
Chapter 849 Homecoming

Chapter 849 Homecoming
After passing the East Gate, the road behind became extremely smooth.

The local defenders didn't dare to stop them at all, but the tyrants swarmed like flies smelling rotten meat.

Isn't Zhong Hui's biggest bargaining chip the emperor?
Now with Sun Hao, the little emperor Sun Jin's righteous reputation will directly drop a notch.

Sun Hao was welcomed into Jianye with such great fanfare.

Grand Sima Lu Kai led the remaining officials to greet him, Zhong Yi and Zhou Chu couldn't stop them, they could only send a message to tell Zhong Hui to return quickly.

"Your Majesty's return to Jiangdong is truly blessed by the heavens!" Lu Kai supported his sick body with a happy expression on his face.

After all, the emperor was captured and humiliated, and the Jiangdong gentry didn't have much face.

"Da Sima has a heart, this time he can return to his homeland, all he wants is to have a hundred acres of land, and two or three servants to take care of him for the rest of his life. As for other things, I dare not think too much, and I hope Da Sima will report to the Prime Minister. "Sun Hao stared at Lu Kai with flickering eyes. How could Lu Kai not know about betraying himself?
Now is not the time to mention these.

Sun Hao also knew his situation. The emperor of Jiangdong was his son Sun Jin, not him, and he needed the power of the gentry to restore him.

The gentry tyrants also have a heart like a mirror, and they are only 28 or [-] years old?Even a three-year-old child would not believe this, and Sun Hao is not such a person.

There is a tacit understanding on both sides.

"Your Majesty's words are wrong! Monarchs and ministers, fathers and sons, first there are fathers, then there are sons, first there are kings, then there are ministers, Jiangdong governs the country with filial piety, don't mess up the rules and ethics!" Sun Zhen, the general of the army, clasped his hands.

Zhong Hui is becoming more and more powerful, and it is naturally the Sun family who feel the greatest threat.

In the late Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, except for Zhuge Liang who did not cause chaos, the rest, without exception, were all sharpening their knives.

Lu Kai said calmly, "We'll discuss this matter later, and welcome His Majesty into the city first."

"What Da Sima said is true." Everyone echoed.

Sun Hao turned his gaze to Sun Yang, who nodded slightly.

With Sun Hao as the former emperor, Jiangdong Haoqiang seemed to have found a backbone, and all places expressed their support.

Some directly appealed to Sun Hao to persuade Sun Hao to return, while others advocated the plan slowly, first being the Supreme Emperor. After all, Zhong Hui had an army of 15 in his hands.

However, Jianye City was calm, as if nothing had happened.

Only Sun Hao vented his anger in the mansion, "Rebellious ministers and thieves, I should have wiped out their three clans back then!"

Originally, I thought that when I returned to Jiangdong, everything would be at my fingertips, but I didn't expect that things would not go well.

Lu Kai didn't express his opinion, no matter how loud the other people's voices were, it didn't help.

"Why are you so anxious, Your Majesty? Zhong Hui should be the one who is anxious." Sun Yang said calmly.

Sun Hao didn't have anything in his hand, and wanting to reset it was just a dream.

His usefulness does not lie in this, as long as he is alive and well in Jiangdong, the split of Jiangdong is inevitable.

What's even better is that Zhong Hui can't do anything to him, otherwise he will be Jiangdong's version of killing the king in the street.

The three thousand plays of the Lu family and the Sun family protect Sun Hao's mansion with three floors inside and three floors outside.

"Renfu, your surname is also Sun. You should have belonged to the same family 500 years ago. If you can use the power of the Great Qin to help me reset, I will thank you as a general!"

Daqin put pressure on the outside, and Haoqiang helped from the inside, Zhong Hui dared not refuse.

I have to say that this idea is good and has certain feasibility.

But not now, Lu Kai's mind is still unclear, and Zhong Hui's attitude is even less clear.

Sun Yang sneered in his heart, Jiangdong has reached this point, he is still daydreaming, "Your Majesty has kindly accepted it, now you should hide your strength and bide your time, accumulate strength in secret, and wait for the opportunity."

"Wait for the time, wait for the time, when will I wait!" Sun Haohong stared.

Sun Yang glanced at him sideways, and suddenly knew why he was abandoned by Jiangdong gentry back then.

Just as he was thinking about how to coax this "ancestor", someone outside sent a message: "Your Majesty, the general guarding the army asks to see you!"

The general who guards the army is Sun Zhen. Jianye has three points of military power, one point is in the hands of Zhong Yi, one point is in the hands of Lu Kai, and one point is in the hands of the Sun family.

Sun Jian has more than two sons, Sun Ce and Sun Quan. Although the Sun family has been murdered by brothers and killed wave after wave in recent years, the prosperity of the Sun family's descendants cannot be sustained.

When Sun Hao returned to the country, the tyrants were ready to move. Lu Kai took the overall situation into consideration and put peace as the most important thing, so he stood still. This road will not work, but the Sun family's road will pass.

A new interest group is formed.

"Oh? It's about time!" Sun Hao laughed with his head up to the sky, extremely insolent.

Sun Yang stopped persuading, cupped his hands and said, "Since your Majesty has made up his mind, I will take my leave and return to Daqin."

Before leaving, Wei Guan had already told Sun Hao to use his own will, and expecting him to persuade Jiangdong to surrender was tantamount to a dream. Sending Sun Hao back to Wu is just to make him struggle hard, and don't let him die too early...

Now that Sun Hao is on line with the Sun family, the rest is not under Sun Yangneng's control.

Sun Hao rolled his eyes twice, "Since Renfu insists on going, I won't stop him. I can tell Emperor Daqin when I go back. Once I return, Jiangdong will recognize Daqin as his father and pay tribute every year. He will never break his promise!"

Sun Hao is 28, Yang Zheng is 46, plus the strength of the two countries, Sun Hao will never suffer.

Sun Yang was extremely contemptuous in his heart, but his face was full of smiles, "Then congratulations to Your Majesty for winning the flag!"

Sun Hao wanted to hit the knife's edge by himself, but no one could stop him.

At this time, the police, Zhong Hui, was preparing to return to Jianye.

Upon receiving the news of Sun Hao's return to the country, his heart was shocked, and other generals were also surprised.

When Sun Hao was in power back then, Jiangdong was flying like a dog, and the danger of destroying the country was imminent.

Unexpectedly, this person went around and went back to Jiangdong.

It also fell into the hands of Lu Kai.

"It's okay, it's okay, Da Sima is a person who knows the importance, with him, Jianye is safe and sound." Zhong Hui's brows soon calmed down.

The current Jiangdong cannot afford a civil strife.

Lu Kai is a prudent man, mature in his pursuit of the country, and will never act rashly.

As long as he doesn't move, what about other tyrants?
Zhong Hui sneered, with an army of 15 in his hands, how afraid of those defeated generals?

"Oh, I originally thought that Yang Zheng was a hero, but I didn't expect that he would use tricks and tricks, what can I do?" Zhong Hui chuckled.

He naturally knew what Yang Zheng was thinking, but he didn't take it to heart. He just suppressed Lu Kang and made him feel very good.

Besides, Sun Hao is no match for him no matter what.

"Nevertheless, Yuegong should return to Jianye as soon as possible, otherwise things will change later." Shen Ying felt that the situation was not so optimistic.

Although Sun Hao was captured by Beiguo for a few years, his father Sun He had great influence in Jiangdong. Otherwise, after Sun Xiu passed away, it would never have been his turn to be the emperor.

Of course, Sun Hao is not a fun thing, but given the current situation, he will definitely be used by those who want to.

"Da Sima is old enough to seek the country, but he is already old..." Jiang Bin also advised.

Zhong Hui was always conceited, now that he has become the Duke of Yue, he is even more arrogant and arrogant, but the capable generals around him are all admonishing him, so he can only agree, "Forget it, let's meet the Supreme Emperor for a while when we go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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