
Chapter 833 The Prince

Chapter 833 The Prince
Most of the officials looked at the prince with relief.

Great Qin does not lack martial arts, what it lacks is Wenzhi.

"What objections do you all have to what the prince said?" Yang Zheng looked at the officials in the palace.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and those who were sensible did not refute.

In fact, I can't refute it. Even adding taxation and oral taxation is not a matter of a moment, and the bureaucratic system in the Central Plains has not yet been established.

In addition, the people in the Central Plains didn't have much money in their hands. Sima Yan moved his capital to Yecheng, exhausted the water, and the people had been exploited for a long time.

Yang Zheng is not stupid enough to kill chickens and take eggs, forcing the common people to rely on the gentry tyrants again.

"Since there is no objection, Daqin's national policy is to rule by doing nothing!" Yang Zheng set the policy for governing the country.

Governing by doing nothing is not about lying down and letting the people grow wildly, but not interfering too much in the production and life of the people and letting the people develop their own creativity.

Laozi has a saying: I do nothing, and the people transform themselves; I am quiet, and the people are upright; I have nothing to do, and the people are rich; I have no desires, and the people are simple.

In a word, don't bother the people with nothing to worry about, and worry about the three melons and two dates in the hands of the people.

When the general environment is good, the people will naturally be full of vitality, and the country will also rise.

The court meeting ended, it was already Chen's time, and the drowsy man just now was no longer sleepy.

Simply let Yang Xu accompany him for a walk.

To be honest, although the palace was built, Yang Zheng didn't play much.

Yang Xu was a little reserved, not as close as he was when he was a child.

Maybe it's because people grow up and know more things, the more they are in awe.

People who know awe are often not far behind.

"It's been a year of hard work for you." He didn't speak, so Yang Zheng could speak first.

"The state affairs are presided over by the Grand Tutor, and the servants are just beating the side drums. How can we talk about hard work? The emperor and the Grand Tutor are really hardworking." Yang Xu's words were watertight.

Yang Zheng laughed twice, and patted him on the shoulder. This kind of conversation is not like a father and son, but more like a monarch and minister, "Why, I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and I have become so reserved?"

Yang Xu was taken aback, "Father..."

Yang Zheng touched the back of his head as he did when he was a child, and this action instantly shortened the distance between the two.

"If you have any ideas, you can tell them all. I am a father and son first, and then a monarch and minister."

"Yes." Yang Xu was obviously a little more relaxed, "The elder brothers are all old, and I think they should be entrusted with the place."

"Oh?" Yang Zheng was quite surprised.

Yang Wu and Yang Hong are getting older and older, and there are many disputes in Daxing. Every adult prince has a power behind him.

Yang Wu is Yang Xiao's son-in-law, so Yang Ji, Yang Jun, and Yang Yao are naturally his people.

Yang Hong walked in the circle of celebrities, and the second generation of officials gathered around him should not be underestimated.

There are also Yang Hui, Yang Zhao, and Yang Ming from the Youth Camp, and a group of people are also gathered around them intentionally or unintentionally, exactly the same as Yang Yi back then.

"Is this what you thought of?" Yang Zheng asked.

If it was his intention, it meant that these brothers made him fearful.

It might be a good thing to send them out in advance. It can not only weaken their influence in the center, make the crown prince's position more stable, but also strengthen Daqin's control over the place.

As a prince, he must not be a white lotus who doesn't know the world.

Yang Xu did not deny it, "I have been thinking about it for a long time."

"Okay!" Yang Zheng was very pleased.

Raising children like sheep is worse than raising children like wolves!

Eliminating the threat in advance also avoids the trouble of dealing with it later.

The Yin Jian of Cao Wei is not far away. Cao Pi came to power, worked hard to manage the clan, and kept him in captivity in Yecheng. After only two or thirty years, the Cao family has no one...

The Sima family won the world so easily, isn't it because the clan couldn't help it?
Han Gao established the country, sealed the clan, and eradicated Zhu Xuhou, who was the second son of Liu Fei, king of Qi.

Emperor Wenwen of the Han Dynasty who consolidated the Han Dynasty was originally the acting king.

The Seven Kingdoms Rebellion of Emperor Han Jing relied on King Liang to withstand the pressure.

The Sima family stole Cao Wei's country, and no one in the Cao family could stand up, which is a miracle through the ages.

Except for Cao Wei, any dynasty divided the clan.

In fact, the Jin Dynasty in history learned the lessons of Cao Wei. It not only sealed the clan, but also granted local real power. It was either a governor or a governor of a town. This is an overkill.

"What if your elder brothers are full of wings in the future, which is not good for you, so what?" Yang Zheng's eyes were burning.

Obviously, he had thought about this question a long time ago, and he answered without any hesitation, "East and west officials, with Hebei Guanzhong as the orthodoxy of the world, if they can't control a mere corner of the land, it is the incompetence of my ministers."

"Haha, as expected of my son." Yang Zheng finally saw his shadow in him.

Half of Yang Xu's blood flowed from Xiahou's family, but the other half belonged to him.

The prince is the crown prince, and the reserve monarch must naturally have the domineering aura of a monarch!
Yang Zheng was completely relieved of this son.

Shibie looked at each other with admiration for three days. I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and I have grown so much.

"Then Xu'er thinks how to divide the seals?"

"My ministers believe that those who are capable will be enshrined in Nanzhong, Liaodong, Hequ, Monan, and the Western Regions. The blood of the Tian family will control one side, promote the majesty of the Great Qin, and proclaim the kingship of the Han family. The mediocre ones will be enshrined in Shandong, Hebei, and Shuzhong. , Jingxiang, Jiangdong, rich and honored forever.”

This is similar to Yang Zheng's thinking.

This is also the meaning of making Yang Yi the King of Xia before.

Those with strong abilities stay in the center, and sooner or later they will roll in. If they are sealed outside, they may be able to expand their territories.

Yang Zheng suddenly thought of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's prince Zhu Biaojian was alive, Zhu Di would never dare to raise troops.

The strength of the two sides is not an order of magnitude.

Moreover, Zhu Di didn't think of rebelling at the beginning. It was Emperor Jianwen's persistent pretentiousness, feeding him mouthfuls, that made him a success.

The enfeoffment of the Great Qin is not like the military enfeoffment like the Ming Dynasty, with heavy troops in hand, but more representative of the royal family to supervise the place, with certain military power to prepare for emergencies, but it cannot pose a threat to the center.

Another advantage of Yang Xu is that he is young. He is 13 years old now, and when Yang Zheng "retires", he will be in his prime in his 40s and [-]s. The crown prince for so many years has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"You draw up a detailed charter for enfeoffment, and I'll make a decision later."


Yang Zheng was in a good mood, no matter how many talented monarchs, there was a big problem with the heir.

Of course, one cannot say how qualified Yang Xu is, only that he is a good seedling.

He did not live up to Yang Zheng's expectations of him.

"I am relieved of Wenzhi, but we must not relax in martial arts."

The Sima family's traditional crafts are those of the Yi tribe, while the old Yang's family is charging forward, riding horses and beating people, so it's impossible to know a little bit of martial arts and the art of war.

First, keep fit, stay away from sickness, and prolong life. Second, a strong body will naturally bring a positive spirit. Third, the emperor knows the art of war and will not be fooled by his subordinates.

"Remember, my son."

"Combine work and rest, there is no need to stretch yourself too tightly, you can go out for a walk when you have free time, and see the sufferings of the people."

"My son... a few days ago, I went out hunting and was discovered by the censor. I was looking for my son's deadly remonstrance, which made the city full of wind and rain..." Yang Xu looked depressed.

Yang Zheng laughed twice, "Be more careful in the future."

Compared with knocking five stones, talking, indulging in wine and sex, hunting is still a good hobby.

(End of this chapter)

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