
Chapter 848 Compromise

Zhong Hui hesitated, and lost the last chance to integrate Jiangdong, which gave Lu Kang a chance to breathe. Generals from Wuling, Xiling, Jiangling and other places rushed to confront Zhong Hui.

This can be regarded as the characteristic of Jiangdong.

The court is the court, the place is the place, the emperor is the emperor, and the rich are the rich.

After Sun Quan's death, Jianye killed those who came and killed the past, and the dignity of the emperor was trampled on the ground long ago.

Zhong Hui represents the interests of one group of people, and Lu Kang represents the interests of another group of people.

Envoys from both sides kept coming and going on the river.

For a while, Lu Kang persuaded Zhong Hui to meet in Lexiang, and for a while, Zhong Hui asked Lu Kang to come to the police for a while.

Pulling and pulling, a month passed before I knew it.

However, the compromise between the two sides is also entering the final stage.

"Your Majesty wants to become the Duke of Yue. I don't know what the general wants?"

When Cao Cao became the Duke, he added Jiuxi and established the Kingdom of Wei. The capital of the country was established in Yecheng. There were ten counties in Jizhou, and hundreds of officials such as prime ministers, Taiweis, and generals were installed.

This is a substantial step.

In the past, Zhong would be coy, but the current situation does not allow him to procrastinate any longer.

The Yingchuan forces under his command urgently need a foothold in Jiangdong.

The Jiangdong small and medium tyrants who defected to Zhonghui also need to go further and consolidate their power.

In the past, Zhong Hui forced Lu Kang to submit, but now it is "negotiation".

Lu Kang handed Zhong Hui's letter to the generals.

The generals were all filled with righteous indignation, "The general first defeated the Jin army, and then retreated to the Qin army. He saved the country from fire and water, and saved lives from misery. The general has not been proclaimed public. Why should he want to prosecute the company? Know, Zhong Hui's heart, who in Jiangdong doesn't know?"

For more than a month, Lu Kang has been exhausted physically and mentally. He has to resist the Qin army and guard against Zhong Hui behind him. Every step is like walking on thin ice, but he still can't stop Wu Guo from going from bad to worse.

"Do you have a good strategy?" Lu Kang asked the generals.

Luo Xian and Yang Hu stared at each other carefully, carefully working out the information sent back, and the Qin army was ready to make a comeback at any time.

This is the advantage of a big country. Its military strength, food, and ordnance can be replenished at any time.

But after this toss, Jingzhou's strength is not as good as before.

"Call for righteous men from all over the world to attack the country's thieves together." Zhang Xian said angrily.

"Zhong Hui didn't cause trouble, so he's not considered a national traitor, and..." It was getting cold, and Lu Kang couldn't help coughing twice, "There is civil turmoil in Jiangdong, and Qin's million-strong army is coming in a blink of an eye..."

Everyone fell silent, feeling extremely aggrieved.

In fact, the state of Wu has long been divided into two.

The Lu family occupies Jingzhou, and Zhonghui occupies Jiangdong. The powerful gentry are nothing but more and more surrendered to Zhonghui.

Zhong Hui only wanted a Duke of Yue, not the King of Yue, so he was already very restrained.

"Shangzuo Your Majesty, since the prime minister entered Jiangdong, he has worked hard to rule the country, the country is rich and the people are safe, the court relies on it like a pillar, and the scholars and people rely on it like a parent. You should advance to become the Duke of Yue!" Lu Kang closed his eyes. After the Battle of Wuling, he became more and more serious. Feeling tired.

As long as Jiangdong's emperor still belongs to the Sun family, there is still room for redemption.

The memorial table was sent to the police and directly to Zhong Hui's case.

Zhong Hui took the bamboo slips and looked at them again and again, then put them in front of his nose and sniffed them intoxicated, "The one who knows me is Lu Youjie!"

Everyone in the hall felt a chill in their hearts.

Zhong Hui laughed out loud. His joy was not because he was granted the Duke of Yue, but because Lu Kang had surrendered to him.

This feeling made him extremely intoxicated.

"Chuan Zhao, the general came from a famous family, and the father and son have fulfilled their duties. Since guarding Xichui, they have defeated the enemy and defeated the Jin and Qin repeatedly. Yan, Lu Jing, Lu Ji, Lu Yun, etc. are all enfeoffed as marquises."

People in flowery sedan chairs carry people, Lu Kang gives face, and Zhong Hui reciprocates.

However, after seeing the "hungry" and strange eyes of the generals, Zhong Hui coughed dryly, "Everyone has made great contributions to helping the country, and you will be rewarded when you return to Jianye!"

"Xie Cheng... Duke Yue!" Everyone was delighted.

Even Shen Ying's unhappiness went away for the most part, and she went to Zhong Hui, isn't that why?


The blood stains of the past have long been washed away, and the mottled city walls are only left with pits and hollows left by arrow stones.

In the weeds, there are faintly visible bones that no one restrains.

The banners on the city are flying, showing that this grand pass is still in the hands of Wu.

Revisiting the old place, Sun Hao couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

But after feeling, there is hatred. Those who have tasted power will only be more unable to stop.

Don't look at what he said in front of Yang Zheng, but when he set foot on the land of Wu State, all kinds of desires in his heart revived.

What's more, he is not yet 30 years old.

"Kaicheng, I'm back!" Sun Hao roared nervously.

The defenders of the East Gate were stunned for a while, and then furious: "Bold!"

Bow and set an arrow, aiming at the people who are closed.

Xuanyi made Sun Yang smile wryly. Sun Hao was submissive all the way, but once he entered Jiangdong, he seemed like a different person.

Seeing that it was about to get out of hand, I could only show the banner, "I am the envoy of Great Qin, and I will send the lord of your country back to Wu."

Dongguan guard Ding Wen, son of Ding Feng, recognized Sun Hao clearly and was speechless in shock.

"Why are you dawdling? Quickly open the city." Sun Hao said carelessly.

Drops of cold sweat rolled down Ding Wen's face.

The subordinate made a throat-cutting gesture beside him.

Ding Wen put his foot on his subordinates, "Do you want to destroy my Ding family?"

Kingslayers never end well, and stories about Cheng Ji and Jia Chong spread all over the world.

"Ding Wen, I saw you, quickly open the city." Sun Hao's eyes were very good, and he recognized the "old acquaintance".

Ding Wen secretly groaned in his heart, let Sun Hao enter the city, Zhong Hui would not let him go, and if he did not let him enter the city, things would become more and more troublesome.

"Your father died for no apparent reason. As a son of man, don't you want to take revenge?" Sun Hao grabbed Ding Wen's weakness in one fell swoop.

If Ding Feng hadn't died inexplicably back then, Wu Jun would not have been defeated like a mountain, and Sun Hao would not have been captured alive by Sima Yan.

After Ding Feng's death, the Ding family was not as good as before.

"Kaicheng!" Ding Wen took a deep breath, how did Ding Feng die, in fact, the forces of all parties knew it.

Ding Wen defected to Zhong Hui, also wanting to use his hand to avenge his hatred.

But Zhong Hui gradually compromised with the nobles...

Daqin ruled the north, but the state of Wu was still in a mess. He placed high hopes on Zhonghui, which gradually turned into disappointment. Zhonghui neither helped him avenge nor revived Jiangdong.

The gate of the East Gate opened slowly, and Ding Wen could not stop Sun Hao from returning home, let alone Qin's envoys.

Sun Haozhi walked on the main road proudly, "General Ding, you live up to me today, and I will protect your glory and wealth in the future!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ding Wen didn't even look at Sun Hao, but turned to Qin's envoy.

When Sun Hao came back, Jiang Dong was completely hopeless.

Of course, if Sun Hao doesn't come back, Jiang Dong doesn't have much hope.

What Sun Yang did was instigate rebellion, and he understood his thoughts with just one look, "Da Qin has recorded General Ding's righteousness today."

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