
Chapter 840

Chapter 840
The two armies were encircled, and Xiling was blocked.

The trenches and earth barriers are densely packed.

Luo Xian and Yang Hu learned their lesson, and when dealing with famous generals like Lu Kang, they did not play tricks and took one step at a time to win with stability.

The effect is also very obvious.

Lu Kang is equivalent to using half of Jingzhou to resist the combined attack of Shuzhong, Nanzhong, and Jingbei.

Wu Jun attacked several times, but was blocked by Qin Jun.

The naval forces in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River rushed to help one after another, but Yang Hu used fire boats to retreat.

The two of them will never be greedy for merit, no matter how empty Lexiang, Jiangling, Gongan and other places are, the Qin army will never divide the troops, and just smash Xiling wholeheartedly.

Feint attacks and strong attacks were staged in turn every day, and the Wu army in Xiling gradually couldn't bear it anymore.

Of course, the Qin army's food and grass consumption is also fast.

The guard behind him hesitated to take the man.

Morale often ebbs and flows. When the morale of the Wu army is high, the morale of the Qin army is suppressed, and the siege becomes timid.

The right time, place and people are in the hands of the Jin army.

Wu Liwu General Chen Dai, Pinglu General Zhu Ming and others were willing to cooperate with the Qin army to take down Xiling in one fell swoop and capture and kill Lu Kang.

Yang Hu organized the peasants to cut down trees, built a large number of catapults, and threw stones into the city frantically.

Luo Xian followed suit.

The deterrent power of fierce fire oil was not as great as before, and many Wu soldiers went up to the city wall with their backs on the sand.

Qin Jun was unmoved.

The Xiangyang generals were furious. Lu Kang's 2000 troops failed to defeat Luo Xian's 8 troops, but defeated Yanghu's [-] troops with [-] troops.

The morale of Xiling City changed, and the psychological fear of the Qin army was greatly weakened.

The two armies strangled on the mountain roads and city walls, and the Wu army was more brave than before.

But others don't look at the process, only the result.

The detailed work also found out that there were indeed these two people in Jiangdong.

But Luo Xian didn't care. Shuzhong was behind him. Wang Jun, the governor of Yizhou, loaded the grain and grass on the ship, and it could be sent to the front line in a few days.

Of course, the situation on the battlefield cannot be generalized.

The terrain of Xiling is relatively high, it cannot be attacked by water, and the power of the catapult is not strong, so it can only be used for harassment, and at the same time, it is necessary to prevent the Jiangdong water army on the river from suddenly coming ashore.

Of course, Luo Xian would not really kill his nephew, but also wanted to give Yang Hu a step down, "Huh, I will spare you this time, drag it down and beat you with thirty army sticks, and anyone who disrespects the superior will definitely be executed." !"

"If it weren't for Lu Kang, Jiangdong would have perished a few years ago." Yang Hu did not forget Sima Yan's strategy of defending from the west and attacking from the south.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose. The Qin army has a psychological advantage, and it is its mission to dominate the world from top to bottom.

However, the generals on his side didn't take it seriously, "Why is General Yang afraid of the enemy like a tiger? Back then, Lu Kang's 2000 army attacked Yong'an, which was guarded by [-] people. They lost troops and lost their generals, and they couldn't advance an inch. Today, there is an isolated city with [-] to [-] defenders. Why should you be afraid?" Is there?"

Luo Xian is upright and upright, he governs the army with leniency and strictness, few people dare to disobey.

"This must be Lu Kang's strategy!" Yang Hu had already suffered a loss. In the battle of Xiling, Zhu Qiao and Yu Zan surrendered, leading the Jin army to the Wu army's ambush circle, causing Yang Zhao to be defeated. Lu Kang won 3 Ten thousand horses defeated eighty thousand Jin troops.

Anyone with a little discernment will come out to dissuade him at this time. If Luo Shang is really killed, the gap between the people in Xiangyang and the people in Shuzhong will become wider and wider.

"The general trend of the world, how can we allow Lu Kangtang to be a cart!" Luo Xian looked at Xiling City and said in a deep voice.

"Lu Kang is indeed Jiangdong's No.1 general!" Luo Xian couldn't help admiring the beautiful play of this move.

Two surrender letters were sent to Luo Xian and Yang Hu.

On one side is written "the head of the traitor Chen Dai", and on the other side is written "the head of the traitor Zhu Ming".

Yang Hu shook his head, "As long as our army continues to siege, wait for Dudu Huo to join forces from the south, Xiling will surely fall, why bother to return to danger? Besides, Lu Kang is cunning, it is still unknown who will fall into whose scheme!"

The situation now is much the same as it was back then.

Luo Shang has backers, but they don't. If they are caught out, they won't be so lucky.

As soon as the fierce fire oil came on the stage, it gave Wu Jun a huge psychological shock.

"Wei!" The generals on both sides looked solemn.

Yecheng was built on the northern plain, and the Qin army could fully deploy its forces. However, Xiling was built in the middle of the mountains. When it was in the hands of Bu Xie Bu Chan, Lu Kang failed to capture it for a moment, and now it is reinforced by Lu Kang. The precipitousness of this city is still higher than that of Yecheng.

After half a month of stalemate, the city finally couldn't take it anymore.

The state of Wu is precarious, and it can be maintained for such a long time by Lu Kang alone.

Even the Thirty Army Sticks are not so easy to bear.

"Although this is the case, our army pretended to be tricked and took the opportunity to enter the city!" Luo Xian had never suffered such a disadvantage.

Not only Xiangyang generals were secretly angry, but even Yang Hu couldn't hold back his face.

Inside Wu, there was Sun Hao who went against the grain, and outside, there was Bu Xie and Bu Chan brothers who joined the Jin Dynasty with Xiling.

Less investment, more rewards, once successful, can turn the tide of battle.

However, on the second day, two human heads were planted on a large flag at the top of the city.

However, this confrontation is not good for Wu.

With the strength of central Shu, it would be no problem to besiege Xiling for a year or two, but Xiling would definitely not last that long.

Yang Hu dissuaded him, saying: "Wait a minute, governor. If the two armies are fighting, the general will be killed first, and the morale will be low. The young general is full of blood and will inevitably be impulsive. I hope the governor will forgive him."

On the city wall, a tooth flag with the word "Lu" flutters in the south wind.

Moreover, Soochow's feint-surrender strategy has been used too many times. Huang Gai and Chibi feigned surrender, and Zhou Bing made a lot of money to win Cao Xiu. There were still several times that failed.

However, there are many capable people in Wu's army, and the soldiers were destroyed by the sand.

The west is mainly defensive, blocking the Qin army to the west of Tongguan, while the south is quickly destroying the state of Wu, taking the national power of Jiangdong, and then competing with the Qin army for supremacy.

These actions confused Luo Xian and Yang Hu.

So far, he still can't confirm whether it is a false surrender plan.

"Bold! I don't know the superiority and inferiority of the upper and lower ranks. Disturb the morale of the army, push it out—" Luo Xian glanced away, and found that it was his nephew Luo Shang who caused the trouble, "Cut!"

I would rather die than roll off the cliff with Qin Jun in my arms.

It's a pity that Lu Kang tried his best to turn the tide and shined brilliantly in the Battle of Xiling, which saved Wu's life for at least ten years, and also ruined the Sima family's hope of making a comeback.

The fierce fire fuel of the Qin army was endless, and it became more and more difficult to defend the city.

The city walls couldn't stand people at all, as if even the stones were about to be burned.

There are too many forces behind Yang Hu, his hands are tied, and he is not the main general in the front line, and Yong'an, which Luo Xian is defending, is the gateway to the middle of Shu, and its strength is not inferior to Xiling.

Although the Qin army outside the city didn't believe it, it greatly frightened the Wu army inside the city, making Wu army feel the heart to fight to the death.

Chen Dai is the grandson of Chen Wu, a general of Eastern Wu, and Zhu Ming is a member of the Zhu family in Jiangdong, both of whom were promoted by Lu Kang in the past two years.

"Lu Kang is the pillar of Jiangdong. In my opinion, Zhong Hui is far inferior to his military strategy. If he breaks Xiling and captures and kills Lu Kang, Jiangdong can be easily solved!" Yang Hu said in a low voice.

Zhong Hui was famous all over the world, but he didn't have any outstanding achievements.

It was also in the Battle of Shouchun that year that blocked Sima Zhao's pressure on Mount Tai, and escaped from death inexplicably.

In the battle between Qin and Jin, Wu Jun had a lot to do, but Zhong Hui stopped in Xuchang, and was forced into a dilemma by Du Yu, and his evaluation dropped a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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