
Chapter 847 Persecution

Chapter 847 Persecution
"Oh, the general misunderstood the prime minister. I came here to solve the siege of Xiling, and to meet with the general to discuss the matter of resisting Qin." Zhong Hui squinted his eyes and smiled.

The envoy cupped his hands and said: "The Qin people are powerful. If the two families fight against each other, they will be taken advantage of by the Qin people. Jiangdong's foundation will also go to waste. I hope the prime minister will put the overall situation first."

"What your Excellency said is very true. I have admired the general for a long time, and I have no other intentions here. I hope to tell the general." Zhong Hui's face turned into a flower with a smile.

The feeling of forcing Lu Kang into a hurry was too intoxicating for him.

The envoy carefully looked at Zhong Hui's expression. It was unexpected that he was so easy-going. It was too unlike the usual Zhong Hui. "This subordinate will resign."

Zhong Hui smiled and sent him out of the tent, watching him get on the boat.

"Prime Minister, if you force the general to go too far, I'm afraid he will surrender to Qin!" Jiang Bin whispered from behind.

"If you voted for Qin, why did you wait until now? Everyone in Jiangdong can surrender, but Lu Kang will definitely not surrender!" Zhong Hui was very sure.

"The Lu family is the number one family in Jiangdong. Lu Kai is an official to Da Sima, and Lu Kang is an official to a general. There are dozens of Lu's children who are officials and generals. If they surrender to Qin, can they continue to be Da Sima and General?" Bin could see it more clearly.

"Gan Ning is extravagant, while Lu Kai is prosperous. The Lu family is noble and prosperous. Lu Kang must be burdened by the family and will never vote for Qin! So we might as well take another step forward!" Zhong Hui laughed.

Tao Huang wiped out Guo Ma three times, five times and two times, and the Jiangdong tyrants were overwhelmed again. Now that the Qin people are retreating, it is time to compete.

However, it is just a matter of ranking, not life and death, and the difference between them will be well known.

Only Lu Kang stood in front of Zhonghui.

As long as Lu Kang bowed his head and bowed his head, Zhong Hui would be able to take the next step.

If the name is not right, the words will not go well. There are many powerful people in Jiangdong, and the name of a prime minister is not enough to command them.

Although the Qin people retreated now, Lu Kang suffered a big loss.

Le Township was raided and destroyed by Luo Xian, the navy was captured, and the warship was robbed. At this time, Lu Kang was at his weakest. How could Zhong Hui give up such a good opportunity?
In Zhong Hui's eyes, Lu Kang's threat was just a sign of weakness.

Otherwise, a general with a strong army in his hand would not need to say so much at all. As for what might happen to Jianye, Zhong Hui sneered. With the emperor in his hands, what accident could happen to Jianye?
He even expected Lu Kai to activate it, so that he would have enough reason to purge Jiangdong's uncooperative tyrants.

He can also use Lu Kai as a bargaining chip to force Lu Kang to submit.

"Since he won't come to see me, I will go to see him and order the whole army to march towards Le Township!"

"The prime minister has an order to go to the police!"

On the big river, the flag was waved, and countless people began to get busy again.


As soon as the envoy came back, before he could catch his breath, the scouts rushed to report, "General, the prime minister has gathered all the waterways and came straight to Le Township!"

The Jingzhou generals were dumbfounded.

"It's tolerable, why can't it be tolerated! Zhong will deceive people too much, at worst, he will die!" Zuo Yi said angrily.

Zhang Xian's eyes flickered, "Yanghu's envoy is still in Le Township, the general might as well..."

This sentence immediately resonated with the other generals, and they all looked at Lu Kang with some expectation.

Yanghu has been in Xiangyang for many years, and he has been sincere to Wu Guo's works, and all Jianghan people return their hearts.

Yang Hu and Lu Kang also have a good personal relationship.

Lu Kang independently supported half of the Wu Kingdom, exhausted physically and mentally, and often fell ill. Yang Hu sent soup and medicine, and his subordinates advised him not to drink it. Lu Kang didn't care, "How can Hu be a poisonous person!"

At that time, everyone called Zifan and Huayuan's righteousness, which is reproduced today.

Both were famous for a while.

Therefore, in the eyes of Jingzhou General Zuo, it was normal for Lu Kang to surrender to Yanghu, and it would also guarantee their interests in Qin.

However, they were not Lu Kang, "Zhong Hui just forced me to submit, there is no need to make a fuss, order the gates to be opened, and the soldiers should rest and recuperate."

The generals were taken aback for a moment, and opened the city gate, wouldn't they be captured without a fight?

The Wu army in Jingzhou had just fought against the Qin army, and had not yet recovered, and had to face Zhonghui's 15 army.

And Zhong Hui still holds the emperor in his hand...

"General!" The generals followed Lu Kang for many years, treating him like a father and brother.

"Needless to say, doesn't Zhong Hui want to see me? Then be honest! It's still unclear who will win."

In Jingzhou, Lu Kang said one thing, and the generals faithfully carried it out even though they were puzzled.

The soldiers rested and the gates of the city were opened wide.

Although Lu Kang had only met Zhong Hui once, but he was well aware of his nature, he ordered his soldiers to set up flags, barriers, gongs and drums along the river for thirty miles, and set up a escort fleet on the river.

Zhong Hui's army hadn't arrived yet, but the sentry boats of the front team came, and the gongs and drums rose to the sky on the river. The soldiers and civilians shouted along the river, and the sentry boats turned around and ran away in fright.

Lu Kang was so lively that Zhong Hui became suspicious instead.

No way, the opponent is Lu Kang.

Zhong Hui was born with a three-point fear.

This is to force Lu Kang to submit, not to really fight. If Lu Kang is defeated, who can defend Jingzhou?

"The general must be bluffing!" Shen Ying reminded Zhong Hui.

"A secret report came back today from Xizuo that the envoy from Xiangyang had contact with the general, if the two sides colluded..." Jiang Bin cupped his hands.

Lu Kang, together with Yang Hu and Luo Xian, had a force of [-] to [-], and they were all powerful troops capable of fighting tough battles.

On the other hand, the combat power of Zhonghui's 15 army has always been a mystery.

The real elite has only 4 to [-] horses.

The opponents were still Lu Kang, Yang Hu, and Luo Xian, and Zhou Zhi and Du Yu were staring at the north, so Zhong Hui had to be more cautious.

If Lu Kang's gates were closed tightly and guarded against death, Zhong Hui would definitely come to the city without hesitation, and then call the door with Wu Lord Sun Jin on his shoulders.

But now that Lu Kang's door is open, Zhong Hui is a little scared...

Obviously, Zhong Hui's strength is not using troops, but intrigues, so he often thinks more than others.

"Report, the general sent an envoy to ask the prime minister to come to Lexiang as soon as possible." The soldiers came to report.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

I used to cry and shout to go to Le Township, but now they take the initiative to invite...

"Oh, the general gave me a problem." Zhong Hui also hesitated.

In history, Zhong Hui caused chaos in the middle of Shu and imprisoned General Wei. Jiang Wei suggested killing him. Zhong Hui also hesitated so much that Wei Guan took advantage of his loopholes and failed.

Lu Kang is not planning an empty city, Le Township has gathered at least [-] capable soldiers.

"Even if the general colludes with the Qin army, it will be beyond our reach, and our army will fight quickly and rush in, and Jingzhou will be settled!" Shen Ying cupped her hands.

Zhong Hui shook his head, "I saw it with a poor dagger, it was done by a reckless man, and the general and I are celebrities, we should have the demeanor of a celebrity, how can we be like a reckless man who bleeds in five steps?"

Shen Ying was dumbfounded, usually Zhong would be decisive, ruthless, and insidious, but when it came to the critical moment, she was so confused.

"Then what does the prime minister think should be done now?" It was Jiang Bin who knew Zhong Hui's temper better.

Zhong Hui stood on the side of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the big river to the west, and said to himself: "Lu Youjie is not a person who doesn't know the importance of life. First, he will send troops to the police, and he will have a good plan."

(End of this chapter)

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