
Chapter 835 Enriching the People

Seeing that the new year was approaching, Yang Zheng held a grand banquet.

The imperial city was packed with banquets, from ordinary soldiers to generals, and almost all the disabled soldiers were invited.

The banquet is from Huangchengdui to Zhuque Street.

Although there are many people, the cost is not much. According to the tradition of the army, they eat meat and drink heavily, there is no silk and bamboo orchestra, and there are no singers and dancers, but the atmosphere is extremely lively.

Yang Zheng took the prince to toast the disabled soldiers, asked them about their health, and asked them if they had any difficulties in life.

The soldiers were moved to tears, "There is land given by His Majesty, which is enough to feed the whole family, and there is spare money to hire some servants. How dare you think about it before this day?"

"That's good! That's good, I can't let you bleed on the battlefield and cry when you come back!"

"Haha, although my subordinates are dying, my sons and grandsons are all reputable men. They ride like flying horses, can hold a three-stone strong bow, and will fight for His Majesty in the future!"

"Then it's a deal!" Yongliang land has produced warriors since ancient times, and Yang Zheng is very happy that the bravery in their veins has not faded.

After the banquet was over, Yang Zheng rewarded each of them with thirty catties of beef and mutton, and a jar of wine, so that they could have a good year.

In Guanzhong, it is rare for people to freeze to death on a large scale.

He has great influence among the people, especially in Liangzhou, regardless of Qiang and Hu, they all treat Yang Zheng like a god.

After a heavy snow, enter the new year.

After thinking about it, I gave up.

Ponds and canals in Guanzhong were also used, and fish fry were stocked in them. At the end of the year, the people could eat fresh fish.

Daqin lacked everything, money, food, and people, except livestock.

The four major pastures have already been established to a large scale. With the improvement of management, the annual livestock output is also increasing.

The relationship between the court and the people is by no means antagonistic.

Yang Zheng disdains the idea of ​​a strong country and a weak people in Shang Jun's book.

Whether you have money or not, you have to come here for a fresh picture.

There is the Yellow River in the north, Dijinze in the middle, and Wuding River in the south. The water and grass are extremely fertile, which is a great attraction for grassland tribes.

"Book of Rites·University" has a saying: The family of cutting ice does not raise cattle and sheep, and the family of Baicheng does not raise ministers who collect money. Rather than having ministers who collect money, it is better to have ministers who steal.This means that the country does not take profit as profit, but righteousness as profit.

In fact, Yang Zheng also thought about this, making coal private to the court like salt and iron.

In the past few years, the protection of Henan has begun to show some results. After clearing out the tribes and people in it, large-scale tree planting, and the introduction of alfalfa from the Western Regions, the wind and sand in Weibei have decreased, and wild animals are gathering in groups.

Some people buy official coal in the market, and the price of private coal is low, and ordinary people can also enjoy it.

If you really can't make it through, you can go to Shuofang, Beidi, and Jiuyuan to seek supplies, but it will affect the Ministry of War's assessment of the leading general.

The creativity of the people is unlimited. There are fireplaces and kangs in people's homes. Coal cakes can be burned, as well as wood and cow dung. In heavy snow days, the homes are warm.

This is also what Yang Zheng likes most about him. He is loyal and never compromises in carrying out his orders.

In addition to farming, the people of Yongliang also raised pigs, sheep, mules and donkeys in their homes, and if conditions allowed, they also had cattle and horses in their homes.

"How about destroying all these private coals?" Zhao Ah Qi felt distressed as he watched the price of coal in Daxing City drop every day.

Yang Zheng asked the government to remind the people that when using this thing for heating, they must ventilate, otherwise they will be poisoned.

The [-] cavalry took turns patrolling on a regular basis, each with two horses and one camel, divided into [-] teams, each carrying two months of food and grass, and leaving from Daxing, they needed to wander in Henan for three months, raise their own food and grass for one month, hunt, Looting and starvation are their own affairs. Their daily life is the same as that of the Mobei tribe. They eat, drink and scatter all on horseback. When they meet the Qianghu tribe, they can directly attack them.

It means that the imperial court does not compete with the people for profit. If there is too much competition for profit, corrupt and corrupt officials will take the opportunity to collect money.

When the people are prosperous and strong, no one is willing to raise their heads to rebel, the people will be stable, the society will move forward, the country will naturally become stronger, and the rule of the old Yang family will become more stable. This is a positive feedback.

Ma Long sits in Youzhou, and the harassment of previous years has long since disappeared. Xianbei and Wuhuan are silent, and they continue to profess their vassals, and many tribes simply move inward.

However, due to the lack of scale and insufficient supply, the price is quite high.

Every year, many tribes emerge inexplicably and hide in Tibet under the iron hooves of the Qin army.

Besides, Daqin is not bad for these three melons and two jujubes. When the people have money, they will improve their living standards, businesses will rise, and the economy will be invigorated.

Jin Yiwei is a good knife, but as a tool, it has its own ideas, which is not a good thing.

The price continued to be raised, and a three-inch briquette was fired to three pennies...

There are always some Mobei tribes who have crossed the Yellow River and moved into Henan, trying to grow and develop.

But that's okay, they are the best prey.

So Henan became the training ground for the Daqin cavalry.

The imperial court eats the big head, corrupt and corrupt officials eat the small head, and the people can only drink the northwest wind poorly.

Perhaps because it was invented by the emperor, this thing was favored by dignitaries as soon as it entered Daxing City.

"Wei!" Zhao Aqi looked puzzled. With his brain, he still couldn't figure out the connection, but he still carried it out faithfully.

Hebei is also stabilizing.

The imperial court divided the huge area into twenty pastoral areas, and only five pastoral areas allow grazing and hunting every year, so that the land can be recuperated.

If wealth is hidden among the people, the population will naturally increase.

Coal Cao followed suit and made a quick buck.

Yang Zheng has been deified by the Xuanyi Division's continuous publicity these years, and all his deeds have been compiled into operas and storytelling.

There is a need for business, and soon some smart people discovered coal mines in Guanzhong. Fengsa County is connected to Bingzhou, and the coal resources are extremely rich. Some people imitated coal cakes by themselves, sold them everywhere, and made a lot of money.

Since the invention of the coal stove, it was quickly popularized. Yang Zheng also opened a coal store, selling coal cakes from Bingzhou to Guanzhong, Hebei, Monan and other places.

"Guanzhong has been fighting for a long time, and the people have only migrated here in the past few years. It is not easy to make a living. You Jinyiwei not only cannot destroy it, but also supervise it to prevent the coal mine from falling into the hands of local tyrants!"

The current Guanzhong is sparsely populated, and the pressure of survival is not great, and there is no need to migrate the population northward.

However, Liaodong is still occupied by Murong, Duan, Yuwen, and Goguryeo, and they have no intention of returning it.

Constantly proclaiming ministers and requesting canonization is actually to let Daqin recognize the land they occupied.

Of course, Yang Zheng would not agree. There are a large number of Han family children in Liaodong, so it is impossible to give them to them in such a muddle-headed manner, and become the capital for the rise of the alien race.

At that time, Guanqiujian went to the east with a small force and fought all the way to the coastal area of ​​the Far East. He merged Goguryeo into Xuantu County of Youzhou, and also included the Lingdong Yeji area of ​​the Korean Peninsula and the territory of Dongnanchen Korea into Lelang and Daifang Er. The county not only recovered the entire territory of the four counties of the Han Dynasty, but also expanded the land for thousands of miles, which was the furthest in the history of the Central Plains Dynasty in the Northeast.

It is a pity that Sima Yi moved the Han people from Eastern Liaodong to fill Hebei, resulting in insufficient population in Eastern Liaodong. They could be defeated, but they could not hold on.

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