
Chapter 836 Turmoil

Of course, Yang Zheng would not turn a blind eye to such a large territory.

Da Qin inherited the orthodoxy of Cao Wei, of course to restore the old territory of Cao Wei.

With briquettes, the bitter cold is not unsolvable.

Cotton in the Western Regions has also been successfully tested, and small-scale cultivation can begin.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the State of Yan was able to manage Liaodong, so there is no reason why people cannot live in it now. At most, Yang Zheng moved the Sinicized Qiang people in Hehuang there.

Even if you can't, kill Murong Xianbei and Goguryeo!
When these two forces grow up, they will definitely become a serious problem for the Central Plains.

Historically, Goguryeo developed from the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the Sui Dynasty and grew into a behemoth with 30 cavalry and a population of more than three million, directly threatening the hinterland of the Central Plains.

Of course, the most important thing in the past two years is to recuperate and accumulate strength.

"It's better to separate Liaozhou and Pingzhou from Youzhou!" Encouraged by Yang Zheng, Yang Xu began to actively participate in political affairs.

The father and son are very close, and they will not hide their thoughts.

The grain and grass transported from the rear must be approved by the Qin army before entering the city...

Yang Xu looked delighted, "I feel that apart from Youzhou, Bing, Yu, Qing, and Yan also need to be reduced from big to small. On the one hand, we can weaken the strong and powerful, and on the other hand, we can strengthen the control of the local area."

The Qin and Han Dynasties ruled from the west to the east and from the north to the south.

The two generals Xia Xiang and Shao Jie guarding Yiyang surrendered, and Yiyang returned to Qin.

The Qin army was like entering a land of no one.

"go on."

"Youzhou has jurisdiction over Daijun, Shanggu, Zhuojun, Guangyang, and Yuyang. It is divided into Liaoxi and Youbeiping as Pingzhou. It extends northward and includes Linhuang County and Raole County. It is divided into Liaodong, Xuantu, and Le Lang led the four counties to Liaozhou, and then set up Liaobei County, which was sealed by the clan as the king of Liao." Yang Xu pointed to the sand table and said.

But one step forward today, two steps forward tomorrow, Wu Jun soon discovered that the land outside the city was gradually being eaten away by Qin Jun.

What troubled Zhong Hui the most was that Guo Ma in Guangzhou rebelled at this time.

Build docks, stockpile food and grass, arrange passes, train government soldiers, and reclaim military settlements.

This is the third time Luo Xian has requested to attack Xiling, and the memorial bluntly stated that Jiangdong is in turmoil and the opportunity cannot be missed.

No matter how good the national policy is, it needs time.

"Did Qin abandon Jiangdong because of Lu Kang alone?" Yang Zheng acknowledged Lu Kang's strength, but Luo Xian and Huo Yi were not mediocre either.

It is not certain who will die...

In the city where Wu Jun was located, the outside of the city was basically abandoned.

He is only in his forties now, a few years younger than Yang Zheng.

Furthermore, after so many years of cultivation, Shuzhong has recovered its strength, with sufficient money, food and troops, plus Nanzhong Huo Yi and Xiangyang Yanghu, they are fully capable of meeting Lu Kang.

Gu, Zhu, Zhang and other Jiangdong surnames who were suppressed by Zhonghui sent envoys to Daxing one after another...

The current Soochow does not have the strength of the Eastern Jin, and the orthodoxy of the world is also in Daqin.

The Qin State occupies the Central Plains, and it is clear who is the orthodox one.

The strength of the two countries is not at the same level.

"Is this what you thought of yourself?"

Du Yu, Yang Hu, and Lu Qin were all well-known and noble in character. In Nanyang, Xiangyang, and Shouchun, they adopted the strategy of Huairou very tacitly to attack the hearts of Wu people.

Although the sword is still tense, Jiangdong's people's hearts are slowly changing.

"Your Majesty, Dudu Luo requests Xiangyang and Nanzhong three roads to attack Xiling!" Wei Guan presented Luo Xian's memorandum.

"The idea is good, but it is not suitable to implement it in the past two years. The country's top priority is to recuperate and recuperate. It is better to be quiet than to move. When the people return to their hearts and the world is unified, we can do this again."

After a long time, I found that the Qin army also planted fields, repaired forts and barracks, shouted twice from time to time, had no plans to attack the city, and gradually didn't take it seriously.

All kinds of chaos made Jiangdong suddenly windy and stormy.

Seeing that spring is about to enter, according to the deployment of the Ministry of War, the Qin army strategically squeezed from Nanyang, Jingxiang, Huainan, and Bashu to Soochow.

"I think that if we wait a few more months and make preparations for Huo Yi, Yang Hu, and Luo Xian, and at the same time send secret agents to separate Zhonghui and the Lu family, we may be able to win Jingzhou without bloodshed!" Wei Guan suggested the safest solution.

Still the same sentence, at this stage, there is still less toss.

In just two or three months, Wu's generals continued to surrender.

Four to five counties per state is more reasonable.

There are storytellers everywhere on the streets of Jianye, talking freely about the past events of Qin's destruction of the Six Kingdoms, Han Gao's defeat of Chu, and Han Wu's destruction of South Vietnam.

"It was negotiated with the Liao Zuo of the Eastern Palace." Yang Xu did not take the credit.

The north is resting and recuperating, but local wars in the south can be fought by a dozen.

The soldiers and civilians of Anfeng and Lu'an drove away the generals of Wu and greeted the Qin army.

"Lu Kang has guarded Jingzhou for many years, and Xiling was built by him himself. The city is strong, and with the cooperation of the navy, it may be difficult to succeed." Wei Guan said one thing.

And what Yang Zheng wanted to attack now was not Jiangdong, but half of Jingzhou.

"It makes sense!" Yang Zheng laughed.

"If you divide it like this, the hometown of the Xianbei people and Goguryeo will disappear." Yang Zheng laughed, this is the opening of the map.

Water dripping through stone, this kind of water grinding kung fu is the most difficult to defend against.

This person was originally the governor of Xiuyun, the prefect of Hepu. Xiuyun was seriously ill and returned to Guangzhou. He died soon after. , Wu Shu, Yin Xing and others gathered together to attack and kill Guangzhou Governor Yushou. He claimed to be General Annan, the governor of Jiaozhou, and the military forces of Guangzhou Erzhou. He also sent envoys to contact Huo Yi in Nanzhong, Yang Ji and Mao Jiong in Jiaozhou. department.

Wu Jun was still nervous at first, so he stepped up his guard.

Especially Yang Hu and Lu Qin, who were good at governing, cooperated with the Zhenfu Division and Xuanyi Division, and often greeted the generals of the Wu army. During festivals, they always prepared cattle and sheep to reward the Wu army. …

A few years ago, Yang Wu proposed the strategy of turning the big into a small state, turning the big state into a small state, which has already been implemented in Guanzhong and Shuzhong.

At the junction of the two countries, there were originally a large number of no-man's land.

The orthodoxy of the Central Plains for thousands of years has taken root in people's hearts.

"People who are not of our race must have a different heart. These lands were originally the homeland of the Han family. Goguryeo invaded our territory, and the three tribes of Xianbei repeatedly sent troops to assist the Sima family. Sooner or later, it will be a major disaster for the Central Plains." Yang Xu has more and more eyes on the prince.

Jiang Dong's awe of the North Country was deeply rooted in his bones.

Moreover, the estrangement between Zhong Hui and the Lu family is obvious to all, and it is impossible for the two to work together.

This does look like a good opportunity.

Yan Zheng, a strongman in Guangling County, led three thousand people to defect to Langya County.

Take Xiling and control the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and Jiangling and Wuchang will be within reach.

Lu Kang was a hurdle that Zhonghui couldn't get around, but it was also a hurdle for Daqin.

"What do Boyu think?" Yang Zheng still asked Wei Guan for his opinion.

"Yes." Yang Xu cupped his hands.

"Not bad." Yang Zheng encouraged.

As expected of Wei Guan, Jiangdong's biggest hidden danger was revealed in one sentence.

Zhong Hui is ambitious and restless, and the conflict with the Lu family is increasing day by day.

There is only a fire on both sides.

After Zhonghui conquered Xuchang, with the help of the Yingchuan gentry, his prestige and strength have greatly increased. Would he be satisfied with the position of prime minister?

Yang Zheng was surprised that the two sides could live in peace for so many years.

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