wind is blowing south, and the banners are fluttering. Yang Zheng looks back at the land of Hebei, and also hopes that this ancient land will continue to prosper, and there will be no more turmoil, no more wars.

Zhong Hui obediently built kneeling statues of Sima's family in Xuchang and Jianye, and sent envoys to pay tribute.

"The Great Qin is not only me, but also the Great Qin like you. You should work together with me to create a peaceful and prosperous world!" Yang Zheng immediately raised his arms and shouted.

Luoyang is a good place, but the kingdom of Daqin cannot be based on defense, but is always ready to attack and make progress!
This requires war horses provided by Liangzhou, Hetao, and Hehuang.

The Guanzhong and Hebei two major geopolitical plates are held in the hands, which is enough to suppress the world.

On the other hand, Yang Zheng, after taking control of the Central Plains, suppressed the powerful, recruited the common people, divided the fields and houses, and exempted them from paying taxes for two years, which is already a rare act of kindness.

During the Anshi Rebellion, Hebei rebelled first, and after the Anshi Rebellion, the Kwantung feudal town was separatist...

Anyone who has reached the age of [-] can retire, regardless of whether they are soldiers in the Chinese army or soldiers, and whether they are Qianghu or Han people, they can allot [-] mu of land in the Central Plains.

The long river of history is dark, and Wei Wu, a majestic and powerful man, never imagined that the country he created would fall into the hands of the Sima family in such a humiliating manner.

"Why do you guys say this? The world of the Great Qin has no distinction between the east and the west!"

No matter in terms of legal system and morality, Daqin is more tenable than the Sima family.

The people around are also smiling.

"Nevertheless, when Your Majesty returns to Guanzhong, I don't know when and what month he will see the sky again." Although it was a flattery, it also had some sincerity.

Yecheng was built by Han Fu, Yuan Shao, and Cao Wei for many years. The imperial palace is ready-made, and there is no need to spend money on the people. If he can’t become the capital, Yang Zheng has to learn from Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty and destroy the city, so as not to become a Kanto confrontation with East and West. base.

These people are low-level servants in the Central Plains, and their lives are difficult. When they go to the border areas, the government divides the fields and houses, which is still quite attractive.

Jizhou can stabilize Youzhou, exert force to Liaodong, and at the same time suppress the south of the Yellow River.

Although the effect was minimal, it still attracted 6 to [-] people. After all, the land in the frontier is ten times that of the Central Plains.

Although these things are illusory, they have a huge effect.

"The elders in the Guandong are so kind, I will remember Wu Nei. From now on, Yecheng will be the capital of the East, and Jizhou will be the East Sili!" This was not Yang Zheng's whim.

Yang Zheng sighed in his heart, the more he thought about the dynasty of his descendants, the faster it would collapse...

The Sima family is torturing the common people and pampering the gentry, while Yang Zheng is torturing the gentry and sympathizing with the common people.

Geographically, Guanzhong can radiate the plateau, the Western Regions, and Mobei.

Luoyang was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Hetao, Henan, Bingzhou, and Youzhou were successively infiltrated by foreigners.

In the final analysis, the Tang Dynasty in history was dragged down by this problem.

The three tribes of Xianbei in Liaodong, the tribes in Mobei, the countries of the Western Regions, Goguryeo, Fuyu, Woju, Yilou and other countries all sent envoys to the court one after another to recognize the suzerainty of Great Qin.

Just as Yu Jia set off, the people of Yecheng came out with the old and the young to see him off one after another. Several elders holding dove poles cupped their hands in front of Yang Zheng's horse and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to abandon the people of Guandong?"

One generation does the work of one generation, and they can't manage what's behind them. They can only do their best to make Daqin glow again with great brilliance and illuminate the way forward for future generations.

But this can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

However, it is impossible for Yang Zheng to move the capital to Kanto. Once he leaves Daxing, his control over the surrounding alien races will continue to weaken.

Kanto and Kansai have been opposed for hundreds of years. If the control of Kanto is not strengthened, sooner or later they will be separated from Daqin.

Entering the era of the Sima family, there were hundreds of thousands of troops fighting everywhere.

It has been more than a year since this expedition, and Yang Zheng also misses his family.

Seeing that the new year is coming to an end, it is time to return to Daxing.

Cao Wei had five capitals, Yecheng, Qiaojun, Luoyang, Xuchang, and Chang'an.

The power of orthodoxy is enormous, and it has a natural centripetal force on the people of the world.

Yang Zheng also issued an order to retire early.

Yang Zheng sighed for a while, he didn't actually do anything, but compared to the monarchs since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, he was already considered the best choice.

Unfortunately, this is not the logic of history.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The elders were overjoyed.

The people in Tuntian are no different from slaves.

In fact, the key to how high an empire can reach lies in the first two generations.

The development of Central Plains is better than that of Guanzhong, and the climate is warmer than that of Liangzhou.

The Central Plains Wubao was dismantled and officially entered a period of peaceful development.

The food needed along the way will be supplied by the government.

Taking advantage of the end of the autumn harvest, taking in the people, building water conservancy, reclaiming wasteland, and repairing the city, the land of the Central Plains is in full swing.

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that I am the only one who can say this.

Home world, home world, the world belongs to one family.

Of course, this sentence cannot change the power structure of Daqin, but it can inspire people's hearts to the greatest extent.

Everyone around knelt on the ground, "Long live Your Majesty! Long live Great Qin!"

(End of this chapter)

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