
Chapter 839 The First Battle

All the pressure was concentrated on Luo Xian.

This battle was only approved by the court after he made repeated submissions.

If it fails, Luo Xian doesn't know where to put his embarrassment, and the embarrassment of the scholars in Zhongshu will be lost.

However, Luo Xian has a well-thought-out plan. Others are afraid of the prestige of Lu Kang and his son, but he is not. For so many years, he has always wanted to avenge the siege of Yong'an.

"If you want to pacify Jiangdong, you must conquer Jingzhou first. If you want to conquer Jingzhou, you must destroy Xiling first!" Luo Xian said in a deep voice under Yong'an City.

His eyes swept across the group of generals, and his son Luo Xi and nephew Luo Shang were among them.

The Luo family also gradually grew into the generals of Shuzhong.

"Break through Xiling!" Countless spears and daggers stabbed into the sky.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, this Qin army is recruited from the old army in central Shu, trained for many years, has enough soldiers and food, and has high morale.

Luo Xian was extremely confident in his level of military training, "March!"

No matter how brave Wu Yan and Zuo Yi are, they will not be able to fight against the formation of ten thousand people.

Luo Shang is only a school lieutenant now, and he cannot inherit Luo Xian's title, so he is naturally more anxious.

In the first battle, the sky was dark and the sky was dark.

Cut vertically and horizontally, but there is no general who can combine them.

However, the Qin army was exhausted from afar after all, and the Wu army waited for work with ease.

Yong'an is close to Xiling, but far from Xiangyang.

The flag at the head of the city was waved, and the army turned around slowly, moving forward with steady steps.

Although Wu's army was small, everyone was brave and fearless. When the Qin army came from afar, they were poor and lacked horses, and their foothold was unstable.

"If Xiling is defeated, won't the military merit be shared with others?"

"If Yang Hu came, how could Lu Kang go out of the city to fight?" Luo Xian asked while looking at Xiling City.

The commander of this battle is Huo Yi who has not yet arrived on the battlefield. Yang Hu's official position is not under Luo Xian, and he is also older than Luo Xian, but he is very respectful.

On the surface, the battle was evenly matched, and the casualties on both sides were similar, but in fact, the Qin army had the upper hand. If it goes on like this, it is obvious that the Wu army will suffer a bit.

His every word and deed fell into Luo Xian's eyes. Luo Shang became an orphan when he was young. He was raised by Luo Xian and treated him as his own. Taking him this time was also meant to train him. It was just Luo Shang's little thought. There are too many, and before breaking the city, they think about fighting for merit, not the way of generals.

There has been virtually no communication over the years.

It was indistinguishable to kill for a while.

In just a few years, he was promoted from the prefect of Badong to the governor of a town. This kind of grace and trust is rare in ancient and modern times.

Halfway through the construction of the camp, the battle drums in the city roared, the city gate opened, and a group of soldiers rushed out with great ferocity, entered the camp of the Qin army, and set fire in all directions.

Luo Xian set up camp with peace of mind and built a tight siege.

Lu Kang had already fortified the walls and cleared the fields, Xiling towered high beside the river, there were many banners and flags on the city, and a large flag with the characters of Lu and Wu was fluttering in the wind.

"Wu Qin was originally an ally, why did you invade our border!" Wu Jun shouted towards the city with full confidence.

On the river, more than 200 warships also set sail together.

The Qin army sailed down the river, and the two sailors collided and fought against each other.

It was midsummer, with southerly and easterly winds, and the sound of drums on the river. The Wu army sailed up the river, shouting loudly, and the momentum was astonishing. The boats were equipped with heavy crossbows and shot directly at the Qin army's formation.

The two were friendly, but there was something wrong with the eyes of the subordinates.

"If Yang Hu can come early, Wu Yan and Zuo Yi will be left behind, and Lu Kang's right and left hands will be left behind!" Luo Shang vented his anger on Yang Hu.

As the great river goes east, the iron armor on both sides of the river surges downstream like a river.

In Xiling City, seeing an opportunity to take advantage of, thousands of soldiers rushed out.

The strength of the Wu army under Lu Kang's command was far superior to that of the ordinary Wu army, far exceeding Luo Xian's expectations. It was impossible for Lu Kang to send all the troops there, and the same was true for Luo Xian, who kept a hand in his hands.

An army of [-] marched by land and water.

The people killed by Wu Yan turned on their backs. Fortunately, Luo Xi commanded the elite to fight to the death and saved Luo Shang's life.

Luo Xian rides on a war horse, with Luo Xi in his left hand and Luo Shang in his right, full of vigor.

"Hu is late, the governor forgives me!"

Under the flag, the defenders looked down on the Qin army.

For the next two days, there was no more fighting.

Within a few days, the army went straight to Xiling.

After shouting a few times in the city and in the city, they entered the stage of scolding.

Young people inevitably want to climb up, and military merit is the best ladder in Daqin.

There is no barrier between Luo Xian and Huo Yi, but the communication with Yang Hu is not so smooth.

It's normal that Yang Hu didn't arrive.

Luo Xian snorted coldly, "Concentrate more on defeating the enemy and less on your own people."

It wasn't until night fell that the two sides reluctantly withdrew from the battlefield.

This made the generals around Yang Hu very dissatisfied.

"Jingzhen's words are wrong. Lu Kang has managed Jingzhou for many years, and his strength is strong. The three armies work together to defeat this powerful enemy. Otherwise, we will be humiliating ourselves." Luo Xi said dissatisfied.

Wu Jun defended the city with peace of mind.

Luo Xi was calm and prudent, and he didn't say a word, but Luo Shang was a little frivolous, "Lu Kang, a famous general in the east of the Yangtze River, might as well let the Xiangyang army attract the Wu army in Jiangling, and when they are exhausted, our army will attack Xiling again. Drum down."

On the fourth day, Yang Hu led a [-]-step cavalry and came late. It was not because of his intention, but because he was blocked by Wu Jun along the way.

Both of them were the most famous figures in the world, knowing the importance, they instantly eliminated the barriers, "The governor is both wise and brave. He once resisted tens of thousands of troops from Shengman, Buxie, and Lu Kang for half a year with a mere two thousand people, and became famous. In the world, Hu is nothing more than Lu Kang's defeated general, but the governor has orders, so he can speak out as much as he wants."

In addition, Luo Shang has another layer of thoughts. If he really breaks through Jingzhou, who will take the credit?
But Luo Xian shook his head, "Lu Kang is not an idiot. Jiangling has enough food and supplies, how could he fall for it? This battle is not fancy, all armies encircle Xiling, and using strength to kill Lu Kang is the best strategy!"

Amidst the roar, the long knife in his hand opened and closed, and cooperated with the soldiers, the Qin army who killed him retreated steadily.

"The Qin thief is to die!" The leading general was Wu Yan, the number one brave general under Lu Kang's command.

Wu Jun took advantage of the water army, but Qin Jun had an advantage on land.

If Luo Xian's command was determined, the formation of the Qin army became tighter and tighter, and the Wu army suddenly fell into a hard fight.

Luo Xian had prepared long ago, and ordered Luo Xi and Luo Shang to flank him.

The outside of Xiling City was covered in blood, and the floating corpses on the river slowly rushed downstream.

Luo Shang was greedy for meritorious service, and he led his soldiers forward to stop him, relying on his bravery.

"The fate of the Great Qin depends on it, why don't you come down sooner."

In the eyes of the generals in Shu, Yang Hu was nothing more than a grass in the wall for fame, and many people despised him.

Luo Xian could only order the construction of camps.

After decades of management by the Bu family and the Lu family, Xiling has long become the most important fortress in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

"My nephew made a slip of the tongue..." Luo Shang bowed his hand and apologized, but he didn't care about it on his face.

Luo Xian bowed his hands and saluted, "Why did the general say that? We need to rely more on the general's wisdom in this battle."

Looking at each other like fighting cocks, since ancient times, when people on two hilltops get together, there will be some friction.

Speaking of which, both sides were descendants.

But before the surrender, Luo Xian was the Shu Han, and Yang Hu was the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The conflict has been going on for a long time, but it has only been a few years since the demise of Shu, Wei, and Jin?
Prejudice is not so easily eliminated.

Daqin emphasizes military merits, not background, and many people are counting on this opportunity to climb up.

"General Yang is too modest!"

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