
Chapter 854

Chapter 854
In the current situation, Sun Hao is the most troublesome.

Before his side was ready, Lu Kai died inexplicably.

In fact, Lu Kai was their biggest target. No matter how stupid Sun Hao was, he would not assassinate Lu Kai at this time and push Lu Kang to Zhonghui or the Qin people.

Looking at the eyes of Sun Zhen, Sun Xin, Sun Yan and the Sun family's will, Sun Hao smiled wryly: "I really didn't do it...I swear to God!"

With all his fingers stretched out, the doubts in the eyes of the Sun family clan's relatives have not weakened in the slightest.

There is no way, when Sun Hao was in power, he did too many unconscionable things.

When it was rumored that Sun Fen, Marquis of Zhang An, should become the emperor, Sun Hao executed Sun Fen and his five sons.

Zhang Jun, the prefect of Yuzhang, was ordered to be smashed by Sun Hao for sweeping the grave of Sun Li's mother.

Wu Zhongshu ordered He Shao to be unable to speak due to a stroke, and unable to go to court for several months. Sun Hao suspected that he was pretending to be sick, and ordered people to torture him, cut off his head and burn him...

The prison is overcrowded, and the middle school is shrouded in an atmosphere of terror.

After being a celebrity and saint for so many years, Zhong Hui cherishes feathers very much.

Jiang Bin and Jiang Shu glanced at each other, cupped their hands and said, "Both brothers are promoted."

And he knew that Sun Hao would definitely attack first, if Sun Hao could hold back, it would not be Sun Hao.

For so many years, Zhong Hui has been up and down all the time. When it is time to risk your life, take it out and use it.

"Most of Zhong Hui's troops are Jiangdong's children, and their hearts must be with my family. We can secretly contact loyal people, and those who don't follow will have their families punished!" Sun Xin made an inference.

Jianye City is at war with each other, and guarding against each other, maintaining a weird balance.

Lu Kang refuses to enter into oil and salt, and does not want to get involved in the internal struggle of Jianjian.

Sun Yan is the oldest and mature in his pursuit of the country. This move is tantamount to putting Zhong Hui in the front and Sun Hao in the back.

"Second brother and third brother think that Sun Hao is the enemy of brother?" Zhong Hui looked at the two sworn brothers in a leisurely manner.

Sun Zhenran said, "Yes, if you quit Jianye, you will lose your righteousness. Who else in Jiangdong can help His Majesty in the future?"

Over the years, there have been promotions, but it is also true that they have taken their military power.

Sun Zhen turned his gaze, "No, Zhong Hui is relying on nothing more than [-] to [-] Northern Army elites under his command, half of which were brought back from Hanzhong, but Zhong Hui secretly seized his military power and appointed the younger generation of Yingchuan. Can you have no complaints? As long as you promise high-ranking officials and rich salary, maybe you can secretly win them over and use them for me!"

"I felt it for a while, remembering that I was going to fight in the north and south, and escaped death, so that I have a place to live, but..." Zhong Huichang sighed, "However, people's hearts are fickle!"

The clan's control of military power is one of the reasons why the Sun family did not follow in the footsteps of the Cao family.

Jiang Bin knew that this day would come sooner or later since Zhong Hui used Jiangdong scholars and Yingchuan children vigorously, but he didn't expect it to come so soon!
"Brother, what are you doing?" Jiang Bin's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Since he dared to challenge Zhong Hui, he naturally made full preparations.

It's fine once or twice, doing this every time is obviously bullying an honest person.

Only then did everyone's eyes become serious.

Occasionally, one or two figures appeared, but they were spies from both sides.

Chung will be ready in the military, but still needs titles.

Jiang Shu smiled honestly, "Shu is a rough man, if you have something to say, you may as well speak up."

"Zhong Hui has an army of 15, and our strength is still too weak. We need to find foreign aid." Sun Zhen seemed to have become Sun Hao's think tank.

The people in the city closed their doors, and there was no one in the prosperous market in the past. The people have long been used to it. It was the same scene when Zhuge Ke, Sun Jun, and Sun Wei were exterminated.

"Second brother, third brother, we are all in the same boat, and it is not easy to get to where we are today." Zhong Hui suddenly felt emotional.

Sun Hao laughed dryly, "My dear friends, now we are not discussing who assassinated Da Sima, but how to deal with the thief Zhong Hui!"

I wonder if Zhong will say so many words for no reason.

Jiang Shu was born in the army, with five seniors and three roughs, so he was naturally not the object of "favorite".

Moreover, after Zhong Hui promised to return to Jianye, he would add officials and ranks to everyone. There has been no movement, so he can't blame others for not complaining.

How can a person who has tasted the sweetness of power willingly sit behind him?
Sun Hao rolled his eyes, revealing his vicious look, "Jianye is the leader of Jiangdong, if I quit, when will I return? Why bother to talk about today's matter, it's just a dead fish and a broken net, how can we fall into the wind of bravery of our ancestors?"

Outside the hall, the clanging of armor accompanied by dull footsteps sounded like raindrops.

After thinking for a while, Sun Yan said: "Although the two strategies are good, if you don't save the fire near the water, Zhong Hui's army will enter the city, and if you don't come to see your majesty, you must have ulterior motives. It's better to retreat and avoid the front for the time being. The county is a feudal city, first stand firm, then recruit loyal and brave men from all over the world, accumulate strength, wait for the world to have a gap, and then attack them, this is the perfect strategy, Jiangdong must not be civil strife, otherwise Qin cavalry will enter Jiangdong in a blink of an eye!"

Moreover, Wu Jun is originally the homeland of the Sun family. Once they return to this place, they will be able to win the strength of Wu Jun's scholars and people.

Sun Hao's identity is his biggest shield.

"Great kindness, great kindness!" Sun Hao clapped his hands and laughed.

But Sun Hao is obviously not a person who accepts advice openly, and he can't wait for that time.

Jiang Bin and Jiang Shu's expressions changed at the same time.

Moreover, Sun Hao didn't like Lu Kang very much. Back then, Lu Kang even went to the table to persuade Sun Hao to be a man, which made him very embarrassed.

With Zhong Hui's personality, it's hard to trust others, unless the person is handsome, extraordinary, and famous...

Zhong Hui will advance to the Duke of Yue, just like the old things of Cao Cao and Sima Zhaozhi. If the clans have other choices, they will never look back and praise Sun Hao's stinky feet.

In fact, sometimes Zhonghui himself forgot about the sworn brotherhood.

"How could Sun Hao be my elder brother's opponent?" Jiang Bin's face was ugly.

"Lu Kang? From Qin?" Sun Hao's faces were crowded together.

The cunning rabbit is cooked by the dog, and the bird is hidden by the bow.

Sun Yan shook her head, knowing that she couldn't be persuaded, so she stopped.

The Sun family's tricks and tricks are still of a certain standard.

"Heaven wants it to die, it will make it crazy, know it is white, keep it black, know it will move, and I will keep it quiet, this is an invincible place!" Zhong Hui is waiting for an opportunity, or he will make a move. Excuse.

Jian Ye arrived at the riverside, facing the threat of the Qin army at any time.

When there is no one else around, the two dare to call Zhong Hui elder brother.

Jiang Bin has gained fame, but his appearance and temperament are a bit worse, far from being handsome.

Self-confident people tend to have little regard for the feelings of others.

The black figure obscured the spring light outside the hall, and there was only darkness inside the hall.

The conspiracy with Sun Zhen was very hidden, it was impossible for outsiders to find out, and Jiang Bin did not agree.

Because he was not optimistic about Sun Hao either.

Jiang Shu on the side was calm, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing! I hate the disloyal and unrighteous people most in my life!" Zhong Hui smiled very proudly, "Sun Hao's small skills, dare to use an ax in front of someone."

(End of this chapter)

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