
Chapter 852

Chapter 852

"Zhuge Kongming is good at governing the country. He came out of Qishan six times without merit, and never won a big victory in his life. Why is he in the Wu Temple?" Du Kuan, Zhang Yu and other literati wanted to pull Zhuge Liang into their camp.

Wei Guan said: "In the defeat of Xiaoting, all the elites of the Shu Han were lost, and the danger was at stake. Kongming cleared up the mountains and rivers, revived the flag and drums, and with the power of one state of Shu, invaded the big country and forced Sima Yi to stick to it and dare not go out. What is a big victory? "

No one doubts Zhuge Liang's ability to govern the country.

But some people made irresponsible remarks on the record, and Yang Zheng remembered that it was the same in later generations.

If you look at Zhuge Liang's opponents, you won't have this doubt.

Cao Zhen, Zhang He, and Sima Yi are all famous people in the world.

The first two can only be regarded as famous generals, but the latter Sima Yi is not an ordinary person. He fought ten times in his life, won seven times, drew two and lost one.

Only in the hands of Zhuge Liang, two draws and one defeat.

For another reference, Guo Huai has made great military exploits throughout his life. When facing Zhuge Liang alone, he was beaten to the point of losing his helmet and armor.

Among them, the Sima clan in Wenxian County and the Jia clan in Pingyang were designated as "ugly people". As long as the Great Qin Dynasty exists, these two clans will be reviled by the people of the world for a day.

These two people often gave advice to the Sima family.

After finishing everything, Yang Zheng also ordered the compilation of "Xie Ning Lu", from Bo Pi and Yi Ya in the Spring and Autumn Period, to Guo Kai, Zhao Gao, Zhongxing Shuo, and then to Wang Mang, Dong Zhuo, Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Sima Yan, Jia Chong, Wang Chen, Cheng Ji and so on.

After the release of the Second Wenwu Temple and "Xie Ninglu", the atmosphere in the Great Qin Dynasty Hall became obviously positive.

"Zhuge Kongming entered both the Confucian Temple and the Martial Temple!" Yang Zheng made the final decision.

The more solemn it is, the more it can reflect the importance Daqin attaches to the Second Temple.

Li Mi, Chen Shou and other officials in central Shu were overjoyed.

"By the way, what's the situation in Jiangdong?" Zhong Hui and Lu Kang knew the seriousness, so they didn't fight, which was disappointing.

But the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. The big gentry value their reputation, and the small and medium-sized tyrants don't care, and continue to do their own way.

The most difficult bone of the Central Plains gentry has been gnawed off.

With "Xie Ninglu", the imperial court is equivalent to pinching the lifeblood of the gentry, and it is a very effective means of restricting the gentry.

It is said that Xun Yi, who was nearly seventy, was so frightened that he was bedridden, and Zheng Chong died of illness very wisely...

But there is no way, who told them to give birth to such offspring?
After listening to the storytelling for so many years, the common people hated the Sima family and Jia Chong deeply. Every year on March [-]th, the day of Jingzhe, which is the day when "Xie Ning Lu" came out, they would spurn the Sima family and Jia Chong in groups. kneeling statue.

The first ones who couldn't bear it were the Yingchuan gentry. Xuchang was nominally still the land of Soochow, and they kept clamoring to surrender, but Yang Zheng didn't accept it.

And the collapse of order caused by the Sima family, as well as the moral decline and the crisis of trust, have caused endless harm to China.

After the candidate was confirmed, Yang Zheng took all the civil and military officials to worship.

The imperial guards clear the way in front, the gongs and drums accompany them in the middle, the flags are like clouds, and the cars drive like rivers.

I don't know how Sun Hao is progressing.

If the reputation is bad, it means that you can't get along in Daqin.

Even if the gentry were clean and guarded like jade, they would not be able to withstand the secret investigation of Jinyiwei, unless they could not confine the population, conceal the land, and pay taxes honestly.

As soon as "The Record of Evil Ning" came out, everyone was scared.

Looking at China, it is better than him to fight, not his ability to govern the country, and better than him to govern the country, not his character.

Yang Zheng completed all the ceremonies meticulously.

Zhuge's, Yang's, Du's, and Webster's are all like this.

As the leader of the gentry, Lu Kai is able to balance the major forces in Jiangdong. As long as he doesn't move, Jiangdong will not be in chaos.

If they can be so conscious, they will not be powerful nobles, and there will be no threat to Daqin.

Man Mo Temple is the upper limit, and "Xie Ning Lu" is the lower limit.

The civil and military officials were extremely solemn.

Those who are pursuing are conscientious, and those who are not pursuing do not dare to degenerate too much.

As soon as "Xie Ning Lu" came out, the effect was even more shocking than that of the Wenwu Temple.

Yang Zheng ended the argument with one sentence.

Moreover, Yang Zheng also made a notice of "Xie Ning Lu", so that Xuanyi would recite it in the streets and alleys every day, and thousands of copies were published and sent to all counties and counties across the country.

A nation without heroes is poor, but a nation that forgets heroes is even more tragic.

Especially after experiencing a series of coquettish operations by the Sima family, Huaxia needs a spiritual role model.

The Taiyuan Wang family gave birth to Wang Yun, Wang Ling, and Wang Chang, the Donghai Wang family gave birth to Wang Lang and Wang Su, the Langya Wang family gave birth to Wang Xiang, and in history, Wang Dao and Wang Dun...

The reason why the gentry has such a great power is not only the land and population, but also the reputation of several generations of management.

"The news from Jianye said that Sun Hao has joined forces with the Sun family and has gathered many Jiangdong tycoons, but Wu Guoda Sima Lukai did not move, and Jianye is still calm." Zhao Aqi said.

Three generations of the Sima family have been running the business with great care. Zhuge Liang has the power in his hands, but he dedicated himself to death. He is completely worthy of the praises of the past generations.

Nail them thoroughly on the pillar of shame in history.

And this day has gradually become a custom in Daqin, which is called "Quxie Festival" by the people.

This is a staged victory.

The Yingchuan gentry moved into Guanzhong, representing the most important political force in the Wei and Jin Dynasties surrendering to the Great Qin.

With Jin Yiwei from the Zhenfu Division, the gentry had no secrets in front of Yang Zheng.

"Lu Kai..." Yang Zheng sighed slightly, "There are still people in Jiangdong, Lu Kang on the outside, and Lu Kai on the inside, supporting the country of Wu."

"Congratulations, Yingchuan is the heartland of the Central Plains, and soldiers entered the Great Qin without bloodshed!" Wei Guan said happily.

It doesn't matter if you can't enter the Wenwu Second Temple, there is no loss, after all, those who can enter are not ordinary people.

But if it is included in "The Record of Evil Man", the future generations will suffer...

Qin Fa, Kuli, Zhen Fusi, there is always one that suits them.

There are 64 people in the Confucian Temple and 64 people in the Wu Temple.

Gentlemanship is tied to fame.

Without the leadership of the big gentry, the small and medium-sized tyrants are still fish on the chopping board?
Yang Zheng wasn't in a hurry, he had too many means to deal with them, and they were not qualified to be honored in "The Record of Evil".

All the places in Yingchuan did not dare to raise any conditions, and directly tore down the Wu flag and replaced it with the Qin flag.

This move really hit the weakness of the gentry.

The formation of a great clan begins with the emergence of great figures.

Yang Zheng also put on a full body outfit, twelve sash made of jade, embroidered black crown robes, knee coverings, ribbons, and red lapels, and sat stiffly on the imperial chariot drawn by six white horses.

Especially the Xun family, with a reputation of more than a hundred years, if only one person enters, he will be sorry for his ancestors and hurt his descendants...

The powerful gentry have been around for so many years, they are treacherous and cunning, and it is clear at a glance who the "Xie Ning Lu" is targeting.

Eleven families of powerful and powerful gentry, big and small, obediently dragged their families and moved into Guanzhong.

Sima Fang and Jia Kui were implicated and suffered an innocent disaster.

The Xun family is the descendant of Xunzi. After that, apart from the three heroes of the Xun family, the eight dragons of the Xun family followed.

The gentry in Hebei and Shandong were even more docile and obedient, unprecedentedly obedient. All the young talents in the clan were sent to Daxing, and the servants and fields in the family were also obediently registered.

However, Sun Hao is not an ordinary person, his level of death is top-notch, and he will never be willing to be Zhonghui's puppet.

The rest depends on whether he can set off a storm.

Yang Zheng was looking forward to it.

However, that afternoon, Jiangdong sent back a very shocking news: Lu Kai was assassinated and died...

(End of this chapter)

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