
Chapter 851 Wenwu Temple

Chapter 851 Wenwu Temple

"How are the Confucian Temple and Wu Temple going?" Yang Zheng had the idea of ​​building Wenwu Temple back then.

Although Huo Yi was awarded the posthumous title, but Yang Zheng felt that it was not enough. At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, ambitious people were like crucian carp crossing the river. .

Zhao Aqi said: "It has been completed, and Ji Zhongsan is still being carefully carved."

Ji Kang's people are good at everything, but they are too refined...

Danqing, calligraphy, and melody are all top-notch in the world. After the completion of Daxing, probably tired of reading, I spent a lot of effort to make five swords and famous swords at home. Once it came out, there was an endless stream of buyers. However, Ji Kang felt that the swords and swords he forged were too sharp and fierce, which made him very ominous, so he threw them all into the furnace and melted them down.

Then he read books and wrote a book "On Health Preservation".

Once it comes out, Guanzhong paper is expensive.

Yang Zheng also got a copy and studied it carefully.

"Convene the famous scholars of the Taixue, the civil and military officials of the imperial court, and discuss the candidates."

Yang Zheng had no objection. Cao Zhi was actually selected as the candidate for the Confucian Temple, which was considered a pioneering work.

The number of people in the Confucian Temple has been reduced a lot. The 72 sages of Confucianism have been reduced to 12, and Laozi, Lu Ban, Mo Di, Han Feizi, Zhang Heng, etc. have been added, as well as Zhuge Liang, Lu Zhi, Zheng Xuan, and Xun Yu.

Deng Ai and Guo Huai had too many taints, so they were not qualified to join, so Yang Zheng simply added Chen Tai's name.


Yang Zheng inspected it carefully, and always felt that something was missing.

Instead, it triggers a trend of thought and changes the way of thinking of people in this land.

Great loyalty, great righteousness, great wisdom, and great courage are representatives of the Han people's determination to forge ahead. Such people are actually more contemporary and inspiring than the famous generals who fought in the civil war.

It has been thousands of years since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and there are only so few people, which is somewhat unreasonable.

The characters of the Warring States Period are almost enough, the characters of the Eastern Han Dynasty are enough, and the characters of the Three Kingdoms are added.

As for the Wumiao, in Yang Zheng's view, the founding generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty were obviously a little watery, and one Ma Yuan was enough.

A monopoly will only lose its vitality and decay internally.

Yang Zheng drew a pen and crossed out Lu Meng's name.

A total of less than 30 people.

Originally, Deng Ai should also be listed, Wenzhiwugong is rare in the world, but in this era, his talent has not been brought into full play.

Two days later, a new list was presented.

Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty had a great influence on Confucianism.

Parachutist Li Guang...he couldn't describe it in a single word. He didn't win a single battle and lost his way at every turn. If it weren't for the high profile in "Historical Records", Li Guang wouldn't have such a great reputation.

The White Horse Chapter and the Luoshen Fu are both eternal masterpieces.

But there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart.

A long list of names, Confucian Temple Confucius, Mencius, Yan Yuan, Yan Hui, Ran Yong, Ran Geng, Ran Qiu, Yan Yan, Zai Yu, Zhong You, Duan Muci, Gongyang Gao, Zuo Qiuming...

Four people are definitely qualified.

Zhang Liao, Cao Ren, etc. were former generals, while Deng Ai, Guo Huai and Yang Zheng had feuds.

Taoism and Legalism have actually merged with Confucianism.

Looking around, I suddenly knew what was missing. There were civil servants and famous generals, but there were few famous envoys from the Western Han Dynasty.

Su Wu, Ban Chao, Zhang Qian, Fu Jiezi, and thirteen heroes returned to Yumen Geng Gong.

No matter how beautiful the sneak attack backstab is played, it will not be on the table.

The greatest advantage of this era is that there is nothing that the founding emperor cannot accomplish.

After all, he is an old boss, if Chen Tai hadn't been merciful back then, how could he be where he is today?
Sima Zhao killed the king in the street, and Chen Tai vomited blood and died, which can be regarded as a sign of his will by death.

The rankings of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are a bit low.

Candidates were naturally selected quickly.

Compared with Zhou Yu's Battle of Chibi, Lu Xun's Battle of Yiling was much different. In fact, the sneak attack on Jingzhou was also planned by Lu Xun...

Yang Zheng suddenly remembered the Yongle Grand Ceremony of the Ming Dynasty.

The key point is that many people Yang Zheng have never heard of it.

Yang Zheng felt that there was no problem with respecting Confucianism alone, but he could not abandon the schools of Taoism, Gong, Mohism, and Law.

It is easy to see the tendency of the courtiers from the list, most of them are Confucian people.

Any academic has its dross and its essence. Mohism has a lot of dross, but there are also many essences. The ancient Chinese logic system was born in Mozi, as well as basic cosmology, physics, and mathematical expositions.

There are more than 60 people before and after.

Besides, Laozi, Lu Ban, Mo Di, Han Feizi and others did not have much conflict with Confucianism.

Yang Zheng's goal is to take Confucianism as his work, let a hundred flowers bloom, and a hundred schools of thought contend.

Zhuge Liang wooed the scholars from central Shu, Lu Zhi wooed the scholars from Hebei, Zheng Xuan pacified the scholars from Shandong, and Xun Yu corresponded to the scholars from the Central Plains.

A traverser does not bring much technology, technology is inseparable from productivity.

The Wu Temple is very thin, Jiang Shang, Zhang Liang, Fan Li, Bai Qi, Han Xin, Sima Rangju, Sun Wu, Wu Qi, Le Yi, Lian Po, Li Mu, Cao Can, Zhou Bo, Wei Qing, Li Guang, Huo Qubing, Deng Xiaoping, etc. Yu, Feng Yi, Wu Han, Ma Yuan, Kou Xun, Jia Fu, Geng Yan, Duan Yan...

Yang Hu, Du Yu, Wang Jun, and Lu Kang are all alive.

In Yang Zheng's view, only Cao Zhi, Li Bai, and Su Shi could be called "immortal talents" in China in the past 5000 years!
There are more Zhang Liao, Xia Houyuan, Cao Zhen, Cao Zhang, Guan Qiujian, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Jiang Wei, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Lu Meng, Ding Feng, Huo Yi in the Wu Temple.

Of course, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun and others are all from Shu and Wu, so they are not well-reviewed.

Compared with the military generals who opened up territories, talents like Ban Chao, Zhang Qian, and Fu Jiezi are really awesome.

This time I paid more attention.

Compiling the "Da Dian" is not a trivial matter, especially in this era, when books and knowledge are monopolized by the gentry, it requires a lot of energy.

After the world is unified, it is absolutely possible to produce a Daqin version of the "Yongle Dadian", which takes the essence of various theories and discards the dross, and then establishes them as prominent schools. Huaxia's ideological and academic systems will have a brighter future. .

Living in this era, you will know how high Cao Zhi's literary achievements are.

Everything in the world needs a certain amount of benign competition. This is true for people, countries, and academics.

Although the Mohist school is on the decline, there are still many supporters. Lu Sheng and Le Yi in Taixue re-commented "Mozi".

"People in the Confucian Temple must have the ability to hand down works or govern the country, and people in the Wu Temple must have a record of peace and stability in the country. If they are streamlined, they can increase Laozi, Lu Ban, Mo Di, Han Feizi, Lu Zhi, Zheng Xuan, Xun Yu and others. People don't have to be limited to the Han Dynasty, and the deceased generals of the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu can be included."

If such a character could appear in Daqin, Yang Zheng would be satisfied.

The most controversial between the Confucian Temple and the Wu Temple is Zhuge Liang, who has his name on both sides.

People in the Wei and Jin dynasties generally admired Zhuge Wuhou, the four in one of wise generals, loyal ministers, virtuous ministers, and powerful ministers. When compared with the Sima family, the gap immediately emerged.

The characters of the Three Kingdoms, look at Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande in the first 30 years, see Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, and Lu Xun in the middle 30 years, and look at Jiang Wei, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Yang Hu, and Lu Kang in the next 30 years.

(End of this chapter)

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