
Chapter 834

Yang Xu's charter will be submitted soon.

Changed the title of Yang Wu as King of Qi, Zhen Guanggu, Yang Hong as King Huai, Zhen Huaibei, Yang Hui as Dai Wang, Zhen Daijun, all three of them had [-] households in the city, Yang Wu and Yang Hong guarded [-] soldiers Yang Hui guarded a thousand elite cavalry.

The other princes were too young to be entrusted, so they stayed in Daxing for the time being.

Without the emperor's decree, you are not allowed to leave the fief for no reason, and you are not allowed to return to Beijing without authorization.

In Yang Xu's design, the power of a prince is equivalent to that of a prefect of a county.

Frontier kings focus on governing the army and guarding the border, while those in the interior focus on governing the people and can also supervise the local area.

The power of the prince is not eternal, it will be affected by the Tweet Order, and the number of sons born will be divided into as many shares as the city.

Their next generation can take imperial examinations, join the army, or become an official, and each can do his best.

However, the control over them is also very strict. Twelve serious crimes are listed, and 27 misdemeanors.

The regulations are very detailed, and even the residence, clothing, and driving of the prince, heir king, and county king have strict regulations that cannot be exceeded.

It is not appropriate for such talents to stay in Shuzhong, and according to the regulations of the Great Qin Dynasty, Zhang Fu must either be transferred to the center as a minister, or he should be appointed elsewhere.

Although Feng Wang is bound by the court, he has certain real power, and he will not sit on the throne, nor will he be kept in captivity like Cao Wei, doing nothing.

Ma Jun, Liu Hui, Huangfu Mi, Pei Xiu, Zu Chongzhi, Li Daoyuan, Ge Hong, etc., have achieved quite high achievements in mechanics, medicine, geography, astronomy, mathematics, hydrology, chemistry, etc.

But the Sima family has no bottom line, and the upright scholars have avoided the world one after another, rejecting the Sima family's conquest, the wind of talking about metaphysics has become more and more intense, divorced from reality, and the talk has become empty talk, the social atmosphere is unprecedentedly impetuous, and people are everywhere. generation.

It was during this period that Buddhism combined with Chinese civilization, especially Dunhuang and Guzang.

This may be due to the lack of various fertilizers.

Yang Xu's charter is just right, the clan has certain powers in its hands, but it will not pose a threat to the center.

As long as the Jin Dynasty of the Sima family is not too hip, Chinese civilization will enter a new stage 400 years in advance.

It just so happened that the Central Plains was in the bag, and although the powerful Shandong gentry had their heads shaved, they still had great strength, and they needed people like Zhang Fu to rule them.

"There are many records in the classics such as the Book of Songs, Guanzi, and the Yueling of the Four Peoples. I know a few of them from my early travels in Jingxiang." From any perspective, Wang Jun is a real scholar who can go to battle, understand the classics and history, and govern. party.

Such a detailed thing is obviously not the result of him alone.

The biggest advantage of doing nothing is to create a relaxed political environment.

It's a pity that Sima's family not only pulls hips, but also bullshit...

Taoism also gradually stepped onto the stage of history at this time, from Taiping Dao to Wudou Rice Religion, and evolved into Tianshi Dao.

Since the establishment of Zhongshutai, Shizhongsi, Shangshutai, and the six departments of officials, households, rites, soldiers, criminals, and workers, the upper-level structure of Daqin has become more and more perfect, with clear division of labor among officials, and much higher efficiency than before.

The personal guard opened the sack and checked it before showing it to Yang Zheng.

However, Wang Jun's words opened up a way of thinking for Yang Zheng. To increase the yield, one aspect is to increase the quality of rice seeds, the other is to cultivate the technology, and the other is to improve the farming tools.

In addition to those who were born and raised by the common people, there were also the Bacondi and other tribes who went down the mountain to become the people, and the Qiang people on the plateau were attached.

According to the records of "Historical Records Hequ Shu" and "Shihuo Zhi", fertile land in this era can produce three stones, eight buckets and four liters of millet per mu, which is about 280 kilograms in later generations, and rice in the south can produce two and a half stones per mu.

In addition, Yang Zheng has always been right about things and not people, and his promotion depends entirely on his political achievements, so that officials can concentrate on practical things instead of focusing on internal struggles.

It also relieved the emperor's burden, so he could spend his mind on other places.

When politics and governance are relaxed, the culture is also relaxed.

During the great rule of Sichuan, the population increased by more than 40 in four or five years!

"Your Majesty, the children of Qingying found high-quality rice seeds in Jiaozhou last year, and they succeeded in trial planting this year, and the yield per mu increased by [-]%!" Zhao Ahqi came in excitedly carrying a small sack of rice.

The Quyuan plow and composting methods in the Guanzhong area have not yet been extended to the whole country, and stone plows and wooden plows are still used in many places.

Yang Zheng read it carefully twice, and felt that there was no major problem, so he handed it to Zhongshutai, Shizhong Temple, and Shangshutai to go through the process. If there is something unreasonable, they will pick it out.

The new dynasty naturally has a new look, and all civil and military officials are hard-working talents.

"Cultivation in the south is extensive. If it is intensive cultivation, the yield will increase again." Said Wang Jun, the regular attendant of Sanqi.

The Sima family overcorrected and sealed off the clan. Only 30 years later, the Eight Kings Rebellion broke out.

And the Confucianism of this era is not resting on its laurels, it has a certain progressive significance, many scholars are more versatile, such as Ji Kang, Du Yu, Wei Guan, Suo Jing, Pei Xiu, Zhang Hua, etc., are not powerless sour scholar.

Zhang Fu's political achievements in recent years surpassed Yang Xiao and Yang Jun, ranking first.

In order to increase the population, one is to increase food production, and the other is to lighten the burden.

"Oh?" Yang Zheng was overjoyed.

In addition to these, Yang Xu also imitated Han Gaozu, not the Yang family but the king, and the world will fight together!
If Cao Wei had imitated the Han system back then, he would not have been taken advantage of by the Sima family.

"Shizhi also knows about farming?" Yang Zheng has never been to the south, and the southernmost place he has been to is Hanzhong.

In fact, all kinds of academics were very active in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Besides Zhang Jun, Wen Ji, Bei Gongchun and others selected by Yang Zheng, the crown prince also had a group of staff.

However, corn has a high yield and can be stored for nine years, and rice and wheat for up to five years. Moreover, corn is also an excellent fodder for war horses, so it has become the mainstream in the north.

And it's a good start.

Cao Wei had three Cao and seven sons, and his cultural level had reached a peak.

An increase of [-]% may not seem like much, but it cannot support the large base of the whole country.

After so many years of investing, it finally paid off.

Yang Zheng thought to himself, the governor of Yizhou is Zhang Fu, and his strength is to fight against the strong and not afraid of the powerful. After so many years in the middle of Shu, the powerful were subdued by him. In order to avoid him, a large number of powerful nobles moved to Nanzhong, these people came to Nanzhong, enslaved the local natives, enslaved people, and hacked each other with the local natives. They were very busy, but they became the pioneers of developing Nanzhong.

The two are actually interlinked, reducing their survival pressure. The pressure of survival is high, and they are running around for a living every day, and they can’t support themselves. How can they have the mood to have a baby?
In fact, Yang Zheng doesn't like corn very much personally. The taste is not as good as wheat and rice. He mainly cooks porridge.

The rice grain is more slender than that of the later generations, but not as plump as the later generations.

Governance is the best use of people.

"I promoted you to be the governor of Yizhou, save food and grass, build warships, and prepare for the attack on Wu!"

"The minister takes orders!"

Wang Jun is the governor of Yizhou, and Zhang Fu is the governor of Qingzhou, ready to take over Wei Guan.

The Wubao in the Central Plains was almost demolished, so there was no need to leave Daqin's Shang Shuling there.

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