
Chapter 843 Destroying the Enemy

Chapter 843 Destroying the Enemy
At the same time, Luo Xian was also looking at Lexiang City in the dark.

His [-] elite are all Ba people and Jian people who are good at climbing mountains and mountains.

Hiding day and night, I finally touched the city of Lexiang carefully.

State Wu nominally ruled the land in the south of the Yangtze River, but in fact many lands were uninhabited lands or inhabited by barbarians. The core area of ​​State Wu was only along the Yangtze River.

Therefore, Luo Xian marched from the mountains, as long as he stayed away from the Yangtze River, he could easily penetrate into the hinterland of Wu State.

"Liu Wo is indeed a false surrender!" Luo Shang said in surprise.

"Le Township is heavily defended, we might not be able to break through the city." Luo Xi worried.

There are constant patrols in the city, and from time to time they throw torches and shoot a few rockets to illuminate the darkness below the city.

There are also various bright and dark whistles outside the city.

As long as Qin Jun shows up, he will be discovered by Wu Jun.

If there was no Lu Kang, the people of Jingzhou would have surrendered to the Qin army long ago. The general trend of the world often means what people want.

And Luo Xian was originally a Jingzhou scholar, and there are many Jingzhou people under his command. He knows this land and the people in this land too well. He has been guarding Yong'an for so many years, and has been flirting with Jingzhou.

Luo Xian's eyes kept switching between the city and the water fortress, every movement of the soldiers, the timing of patrols and replacements, and the gaps when the rockets were released were all in his eyes.

In the north, there was a loud noise of Luo attack drums, and there were torches all over the mountains and plains, as if tens of thousands of troops were coming.

Naturally, Luo Xian would not let his nephew go up to his death. These 1000 people are all Bazhou warriors who have followed him for many years. They have fought wild beasts in the mountains and forests since they were young. One person can fight at least three Wu troops.

After the order was handed down, Luo Xian lay down in the bushes, and within a moment he started snoring loudly.

"Attack." Luo Xian turned his eyes to his nephew, "If you are defeated, come and see me!"

The Qin army has been staying in the Xiling camp since it went to war, so it makes no sense to send troops south now.

Luo Xian rushed forward with sword and shield in hand, and all the soldiers risked their lives to follow.

The key enemy is still prepared. According to common sense, there is no chance in this battle.

The defenders on the city stared blankly at the fire in the north, at a loss.

Under the light of the fire, the Lexiang Urn slowly opened.

"What... what's going on?" Cai Gong's face was covered with cold sweat.

The roar seemed to penetrate the night, making the defenders on the city even more at a loss.

Wu Jun was fast asleep when he was suddenly killed by a thousand elites from Luo Shang. There was a burst of massacres, arson everywhere, black smoke billowing, Wu Jun trampled on each other, and made a mess.

Although there are only 3000 people, there are thousands of troops in momentum.

After decades of following Lu Xun and his son, he has long been used to obeying orders. Now that Lu Xun and Lu Kang are away, he has no backbone.

What's more, he has long been afraid of Qin Jun, and he was the one who persuaded Lu Kang to make plans early.

The navy in Beizhai was driven towards Lexiang City like birds and beasts.

The arrows were released, but they were crooked, as if they had eyes, and they were nailed five steps away from Luo Xian...

Only those with fear in their hearts need to motivate themselves. Many soldiers just silently pulled out the ring sword, wiped the blade, and then checked the crossbow, firing twice in the air to see if the spring was faulty.

The hunter lurking in the night shouted coldly, "Siege!"

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows!" At the critical moment, a member of the city yelled at Wu Yin's general.

But Jingzhou fell into the hands of Soochow, and it has been silent for so many years.

Luo Xian's only chance of winning is that the enemy is lax, but for some reason, Le Township's defense is so tight.

Fear was also spread into Lexiang City.

"General!" The soldiers looked at Cai Gong.

Coincidentally, Cai Gong is also from Jingzhou. At the critical moment, the true thoughts in his heart will surprise himself...

Cai Gong also panicked.

Luo Xian stayed where he was, watching the prey's reaction like a shrewd hunter.

But as soon as he touched Luo Xian's majestic eyes, he could only suppress the fear in his heart.

When the Jingzhou Army was in Guan Yu's hands, [-] troops could flood the Seventh Army, single-handedly singled out the entire Wei State, and forced Cao Cao to almost move his capital.

Raider led 1000 people to the north.

"Our army is few and the enemy's army is numerous, why not withdraw?" Luo Shang suggested.

Within half a stick of incense, a thousand elites had gathered.

The fire soared into the sky, and most of the river was illuminated.

Some people are born to lead the three armies, and some are born only to charge.

The surrounding pro-army is also like this, regardless of the piercing vegetation, they just fall asleep.


Not long after, the fire broke out in the water village, and Wu Jun was just as expected by Luo Xian, just bluffing.

For so many years, Jingzhou scholars have gone west to Shuhan, except for a commoner who was born in Jiangxia Mengzong, very few went to Soochow.

The soldiers roared in Jingzhou dialect.

There are no fewer than 2 Wu troops in Shuizhai and the city, while Luo Xian only has [-] people.

Jingzhou has always been alienated from Jiangdong, and was suppressed by Jiangdong scholars. A person's character can determine a person's destiny, and similarly, the country's character also determines the country's destiny.

Luo Shang's whole body was shocked, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The outcome depends on one move!"

One by one shouted hoarsely in the city.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

It was almost dawn, Luo Xian suddenly opened his eyes with the sound of a fight, and Qin Jun quickly regained consciousness.

"Lead, take orders." Luo Shang was startled, afraid of something coming, 1000 people attacked the water village defended by nearly [-] people, isn't it courting death?

Obviously, Cai Gong is not Lu Kang, and has no ability to turn the tide.

"Great Qin is bound by the destiny, why don't you come down sooner!" Luo Xian walked towards the city step by step with a sword and shield, shouting loudly in Jingzhou dialect.

Luo Xian's 5000 troops approached Le Township silently, and they already had a huge advantage.

However, Lexiang City is not invulnerable. There is a water army camp in the north of the city. The remaining water army is resting in the village, and the Wu army warships are floating on the river.

"Kill!" Luo Shang gave a low growl to embolden himself, and raised his knife to kill Wu Jun's water village.

The Bu family, the Shi family, the Lu family, and other big families from Jiangdong successively took control of this place...

"Father?" Luo Xi asked softly.

Every time Luo Xian took a step forward, the morale of the city dropped a bit.

Luo Xian said in a deep voice: "The enemy is bluffing, not really on guard. The whole army is ordered to rest immediately. At dawn, Luo Shang leads 1000 troops to attack the water village, and Luo Xi leads [-] people in the north to clamor and shout!"

Cai Gong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Kai... Kaicheng!"

Scholars in Jingzhou can't even drink soup.

The Sima family was naturally deformed, and so was the state of Wu. It entered the era of noble clans earlier than the Sima family.

Despite Lu Kang's instructions and Cai Gong's faithful execution, Wu Jun below was still mentally lax.

Luo Xian looked up to the sky and smiled, "This city belongs to my Great Qin!"

"The thieves will stop going crazy!" That member Wu Jiang personally drew his bow and aimed at Luo Xian's head.

Luo Xian stood under the city wall, threw away the big shield, and held the saber in both hands, "Old man of Jingzhou, what are you waiting for?"

As soon as the words fell, seven ring-headed knives pierced General Wu's body from different angles. General Wu stared at his back with regret, and was immediately kicked off the city wall...

(End of this chapter)

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