
Chapter 832

Chapter 832
On the way back to Daxing, it is obvious that the north is recovering.

Cars and horses come and go on the official road, and many post stations, guest houses, and large villages have been newly established on both sides.

There is no shadow of war, a piece of peace and security.

After entering Hedong, the population gradually became denser. The old battlefield had been cleaned up long ago, and it was covered with lush autumn grass, and wild beasts jumped out of it when the wind blew and the grass moved.

Hedong, Fengsa, and Jingzhao are becoming more and more prosperous.

To the border of Daxing, there is a lot of traffic.

Merchants traveling from south to north, envoys from all over the world, government officials, horses, green cattle, camels, and mules came in and out.

I saw Daxing City from a distance, but I saw a huge crowd of people under the city.

The crown prince and Lu Zhi led all civil and military officials to welcome them.

The guard of honor stretched for five or six miles, with barriers, red carpets, and banners covering the sky and the sun. The soldiers were tall and mighty with armor clattering, holding halberds and long knives hanging from their waists.

There are huge crowds of people, among them are many people dressed up from countries in the Western Regions.

Yang Zheng didn't like luxury and practiced frugality, but as an emperor, he couldn't make it too shabby and lose the atmosphere of the Central Plains Empire.

"Welcome Your Majesty to return to court!" Yang Xu took the lead in saluting, followed by all civil and military officials.

Then the people knelt down one after another, "Welcome Your Majesty to return!"

Yang Zheng was riding on the horse, full of vigor, with his hands empty, "Everyone, stay flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After everyone got up, Yang Zheng got off his horse and walked to Yang Xu. He hadn't seen him for more than a year, and he had grown a lot taller. However, compared with the other sons, Yang Xu was a little more refined and refined, and a little less. Very brave.

After all, Xia Houxuan's blood flowed half of his body, and the mothers of the other princes were either Qianghu or Xianbei, and they were naturally burlier.

Lu Zhi was even older than a year ago, with white beard and hair, and deeper wrinkles on his face.

It can be seen that there is a lot of pressure in the rear.

"How could I have wiped out the Sima family and unified the Central Plains without my uncle's power to coordinate the Kansai?" In front of everyone, Yang Zheng bowed his hands to Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi immediately returned the salute, "This is a matter of my duty, Your Majesty is serious."

Daxing City had already prepared the green cover and the imperial chariot, and Yang Zheng dragged Lu Zhi into the car together. Lu Zhi naturally declined, but Yang Zheng's enthusiasm could not be restrained, so Prince Yang Xu also got into the car together.

The six white horses entered Suzaku Street from Mingde Gate in unison.

The streets were also crowded with people, blocked by Wuwei's halberd-wielding soldiers.

"Long live!" The enthusiasm of the crowd was ignited, and the cheers were louder and louder.

Yang Zheng immediately had a feeling of returning home, and it seems that the emperor is also inevitably driven by vanity.

After some lengthy etiquette, Yang Zheng changed into his formal attire and went to worship the ancestral temple. Dozens of heads of the main figures of the Sima family were placed in front of the gods of the ancestral temple. The only pity was that Sima Yi's body was not found. According to the guidance of the old family, the tombs on Shouyang Mountain are all suspicious tombs, and there is nothing inside. It can only be said that Sima Yi has the foresight.

Yang Zheng felt that he was worthy of the old Yang family. When the old Yang family met him, the ancestral grave was full of smoke...

I am also worthy of Cao's and Xiahou's families.

An old era has come to an end...

The state of Wu in the south was just lingering, and Zhonghui's 20 troops marched northward, and they only took Xuchang.

Without Shouchun and Xiangyang, it is equivalent to being pinned down by Daqin.

After finishing all this work, Yang Zheng returned to the harem, and Xia Houzhi hosted a dinner in the harem. Although he brought back more than 800 good-looking women from Yecheng, the palace still seemed empty.

Ji Kang's general thoughts are spent on the palace, which is magnificent and magnificent, with his exquisite ideas everywhere.

After the dinner, Xia Houzhi also arranged various "programs", but Yang Zheng's horses and horses were exhausted, and he was already sleepy. He felt that he was awakened just as he closed his eyes, "Your Majesty, it's morning..."

It was still dark outside.

Being an emperor is good for everything, but these are the things that Yang Zheng can't stand.

Get up at three o'clock in the morning, and go to bed early at five o'clock...

However, the ministers were already waiting outside the Meridian Gate at three o'clock, and got up earlier.

Fortunately, morning courts are not available every day, otherwise Yang Zheng couldn't bear it.

Rubbing her drowsy forehead, Xia Houzhi had already dressed neatly and asked the female officer to change her clothes.

I was so tired last night that I fell asleep when I lay down, and now looking at Xia Houzhi who is graceful and luxurious like a peony in full bloom, my body suddenly reacted...

After years of precipitation, the temperament is mature and rich, and it is more and more bright and moving.

Yang Zheng's hands became dishonest, and the face of the female officer who was changing clothes was blushing.

"Oh, Your Majesty, morning is the most important thing." Xia Houzhi giggled and broke free from Yang Zheng's hand.

The first morning court of returning to court is naturally extremely important, and Yang Zheng can only suppress the little flame in his heart.

In the Taiji Hall, Yang Zheng was already a little sleepy, but the officials seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, chattering endlessly as soon as they came up.

At first, Yang Zheng listened intently, but found that there was nothing serious about it, and Lu Zhi had already dealt with it long before he came back.

It's nothing more than singing praises, and the achievements of each department this year.

The most radical is the Ministry of War, which is already preparing to destroy Wu.

They were also implementing Wang Jun's strategy of exhausting the enemy.

The Ministry of Officials handed over the list of newly appointed officials from the states and counties of the Central Plains. Yang Zheng glanced at them. They were all old people transferred from Kansai. Yang Zheng's heart.

The most hated and bitter is the official department. 40 people fight for a year, and the cost is astronomical. The poor rats in the treasury will have to move.

The Ministry of Industry drew up a schedule for the construction of the Guangtong Canal, connecting Daxing with the Weishui River and the Yellow River, and diverting the water from the Yellow River into Guanzhong.

The Ministry of Rituals reached out to Yang Zheng for money because there were more and more envoys to meet during the pilgrimage, and there was a serious shortage...

All problems boil down to two words: money.

Once the money is in place, Daqin will recover quickly.

Yang Zheng was depressed for a while. He was short of money before the fight, but now that he has won the Central Plains, he seems to be even more short of money.

Without Yang Zheng speaking, the courtiers had their own way.

Now that the land tax in the Central Plains has been reduced or exempted for two years, we can increase salt tax, city tax, mining tax, oral tax, calculation tax, etc...

Yang Zheng dozed off, "What does the prince think?"

The hall fell silent, and everyone looked at Yang Xu.

"At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the country was governed by the methods of the old and the old, and it was governed by doing nothing. The world has been fighting for years, and the people are exhausted. Postponing the repair for several years, the most urgent thing is to appease people's hearts, teach farming and mulberry, and keep the people away from the suffering of hunger and cold. My son thinks that if we follow the example of the early Han Dynasty, if we are quiet and inactive, the national strength will naturally recover." At the age of 13, in this era Already considered an adult.

Qin Shihuang succeeded to the throne at the age of 13.

In history, Murong Chui made many military exploits at the age of 13.

But Yang Zheng could tell that these words were quite similar to Lu Zhi's tone.

There is also a group of Eastern Palace officials around Yang Xu. After one year of supervising the country, they will naturally form their own small group.

(End of this chapter)

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