
Chapter 838 Messenger

Under Zhonghui's various methods, Jiangdong was surprisingly stable.

The material was sent to Jiangling with great fanfare, which was to show the Qin army the harmony between Jingzhou and Jiangdong.

"The Jiangdong navy is hard to shake." Yang Zheng looked at the information sent by Xi Zuo and had to accept the reality.

Even if Daqin strengthens the construction of the navy, it will be difficult to match the Wu army in the short term.

"So this battle is over?" Yang Xu asked.

"I think this battle can be fought." Wei Guan suddenly acted uncharacteristically.

"Why?" Yang Xu became more and more curious.

Wei Guan twisted his beard and said: "The imaginary ones are real, and the real ones are false. The bell will make great fanfare, which just shows that his heart is empty. Emperor Wei Wendi attacked Wu three times, all from Huainan, and they were defeated by the Wu army. So if our army wants to To defeat Wu, we can only attack Jingzhou first."

The separation between Zhong Hui and the Lu family has failed, and Zhong Hui is not as anxious as Sima Zhao.

It is impossible to rely on the civil strife in Jiangdong. It is better to take advantage of Guo Ma's chaos in Jiangdong and attack Jingzhou once.

Zhonghui is like sitting on a volcano, there are many people who disagree with him, the wind and rain are precarious, internal and external troubles.

Zhuge Liang said: "Thank you for your kindness. Back then, Liang had nowhere to go. Soochow took her in, and she didn't send it back to the Sima family. It was a great kindness. Now Soochow is in danger. If Liang abandons her, what face will she have in Daqin? Your Majesty will also I hate it."

Any small defeat could lead to collapse, which is why Zhong Hui piled all the sailors on the river to deter himself.

"Foreign minister, take orders." Zhuge Liang cupped his hands.

This also shows that the strategy of squeezing Jiangdong is quite effective.

With the current status of the two countries, as long as it is not a core interest, Zhong Hui will agree.

Even if it fails, it is just a partial setback.

Defeat is not terrible. The Qin army, the Han army, and the Tang army have all been defeated. No army can truly be invincible.

The current Great Qin can fully afford it. If he is afraid of failure and does not dare to send troops, he does not know when the world will be unified.

Qin Jun can afford defeat, but Wu Jun cannot.

A country that doesn't have much strength in its hands and barks like a mad dog every day is just a joke.

Scholars still have a bit of character.

Rather than saying that Wu State occupies the south of the Yangtze River, it is better to say that the core area of ​​Wu State is only along the Yangtze River. The so-called Jiaoguang two states are all sparsely populated and full of mountain people.

Daqin inherited the Wei system, so it should set things right for these people.

"Will Xuchang still attack?" Yang Zheng asked with a smile.

"Great Qin is neither Cao Wei nor Shu Han. Since Jiangdong is so confident, he might as well wait and see how the battle in Jingzhou goes!" A man's aura will rise with his status, and every word that Yang Zheng utters now will give people great pressure.

Although Zhuge Liang remained calm, his eyes were dodging, and his expression became unnatural, "Your Majesty insists on going his own way, and the minister has nothing to say."

In the defeat of Xiaoting, the Shu Han lost all their old friends. If Zhuge Liang hadn't appeared, the Shu Kingdom would have perished long ago.

The defeat of Chibi, the three kingdoms stand together, and Cao Cao lost the opportunity to dominate the world.

You can't have to be the emperor in front of every battle, right?
After unifying the Central Plains, Yang Zheng's mentality also changed.

There are also Guanqiujian's younger brother Guanqiuxiu, son Guanqiuzong, grandson Guanqiuzhong and others.

Not this time, there will be next time, next time.

Guan Qiujian's achievements are definitely underestimated.

This is why Wei Guan agreed to attack Wu.

"Command Yang Hu, Luo Xian, and Huo Yi to attack Jingzhou together!" Yang Zheng slapped his thigh.

The war in Jingzhou does not affect the overall situation in the north. The people in Guanzhong don't care about the friction between the two countries.

Therefore, if one is randomly breached along the Yangtze River, the state of Wu will not be far from being destroyed.

Zhuge Liang was taken aback, but with his intelligence, he quickly figured it out, "The man who bows his knees is not trustworthy. The prime minister puts troops in Jianye, who dares to move? The Great Qin went to destroy the Jin, and the Central Plains people's hearts were not attached. Your Majesty If you insist on attacking Wu, if you are unfavorable, you may have the disaster of Chibi and the defeat of Xiaoting!"

The national power of the two sides is not the same size.

But can Jiangdong now be compared with Jiangdong back then?

"The meaning of your majesty is the meaning of the prime minister, and the meaning of the prime minister is also the meaning of your majesty." Zhuge Liang answered without revealing anything.

"As expected of the son of Zhuge Gongxiu!" Yang Zheng praised.

In these two battles, Jiangdong defeated the strong with the weak.

"Unfortunately, there are people who are more sincere than you." Yang Zheng laughed.

As long as the situation is opened up in Jingzhou, Jiangdong will be over.

In fact, Yang Zheng didn't pay much attention to the war in Jingzhou.

400 years ago, the Qin State wiped out the six countries, and it was not easy to capture.

Yang Zheng sighed, "Your Excellency, please do it yourself."

Whether it's a mule or a horse, you have to take it out for a walk.

Zhuge Liang is almost becoming Zhonghui's mouthpiece.

"The prime minister of my family wants to replace the two cities of Xiangyang and Shouchun with Yuzhou. From then on, the two countries will be governed by the Han River in the west and the Huai River in the east. The east of the river is willing to go to the emperor's title, treat Daqin as his brother, and pay tribute every year."

Zhuge Liang bowed his hands and retreated.

It is not surprising that Wu Guo is subdued at this time, and the man who can bend and stretch is the real man.

"Bold!" The guard shouted coldly.

In recent days, Jiangdong's powerful and loyal secret letters have been sent one after another, vying to be the leader of the party, urging Daqin to take advantage of Guo Ma's rebellion, attacking from north to south, Jiangdong can be broken in one blow.

One sentence blocked Yang Zheng.

The general trend of the world has become clear, and it is only a matter of time before Soochow is destroyed, and the whole world has reached a consensus.

But Zhuge Liang was not afraid, and looked straight at Yang Zheng calmly.

"You have nothing to say, but I have something to say. Go back and tell Zhong Hui. Now that you surrender to Daqin, you will still be a Marquis. If the Daqin generals break through Jianye, I'm afraid they will become prisoners!"

After not seeing each other for several years, Zhuge Liang became even more haggard, "The foreign ministers pay respects to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor."

"Why didn't Emperor Father capture Xuchang first?" Yang Xu asked.

"Is this what Zhong Hui meant, or Lord Wu Sun Jin?" Yang Zheng stared at Zhuge Liang and said.

"Wai Li, why are you here?"

Not only the people of Daqin think so, but even the people of Jiangdong think so.

Zhuge Liang entered Beijing, but Yang Zheng still prepared a formal welcome ceremony.

Zhuge Sheng had a lot of selfishness in his army, but Guan Qiujian was really complaining for Cao Wei.

"Zhongsi, you were originally from Wei, and you are also from Qin. The world is about to be unified, so it is better to return to your homeland." After talking about business matters, we can talk about private matters.

One Zhou Gongjin and one Lu Boyan, from then on, their names go down in history, and they are admired by countless posterity.

After thinking for a while, Yang Xu said: "My son knows that after the destruction of Wu, Xu Chang will surrender."

"The Yingchuan gentry have influenced the world for more than a hundred years. The city is easy to take, but their hearts are hard to return. I want them to move to Daxing with conviction!"

The Yingchuan gentry had already sent someone to contact them. The specifications were much lower than before. They could give up part of their land, servants, and trilogy, but they wanted to stay in Yingchuan, but Yang Zheng ignored them.

After digesting Hebei and Shandong, Yingchuan naturally couldn't run away, Yang Zheng wanted to see how long they could last.

The longer the delay, the fewer chips they have.

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