
Chapter 842 Attack

Chapter 842 Attack
"Where did Huo Yi's troops arrive?" Lu Kang didn't know whether his swindling plan was successful or not, and he didn't know that there was an elite Qin army of 5000 people behind him.

"We have arrived at Wuling, blocked by General Zhongli and the Wuling Man, and have traveled less than [-] miles a day," the scout reported.

"What happened to the Qin army in Xiling?"

"Still fortifying the camp."

"Have you found out clearly?" The first false surrender was a temptation, and the second false surrender was a temptation. Lu Kang naturally hoped that the Qin army would turn to attack Lexiang.

The scouts hesitated for a while, "The Qin army used the Jurenba people as scouts. Since they are good at mountains and jungles, they noticed us within 72 miles. Of the 19 scouts, [-] returned, but no Qin army was dispatched."

The strangulation between scouts is more tragic than the frontal battlefield.

Qin Jun has always attached great importance to this way, and the scouts are the best of the best.

Often before the army is dispatched, scouts and secret agents are flying all over the sky.

The Wu army has an advantage on the water, but on land, the Qin army has horses, and the Wu army's scouts will naturally fall behind.

Boom, boom, boom...

"Why don't you lead 3000 people and pass first?" Seeing that Wuling was in front of him, Ma Rong really didn't want to give up.

Lu Kang looked at the direction of Jianye in the east, his eyes were extremely deep. After several years of battle in Xiling, he turned the tide and saved Jiangdong's life for ten years. Can he continue for another ten years now?

Some soldiers didn't wear armor at all, but the Wuling Man lingered like flies, relying on the advantage of the location to attack at every turn, and left with one blow. Once a soldier was injured, his wound festered and he died within a few days.

Wu Jun, who was like a stone statue, slowly woke up and stepped forward.

Now Zhongli Mu, who is guarding Wuling, is both wise and brave, and he has broken the Wuxi Yi tribe again, and is deeply loved by his subordinates, and all the barbarians return to him.

If Qin Jun doesn't move, then Wu Jun can only move.

Suddenly far and near, now left and right, as if there are enemies in all directions.

The army had already set off, and they had no choice but to retreat, and whispered to the guards beside him, "Tell Cai Gong to be careful."

Later, Huang Gai, a famous general of Soochow Wu, planned to kill him, and Wulingman surrendered to Soochow.

Huo Yi has fought battles all his life, so of course he knows what it means, "There must be soldiers coming, and the whole army can't take off their armor and sleep without taking off their swords!"

In two or three hours, a simple camp was erected.

Lu Kang always looked calm, got on his horse, and glanced at the [-] Wu troops standing behind him, standing like stone statues.

The Wuling Mountain Road has been rugged and difficult since ancient times, densely covered with jungles, full of snakes, insects and miasmas. Even though Huo Yi has lived in Nanzhong for many years, he is not used to the climate here.

"The general has an order: attack!" The soldiers waved the order flag.

"Wu Gou wants to attack each one in order to break the siege of Xiling, and he doesn't care about the strength of his own dog's teeth!" Huo Yi was old and strong, full of energy, majestic and majestic.

Looking at the posture of the Qin army, it seems that they intend to keep besieging and drain Jingzhou.

"Wei!" The soldiers reined in their horses and returned to Lexiang City.

The soldiers are full of energy. This army is not only the property of the Lu family, but also the barrier of Jiangdong.

Relying on the favorable location, the barbarians were mobilized to block the Qin army, making it difficult for Huo Yi to move an inch.

The sound of war drums sounded, echoing continuously in the mountains.

During the chaotic war of the Three Kingdoms, Jingzhou was the confidant of the world, and Wulingman actively participated in the melee of the Three Kingdoms and took advantage of the situation.

In the hazy night, rows of iron armor could be vaguely seen emitting a cold light.

Ma Rong was startled, "Wuling City doesn't have many soldiers. If there are large soldiers, they must come from Jingzhou!"

"No need." Huo Yi has always loved soldiers like sons, and the loss of three thousand is not a small loss for this expeditionary army.

There is an infinite chill in the cool wind.

The situation on the battlefield changes very quickly. No one can fully capture all the movements of the enemy. They can only act in accordance with the times and follow the trend. In most cases, they can only rely on "anticipating the enemy."

It can only be General Lu.

The wind was getting stronger, and the flags were fluttering.

A flock of black crows sprang up from the forest in front of them, and flew over their heads in a dense mass. Huo Yi looked up at the sky, feeling a premonition that he would not surrender, "Here comes the order, the whole army stops, set up camp, and strengthen our guard."

In Jiangdong now, who else has the ability to turn the tide?

The wind is getting colder.

When Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty established the country, the Wuling barbarians continued to stop. Dakou prefectures and counties killed and wounded the Han people. Just be honest.

"Wei!" The general beside him took the order and left.

After a long time, he slowly turned to the front and waved his hand suddenly: "Attack."

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the blowing robes rustled, and the morale of the Wu army was like a rainbow.

To break the siege of Xiling, the only way to defeat a part of the Qin army is to let the mighty Qin people witness the bravery of Jiangdong's children!
In this battle, Lu Kang personally led the troops.

"It's Wuling in front of us, why is the governor not moving forward at this time?" Ma Rong, who joined the army, was puzzled.

"Jingzhou is surrounded by enemies!" Cai Gong was a little upset.

Wuling is only more than 300 miles away from Le Township. If Huo Yi's [-] troops arrive at Jingzhou, they will form an encirclement trend, and the Zhou Zhi Department in the north is gathering troops and horses, collecting warships, and is ready to go south at any time.

As dusk fell, birds hovered in the sky, refusing to land for a long time, and the mountains gradually disappeared into the night.

Then, heavy footsteps came densely, surrounding the Qin army camp like a tide.

Coupled with the Wu army guarding Jiangling, Public Security and other places, the pressure on food and grass was extremely high.

"Our army has nearly a thousand casualties, but we have never captured a single Wu army. Morale is low. Look ahead, there are evil mountains on the left and right, and there is a narrow road in the middle. You can enter but not exit. This is a deadly place in the art of war. Only three or four thousand Wu troops are needed. , we can trap our army back and forth." Huo Yi said, looking at the lofty mountains in front of him.

The tall and straight figure under the tooth flag brings confidence and courage to every Wu Jun.

Lu Kang frowned, the army went out, the banner was broken, it was not a good omen, a cloud was cast over his heart, but the surrounding generals didn't care.

Suddenly there was a "click", and a small banner broke.

There are [-] sailors in the left, and [-] people from all over the country in Le Township.

At dusk, more and more birds only rise from the north.


But Lu Kang's heart became more and more fiery, "Going out to be a general, guarding the land and the people, resisting foreign aggression, and living up to the ambition of a man in life!"

"Understood." Lu Kang replied lightly.

In less than two months, [-]% of Wu Jun's supplies were consumed, and this was still with the support of Jianye.

Lu Qi, Lu He, Lu Song and other generals of the Lu family stood with arms.

Especially in summer, when the heat is unstoppable, there is a thin layer of sweat inside the leather armor every day, and bugs keep burrowing into it.

Seeing the enemy, Qin Jun, who was a little flustered, calmed down, and erected their spears and shields one by one.

Huo Yi was very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates, drew out the long sword around his waist, and said with a sneer, "The brave man wins in short combat. If Wu Gou hides in Wuling City, then there is nothing they can do. It is God's help to send him to his death today. Don't let him go." It survived."

It doesn't matter how many enemies there are, where they come from, or who they come from.

"Kill!" In the night, the Qin army's camp burst into roars.

(End of this chapter)

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