
Chapter 845 Sun Hao

Chapter 845 Sun Hao
"Today Zhonghui will lead the troops in Jingzhou, and I suggest sending Sun Hao back to Jiangdong." Wei Guan offered a plan.

He didn't say that Yang Zheng had forgotten that this person fell into his hands.

As the Supreme Emperor of Soochow, Sun Hao has political value.

In fact, Yang Zheng felt that it was a huge mistake for Sima Yan not to return Sun Hao back then.

If he harmed Jiangdong, the state of Wu would have perished a long time ago.

"Haha, Bo Yu's ingenious plan!" Sima Yan needed Sun Hao to show off his martial arts, but Yang didn't. "Prepare the banquet, I want to entertain Master Wu with hospitality."


The Qin Emperor's banquet was naturally quite large, and not only Sun Hao, but also Sun Hao's cousin Sun Xiu were invited.

When Sun Xiu was the governor of Xiakou, he was feared by Sun Hao, so he sent [-] soldiers to Xiakou under the pretext of hunting. When Sun Xiu heard the news, he scrambled and took his wife and children to Sima Zhao.

The two troubled brothers and sisters came out together, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Sun Xiu had a look of hatred and bitterness, while Sun Hao sat upright, looking at his nose and nose, watching his heart, and after saluting, he was like petrified.

Even Wei Guan was not interested in persuading him to drink, so he dealt with it lazily.

"The Marquis of Guiming has been detained in the northern country for many years, but does he miss his homeland?" Yang Zheng went straight to the point without going out of his way.

It must be hard to be a laughing stock in an enemy country.

However, Sun Hao has learned to be good after so many years, "Returning to Your Majesty, the Great Qin treats his ministers with care, and the ministers do not think about their homeland."

Sun Xiu snorted coldly, "Bereavement of a teacher and humiliation of the country, what face is there to see Jiang Dong's elders again!"

Sun Hao glanced at him sideways, and took the wine jue to his mouth.

These two people chatted to death for days, and Yang Zheng didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he laughed dryly, "How about sending the Marquis back to Jiangdong?"

With a "bang", Sun Hao's wine bar fell on the table and hurriedly picked it up, "Your Majesty really let me go back?"

Sun Xiu was also extremely surprised, but soon understood Yang Zheng's intentions, sighed lightly, and lowered her head.

"Qin and Wu have no great enmity at all. In order to show the harmony between Qin and Qin, I want to send the Marquis of Guiming back to Wu." Yang Zheng opened his eyes and said nonsense, but he still couldn't help not laughing.

Sending him back is to let him use his strengths, to risk his life, to stab the bell and knives...

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless one male and one female.

In the past few years, Zhong Hui has almost overshadowed the sky in Jiangdong, and he is only one step away.

As long as Lu Kang is held down, Jiang Dong will no longer have the strength to rival him.

Although Hao Qiang has been having a lot of fun recently, it's actually not very useful, it's just a mess, and a single Tao Huang defeated Guo Ma in Guangzhou.

Zhong Hui held Wu Lord Sun Jin in his hands, and the powerful gentry had nothing to do with him.

Guo Ma has been nesting in Guangzhou since he raised his troops, which fully reflects the short-sightedness of the gentry tyrants. They did not want to overthrow Zhonghui and restore Sun's orthodoxy, but used this rebellion to demonstrate against Zhonghui, hoping that Zhonghui would give them more money. big interest.

Sun Hao pinched the wine jue and turned it around in his hand, "Your Majesty kindly accepts it, but I am happy here, and I don't think about Wu."

The Pu Tao wine that Yang Zheng drank just now almost spewed out, did this guy take the wrong script?
When Yang Zheng entertained Liu Chan in Guzang, Liu Chan came up with the phrase "I'm so happy to miss Shu", and spread it all over the world. Now Sun Hao is learning and using it.

This is not surprising, Sun Hao has always looked up to Liu Chan, the lord of Shu.

Sun Xiu on the side looked at Sun Hao with complicated eyes.

Wei Guan looked at Yang Zheng with a little embarrassment.

Everyone is a decent person, do you have to make it look bad?
"The general situation of the world is clear, and the corner of Jiangdong will be eaten by His Majesty sooner or later. Your Majesty will release his ministers today and bring them back tomorrow. Why bother?" Sun Hao poured himself a glass of Putao wine, chattering I was bored, and at the end, I licked my lips, "If I go back to Jiangdong, I may not be able to beat Zhong Hui, Your Majesty, please don't make things difficult for me."

With a sound of "clang", this time it was Sun Xiu's wine cup that fell on the table, and he hurriedly cupped his hands to Yang Zheng, "I'm guilty of losing my manners."

Yang Zheng waved his hand, telling him not to care.

His interest in Sun Hao is growing.

This guy... In his early years, he was appraised as talented and decisive, with the demeanor of King Huan of Changsha, and he was very popular with Sun Quan. It seems that it is not unreasonable.

Guiming Guiming, after being the Marquis of Guiming for so many years, Sun Hao saw everything away.

"The Marquis of Guiming really knows the destiny, but the war between the two countries will make Jiangdong's life miserable. Why doesn't the Marquis of Guiming persuade Jiangdong Wenwu to return to my Great Qin, so as not to meet each other?" Wei Guan emphasized the words "Jiangdong Wenwu". .

Sun Hao perverted in Jiangdong, killing innocent people, how could he care about Jiangdong's suffering?

Yang Zheng sighed in his heart, this set of rhetoric is probably useless to him.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao's eyes were full of hatred, his whole face was trembling, his originally handsome face became ferocious, he gritted his teeth and said, "Jiangdong Wenwu!"

The corner of Wei Guan's mouth curled into a slight smile.

Yang Zheng's heart moved. Rather than saying that Sun Hao was defeated and captured, it would be better to say that he was betrayed by the Jiangdong nobles...

Sun Hao is not a fool, even if he didn't understand it at the time, he wants to understand it now.

In Jiangdong, he frequently skinned and gouged out his eyes, and tortured others in various ways. Naturally, he has a character of vengeance.

Wei Guan's words just aroused his hatred.

Sure enough, professional things have to be left to professional people.

At this time Sun Xiu cupped his hands and said: "I am willing to lobby Jiangdong for the envoy, and I hope your Majesty will grant you permission."

"Oh? Yancai's kindness to Jiangdong is a good choice." Yang Zheng smiled, and glanced at Sun Hao out of the corner of his eye, with a chill in his smile.

There is only one chance, after this village, there is no such place.

Today everyone sitting together is a decent person, but outside this hall, it may not be so.

To be a prisoner is to have the consciousness of being a prisoner.

Yang Zheng didn't want to make it too ugly, that's why he talked nonsense with Sun Hao, but it didn't mean he could really bargain with him.

All eyes turned to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is a tyrant, not an idiot, so he poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all down, "I take orders!"

Yang Zheng clapped his hands together, "Okay, Hou Guiming is indeed a man who knows his fate!"

If you are so knowledgeable earlier, there is no need to talk so much nonsense.

"It's not too late for this matter, and the Marquis of Guiming can leave tomorrow."

Sun Hao has eaten so much for so many years, so it's time for him to contribute.

"I have one more request." Sun Hao hit the snake with the stick, and actually made a request.

"Return to the Marquis, but it's okay to say."

"If His Majesty dominates Jiangdong in the future, can you follow the example of King Chen Liu and leave the place where the Sun family stands to worship the ancestors?"

This guy is not beautiful, but he thinks he is beautiful, and he wants to be treated by the Cao family...

Cao's family and Lao Yang's family are still struggling to fight together, why is your Sun family?
Everyone in the world said that Sun Hao was incompetent and incompetent, and it seemed that he couldn't believe it. When he was the emperor, he was limped by the people around him. Now that he has been sitting on the bench for so many years, his brain has become brighter.

Yang Zheng was noncommittal, "That depends on how far Guiminghou and the Sun family have gone."

The power in Jiangdong has fallen, Sun Hao has been abandoned by the Jiangdong gentry, what can he do when he goes back?
It's just disgusting Zhonghui and intensifying the conflict in Jiangdong.

If Sun Hao could persuade Jiangdong to give up resistance and surrender to Daqin, it would be fine for Yang Zheng to give the Sun family a prince.

(End of this chapter)

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