
Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Fifty miles downstream of Xiling, several galloping fast boats lay across the reeds on the bank.

Although the siege of Xiling was impenetrable, Wu Jun could still deliver messages through intricate waterways and secret passages.

Waterways and secret passages are too narrow to be used for sneak attacks.

There are nearly [-] troops on both sides, and the sneak attack of more than a hundred people is of no avail. The Qin army is extremely vigilant and the camp is dense. Neither Yang Hu nor Luo Xian are negligent.

Unless it happens to be able to kill the general of the Qin army.

But the probability of this is too low. The chief general is guarded by soldiers day and night, so it is not so easy to assassinate.

Putting the outcome of the war on this is tantamount to seeking fish from a tree.

Dusk, sunset, reeds, big river, and boats constitute a picture scroll with profound artistic conception.

There must be no one in such an otherworldly picture scroll, otherwise there would be a lack of soul.

Le Township is Lu Xun's base camp. It has been in operation for many years. It is located between Xiling, Jiangling, and Public Security. Its strategic location is very important.

"Why doesn't the general ask Jianye for help? His lips are dead and his teeth are cold, the prime minister will know."

Luo Xian and Yang Hu received another letter of surrender.

Bingfeng went straight to Jiangbei.

In Lu Xun's era, Cai Gong was a member of the Lu family, loyal and loyal, and his qualifications were older than Wu Yan and Zuo Yi.

Even if Wu Yan and Zuo Yi surrendered, Cai Gong would not surrender.

Zhong Hui's series of performances made Jiangdong Shimin full of expectations for him.

The Qin State recovered Yiyang and Lujiang without a single soldier.

One person, one boat, one round of sunset, the river is surging nearby, and the green mountains and green shadows in the distance.

A gust of wind from the river came, Lu Kang sighed, waved to the guards, the guards retreated, and the atmosphere was not as tense as before.

Yang Hu frowned, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, "What does the governor mean?"

And according to Luo Xian's strategy, whether Liu Wei really surrendered or not, he could try it out without any loss.

If you have the help of the navy, you can go straight down the river to Jiangling, Gong'an, Wuchang and other important towns.

A cold light flickered in Lu Kang's eyes, and two soldiers pressed their hands on the hilt of the saber and walked to Cai Gong's side, one left and one right.

It stands to reason that Lu Kang's false surrender strategy has already failed once, so there is no reason to do it again.

"God's will?" Cai Gong thought of something in an instant.

"You can send someone to contact him and make him counterattack Lexiang! If he goes, it's a real surrender, and if he doesn't go, it's a fake surrender. You can tell if it's true or not."

Lu Kang, the great general of Eastern Wu, was not in Xiling City, but above the river, "Yanghu and Luoxian worked together and complemented each other, so they didn't fall into my trap!"

After Cai Gong pondered for a while, he suddenly brought up a dull topic, "How many years does the General think... Jiangdong can last?"

Even if you want to surrender, you should not surrender to Yang Hu and Luo Xian.

Of course, Lu Kang knew that he was thinking of the Lu family, "These words... can't be said in the future, it's God's will whether it's a war or surrender, you and I are both generals of Wu Zhong, and we should take it as our duty to defend the land!"

"The two have followed X for many years. They are courageous and resourceful. They are indeed of great use. However, if they defend for a long time, they will lose. The Qin army is aggressive. Judging by their momentum, they must take the heart of Xiling."

"Zhong Hui can deceive the world, how can he hide it from someone? He is just a person who deceives the world and steals his name. His director is not in military strategy, but intrigue. There is a nursery rhyme in Jianye recently: In the west, native trees are born, in the east, gold is cut, and gold and soil are one. When we meet again, the iron horse enters Jiangdong! Although the people of Qin carefully set things apart, it is by no means empty words, and when a certain person is attacked by the enemy, he will definitely be broken by the people of Qin!"

It is impossible for Luo Xian and Yang Hu not to be moved.

Although it is gentle, it contains this inexplicable majesty.

As long as there is an order, Cai Gong's head will fall to the ground.

You know, Lu Kang is the great general of Soochow Wu, the Marquis of Jiangling County, and the Lu family is also the most prominent family in Jiangdong, and the whole family is the mainstay.

There is a man at the bow, wearing a purple robe and a long crown, with a long sword hanging from his waist, looking deeply at the Qin army camp in the northwest.

"Why is that?" Cai Gong wondered.

The Kuaijiliu family is a Jiangdong general and plays an important role, and the navy is exactly what the Qin army needs most.

If there is a false surrender, there is no need to take the lair out to take risks.

Today, there is no need to hide.

Lu Kang looked at the setting sun going west, feeling a little lost in his heart.

The person who submitted the letter this time is very important, and he is the governor of the Jingzhou Water Army.

The Lu family is also Zhonghui's biggest stumbling block.

"Lu Kang worked hard to seduce us." Yang Hu said with a light smile.

Ever since the Qin State destroyed the Jin Dynasty, people in Jiangdong have been in turmoil, and there are countless Beitouers.

"One of my subordinates has something to say, it's not worth saying or not saying it properly." Cai Gong came from the famous Cai family in Jingzhou, and he came from the same clan as Cai Mao back then.

But he looked at Lu Kang calmly.

Lu Kang is quite knowledgeable, Wu Yan and Zuo Yi were all promoted by him.

The relationship between the two sides is so dangerous, how could Lu Kang expect Zhong Hui to be indifferent?
The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. It is the best choice for Zhonghui to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap the benefits.

"Brilliant plan!" Yang Hu was only guessing, not [-]% sure.

Under the city of Xiling, the camp of the Qin Army.

If Jiang Dong hadn't been supported by the Lu family, he would have been swallowed by Zhong Hui long ago.

The prestige of Qin swallowing Shu and destroying Jin is very powerful in the world, and there are eight of them. If Wu Guo is united, it will be fine.

The secret envoys from both sides shuttled back and forth on the river, and after three days, they sent a worried reply, not only willing to attack Le Township, but also to take down the police, so that Luo Xian and Yang Hu could wait for the good news.

This time even Yang Hu was confused.

"There are two generals, Wu Yan and Zuo Yi, in Xiling, and they have enough soldiers and food, so the general can rest easy!" Cai Gong clasped his hands behind him.

"You don't need to think too much. The people of Qin flattened the north and wanted to despise Jiangdong. Did Yanghu Luoxian think that they would be helpless if they surrounded Xiling? Then let them learn from my Jiangdong soldiers." Lu Kang's hand It slapped heavily on the ship's side, making a crisp sound...

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the big river, and it seems to go east with the river.

Cai Gong hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "Gong has no other intentions. Today, the Great Qin Dynasty has become the dominant force in the world. Jingzhou is surrounded by enemies. It is not a place to stand. The general does not think about himself. He also wants to leave a note for the Lu family and his brothers." back road."

"Could it be that Chengzhang wants to be a lobbyist for the people of Qin?" Lu Kang smiled slightly.

Luo Xian's eyes flashed, "What if Liu worry is really attached to Daqin?"

Not a few Wu people sincerely surrendered. The two counties of Yiyang and Lujiang directly returned to Qin, and Hefei, Dongguan, Guangling and other places were also shaken.

Chen Dai and Zhu Ming are unnamed generals. Whether they accept or not does not affect the overall situation, but it is different to keep them in mind.

Lu Kang shook his head, "If Zhonghui doesn't come, I might be able to defend Jingzhou. If Zhonghui comes, Jingzhou won't fall into the mouth of tigers and wolves, but will fall into the belly of snakes and scorpions!"

Taking this place is tantamount to cutting off the connection between the Wu army in Jingzhou.

"Opportunity is rare. After a certain team leads an elite team to stay on the alert, if he attacks the city, our army will wait and see what happens. If he does not attack, our army will surprise him by surprise and wipe out Jingzhou's navy and Le Township!" Luo Xian Shen Shen soundtrack.

In field battles on land, the Qin army was never afraid of any opponent.

Including Lu Kang!

Luo Xian definitely has this confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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