
Chapter 846 Discord

Chapter 846 Discord
Zhonghui's 15 troops advanced by land and water, and the situation in Jingzhou changed instantly.

Huo Yi retreated to Nanzhong, the combined strength of Luo Xian and Yang Hu was less than [-].

There are [-] to [-] Lu Kangjun nearby, and this battle can no longer be fought.

"Our army can't conquer Xiling, and we can't retreat from Zhonghui and Lu Kang. It's useless here. It's better to retreat!" Yang Hu said decisively.

There is a strong city in front and heavy soldiers in the back.

Once he was bitten by Zhong Hui or Lu Kang, he would be unable to leave even if he wanted to.

And Zhong Hui has other options, such as attacking Xiangyang...

Looking at the towering Xiling City, Luo Xian felt a little pity, but wars are often like this, and the situation changes in an instant.

This battle broke through Le Township and captured more than 1 land and water Wu troops. It is already a big victory and worthy of the emperor's trust.

Anything goes too far.

Zhong Hui was famous all over the world, and he held a large army. Lu Kang was also a famous general. He defeated Huo Yi. Although he suffered a heavy loss, the ones who lost were Wulingman and Zhong Limu.

Luo Xian's abandonment of Le Township was also out of consideration for preserving his strength.

Even if the troops of the three ministries are assembled, it is impossible to destroy the Kingdom of Shu.

The tone set by the imperial court was originally to fight and see, mainly to consume Wu's strength.

"Zhong Huiyuan is exhausted, and there is a rift between us and Lu Kang. Our army is waiting for work with ease, and one is worth ten. Why are you afraid of Wu Gou!" Luo Shang said first.

The generals of the Yong'an army echoed one after another.

In the Battle of Lexiang, Luo Shang led more than a thousand soldiers to break through the water village of the Wu army, and made a pioneering contribution, gaining fame in the army. .

Seeing Luo Xian's face, Yang Hu had a gentle face, "It is precisely because our army is here that Zhong and Lu will not turn against each other. If our army retreats, Zhong and Lu will fight among themselves, and Jiangdong will die today!"

No matter who falls, Zhong Hui or Lu Kang, Jiang Dong will be seriously injured.

The reasoning has been made very clear, but Luo Shang is still reticent, "From a certain point of view, the Governor of Yang is obviously afraid of Zhong Hui."

The atmosphere on both sides became tense again, and this time Yang Hu's face also became sullen.

It's not for Luo Xian's face, now that Yang Hu has killed Luo Shang, no one will say anything.

Luo Xian coughed, stood up slowly, walked in front of Luo Shang, and slapped Luo Shang hard across the face with a "slap".

Luo Shang looked at Luo Xian in disbelief.

In this battle, the Yong'an Army shined brilliantly. Five thousand troops broke through Le Township and burned down the water village of the Wu Army. They were much stronger than the other two armies, so Lieutenant General Zuo looked down on the other two armies. What was said was spoken.

There was another "slap", and Luo Shang was slapped again, with red handprints on both sides of his face and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Then the third slap, the fourth slap...

Crack, clap, crawl...

Luo Xian slapped and slapped until Yang Hu stepped forward to stop him, "Why should the governor have the same knowledge as the younger generation?"

"Arrogance and arrogance can't stimulate your energy, and irritability can't cure your temper. This child has a surly temperament and is bold and reckless. If you don't teach him a lesson today, he will be a disaster for the family in the future."

"A gentleman's way of life is to cultivate one's morality through tranquility, and to cultivate one's virtue through frugality. Indifference is to show one's ambition, and tranquility is to achieve long-term goals. Precepts should also be quiet, and don't rush for a while."

The conversation between the two quoted Zhuge Wuhou's "Book of Precepts", which just dilutes the anger in Luo Xian's heart, "If it is not General Yang today, how can someone be lightly forgiven?"

He was fighting Luo Shang, but he was actually doing it for the Yongan generals to see.

Today's Great Qin is no longer the Shu Han of the past. If it cannot put state affairs first, it will definitely be untenable.

What kind of soil will grow what kind of seedlings.

The Sima family is a nest of snakes and rats, and those who follow them can't get along without intrigue.

Yang Zheng conquered the world with one sword and one spear, and won the righteousness of the country, which is comparable to that of Han Gaozu 400 years ago. If the upper beam is straight, the lower beam will not be crooked.

Luo Xian is a leader among scholars in Jingzhou, and Yang Hu is an elite among scholars in Central Plains. Naturally, they can understand that conspiracy and intrigue in Great Qin are destined to not go far.

This attack on Wu was also an opportunity given by the emperor.

Otherwise, Du Yu, Ma Long, Zhang Te, which one is not a famous general?

There are also generals such as Wen Yang, Meng Yu, Ma Xun, Liu Yin, etc., who are also bravely crowned the world.

In addition, there are rising stars such as Meng Guan, Zhou Zhi, Yang Ji, Li Te, Bald Tree Function, Wang Jun, etc.

Da Qin can be said to be a gathering of stars.

If the battle is lost due to discord between the two sides, Luo Xian and Yang Hu's official careers in Daqin will be greatly affected.

"Xian has nothing to control, and I hope General Yang will forgive me." In front of everyone, Luo Xian bowed his hands to Yang Hu.

"The governor's words are serious." Yang Hu hastily returned the gift.

People on both sides dared not say anything more.

Luo Shang was also helped down.

No one dared to object to the proposal of withdrawing troops.

Luo Xian and Yang Hu each presented a memorial, detailing the reasons for their withdrawal.


Looking at the ruined city, Lu Kang felt restless.

Although the Qin army retreated, the crisis was not resolved. In the two battles between Lexiang and Wuling, Jingzhou's strength was seriously consumed.

Now the clock will come...

"General, Your Majesty has an order to have an audience with him at Xiakou!" The eunuch's sharp voice was like flies buzzing on a carrion corpse.

Last time, Zhong Hui summoned him in his own name, but this time it was in the name of the emperor.

"The general is going, I'm afraid there will be disasters for the governor Zhu!" Zuo Yi, who came from Xiling to report the military situation, persuaded.

When Zhuge was born in the three rebellions in Huainan, the Wu army rushed to help, Zhu Yi fought bloody in Shouchun, and retreated after running out of food, and was summoned by Sun Chen to be killed in a wok. , family members, why should there be any doubts!"

Later, he was beheaded at the banquet.

Soochow has always had this glorious tradition.

Zhuge Ke also died at the Hongmen Banquet.

What happened back then is vivid in my mind.

However, Lu Kang had to follow the imperial edict of Emperor Sun Jin, and if he didn't go, he would be fulfilling the truth.

Lu Kang has been cornered.

If Zhong Hui really wanted to break the siege of Xiling, why did he take the emperor and dispatch an army of 15?

Randomly send a general to lead an army of [-] to [-] sailors up the river, encircle Wei and save Zhao, attack Xiangyang, and the Qin army retreats.

"General, there is a secret envoy from Xiangyang Yanghu." The guard came in to report.

Lu Kang frowned, Yang Hu sent someone here at this time, it must be to persuade him to surrender.

He was unmoved, but the general under his command looked at him with burning eyes.

Jiangdong, is there still a need to keep going?

The entire north and central Shu were unified. If Yang Ji and other forces in Jiaozhou were counted, the state of Wu had already been besieged.

Qin State has just annexed the Central Plains. Once it is digested, millions of troops will besiege from all directions. What will Jiangdong do to resist it?How many times can you resist it?
"Send someone to report to Your Majesty, the military affairs are entangled, the Qin people are spying on them, and they dare not leave their posts without permission. Now that the siege of Xiling has been lifted, don't bother the prime minister. Jianye is hanging in the air, and the army has been away for a long time. Something unexpected may happen. At that time, the prime minister It's too late to regret it!" The always gentle Lu Kang's eyes were as sharp as a sword.

Gentleness does not mean that the Lu family is easy to bully.

(End of this chapter)

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